Geri Dön

The burden of the caribbean immigrants in Caryl Phillips' strange fruit and where there is darkness

Caryl Phillips?in aykırı meyve karanlığın olduğu yer eserlerindeki Karayipli göçmenlerin sıkıntıları

  1. Tez No: 188298
  2. Yazar: EBRU KARACA
  3. Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. HURİYE REİS
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, English Linguistics and Literature
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2007
  8. Dil: İngilizce
  9. Üniversite: Hacettepe Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 93


Bu tez Caryl Phillips'in Strange Fruit ve Where There is Darkness isimli tiyatrooyunlannda 1948'de, savas sonrasi donemde, ingiliz Hukumetinin acik kapipolitikalannm sonucu olarak ingiltere'ye gelen Karayipli gocmenlerin yasadiklanirksal aynmcihk sonucunda ortaya cikan uyum sorunlanm, hayal kmkliklanm veyabancilasmalanm analiz eder.Giri~ bolumunde, savas sonrasmda ingiltere'ye Yeni ingiliz Uluslar Toplulugu'ndanyapilan gocler hakkmda kapsamh bilgiler verilmesinin yamsrra; gene ayrudonemdeki, ingiliz Hukumetinin gocmen politikalan ile ilgili bilgiler sunulmustur.Birinci bolumde, Caryl Phillips'in Strange Fruit isimli oyunu aracihgi ile cocuklanmyetistirmek icin daha iyi kosullara sahip olma umuduyla irksal catismalarla basacikmaya cahsan birinci kusak Karayipli gocmenlerin hayal kmhklan analizedilmistir. Aynca oyun aracihgi ile birinci kusak gocmenler ile ikinci kusakgocmenleri olusturan cocuklan arasmda, yasarulan yabancilasma ve karsilasilanirksal nefrete dayah olarak ortaya cikan kusak catismalan da incelenmistir, ikincibolumde, yine Caryl Phillips'in Where There is Darkness adh oyunu ince1eyerek, evsahibi topluma adapte olmaya cabalayan, Karayipli gocmenlerin onune cikan irksalengelleri e1e ahr. Cocuklan ugruna, bu gocmenlerin, ingiliz toplumundakibeyazlann irksal saldmlanyla ve yabancilasma sorunlanyla basa cikma cabalan veonlann basansizhklan incelenmistir.Tezin sonuc bolumunde ise, savas sonrasi donemde Karayipler'den ingiltere'ye goceden gocmenlerin, onundeki irksal engellerin gocmenlerin herbirini etkiledigi fakatgocmenlcrin bu duruma reaksiyonlannm farkh oldugu belirtilmistir, Bu baglamda,bazi birinci nesil Karayip gocmenlerinin cocuklan ugruna beyazlann irksalsaldmlanna karst sessiz kaldigi ve yeni sosyokulturel alanda kabul gormek icincabaladiklan, bazilannm oz kimliklerini koruyup ev sahibi toplumda ayakta kalmacabasim asla birakmadiklan ve bazilannm ise sonu ge1mez onyargrlar ve irkcisaldmlara dayanacak gticil bulamayip, mucadele etmekten vazgecerek, kendianavatanlanna geri donii~ yaptiklan gozlemlenmistir. Birinci kusagm yasadiklanirksal catismalan izleyerek buyuyen cocuklanm etkilemistir. Iste bu yuzden, ikincikusak gocmenlerin ya irksal catismalarda yer almayi tercih ettikleri ya da aileleriniingiltere'ye gelisleri yuztmden sucladiklan fakat hepsinin aile1erinin dagilmasmaneden olan yabancilasma ve irksal nefretle dolu olduklan ve bunun da cahsilanoyunlarda yansrtildigi belirtilmistir.Anahtar Siizctikleringiliz Siyah Tiyatrosu , Somurgecilik Sonrasi Tiyatro , Caryl Phillips, KarayipliGocmenler, Irksal Aynmcihk, Strange Fruit, Where There is Darkness

Özet (Çeviri)

This thesis analyses Caryl Phillips' Strange Fruit (1981) and Where There isDarkness (1982) in relation to the adaptation problems, disappointment, andalienation ofthe Caribbean immigrants who came to Britain in the post-war period.In the introductory chapter, apart from giving a brief historical account of the postwarimmigration from the New Commonwealth to Britain, the immigration policiesof the British Government in the post-war era are given. In the first chapter, thedisappointment of the first generation of the Caribbean settlers who try to cope withracial conflicts with the hope of having better conditions to bring up their children isanalysed through Caryl Phillips' Strange Fruit. Moreover, the generation gap arisingfrom the clashes between the first settlers and their children, as members of thesecond generation, is examined. Similarly, by analysing Caryl Phillips' Where Thereis Darkness, the second chapter discusses the racial barriers in front of the Caribbeanimmigrants in Britain while they try to adapt to the host land. The struggles of theimmigrants to cope with adaptation problems and racial attacks of the whites for thesake of their children, and their failures in British society are studied.In the concluding chapter, it is stated that the racial barriers in front of the Caribbeanimmigrants after their immigration from the Caribbean to Britain in the post-war erainfluence each of them. However, the reactions of the immigrants to these racialconflicts are not the same. In this respect, some of the first settlers of the Caribbeanprefer to be silent against the racial attacks of the white for the sake of their childrenand they try to be accepted in the new social and cultural environment, while some ofthem protect their indigenous identities but never give up struggling to survive in the“host land”. Yet some other groups give up living or fighting with a wishful thoughtof returning to their homeland, since they do not feel strong enough to put up withthe endless prejudice and the racial maltreatment of the white society in the“hostland”. The experiences of the first settlers influence their children who were broughtup watching the racial conflicts. Thus, the second generation can be observed eitherbeing involved in the racial conflicts or accusing their parents of coming to Britain,but almost all of them are experience a sense of alienation and racial hatred thatresult in the falling apart ofthe immigrant families.KeyWordsBlack British Drama, Postcolonial Drama, Caryl Phillips, Caribbean Immigrants,Racial Discrimination, Strange Fruit, Where There is Darkness.11

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