Birinci ulusal mimarlık dönemi; giriş cepheleri analizi
The Analysis of the entrance facades of the buildings built in 'the first national architectural period'
- Tez No: 19406
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1991
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 241
Bu çalışmada,“Birinci Ulusal Mimarlık Dönemi”binalarım ta nımlayıcı unsurların, cephe karakteristiklerinin neler olduğu bulun maya çalışılmıştır. Bu da iki farklı analiz çalışmasının, tipolojik analiz ve imaj analizlerinin sonuçlarına dayanarak yapılmıştır. îlk Bölüm, giriş niteliğindedir. Burada konuyla ilgili bir problemden, dönemin adının farklı uzmanlarca farklı biçimde ele alın masından bahsedilmiş ve dönemin“Osmanlı Revival izmi”olduğu kabulle- nilmekle birlikte, yaygın adının“Birinci Ulusal Mimarlık Dönemi”oluşu sebebiyle bu tezde de kullanılacağı belirtilmiştir. 2. Bölüm'de dönemin oluşumundaki etkenler, toplumsal değişik likler ve mimarlık mesleğine özgü değişiklikler olarak iki ana grupta ele alınmıştır. Toplumsal değişiklikler başlığı altında, Osmanl ı“da- ki ”Batılılaşma“ çabalarının mimarlıktaki sonuçları gözden geçirilmiş, bu çalışmada konu edinilen dönemin oluşumunda önemli rol oynayan ”Türk Ulusçuluğu“ düşüncesi üzerinde durulmuş ve genel bir ideoloji- mimarlık ilişkisi içinde dönemin nereye oturtulabileceği tartışılmıştır. Mimarlık mesleğine özgü değişiklikler ile ise tarihin incele nen döneminin Türk toplumu için bir ”dönüm noktası" oluşunun mimarlık ta da geçerli olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Bundan sonra dönemin yapım çalışmaları, Cumhuriyet'in ilanından önce ve sonrasını içeren yıllara göre ayrılarak ele alınmıştır. Dönemin mimarları hakkındaki çok kısa bilgiden sonra bir sonra ki bölümde analiz edilecek binalar tanıtılmıştır. 3. Bölüm'de, tipolojik analiz için geliştirilen yöntemin dayan dığı kaynakların açıklanmasından sonra, binaların kitle (örtü şekli dahil), giriş, pencere düzenleri, ayrıntı ve süsleme ana başlıklarıyla ifade edilebilecek analiz tabloları üzerindeki çalışmalarla karakteristikler bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde, bu dönemle ilgili imajları saptama ve analiz çalışmaları ile ilgili açıklama ve sonuçlar, genel anlamda incelenen imaj kavramının ardından yerlerini almışlardır. Bölüm 5'te, Bölüm 3 ve Bölüm 4 'ün sonuçlarının genel bir karşılaştırmasının yapılmasıyla, dönemin imajını oluşturan karakteristikleri belirlenmiştir.
Özet (Çeviri)
The aim of this study is to search the defining characteristics of the buildings, built in“The First National Architectural Period”. Twenty buildings among the movement's examples in Istanbul were cho sen and typologically analysed. Together with the typological anal ysis a“questionary”is applied to realise the image analysis of the movement. By comparing the results of those two analysis', the distinctive components of the facades are tried to be obtained. The first chapter comprises a general definition of the thesis and explains the reasons of chosing the name of“The First National Architectural Period”among the other names which are used for the same architectural movement. Although this movement is an“Ottoman Revivalism”, being that it has a strong ideological dimension, the term of“National”was used by most of the researchers which work in this field. In the second chapter, the period is examined with its differ ent dimensions; a) the factors which are affective in the beginning of the movement, b) the milieu of architecture during the period, c) the famous architects and twenty buildings which were chosen among the movement's examples in Istanbul are explained. a) The factors which are affective in the beginning of the movement are collected in two groups; one is the changes in the community and the other is the changes in the profession of architec ture. Communal changes start with the trends of“Westernisation”in the 18th century. Besides, economic dependencies to the West, there seemed to be some changes in art generally, and in architecture spe cifically. It is accepted that, the relations of the Ottoman Architec ture with Western Architecture first started in“Lale Devri”and step by step some foreign styles started to be used. In the second half of the 19th century, various eclectic styles were being commonly used. One of them, which can be defined as“Orientalist tendencies”, is closely related with our subject. After Orientalism affected Ottoman Architecture, it changed in some ways and had a more“Ottoman”ap pearance and also an ideological dimension. First with“New Ottomanism”- Islamic, then with“Young Turcs”- nationalist move ments started. This prepeared the atmosphere for“The First National Architectural Movement”itself being an“Ottoman Revivalism”. As stated before, the idea of“Turkish Nationalism”affected art and architecture, together with the 'elite' activities in the community and economy and policy of the country. At last, it ended up with the declaration of the II. Constitution in 1908 (This dated - vi -is generally accepted as the beginning of“The First National Archi tectural Period”).