Geri Dön

Mimarlık eğitimi diyalojik peyzajının bir parçası olarak Mimarlık dergisi'ni haritalama

Mapping the Mimarlik journal as a part of the dialogical landscape of architectural education

  1. Tez No: 865211
  4. Tez Türü: Doktora
  5. Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2024
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Mimari Tasarım Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 336


Bu çalışmada, mimarlık eğitimi bilgi ve etkinlik alanında ortaya çıkan olguları kavramaya ve anlamlandırmaya yönelik ilişkiler bütününü, söylem, kuram ve uygulama ilişkisine dayandırmaktayım. Türkiye'de mimarlık eğitimi tartışmalarının belli bir zaman ve mekan dahilinde hangi konu eksenlerinde şekillendiği ve ilişkisel olarak mimarlık eğitimi üzerine belirli söylemlerin nasıl inşa edildiğinin izini sürerek başladığım çalışmada, üretilen yazınsal kültürün kuramsal alanla ilişkisini keşfetmeyi amaçlıyorum. Özellikle, kavramsal ve bağlamsal değişkenler açısından söylemsel pratiğin ilişkiselliğinin diyaloji kuramının prensipleri üzerinden yorumlanmasının, mimarlık eğitimi bilgi ve etkinlik alanında yeni bir düşünsel üretim alanı/aralığı açabileceği üzerine değerlendirmelerimi ve öngörülerimi sunuyorum. Bu tez çalışması mimarlık eğitimine dair literatürdeki kuram, söylem ve uygulama ilişkilerini konu alan çalışmaları odağına almaktadır. Bu noktada, tartışmanın ana çerçevesini daha belirgin kılmak üzere mimarlık pedagojisi özelinde gelişen kuramlar, uygulamalar ve temsil ettikleri fikirleri sunmayı önemli buluyorum. Öncelikli olarak maddi-söylemsel pratikleri ilgili literatür içinde tespit etmek, kavramsal gelişimini açıklamak ve hangi bağlamda kullanıldığını anlatmak istiyorum. Böylece incelenen kaynaklar ışığında özellikle 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında gelişen eleştirel pedagoji kuramı ve mimarlık eğitimi söylemlerini inceleyerek, bu söylemlerin nasıl kurumsallaştığını, yerleşikleştiğini ve gelişen hakim eleştirilere karşı hangi alternatif söylemlerin ortaya çıktığını aktarıyorum. Çalışma kapsamında önerdiğim yaklaşımın temelini Bahtin'in diyalojizm kuramı ve prensiplerini detaylı olarak ele alarak kuruyorum. Diyalojizmin bir yöntem ve yaklaşım biçimi olarak söylemsel pratikleri çözümlerken ne gibi imkanlar sunabileceğini tartışarak, özellikle çalışmamın bağlamı içinde“diyaloji”ve“peyzaj”kavramlarının temsil ettiği anlamların izini sürerken“diyalojik peyzaj”olarak sunduğum ifadeyle bir metodoloji ve Mimarlık dergisi özelinde bir okuma geliştiriyorum. Türkiye'de mimarlık mesleğinin kurumsallaşma ve disiplinleşme yolculuğunu ele alarak Mimarlık dergisinin ortaya çıkmasını sağlayan