Geri Dön

Seçilen bir kağıt fabrikasında karbon ayak izi belirlenmesi

Determination of the carbon footprint of the selected paper factory

  1. Tez No: 332877
  2. Yazar: BANU ÖZLEM
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. İSMAİL TORÖZ
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Çevre Mühendisliği, Environmental Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2013
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Çevre Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Çevre Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 149


Günümüzde gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan tüm ülkelerin gündem maddelerinden biri de sera gazı emisyonlarının azaltılmasıdır. Küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliği tehdidiyle karşı karşıya kalan dünyada düşük karbonlu ekonomiye geçiş yolunda gerekli adımların atılmasına yönelik çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmalar enerji sektörünün en yüksek katkı payına sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Sera gazlarının etkisini minimize etmek için metodolojiler ve standartlar geliştirilmiştir. Bunların uygulama alanı bulabilmesi ve sürdürülebilir biçimde devam edebilmesi ülkelerin bu konuya gereken önem ve desteği vermeleriyle mümkün olacaktır. Karbondioksit Kyoto Protokolü?nde yer alan sera gazları içerisinde en büyük paya sahiptir. Toplam sera gazı emisyon miktarının birim karbondioksit eşdeğeri cinsinden ifade edilmesi ile karbon ayak izi belirlemesi yapılmaktadır. IPCC, GHG Protokol, UNFCCC, ISO 14064 Standardı bu konuda ülkelere, yatırımcılara, üreticilere, vb. yol gösterici olmaktadır. Kyoto Protokolü esneklik mekanizmalarıyla emisyon ticaretinin, gönülllü ve zorunlu karbon piyasalarının durumu işlevsellik kazanmaktadır.Bu çalışma ile ülkemizin ve bazı Avrupa ülkelerinin karbon ayak izi konusundaki elektrik üretim ve tüketimlerine bağlı yaklaşımları incelenmiştir. Seçilen bir kağıt üretim tesisinde proses incelemesi yapılmış, 2011 yılına ait elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda tesise özgü bir model geliştirilmiştir. Model çerçevesinde tesisin üretim faaliyetlerinden kaynaklanan karbondioksit emisyon miktarı tesis bölümleri baz alınarak hesaplanmıştır.Konuyu daha da detaylandırmak gerekirse tesis, iki ayrı fabrikadan oluşmaktadır. Buna karşın, tesisin enerji santrali, arıtma tesisleri, idari ve sosyal binaları ortak olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışma yalnızca kağıt üretim biriminde gerçekleştirilmiş olup, kutu fabrikası kaynaklı karbondioksit salımı üretim analizi yapılmaksızın sadece tüketim değerlerine bağlı olarak hesaplanmıştır.Hesaplamada adımları; Kapsam ve sınırlar Emisyon modelleri Faaliyet verilerinin toplanması Veri kalitesinin kontrol edilmesi Emisyon faktörleri Hesaplama Analiz Sonraki süreçler olarak tanımlanmıştır.xviiiHesaplamalar sonucunda elde edilen bulgular çerçevesinde tesisin belirtilen kapsamdaki faaliyetlerinden ortaya çıkan CO2 salımının 98.896.057 kg olduğu hesaplanmıştır. Şirket araçlarından kaynaklı CO2 miktarı 52.372 kg olduğuna göre toplamda tesisin 98.948.429 kg, bir başka ifadeyle 98.948 ton CO2 salımına sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. Ortaya çıkan CO2 salımı dikkate alınarak özellikle enerji verimliliği çalışmalarının yapılması konusuna dikkat çekilmiştir. Sunulan çözüm önerilerinin uygulamasına bağşı olarak CO2 salımında önemli ölçüde azalma olacaktır.

