Geri Dön

Hepatosellüler karsinomda sağkalımı etkileyen faktörler

Prognostic factors in hepatocellular carcinoma

  1. Tez No: 334119
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. AHMET ÇOKER
  4. Tez Türü: Tıpta Uzmanlık
  5. Konular: Genel Cerrahi, General Surgery
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2011
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: Ege Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Tıp Fakültesi
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Genel Cerrahi Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 119


Giriş ve Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Ege Üniversitesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı ve OrganNakli Merkezinde cerrahi tedavi (karaciğer rezeksiyonu veya karaciğer transplantasyonu)uygulunan HSK'lı olguların geriye dönük olarak incelenerek, sağkalımını etkileyen faktörleribelirlemek ve deneyimlerimizi paylaşmaktır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi veOrgan Nakli Merkezi 'nde 1997-2009 yılları arasında HSK tanısı ile karaciğertransplantasyonu (n=115) ve 2000-2009 yılları arasında HSK tanısı ile karaciğer rezeksiyonu(n=47) uygulanmış hastalar retrospektif olarak incelendi.Klinik veriler olarak karaciğer transplantlı hastalarda yaş, cinsiyet, tanı, karaciğertransplant tipi (kadaverik veya canlı vericili), tümör boyutu (T1,T2,T3,T4),tümördiferansasyonu (iyi, orta, kötü), Child-Pugh skoru, MELD skoru, AFP değerleri, sağkalımsüresi (ay), durumu (eksitus veya yaşıyor) kaydeildi.Karaciğer rezeksiyonlu hastalarda ise klinik veriler olarak yaş, cinsiyet, tanı, karaciğerrezeksiyon tipi, tümör boyutu (T1,T2,T3,T4), tümör diferansasyonu (iyi, orta, kötü),cerrahisınır(R0, R1),siroz durumu, Child-Pugh skoru, AFP değerleri, sağkalım süresi (ay), durumu(eksitus veya yaşıyor) kaydeildi.İstatistiksel analizler Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS) programı 16.0versiyonu kullanılarak yapıldı.Klinik veriler ile sağkalım arasındakı ilişki Kaplan-Meiermetodu, Log-Rank ve Chi-Square testleri ile hesaplandı.P değeri 1000ng/ml, karaciğer rezeksiyonu uygulanan hastaların ise 33'nün (% 70,2) AFP Değerinin 1000 ng/ml olduğu görüldü.viiKaraciğer transplantı uygulanan hastaların 18'nin (%15,7) Child-Pugh Skoru'nun`'A''; 42'nin (% 36,5) Child-Pugh Skoru'nun `'B''; 55'nin (%47,8) ise Child-PughSkoru'nun `'C'' olduğu,karaciğer rezeksiyonu uygulanan hastaların ise 39'nun (%83) Child-Pugh Skoru'nun `'A''; 8 'nin (% 17) ise Child-Pugh Skoru'nun `'B'' olduğu görüldü.Karaciğer transplantı uygulanan hastaların 53'nün (%46,1) MELD Skoru'nun 20 olduğugörüldü.Karaciğer rezeksiyonu uygulanan hastaların 23'nün (% 48,9) sirrotik, 24'nün (% 51,1)ise nonsirrotik olduğu görüldü.Karaciğer rezeksiyonu uygulanan hastaların 32'ne (% 68,1) R0, 15'ne (% 31,9) ise R1rezeksiyon uygulandığı görüldü.Sonuç: HSK + karaciğer sirozu tanısı ile karaciğer transplantı uygulanmış hastalarda,HBV+HCV`nin (p=0,005); T3,T4 tümörlerin (p0,05).HSK tanısı ile karaciğer rezeksiyonu uygulanmış hastalarda, iyi diferansiye tümörün(p0,05)

Özet (Çeviri)

