Geri Dön

Bergama-Ayvalık dolayında genç volkanizma plütonizma ilişkilerinin jeolojik ve petrolojik araştırılması

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 55846
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. YÜCEL YILMAZ
  4. Tez Türü: Doktora
  5. Konular: Jeoloji Mühendisliği, Geological Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1996
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Jeoloji Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 381


ÖZET İnceleme alanı KB Anadoluda Burhaniye, Ayvalık, Bergama arasında, KB Anadolunun metamorfik temel kayaları, genç magmatik kayalar ve çökellerin birarada bulunduğu ve yapısal unsurlarla ilişkilerinin açık olarak izlenebildiği bir bölge konumundadır. Bölgedeki istifin temelini Triyas yaşlı metamorfik temel kayaları oluşturmaktadır. Metamorfik kayalar, epidot-amfibolit fasiyesinde metamorfizmaya uğramış metapelit ve amfibolşist (Çavdartepe formasyonu), yeşilşist fasiyesinde metamorfik metatüf ve metalav (Kocaçukur metavolkanit üyesi), düşük yeşilşist fasiyesinde metamorfik metapelitler (Kınık formasyonu) ve metaspilit, metapiroklastik kayalar (Bakırtepe üyesi) ile temsil edilir. İnceleme alanında Üst Oligosenden itibaren yaygın bir magmatik faaliyet gelişmiştir. Bunun ilk ürünü metamorfik temel kayaları içine yerleşmiş olan plütonik topluluktur. Plütonik topluluk, Kozak granodiyoriti, aplogranit ve mikrogranitten oluşan üç kaya grubu ile temsil edilir. Kozak plütonu granodiyorit, granit, kuvars monzonit, kuvars monzo diyorit ve kuvars diyorit bileşimli kayalardan oluşur. Kozak plütonu çevresinde hornblend hornfels fasiyesine koşullarına ulaşan bir kontak metamorfizma zonu geliştirmiştir. Kozak plütonu tipik bir epizon granitidir. Plütonun yerleşmesine bağlı olarak gelişen çembersel kırık zonları boyunca plüton ile az çok yaşıt olarak levha sokulum kayaları (Hipabisal topluluk) yerleşmiştir. Bunlar, diyorit, kuvars diyorit, granodiyorit porfir özelliğindeki kayalarla temsil edilirler. Hipabisal topluluğun gelişimi ile az çok üstelenen bir dönemde (Alt-Orta Miyosen) yüzeyde yaygın bir volkanik faaliyet başlamış ve yaygın piroklastik kayalar ile değişik türden lavlar üretmiştir. Volkanizma önce felsik piroklastikler ve dasitik lavlarla başlamış, giderek yerini andezit-latit türü ortaç lav ve piroklastik kayalara bırakmıştır. Bunları da ortaç-bazik bileşimli bazaltik andezit, bazaltik traki andezit lavları ve ilişkili piroklastik kayalar izlemiştir. Piroklastik kayalar, piroklastik yağış birimleri (kül yağmuru, kül-blok yağmuru, pumis yağmuru birikimleri) ve piroklastik akma birimleri (volkanik çamur akıntısı, kül-blok akıntısı) ile temsil edilir. Piroklastik kayaların lavlarla ilişkileri ve yöresel dağılımları, volkanik kayaların belli kırık zonları boyunca dizilmiş küçük çıkış merkezlerinden pliniyen, sub-pliniyen türü püskürmelerle oluştuğunu göstermektedir. İnceleme alanındaki tüm magma kayaları arasında zaman ve mekansal ortaklıklar vardır. Mineralojik, petrografik ve jeokimyasal olarak da birbirine benzerler. Jeokimyasal özellikleri ve izotop içerikleri bunların manto kökenli, kıta kabuğundan kirlenmiş melez nitelikli bir magmadan türediğine işaret etmektedir. İnceleme alanında birbirinden faklı iki çökel topluluğu yeralır. Bunlardan ilki, metamorfik kayaların örtüsü niteliğindeki, Alt-Orta Miyosen yaşlı, göl-akarsu ortamı ürünü çökel kayaları (Alt çökel topluluk) ile temsil edilir. Alt çökel topluluk volkanik topluluk ile yanal ve düşey yönde girik olup, onlarla sık sık ardalanmaktadır. Bölgede yeralan diğer çökel birim, aktif bir tektonizma denetiminde gelişmiş, Üst Miyosen-Alt Pliyosen (?) yaşlı karasal debris akıntısı ve akarsu çökelleri ile temsil olunan Üst çökel topluluktur. Üst çökel topluluğun geliştiği dönemde volkanizma yalnızca sınırlı yörelerde izlenen, kırık erüpsiyonu şeklindeki bazalt lavlarıyla temsil edilir. Bazaltlar bölgedeki volkanik aktivitenin en son ürünleridir. XVI

Özet (Çeviri)