Özet (Çeviri)

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is one of the highly debated matters of industrialised and emerging countries in the recent years. Under the threat of global warming and climate change, various studies were carried out for making progress in transition to low carbon emission economy. Performed studies indicate that the energy sector is the highest contributor. A number of methodologies and standards which provide minimization of greenhouse gas effects, have been developed. Countries must give due consideration and support in order for those to be applicable and continue in a sustainable way.Carbondioxide has the major contribution rank within the greenhouse gases in Kyoto Protocol. Determination of the carbon footprint is performed by denominating total greenhouse gas emission amount in terms of unit carbondioxide equivalent. IPCC, GHG Protocol, UNFCCC and ISO 14064 Standard are the most common guidelines for the countries, investors, manufacturers, etc. Status of voluntary and mandatory carbon market and emission trade gains functionality with the flexibility mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol.In this study, approaches on carbon footprint of Turkey and some European countries? were evaluated for the electricity production and consumption. A process study was carried out at a selected recycled paper mill facility. A model specific to that facility has been developed in line with the obtained data. Furthermore, carbondioxide emission amount caused by manufacturing activities has been calculated.If we need to look at the facility in detail it contains two separate factories. On the other hand, the boiler house and the electricity producing turbines, called power plant by the employees, wastewater treatment plant and administrative building serve both factories. This study was made only for paper production factory and carbondioxide emission for the box factory has been calculated from natural gas consumption without detailed production analysis.Steps of calculation consists of; Extent and limitations of this study, Carbondioxide emission models, Utilising existing technical data, Doing the crude reliability of the existing data, Carbondioxide emission factors, Mass and energy calculations, Final analysis.Carbondioxide emission calculations has been examined in 6 stages. The stages are given below in the order of succession:xxStage 1: Field work and production analysis has been done according to data that was provided by the manufacturer. Production analysis has been carried through for two paper machine lines (KM1 and KM2) mainly. KM is the shorthand notation for paper machine (PM). Incidentally there are two paper machines in the facility.Stage 2:After the production analysis, generation of mass and work flowcharts in paper factory has been made. Mass flow diagrams has been created for,? Fiber,? Water and steam,? Chemicals.As known, fiber and water diagrams are the balances which affect the level of methane formation in wastewater treatment plant. The methane formation potencial was calculated based on the data provided by the manufacturer.Stage 3: Paper that are produced in the factory are different from each other in terms of fibers that are contained and chemicals which are used to produce paper. This stage is for calculation of electricity (kWh/kg-MWh/ton)consumption and steam(Kj/ton) consumption per unit of different paper types (TKL,TLB,FLT and TSC).For this purpose, twelve equations has been written for twelve months of 2011 for KM1 and KM2 machines gross productions. with the help of twelve month gross production numbers and readings from electricity counters(Section 5). 12x4 matrice that was made for this goal,has been solved in MATLAB©. Matrice that has been formed according to electricity consumption and MATLAB© solutions are given in Appendix A.Stage 4: Electricity consumption in pulper is evaluated in KM2 machine structure. For reaching real consumption in KM1 and KM2 machines and determining electricity consumption in pulper, iteration method has been used. At first, electricty consumption per ton of paper in KM2 machine was estimated; with this estimation total consumption and first consumption values that was extracted from the total value of KM2 is found in kWh unit. These values were put in KM2 and total consumption of pulper has been found and this process has been carried out until the same result that we started with is achieved.As a last step of this stage production loss has been calculated. Naturally, electircty consumption of this loss should be added to kWh consumption per productStage 5: This is devoted to the development of the final electricity and steam consumption values. There are two boilers in the power plant. One of them produces high pressure steam , which is sent to the high pressure turbine and electricity is produced. This electricity meets the 1/3 of total consumption. The rest of the electricity is taken from major network.Stage 6: This stage contains the calculation of carbondioxide emission on the basis of paper production and total carbondioxide emission. In this regard, not only electricity production but also unit carbon emission of electricity have been calculated and weighted mean of unit kWh consumption on the basis of institution has been found. In addition to this, the contribution to carbon emission of forklifts,which are used in process stage, has been calculated.Carbondioxide emission of the service of institution in which has been found according to the findings of calculations is found as 98.896.057 kg. Carbondioxide emission of factory vehicles is 52.372 kg. According to this, total CO2 emissions of this instituition has been found as 98.948.429 kg, in other words 98.948 ton. Considering the level of CO2 emissions, it has been highly recommended that the recycled paper mill facility go through an extensive energy efficiency study. When such a study is carried out it will result in significant decreased reduction at CO2emission level.

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