Geri Dön

Ahi Çelebi Camisi restorasyonu ve çevre düzenlemesi

Restoration project for the Ahi Çelebi Moscue and its surroundings

  1. Tez No: 21839
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1992
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 294


ÖZET Esas olarak, XV. yy. sonlarında, Fatih'in hekimbaşısı Ahi Çelebi b. Kemal 'üt -Tabib tarafından Haliç'te sur dışında yaptırılan Ahi Çelebi Camisi ' nin restorasyonunu amaçlayan tezde, yapının rölövesi ve restorasyon projesi hazırlanarak onarım ilkeleri belirlenmektedir. Yapının özgün işlevi korunmaktadır. Caminin kuruluşuyla oluşan, şimdiki adıyla Ahi Çelebi Mahallesi, çevre ölçeğinde düzenleme amacıyla ele alınmaktadır. I. bölümde, ilk olarak, İstanbul Anakent Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından 28.2.1986 tarih ve 154 sayılı onayla yürürlüğe giren düzenleme projesi doğrultusundaki istimlak çalışmalarından sonra oldukça kritik duruma düşen bölgenin tarihsel gelişimi incelenmiştir. Daha sonra Ahi Çelebi Camisi' nin tarihsel gelişimi incelenmiştir. Yapı İstanbul'da fetihten sonraki yıllarda sur dışına yapılan ender camilerdendir. Yapı küçük bir mahalle mescidi olarak yapılmıştır. Daha sonra Yemiş İskelesi Bölgesinde sık sık görülen yangınlardan ve doğal afetlerden etkilenen cami, mimar Hayreddin ve mimar Sinan dönemlerinde onarılmıştır. Bugünkü biçimini Sinan döneminde yapılan ikinci onarımdan sonra almış olmalıdır. Cami, Evliya Çelebi 'nin rüyasında gittiği ve orada“Şefaat ya Resulallah”diyeceği yerde yanlışlıkla“Seyahat ya Resulallah”diyerek gezginliğe başladığı camidir. II. bölümde, yapının plan, cephe, strüktür ve yapım tekniklerinin betimlemesi yapılmaktadır. III. bölümde, yapının bugünkü durumu incelenmiştir. Yapının geo-topoğrafik konumundan kaynaklanan sorunlarla birlikte, strüktür, konstrüksiyon ve malzeme bozulmaları incelenmiştir. IV. bölümde, mevcut yapısal verilere dayanılarak iki resititûsyon denemesi yapılmıştır. V. bölümde, restorasyon teknikleri önerilmiştir. VI. bölüm, sonuç bölümüdür.

Özet (Çeviri)