gelişmelerin, sosyo-politik ve kültürel ortamın tarihsel bir okumasını sunuyorum. Özellikle Mimarlar Odası'nın kurulma sürecini inceleyerek, mimarlık mesleğinin kurumsallaşmasını ve bir meslek odasının çıkardığı derginin kurumsal sese dönüşme sürecini ele alıyorum. Ardından, tezin ana araştırma nesnelerine odaklanarak, mimarlık eğitimi üzerine gelişen maddi-söylemsel pratiklerin diyaloji kuramı çerçevesinde nasıl şekillendiğini keşfetmeye çalışıyorum. Araştırmanın bir başka önemli öğesi olarak yüksek öğretim kurumlarının Türkiye'de gelişimini, özellikle Cumhuriyet dönemi ile birlikte nasıl bir yapıya kavuştuğunu anlamak, mimarlık eğitimine yön veren söylemleri daha etkin bir şekilde anlamlandırmamızı sağlayacaktır. Bu noktada, maddi-söylemsel pratiklerin oluşturduğu diyalojik peyzajın bağlamsal olarak izlenebilirliğini sağlamak üzere üç akslı bir okuma öneriyorum; profesyonelleşme, disiplinleşme ve kurumsallaşma. Önerdiğim bu aksların, her birinin nasıl ortaya çıktığının, bu süreçte söylemsel pratiklerin birbirleri ile kurduğu örtük ve aleni ilişkiler neticesinde nasıl geliştiğinin bir araştırmasını sunuyorum. Böylece, Mimarlık dergisi özelinde üretilen diyalojik peyzajın kakofonik bir söylemler kümesi olarak algılanmasının ötesine geçerek, her bir söylemsel pratiğin kendi kavram ve nesneleri, temsil ettiği ideoloji ve içinde bulunduğu sosyo-politik ve kültürel ortam ile önerilen bu üçlü aksın içinde nasıl konumlandığı ve diğer pratiklerle nasıl bir diyalojik etkileşim içerisinde bulunduğunu göstererek, mimarlık eğitimi bilgi ve etkinlik alanının anlamlı bir yapıya kavuşacağını düşünüyorum. Bu tez çalışmasının özellikle iki temel açıdan literatür içerisindeki mimarlık eğitimi ve söylem çalışmalarından ayrıldığını söyleyebilirim. Birincisi, Türkiye'de gelişen mimarlık eğitimi söylemlerinin araştırılmasında belirli bir dergide yer alan maddi-söylemsel pratiklerin ele alınarak incelemesi ve bir söylem araştırması özelinde“mimarlık eğitimi”alanına odaklanmasıdır. İkincisi ise, diğer söylem araştırmalarından farklı olarak, söylemsel pratikler arasında örtük bir ilişkiselliğin var olduğunu ve bu ilişkiselliğin Bahtin'in geliştirdiği diyaloji kuramı ışığında çözümlenerek çok sesli ve devingen bir peyzajın farklı maddi-söylemsel pratiklerin birlikteliği ile ortaya çıkartılabileceğini savunmasıdır. Böylece, tez kapsamında geliştirmeye çalıştığım yaklaşım, maddi-söylemsel pratiklerin ele aldığı temaların ve kavramların ortaya konulmasından ziyade bu alanda yapılacak her türlü araştırmanın söylemsel pratikler arası diyalojik etkileşimleri ortaya koyabildiği ölçüde özgünleşebileceği ve araştırmacının sesi ile bağlamsal bir zemine kavuşabileceği üzerinedir.