“Turkish Nationalism”, which its principles were put forward by Ziya Gökalp, is explained in chapter and in general“ideology and architecture relationships”are examined and how affective“Turkis Nationalism”was at this period is discussed. 'Changes in the architecture as a profession“ are explained in chapter 2.1.2. Those changes can be grouped in philosophy, educa tion and practice of architecture. In philosophy, ”architectural history“ without connecting it to a specific building and to restore buildings in suitable forms to their originals, were the new concepts. In education, after the establishment of the ”Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi (Academy of Fine Arts)“ architecture became a specific production area like painting and sculpture. In this school, students were educated according to French ”Ecole National des Beaux Arts“ system. The other school which was giving engineering education was ”Mlihen- dishane-i Berri-i Hümayun“. In the Academy Vallaury (French), in the engineering school Jachmund (German) were affective professionals. After the ”II. Constitution“, ”nationalist“ architects like Vedat started to teach in the Academy. After the students started to graduate from the Academy, in practice of architecture, a new type of architect was formed, who has an architectural licence, a professional title and a non-bureaucratic duty. Although the number of architects were too small, they could succeed to create their professional ide ology and tried to be organized themselves by establishing ”Osmanlı Mimar ve Mühendis Cemiyeti (The Society of Ottoman Architects and Engineers)“. Besides all these changes and having an ideological ”mission“, a new dimension of that architectural period is the ”nostalgia“, that could never be seen in Ottoman Architecture before, for the powerful and rich past of the Ottoman Empire. All these changes in the profession of architecture, together, resulted in an eclectic style, which its source is in our architecture. b) The milieu of architecture, during ”The First National Ar chitectural Period“ is examined in two terms, first before the ”Republic“ (1908-1922). Second after the ”Republic“ (1923-1930). After 1908 there seemed some efforts to distribute the ”public works“ all around the country, and also create the ”Turkish Bourgeois“, Although Turkish people were trying to produce some of the construc tion materials such as brick, cement and so on, most of them were being imported. In those years, the important wars disrupted or at least negatively affected the construction activities. In those days, there was not many architects. The first well- known Turkish architect was Vedat. To be a ”Turkish architect“ wasn't easily accepted, at the beginning. Then Kemalettin and others fol lowed him. In ”The First National Architectural Period“, the views in architecture and the rules of it were put forward by Vedat and Kemalettin. They thaught these rules to the other architects and students, while working professionally Vedat in Academy, Kemalettin in the engineering school and in ”Evkaf Nezareti (The Ministry of Foundations)“. After the declaration of the ”Republic“ the ideological base was changed, according to the new structure of the community. In the first years of the ”Republican Period“, although the country vnwas too poor, ”public works“ were given great importance. The de pendencies to the other countries in order to find construction materials, the inadequacy in the number of architects and engineers, the lack of qualified workers, together with the negative effects of the wars left behind, were going on. In 1923, Ankara was declared as the capital city, then its construction works were started. Together with Ankara's construc tion, obtaining living and working places to the immigrants who came from the places which were left out of the new country's borders, repairing the towns in Anatolia, constructing the prestige and small scaled service buildings, nationalising substructures, establishing transportation networks were in the construction program of the 1920'es. If the aesthetic views in 1920'es is examined, it is seen that; in the first years of the ”Republican Period“ the buildings, which had to be built rapidly, were constructed without any form and style problem. The disangagement from 'The First National Architec tural Movement' started when passing from ”Ottoman Nationalism“ to the ”nation“ concept of the Republic. In 1927, in order to organize architectural education system and build some important government buildings, German and Austrian architects