RESTORATION PROJECT FOR THE AHİ ÇELEBİ MOSQUE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS SUMMARY The subject of this thesis is the restoration of the Ahi Çelebi Mosque. Ahi Çelebi Mosque is placed in the Eminönü. The mosque was constructed at the end of the XV th century by the Ottoman Sultan Fatih“ s chief physician, Ahi Çelebi b. Kemal 'üt-tabib. Mehmet Ziya, indicated that Hayreddin was the architect, but i. H. Konyalı gives Sinan' s name. After the studies on the list of Sinan' s buildings, it was realised that the existing building, was repaired by Sinan. The building has a single-dome and a square-plan central praying hall flankied by narrow side aisles. Lateral covered portico has double rows of riwaqs. Minaret is attached to the western flanking side aisle, at its northern point. The structure of the building is composed of the supporting walls, piers, plasters, suspending arches, domes and vaults. Different wall construction techniques was used in the building. On the entrance facade and its western point, there's a fountain constructed in 1281 H/1864. Again on the same facade and its eastern end, there are toilets dated to the beginning of the XX th century. With the dome covered double-riwaq portico, the building has a very unusual form. The building was repaired several times. It was damaged by two earthquakes in 1509 and in 1894. The building underwent several interventions in different eras. The proposed restoration work includes liberation, consolidation, reintegration and renovation operations. After restoration work, the building's original function will be go on. The thesis consists of six chapters including historical research, description of the present state of the building and proposals for further work. In the first chapter the main historical sources in connection with the subject were reviewed; the history of the building was studied and general information was given about ”Yemiş İskelesi Bölgesi“. At the end of this chapter there is descriptions of the past intervention phases of the building. The second chapter consists of the description of the building; its plan, facade, structure, construction techniques and materials. Third chapter, consists of the structural and material damages. In the fourth chapter, restitution proposals XXX IIwere made according to the evidence supplied by the building. The last chapter consists of the suggestions made for restoration of the building. Ahi Çelebi Mosque was the center of the old Ahi Çelebi District. The origin of the famous Istanbul fires was the shops on the outside of the city walls and the boats anchored by the Haliç coast. Along with these fires there were two earthquake in 1509 and in 1894. The fires and earthquakes which caused damage to the mosque are, in chronological order: PLACE, NAME DATE Küçük Kıyamet 1509 Zlndankapr 15 3 9 Babaca fer 1554 Mehmet IV. (1648-1687) Architect Kasım Ağa Fire Yemiş Bölgesi 16 52 Ahmet III. (1703-30) Architect Bekir Ağa Fire Zindankapı 1727 Mustafa III. (1757-74) Architect Çelebi Mustafa, Architect Elhaç Ağa Fire Odunkapısı 1762 Selim III. (1789-1807) Architect Mehmet Tahir Fire Hasırlskelesi 1795 Mahmut II. (1808-39) Architect Abdullah, Architect Ali Rıza Fire Odunkapısı 1818 Abdülmecid (1839-61) Firt Yemiş Bölgesi 1852 Abdulhamld II (1876-1909) Earthquake istanbul 1894 XXXIIIIn the period of Bayezid II, the earlier disaster is the ”Küçük Kıyamet“ earthquake in 1509. During this earthquake, 109 masjids and all of the minarets in Istanbul fell down. As a small district mas j id, Ahi Çelebi Mosque should has been damaged. Restoration studies were carried out under the control of chief architect Hayreddin. Restoration work started immediately and was finished in 65 days. During the reign of Suleiman the Magnificient, there were two fires within the district. The first is the Zmdankapi fire in 1539. According to the register of ”Cami-i Ahi Çelebi derun-ı Sebzehane, ihrak olup tekrar tamir olunmuştur“ in the lists of Sinan' s buildings, the building was repaired by the chief architect Sinan. There is a miniature by Matrakçı Nasuh which shows the state of the building in 1533-36; in other words, the state of the building approximately 24-27 years after architect Hayreddin period and, 3-6 years before Sinan' s period. According to this engraving, the building had a timber roof called as ”çarpuşta“ by A. Kuran. There is another engraving, by Melchior Lorichs which shows the state of the building in 1585; at the end of the Sinan' s period. According this engraving, the present state of the building was formed in this phase. According to this engraving the building had a cubical substructure covered by a dome with squinches or weight towers (?) at the corners Minaret was attached to the main body at its northern point. Together with this formation, the building was one of the single-dome mosques of Istanbul in the classical period. During the reign of Mehmet IV., there was ”Yemiş Bölgesi“ fire in 1652. According to Mustafa Naima, the mosque, its law court and famous ”Çardak“ (cafe) were damaged very badly and fell down completely. During the reign of Abdulhamid II., the building was damaged by an earthquake in 1894. The building underwent several interventions at different dates. According to M. Ziya, during this restoration the dome was supported by means of buttresses attached to the main walls at their corners. The restoration activities consist of four interventions including arches, piers, plasters and dome. The arches were supported by means of additions of new arches. The piers and plasters were covered with cut stone; the dome was surrounded with a iron ring. After that, the mosque was opened to the public. Because of the disaster and destruction, the structure of the Ahi Çelebi District often changed. At the last, XXXI VDuring the destructions for developing Eminönü square the district disappeared. Destruction was approved in 28.2.1986. This destruction left behind these buildings: l.Ahi Çelebi Mosque (blok 360/plot 15) which is underl restoration (1992). 2. Ahi Çelebi law court (363/1) used as a store. 3. Değirmen Khan (361/12) was restored in 1991 to be used by ”Union of Municipalities of the Marmara Region“ 4. Zindan Khan (387/66-70) 5. Türbe of Şeyh Samedani and Şeyh Zindani (361/2) 6. The ruin of a shop as from Yemiş Kapanı Covered Bazaar (361/17) 7. The ruin of a tower flanking the gate ”Zindankapi" (356/83-92) 8. A three-storey building (358/15). Most of the domes and minarets that give Istanbul a unique skyline date from the classical Ottoman period. Ahi Çelebi Mosque is placed near Haliç southern coast and in unique skyline. This building is very important for Istanbul, it has to be restored and arranged together with its surroundings. XXXV

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