GEOLOGIC AND PETROLOGIC INVESTIGATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF YOUNG VOLCANISM AND PLUTONISM IN THE AREA LOCATED BETWEEN BERGAMA AND AYVALIK SUMMARY The subject of this study is directed towards enlightening geologic and petrologic features and the relationships of Kozak pluton and related rocks at around Burhaniye, Ayvalık and Bergama towns.For this, the area covering approximately 1300 km2 has been mapped in detail. In the light of the field and laboratory data, an approach is made to enlighten origin and evolution of the young magmatism. The four main rock units are distinguished in the study area. These are from bottom to the top as follows; a) Metamorphic association (Triassic) b) Plutonic association (Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene) c) Hypabyssal association (Lower Miocene) d) Volcanic association and related sedimentary association (Lower to Middle Miocene-Lower Pliocene) The mount of Kozak represents a morphological dom. The Kozak pluton which was emplaced into the metamorphic rocks crops out at the center of the dome. The pluton is enveloped by the metamorphic, hypabyssal and volcanic rocks. The metamorphic association is differentiated into two formations and two members; Çavdartepe formation, Kocaçukur metavolcanics member, Kınık formation and Bakirtepe member. The Çavdartepe formation is made up of metapelites and amphibole schists. This unit passes gradually upward into Kocaçukur metavolcanic member which is represented by metalavas and sporadic metapelite alternation. Kınık formation consists mainly of quartzitic metasandstone, metashale-phyllite, and slate. In the Kınık formation, the fragments and various sized blocks of Permian recrystallized limestone and, metaspilite, metapyroclastic rocks interbeds (Bakirtepe member) are also common. All of these metamorphic rock groups are Triassic in age and equivalents of the“Karakaya formation”which was described in the Biga peninsula. The metamorphic association underwent three different metamorphism. These XVIIare from older to younger; a) regional dynamothermal metamorphism and, b) contact (thermal) metamorphism and c) dynamic metamorphism. In the regionally metamorphosed rocks, three metamorphic zones may be distinguished. These are described under the names of Group I, Group II and Group III. The Group III displays zone of the highest metamorphic grade. The metamorphism in this zone is within the limits of epidote-amphibolite fades. The rocks belonging to the Group II represent the greenschist fades metamorphism (biotite zone). In the Group I, the metamorphic grade decreases to lower greenschist fades (chlorite zone) and, the rocks of the Group I passes gradually into the non-metamorphic quartzitic sandstones and shales which shows only cataclastically developed cleavage planes. The regional dynamothermal metamorphism occurred during the late Triassic. The Kozak pluton intruded into the metamorphic association during the late Oligocene-early Miocene, and formed a well-developed contact metamorphic aureole which is evidenced by mineralogical and structural data. The width of the contact aureole varies from place to place, reaching 2.5 km. Due to the emplacement of the pluton, foliations of the metamorphic rocks along periphery of the pluton, were brought parallel to the margin of the pluton. In the contact aureole two contact metamorphic facieces are distinguished. Zone I is the inner zone. In this zone, contact metamorphic mineral paragenesis indicates the hornblende-hornfels fades. Away from the plutone, Zone I passes gradualy to the Zone II. In the Zone II the contact metamorphic fades indicate the albite-epidote hornfels fades. During the late stage of the emplacement of the pluton a dynamic metamorphism was developed and affected the pluton and surrounding country rocks. Due to the dynamic metamorphism gneissic texture was formed along the periphery of the pluton. As a result of this rocks of mylonitic texture were developed. In the study area, an extensive magmatic activity developed during to Oligocene-early Miocene, and produced plutonic, hypabyssal and volcanic associations. All of these rock groups display close temporal and spatial relationship to each other. The plutonic association is the initial products of the magmatism. The plutonic rocks crops out at the center of the mount of Kozak, and extends in SW-NE direction. It is an elliptical body, and covers nearly 330 km2 area. In the plutonic association three different groups of rocks are differentiated on the basis of their field and petrographic aspects. These are; a) Kozak granodiorite, b) aplogranite and c) microgranite. In addition to these are also aplite, lamprophyre, quartz porphyr and dioritic dykes within the pluton. The Kozak pluton is made up of granodiorite, granite, quartz monzonite, quartz monzodiorite and quartzdiorite. The dominant rock type XVIIIis granodiorite which consists of plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz, hornblende and biotite. These rocks are light coloured and mostly hipidiomorphic granular and holocrystalline porphyritic in texture. Along the border zone of the pluton, granophric rocks are also present. The Kozak pluton contains a number of small metamorphic and magmatic xenolithes. The aplogranite is fine-grained and light coloured granitic rocks which crops out along the outer zone of the Kozak pluton. It forms a 100-750 m wide rim. The aplogranite consists mainly of quartz, K-feldspar and plagioclase and, aplitic, granophric in texture. It represents the late differentiation products of the plutonic suite. There is also a microgranite within the pluton which is exposed in three isolated outcrops. They form an arc-shaped pattern. The microgranite is gray coloured, and has granitic, granodioritic composition. There is a chilled margin between the pluton and the microgranite bodies. The