Özet (Çeviri)

As a medium of discursive practices, journals of architecture are one of the most widespread press formats, as they can bring together a relatively large number of readers and writers from the profession and academia. In the classic and simplest sense, all periodical publications are a collection of messages conveyed in the form of texts, drawings, or images on two-dimensional sheets of paper folded in half and stapled at the fold. If it is a publication in the field of architecture, it takes on a different meaning since architecture is one of the most complex but also the most accessible type of production in connection with cultural forms. In this way, not only can a building archive be created, but also many messages that need to be shared, communicated, and discussed – in other words, create a dialog. The expression and understanding of tendencies and positions/individualities in architectural education could be possible through the written media of architecture, such as published materials (magazines, journals, periodicals, etc.). These not only reflect what is happening in architecture but also create a dialog due to their reciprocal relationship. Therefore, a study of these publications can contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the theories and practices of architectural education in a given period. The fact that every architectural product and every text produced in architectural journals is also a social product is essential for assessing the fluxional environment of architectural education. In my research, I argue that the relationships between discursive practices contribute greatly to the understanding and expression of the field of knowledge and activity of architectural education. This study explores the dialogic relationships between discourses on architectural education that open up new discussions about explicit or hidden messages, preferences, and reference points in a dialogic landscape (peysage) within the field of knowledge and activity of architectural education. By presenting the methodology of selected essays in the Mimarlık journal from 1963 to 2000, the aim is to find answers to the question of how material-discursive practices can help to understand/reveal the relationships between discourse, theory, and practice and to show the interconnectivity between different articles, authors, and especially concepts that create discourses on architectural education. This thesis focuses on studies of the relationships between theory, discourse, and practice in the literature on architectural education. At this point, I consider it important to introduce the theories, practices, and ideas they represent specifically for architectural education in order to clarify the main framework of the discussion. First, I will identify the material-discursive practices in the relevant literature, explain their conceptual development, and explain the context in which they are used. Thus, using the sources studied, I examine the discourses of critical pedagogical theory and architectural pedagogy that developed primarily in the second half of the 20th century and show how these discourses became institutionalized and established and what alternative discourses emerged against the dominant critique. I can say that this study differs from the architectural education and discourse studies in the literature in two main aspects. First, the material-discursive practices in a particular journal are examined in order to explore the developing discourses of architectural education in Turkey and to focus on the field of“architectural education”in the context of discourse research. Secondly, in contrast to other discourse studies, it is argued that there is an implicit relationality between discursive practices and that this relationality can be analyzed in light of the dialogic theory developed by Bakhtin, and a polyphonic and dynamic landscape with the unity of different material-discursive practices can be uncovered. The approach I am trying to develop in this thesis is that any research in this area can become original if it not only uncovers the issues and concepts that material-discursive practices deal with but also uncovers the dialogical interactions between the discursive practices and gains a contextual grounding through the voice of the researcher. Although architectural journals are effective media that transmit and disseminate verbal and visual representations of information, the reader's comprehensive experience within the relational interactions between discourses remains hidden and unknown to others. The main reason for this is that language precedes the subject. What I call the subject is in reality the problematization of a subject, in which language ceases to be a tool and becomes a representative of the discourse that produces static factual situations. However, the idea that discourse is a performative and material cultural production is very important for understanding post-factual situations. The cultural productions that represent architectural education, or that we lack compared to the things that represent architectural education, and the contents of these representations are found in the written media as the place where material-discursive practices are manifested. In this case, the act of writing about architectural education can be described as a material-discursive practice beyond the phenomenon of architectural education itself. Considering writing about architectural education as a material-discursive practice entails several problems: the production process, the authors and their multiple positions, the readers and their interpretive processes, the space, the time… Discourse theory proposes all of these aspects in order to understand them as cultural production, since this diversity and the obvious/hidden relationships between them make it very difficult to include them all in a rational analysis. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is one of the best-known methods to study the intertextual verbal relationships between discursive practices, but the visual limitations of this method correspond to the degradation of the material relationality of discourses. On the other hand, dialogic mapping as an interdisciplinary method of communication and representation offers unlimited possibilities to visualize materials, be they cities, spaces, or, as in this case, verbal and textual practices. The aim of CDA is to uncover some of the hidden values, positions, and perspectives. CDA examines the use of discourses in relation to social and cultural issues, asking why discourses are used in a particular way and what the implications of this type of use are. Critical analysis examines themes such as ideology and identity and how these are reflected in specific texts. In this sense, CDA can also be seen as a metalinguistic analysis that will guide the dialogic approach to interpreting and making sense of material-discursive practices. If the information content of discourses about architectural