Geri Dön

Problems of dimensional and formal variety in building production with industrialized building elements

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 24669
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. ÇETİN TÜRKÇÜ
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1992
  8. Dil: İngilizce
  9. Üniversite: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 193


TÜRKÇE ÖZET: 'Tek bir yapıda ve yapılaşmış çevrede ortaya çıkan monotonluk, prefabrikasyon teknolojisinin doğal bir sonucu değildir. Şayet prefabrike olarak üretilen yapılardan oluşan çevrede monotonluk ortaya çıkıyorsa, bunun nedeni biçimsel zenginliği gözardı eden niteliksiz mimari tasarımların prefabrikasyon teknolojisine uygulanması sonucudur. Bu tür tasarım yaklaşımı hangi yapım yöntemi olursa olsun aynı sonucu doğuracaktır. Sadece prefabrikasyon teknolojisine uygunluk ölçütüne göre biçimlendirilmiş yapı kütleleleri ve kule vincin kolay hareketini hedef alan kütlelerin yerleştirilme biçimi, kullanıma geçişten bir süre sonra gereksinimlere yanıt veremez çevrelerin oluşmasına neden olmuştur."(l) Bu nedenle endüstrileşmiş yapım yöntemleri ile oluşturulacak çevrede kullanılacak olan sistemlerin getirdiği tasarım olanakları göz önünde tutularak, bu sistemlerin gerek çevreye sağlıyabileceği biçimsel zenginliğin gerekse kullanım açısından esnekliğin sağlanması amaçlarına yönelik, yeni tasarım yaklaşımlarının geliştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu amaçla, bu çalışmada endüstrileşmiş konut üretim teknolojilerinin özelliklerinin yanında esneklik-değişkenlik kavramlarının mimarideki yeri incelenerek; kullanıcıların farklı gereksinimlerinin, zaman içinde de değişim göstermeleri sonucu konutlarda sabit planlar yerine, kullanıcı katılımının da sağlanmasıyla örnek mimari düzenlemelere gidilmesini amaçlayan yaklaşımlar tanıtılmıştır. Bunların ışığı altında konut üretiminde endüstrileşmiş yapım yöntemlerinden^, kısmen ve tam endüstrileşmiş yöntemler ele alınarak, bu sistemlerde esneklik, değişkenlik kavramlarının yeri saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Kısmen endüstrileşmiş sistemlerden tünel kalıp yönteminin, tam endüstrileşmiş sistemlerden iskelet sistemlerin toplu konut tasarımına ne gibi kısıtlamalar getirdiğini ve bu XVIIkısıtlamaların esneklik amaçlı çözümleri nasıl etkiledikleri açıklanmaya ve irdelenmeye çalışılmıştır. 1. Bölümde: Konu tanıtılıp amacı anlatılmıştır. 2. bölümde: Tezin içeriği ile ilgili, mimaride esneklik-değişkenlik kavramlarının tanımlamaları verilip, kütlede, yüzeyde ve yerleşme düzeyinde zenginlik çözümlerinden söz edilmiştir. Mimari tasarımda esneklik, tasarım esnekliği ve işlevsel esneklik olarak sınıflandırılıp, esneklik ve değişkenlik gereksinmesini oluşturan nedenlerden söz edilmiştir. Bu nedenler çevre: çevrede fonksiyonel ve fiziksel eskime süreci; kullanıcılar: insan ve doğal süreç; Mimarlık: mimar ve bilinçli süreç olarak üç ana başlıkta toplanmıştır. Ayrıca bilinçli süreçte esneklik değişkenlik amaçlı yaklaşımlar, sistemin başlangıç esnekliği: Statik esneklik-Sınırlı değişebilirlik; sistemin düzenleme esnekliği: Sürekli esneklik-serbest değişebilirlik ve büyüme esnekliği olarak üçe ayrılıp, bu başlıklar altında örneklerle melenmeye çalışılmıştır. 3. Bölümde: Endüstrileşmiş üretim teknolojilerin tanımları yapılarak, gelişim süreci içinde toplu konut sektöründeki endüstrileşmiş üretim teknolojilerinin evrimi incelenmiştir. Bu evrim içersinde açık ve kapalı sistemlerin tanımları, birbirleri ile karşılaştırılarak verilmiştir. Bunun yanında endüstrileşmiş üretim teknolojilerinin getirdiği özelliklerden (makinalaşma, rasyonelleşme, standartlaşma ve boyutsal ve modüler koordinasyon) söz edilmiştir. Ayrıca konut üretiminde kullanılan yapım sistemlerinin getirdiği tasarım olanakları ve açık sistemlerin konut üretimine sağladığı avantajlar incelenmiştir. XVIII4. Bölümde: Öncelikle konut üretiminde geçerli olabilecek esneklik ve değişkenlik amaçlı bir takım tasarım kriterleri ortaya konarak, bu kriterlerin ışığında kısmen ve tam endüstrileşmiş sistemlerin getirdiği olanaklar irdelenmiştir. Esneklik- değişkenlik amaçlı bu kriterler üç ana başlık altında sınıflandırılmıştır, bunlar; 1- SİSTEMİN BAŞLANGIÇ ESNEKLİĞİ: Statik esneklik/sınırlı değişebilirlik tasarım aşamasındaki esneklik- değişkenlik amaçlı tanımlamadır. 2. SİSTEMİN DÜZENLEME ESNEKLİĞİ: Sürekli esneklik/serbest değişebilirlik. Yapım aşamasından sonra kullanıcının isteği ve gereksinimleri doğrultusunda değiştirilebilme olanaklarını içerir. 3. SİSTEMİN BÜYÜME ESNEKLİĞİ: Kullanılmaya başlandıktan sonra zaman içersinde yeni gereksinimlerin ve isteklerin ortaya çıkmasıyla gelişebilme, değişebilme olanaklarını içerir. İrdelenecek olan sistemler (tünel kaim yöntemi ve iskelet sistemler) bu başlıklar altında; tek bina düzeyinde, bileşenler düzeyinde ve bina grupları düzeyinde incelemişlerdir. 5. Bölümde: Tezin sonuçlarını içermektedir. XIX