dykes which cut the plutonic rocks are aplite, quartz porphyr and lamprophyre on the basis of their petrographic features. There are also quartz dioritic and granodioitic syn-plutonic dykes which cut the pluton. Geochemicaily the plutonic rocks are granodiorite and quartz monzodiorite. These rocks have similar origin as evidenced by their major and minor elements and trace element patterns. The plutonic rocks show close similarity to the island-arc and collision-related magmatic rocks. The Sr isotope contents (m87Sr/86Sr: 0.7075-0.7085) of the pluton indicate that the magma has isotope values varying between the mantle and continental crust values. According to the simple mixing model the pluton were derived form a hybride magma which included nearly %50 crustal and mantle components. The Kozak granodiorite is radiometrically dated to be 20-24 ma old (Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene). The Kozak pluton is an epizone pluton which was emplaced into the shallow levels in the crust. The pluton started to emplace at the depth as a diapir and then rose into shallower levels forcefully. During the rise of the pluton into the brittle zone in the crust it was emplaced permissively using the pre-existing faults. At the same period the hypabyssal association (the sheet intrusions) emplaced into the ring faults which were formed during the forcefull intrusion of the pluton. The sheet intrusives emplaced into the plutonic as well as the surrounding country rocks. The sheet intrusives display an arc-shaped pattern around the pluton. According to geochemical composition, the sheet intrusives are similar to the plutonic rocks. The main difference between the two is that the hypabyssal rocks display microgranular porphyritic texture. In places, the hypabyssal rocks interfinger with the volcanic rocks. The Plutonic association was followed by an extensive volcanism on the surface. This volcanism began with felsic pyroclastic rocks and dacitic lavas and then, gave way to extensive intermediate volcanic rocks which are represented by andesitic, latitic lavas and the associated pyroclastic rocks. They are followed by basaltic andesite, basaltic trachyandesite toward the top of the volcanic succession. XIXOne of the essential components of the volcanic association are pyroclastic rocks. These may be divided into two groups according to their mode of occurrences; the pryoclastic fall deposits and the pyroclastic flow deposits. The pyroclastic fall deposits are represented by pumice fall, pumice-ash, ash and ash-block fall deposits. The pyroclastic flow deposits may also divided into three subgroups; pumice-block deposit, ash-block deposit and volcanic mud flow deposit. The pyroclastic fall and flow deposits intercalate with the lavas and some sedimentary rocks. The areal distributions and relationship of the volcanic rocks with each other indicate that the volcanic rocks were formed from a number of small vents which set along approximately N-S trending fault zones as the plinian/sub-plinian eruptions. Geochemically, the volcanic association are high-K calc-alkaline. The major and trace element concentrations suggest that the volcanic association originated from a hybrid magma which was derived from the mantle and was contaminated by the continental crustal components. The isotope values of the volcanic association indicate that the hybride magma involves nearly equal amount of the mantle and crustal components. The radiometric ages that are obtained from the volcanic association vary from 15-18 ma, corresponding to the early to middle Miocene. In the study area the volcanic activity waned between 15-11 ma, interval. This interval was followed by a new volcanic activity which produced essentially of basaltic lavas that were formed as fisure eruptions. The basalts are rare and formed between 1 1 and 9 ma. This was the last volcanic phase of the region The sedimentary rocks that crop out in the study area are divided into two groups, based on their lithostratigraphic position; the Lower sedimentary association and the Upper sedimentary association. The lower sedimentary association was deposited mainly on the metamorphic rocks, approximately during the same period with the volcanic association the lower sedimentary association interfinger with the volcanic rocks. These rocks are represented mainly by limestones, sandstones, siltstones and rare tuff horizons which were deposited in low-energy lacustrine environment. This unit is Lower to Middle Miocene in age. The upper sedimentary association was developed in fault controlled depressions during an active tectonic environment. This unit begins with coarse clastic rocks giving way to fluviale conglomerates and sandstones. In the outher part of the study area the sedimantery rocks are accompanied by basalt lavas. The upper sedimentary association overlies unconformably the metamorphic and volcanic rocks and also the lower sedimentary association. The radiometric age data obtained from interlayering basalt lavas indicate that the upper sedimentary association deposited during the Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene (?). XXThe metamorphic, volcanic associations and lower sedimentary rocks which crop out in Kozak area have been elevated steadily due to the formation of the SW-NE and SE-NW trending faults which lowered the surrounding structural lows such as the Ayvalık-Gömeç depression and the Örenli-Eğiller depression. As a result of this, the Kozak high have been formed as a horst block, surrounded by the grabens. The Kozak horst is an approximately SW-NE trending structure. The upper sedimentary association represents the graben fills. The horst-graben system was cut by the present E-W trending two young grabens. There are the Edremit graben in the north and the Bergama graben in the south. XXI

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