Introduction and Aim:The aim of this study was to identify the factors effecting survival of the patients whounderwent surgical treatment (either liver resection or liver transplantation) owing toHepatocellulary carcinoma (HCC) in Ege Univesity Faculty of Medicine Department ofGeneral Surgery Division of Organ Transplantation; and yet to share our experience.Material and Method:In this study we retrospectively analyzed patients who underwent liver transplantation(n=115) between 1997 and 2009 or who underwent liver resection (n=47) between 2000 and2009 owing to a diagnosis of HCC in Ege Univesity Faculty of Medicine Department ofGeneral Surgery Division of Organ Transplantation.For the patients who underwent liver transplantation, clinical data such as age, sex,diagnosis, type of the liver transplantation (cadaveric or living related), tumor size ( T1, T2,T3, T4), tumor differentiation (well, mild, poor), Child - Pugh score, model for end stage liverdisease (MELD) score, alpha feto protein (AFP) level, length of survival (months) and finalstatus of the patient (alive or exitus) was collected.Similarly for the patients who underwent liver resection; clinics data such as age, sex,diagnosis, type of the liver resection, tumor size ( T1, T2, T3, T4), tumor differentiation (well,mild, poor), status of the surgical borders (R0 or R1), presence of chirrosis, Child - Pughscore, MELD score, alpha feto protein (AFP) level, length of survival (months) and finalstatus of the patient (alive or exitus) was collected.Statistical analyses was done utilizing Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)program's version 16. Statistical relations between clinical data and survival was analyzedusing Kaplan - Meier, Log - Rank and Chi square tests. P values under 0.05 were acceptedstatistically significant.Findings:Analyses on demographic data of the 115 patients who underwent liver transplantationwith a diagnosis of HCC, revealed that the median age for this group was 52 years ( oldest patientbeing 65, and youngest 9 years old). The majority of the patients were male (n=98, 85,2%).ixAnalyses on demographic data of the 47 patients who underwent liver resection with adiagnosis of HCC, revealed that the median age for this group was 58 years ( oldest patient being76, and youngest 14 years old). Again the majority of the patients were male (n=31, 66%).Primary diagnoses of the patients in the transplantation group varied as; hepatitis Binfection in 90 patients (78,3%), hepatitis C infection in 9 patients (7,8%), hepatitis Binfection with hepatitis D coinfection in 5 patients (4,3%), alcoholic chirrosis in 2 patients(1,7%), cryptogenic chirrosis in 6 patients (5,2%), glycogen storage disease in 1 patient(0,9%), hepatitis B infection with hepatitis C superinfection in 1 patient (0,9%), and Wilson'schirrosis in 1 patient (0,9%).Of the patients in the transplantation group 69 (60%) underwent living related rightlobe transplantation, 44 (38,2%) underwent cadaveric total liver transplantation, 1 (0,9%)underwent split liver transplantation and 1 (0,9%) underwent living related left lobe livertransplantation.Of the patients in the resection group 16 (34%) underwent right hepatectomy, 3 (6,4%)underwent trisegmentectomy, 5 (10,6%) underwent left hepatectomy, 4 (8,5%) underwent leftlateral segmentectomy and 19 (40,4%) underwent simple segmentectomy.According to American Joint Comitee on Cancer's 2010 classification 25 of thepatients in the liver transplantation group (21,7%) had T1 tumor, 58 (50,4%) had T2, 23(20%) had T3 and 9 (7,8%) T4 tumor. Of the patients in the resection group, 13 (27,7%) hadT2, 27 (57,4%) had T3, and 7 (14,9%) had T4 tumor.Of the patients in the transplantation group, 23 (20%) had well differentiated tumor,70 (60,9%) had mild differentiated tumor, 22 (19,1%) had poor differentiated tumor. Of thepatients in resection group, 4 (8,5%) had well differentiated tumor, 33 (70,2%) had milddifferentiated tumor, 10 (21,3%) had poor differentiated tumor.Of the patients in the transplantation group, 95 (82,6%) had AFP values lower than200 ng/L, 14 (12,2%) had AFP values between 200 - 1000 ng/L, 6 (5,2%) had AFP valueshigher than 1000 ng/L. Of the patients in resection group, 33 (70,2%) had AFP values lowerthan 200 ng/L, 5 (10,6%) had AFP values between 200 - 1000 ng/L, 9 (19,1%) had AFPvalues higher than 1000 ng/L.xOf the patients in the transplantation group, 18 (15,7%) had A Child score, 42(36,5%) had B Child score, (47,8%) had C Child score. Of the patients in the resectiongroup, 39 (83%) had A Child score, 8 (17%) had B Child score.Of the patients in the transplantation group, 53 (46,1%) had MELD score lower than 9,43 (37,4%) had MELD score between 10 - 20, 19 (16,5%) had MELD score higher than 20.Of the patients in the resection group, 23 (48,9%) were cirrhotic 24 were non cirrhotic.Of the patients in the resection group 32 (68,1%) underwent R0 resection, 15 (31,9%)underwent R1 resection.Conclusion:For the patients who underwent liver transplantation owing to HCC and liver cirrhosis,hepatitis B and C infection ( p=0,005), presence of T3 and T4 tumors ( p

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