education is revealed through CDA, the discourses can become a potential source of information for a theoretical and practical study of architectural education. In this way, the (re)production of architectural education can become possible through the analysis of texts with CDA and the interpretation of discursive practices within“dialogical”interaction. The basis of the methodological approach proposed in the study is an in-depth study of Bakhtin's theory and principles of dialogism. First, I discuss the possibilities that dialogism can offer as a method and approach for the analysis of discursive practices. By tracing the meanings of the terms“dialogic' and ”landscape“, particularly in the context of my work, I develop a methodology and a reading specific to the architecture journal, introducing the term ”dialogic landscape“. The selected essays from Mimarlık, one of the longest-running architecture magazines in Turkey, are chosen as an example of the application of this methodology. At this point, it should be emphasized that ”architectural education" is the main topic of this research and that this research comes from the discourse on contemporary Turkish architecture up to the year 2000. Therefore, it has been preferred to focus on architectural media that are defined and institutionalized by the architectural discourse itself and based on dialogic aspects of architectural education (such as opinion pieces in architectural journals, conference/forum reports, mission statements of architecture schools, etc.) It will also admitted that architectural discourse carries and reveals symbolic meanings. Rather than applying a single methodology to the selected specific architectural works/products, which would lead to subjective conclusions, the architectural discourse developed in texts was considered within a methodology. It is argued that such an architectural discourse determines both the dialogic aspects and their symbolic meanings. To examine the education of architects since the beginnings of the profession in Turkey would be an impossible task, as there is an overabundance of concerns, topics and written materials that are interrelated. The study focuses generally on the texts on architectural education in Turkey since the 1960s and specifically on the 2000s. In order to obtain information about architecture and education in a specific period, the methodology of this study aims to examine the written materials in addition to the designed and built projects in order to present the discourses conducted by the educators and to understand the architectural approach in their pedagogy. The study therefore sets out to find all possible traces of connections between the fields of architectural education by analyzing the discursive media in an archival study that covers the period up to the 2000s. By discussing the path of institutionalization and disciplinarity of the architectural profession in Turkey, I present a historical reading of the developments and the socio-political and cultural environment that led to the emergence of Mimarlık. By specifically examining the founding process of the Chamber of Architects, I discuss the institutionalization of the architectural profession and the process of transforming the journal published by a professional chamber into an institutional mouthpiece. By then focusing on the main research objects of the thesis, I try to find out how the material-discursive practices that develop in architectural education are shaped within the framework of dialogic theory. Another important element of the research is to understand the development of higher educational institutions in Turkey, especially their structure in the Republican period, which will allow us to better understand the discourses that guide architectural education. At this point, I propose a triaxial reading to contextually trace the dialogic landscape that emerges through material-discursive practices: professionalization, disciplinarization, and institutionalization. I present an exploration of how each of these axes has emerged and how they have developed as a result of the implicit and explicit relationships that discursive practices have established with each other in this process. By going beyond the perception of the dialogic landscape produced specifically for Mimarlık as a cacophonous set of discourses, we examine how each discursive practice is positioned within these three axes with its own concepts and objects, the ideology it represents and the socio-political and cultural environment in which it is situated, and how it relates to other practices. I think that the field of knowledge and activities in architectural education acquires a meaningful structure when we show that there is a dialogical interaction. The dialogic mapping of the articles opens up the hidden messages and makes them explicit discourses by showing their relationality within the axes of professionalization, disciplinarization, and institutionalization. It shows the relationality of discursive practices and the formation of axes in the field of knowledge and activities related to architectural education in Mimarlık through a dialogical approach. This mapping explains the three axes of professionalization, disciplinarization, and institutionalization and shows how the articles written by different authors in different periods can establish a relationship with the transformation of architectural education. It illustrates how concepts are co-constructed around specific discourses of architectural education and highlights the changing 'role of the architect'. In this way, it would also be possible to question the power and knowledge relationships between media and education in architecture. This study also argues that the symbolic meanings assigned to particular forms or systems of education are subject to constant change. This means that the medium of architectural education may change and/or new meanings and paths may emerge in the course of social and cultural development. The change in the medium of architectural education can also mean a change in education itself. Furthermore, it is important to find out the limitations of mapping in presenting written arguments and discussions, which would help us to test a trans-disciplinary methodology in the process of visualizing verbal and textual material. Finally, this dissertation proposes to develop new approaches to uncover hidden dialogical relationships between material-discursive practices and to explore the dialogical landscape of architectural education. The research findings show that three axes of discussion shape the discursive material on architectural education in Mimarlık's forty years at different levels. The dialogical landscape depicting the complex relationships between the discourses may provide opportunities to uncover new connections that can change our views and approaches on how architectural education can be (re)produced through the material-discursive practices.

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