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY CHAPTER I: 1. INTRODUCTION Mass housing, which has emerged from as a potential solution to the housing problem, is created by the rapid urbanization. Following the industrial revolution, roots back to the beginning of the 19th. century, when the collective living idea of the social utopists had been realized in the form of collective houses. The same idea, which has gone through an evolution during 1920's, has developed itself to the present day mass housing idea. Specially to cope with the housing shortage faced during the Post World War II years, along with the quantitative values, technological tools have been manipulated as well. However, in the early century, the initial approaches are emphasized the qualitative dimension of housing. They have been in the form of reactions against mass housing which led to the loss of the relation between the user and the architect. All of these approaches defining house as a process rather than a final product, converge at the idea that the mass-built housing and neighborhoods, due to their monotony, cannot answer the demands of the users. Therefore, it is necessary to look for new solutions. Consequently the planning works which aim at flexibility in the phases of design, construction, and the use of building, are looked upon as an answer. At the planning phase, the architects role seems to be designing of such systems that will encompass the housing units rather than the finished houses. The object of this study is, upon analyzing such approaches within a systematic classification, to pinpoint the common aspects of such practices. Then, İn this study, the importance of flexibility and variability in partially and fully industrialized building systems are tried to be analyzed. Likewise, limitations on VIIIhousing design of tunnel formwork systems and fully industrialized skeleton systems are searched. It is also the objective of the study to investigate the impact of limitation on the solution of flexibility and variability of the systems by means of analytical criteria. CHAPTER II: 2. DESIGN CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS One of the goals of architecture achieve the original solution among function, technologies, and form. However, as functions change with needs and spatial organization change with the various user groups. The development of new technologies influence the continuity of the suitable among the function, form and technology. So the designers are insisted to search for means to maintain this continuity. The recent concept of flexibility of architectural terminology is defined as 'the ability to easily change to adopt to new conditions'. The place of flexibility and variability concepts is examined in architectural design. These are; Flexibil: Flexibil Flexibil ty and Variability of the building mass ty and Variability of the outer surface ty and Variability of the settlements group of building) The architectural definition varies according to various relevant viewpoints: - Pre-flexibility (flexibility in design) ; The suitability of building systems or components for the design of alternative buildings, in industrialized construction. - Continuous architectural flexibility (flexibility in utilization)} The suitability of the building system to change its spaces, equipment, and furniture without changing the structural system. IXIn this chapter, the origins of the flexibility concept are analyzed. These are; - To elongate the functional life of buildings with the aim of preserving the balance between the needs and the architectural product. - The inadequacy of information-to compensate for the lack of information about the user. - To realize user participation in planing. - To create an interface between architecture and technology. In addition; in this chapter, within the framework of the preceding two sections, the design approaches to the problem of flexibility are studied. Upon analyzing the flexibility oriented approaches, it seems that the design tendencies in this field can be gathered under two main topics of which designs are regarded as a successful synthesis. a) Flexibility of planing and layout. b) Flexibility of building systems and construction techniques. The flexibility oriented approaches can be grouped in three main categories. 1) Static Flexibility - Limited Variability 2) Continuous Flexibility - Free Variability 3) Growth Flexibility The examples given with reference to this classification are presented. Static flexibility is a permanent archived by the planning quality. Hence, in the design phase ultimate care should be given to the furnishing variability careful location of the mechanical cores and the possibility of sub-division of certain spaces. XContinuous flexibility, is an approach that foresees the changeability of all spaces in accordance with needs and preferences. It is studied under three sub topics. A) Approach 1. Determining the location of wet spaces: The aim in this approach is to plan the wet spaces so that maximum free field is allocated for the changeability of the rest and living spaces. B) Approach 2. Provision of spatial zones within the support structure: In this approach support structure and various functional zones are planned in the housing areas, so that the wet spaces and living areas can be arranged in changing manners. The SAR system (Stichting Architecten Research) developed in the Netherlands, and PSSHAK Project (Primary Support Structure Housing Assembly Kits) from Great Britain are studied as examples for this approach. C) Approach 3. Independent Spatial Organizations : This approach is based upon a totally independent organization of living and wet spaces. Upon connection to the vertical and horizontal installation systems which is integrated with the structural system, highly flexible arrangements are possible. This type of approach is exemplified by the“Experimental MARALLES Practice”from France. \ Growth Flexibility, is an approach that foresees the addition of extra areas to spaces originally planned to meet special requirements. In the other definition, growth is a change of dimensions and consequently a change of form. XIThe tendencies aiming to realize flexibility in housing by way of growth are studied under two groups : A) Planing of low-rise