came to Turkey. As a re sult ”Internationalism“ in architecture started to be affective in Turkey. This change is generally determined by the architectural historians as a radical change not a government affected one. c) Famous architects and some examples of ”The First National Architectural Movement“ are explained in chapter 2.3. Six of the architects of that movement were introduced with their lives and important buildings. They are Ali Talât, Kemal ettin, Vedat, Muzaffer, Guilio Mongeri and Arif Hikmet Koyunoğlu. Twenty buildings which are chosen among ”The First National Architectural Period“s examples in Istanbul are explained with their photographs. According to their functions, buildings are grouped into six. Than they are typologically analyzed in Chapter 3. These buildings are: 1- Commercial buildings:. I. Vakıf Ham. II. Vakıf Ham. IV. Vakıf Ham. îş Bankası -Karaköy 2- Administrative buildings:. Defter-i Hakani Binası (Imperial Offices of Land Registry). The Municipality of Kadıköy. The Municipality of Fatih. The second building of Fatih Municipality. 3- Schools:. The teacher's school in Çapa (Today Pertevniyal Lisesi). Medreset-ül Kuzat (Today the library building of Istanbul. University) - vm. III. Mustafa Mekteb-i Ibtidaisi-ösküdar (Today Şemsipaşa Primary School). Gazi Mustafa Kemal Paşa Primary School -Kadı köy 4- Sea-ports:. Kadıköy Sea-port. Büyükada Sea-port. Bostancı Sea-port 5- Buildings from different functional groups:. Central Post Office-Si rkeci. The old prison in Sultanahmet. Guraba Hospital 6- Residences:. Harikzedegan Apartment Blocks. Vedat Tek' s own house In Chapter 3, first, the reason why the entrance facade was especially chosen and which method developed in the typological analysis for ”The First National Architectural Period“ is explained. R. Krier's and R.W.Brunskill 's approaches are examined as the exam ples of the determination of characteristic facilities in various buildings. Brunskill 's approach had been adapted for ”Türk evi“ by Yürekli before, with our study it is tried to be adapted for ”The First National Architectural Movemenf's buildings. According to our subject movement, the typical characteristics were tried to be schematized in the form of analyse charts. In these charts, the following facilities of the buildings are examined with their proba ble situations: First the number of storeys and horizontal parts on the entrance facade is recorded. In Chart 1, the shape of the building's mass is examined with, - The number of projections, - The top and the bottom levels of the projections, - Corner solutions, - The top and the bottom levels of the elements on the corners, which affect the mass' appearence, - Roofing shape,. On the main part of the mass. On the projections. On the corners. In Chart 2, the main entrance of the building is examined with, - The place of the entrance in the plan (according to the symmetry axis), - The place of the entrance on the facade, - The relationships between the entrance and the ground, - The shape of entrance opening on the facade. ixIn Chart 3, to find what kind of arches are used in which horizontal parts, the horizontal and the vertical window openings are schematized. Chart 4 is to determine what kinds of decorative elements and details are used in the buildings. It is done by recording the eaves' details, balustrades and parapets, brackets, cornices, solid parts between the arches, columns and pilasters, the surface texture and others. The results of the typological analysis is given in chapter 3.3. both in written and delineated form. In the fourth chapter of the thesis, how to determine the images and how to analyse these images are explained and the results of an image analysis are obtained. In order to determine“The First National Architectural Movemenf's entrance facade images, a quesr tionary which contains the written answers and sketches of mass and facade is applied to 32 architects who have academic duties in the Faculties of architecture. The results of image and typological analysis are compared in Chapter 5. By comparing the results of those two analysis', the distinctive components of the facades are tried to be obtained. Those components can be listed as below: The projections, higher then the main mass, on the symmetry axis and corners, three horizontal parts on the facades, eaves and buttresses of eaves, entrances on the symmetry axis having an affect like ”taçkapı“, different arched and dimensioned windows especially on top floors and projections, tile covering and using ”mukarnas“ with most of the decorative elements. The distinctive components of ”The First National Architectural Movemenf's buildings can also be placed in such a simple facade illus tration which summarize the results of this study.
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