housing units that are located on lots suitable for further developments. As an example TUNG-SONG-HONG scheme from Thailand and a prototype from Ireland are studied. B) Futurist projects that propose Utopian approaches, beginning from the component scale, developing through the building scale and finally ending up in a megastructure. As examples to this approach, some of the entries to the SHINKENCHIKU Residential Design Competition and“Metastadt- Prototype”project is developed by Technical University of Munich, are given. CHAPTER III : 3. DESCRIPTION OF INDUSTRIALIZED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES In the second chapter, it had been mentioned about industrialized construction systems and industrialized housing construction systems. The dictionary meaning of the industrialization is“mechanization”and“rationalization”. The aim of the industrialization is increasing the activity of the production system. In the industrial production the using of machine is a necessary condition. According to Diepeveen the first step of industrial evaluation is mechanization (18th century in Great Britain) The main interaction in the construction appeared in 19th century. The population explosion caused the need of construction. At the beginning of 20th» century the concept of time and number had become very important. XIIThe classification of the building component sector from the view point of production on with general features among industrialized construction systems is as follows : - Closed Systems - Open Systems Open Systems: The components production is absolutely free and the system is called“open”if it is formed with the various parts found in the market. In other words, any building component in a system can be joined together with the components of other systems or with other components in its own system. On the other hand, closed systems as a whole aims the production of certain precast component teams. Therefore the substitution of any component in such a team by similar components which can have the same function and can be found in the market. The main aim of the open systems is the reduction of the variousness from the point of view of the producers, the achievement of the flexibility which is important for the realizers and the balance which will supply the designers the possibility of acting freely. Such a system is oriented to the application of the“component approach”. In open systems, as in closed systems there are three options. They are as follows; - Technical open systems: They consist of a component team which can be used in every type of open system. - Economical open systems: Initiator, Constructor, designer, system builder can supply the system components which will be used from different producer or seller. \ - Technical - Economical Open System: They are called absolute open systems. The ability of substitution of the components and the flexibility of the components XIIIare the leading specifications in this system. As a result of that the components from different producers can be changed with each other. The characteristics of industrialized construction Systems; - Mechanization - Rationalization - Standardization - Modular Coordination The housing construction systems are divided four general groups; - Traditional construction systems - Conventional construction systems - Rationalized construction systems. - Industrialized construction systems. In our country, the industrialized housing construction has begun since 1965. In the following years, new methods has increased in industrialized housing construction. The amount of the housing lack shows that with today's traditional methods and construction velocity it is not possible to satisfy the housing demand. The Open systems are suitable for housing construction in Turkey. Because open systems applications makes the development of the traditional systems possible and that way prevents a separation from present technics. Especially in developing countries it is possible to produce the new construction components economically in small industrial establishments or workshops without getting into dense mechanization. XIVCHAPTER IV 4. ANALYSIS OF PARTIALLY OR FULLY INDUSTRIALIZED CONSTRUCTS SYSTEMS IN HOUSING PRODUCTION FROM THE POINT OF FLEXIBILITY AND VARIABILITY. In this chapter, some of design criteria which are aiming flexibility and variability for housing construction, are verified. Then, through these criteria the conveniences of partially and fully industrialized systems are studied. These are; 1- STATIC FLEXIBILITY- LIMITED VARIABILITY: The initial flexibility of the system. This approach involves with the solutions of flexibility in design phase 2- CONTINIOUS FLEXIBILITY- FREE VARIABILITY: The organizational flexibility of the system. This approach involves with the. possibilities of change in accordance with the user needs and demands 3- GROWTH FLEXIBILITY: Expandability of the system. Improvability and variability to satisfy new demands and needs appearing in time is meant by the term. Systems which are tunnel formwork and skeleton systems will be analyzed under heading, on a single building level, on a component level and building groups level. XVCHAPTER V: 5. CONCLUSIONS: * The changes in the user needs within time have reflections in the houses they in habit. These changes are observed in the form of either the addition or substraction of a furniture, or as the alternative functional use of the same space temporarily. Still another reaction to changing situations is the creation of new spaces by subdivision of the present spaces. * With systems composed of prefabricated components the main objective is design and construction. However, to be realistic within the present relevant situation of our country, for the beginning, composite systems should be considered. * As for structural system, the skeleton systems appear to be more advantegous. Since in such systems the load-bearing elements are linear elements and create minimum limitation for interior seperations and hence more freedom do produce alternative plans. * Finally, for tie realization of all these goals, dimensional coordination seems to be the inevitable necessity for design, production and building phases. XVI

Benzer Tezler

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