Sibertektonik mekan
Cybertectonic space
- Tez No: 335676
- Tez Türü: Doktora
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2013
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Mimari Tasarım Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 119
Günümüz dünyasında, medya iletişim teknolojilerinin evrimsel gelişim süreciyle birlikte, yeni teknolojiler gündelik hayatın kaçınılmaz bir parçası olmaya başlamıştır. Özellikle mobil teknolojiler, kablosuz ağın yaygınlaşması ve yeni doğal ara-yüzlerin geliştirilmesi ile birlikte her an ve her yerde sibernetik etkileşimin olanaklı hale gelmesi, dünyayı algılama biçimimizi, düşünce üretme ve yorumlama yöntemlerimizi dönüştürmeye başlamıştır. Bilişim teknolojileri geçmişte tamamen merkezileştirilmiş bedeni dışlayan, fiziksel mekândan kopuşa neden olan arayüz ve etkileşim biçimlerine odaklanmışken, yaygın bilişimle birlikte fiziksel çevreye gömülerek desantralize edilmiş, bedeni çevreleyen ve bedene eklemlenerek yeni mekân deneyimlerini olanaklı kılan etkileşim yöntemleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Yeni Medya hizmetleri, Yaygın Bilişim, Artırılmış Gerçeklik teknolojileri sayesinde artık medya tüketilen bir nesne olmaktan çıkıp, herkes tarafından üretilen, paylaşılan, dönüştürülen ve kentin katmanlarına eklemlenen, sürekli yenilenen ve kendi kendini artiküle eden bir sibernetik organizmaya dönüşmektedir. Bu araştırmada ise yeni teknolojiler ve ara-yüzler bağlamında bedenin ve mekânın uzantısı olarak medya ve ancak uzayan bedenlerle kavranabilen sibernetik öğelerle sarmalanmış mekân deneyimine odaklanmaktadır. Sibertektonik mekâna ilişkin araştırmanın kuramsal perspektifinin geliştirilmesinde Sanallık Gerçeklik Paradigması, Sibermekân Olgusu, Beden Mekân deneyimi ve Uzantı (extension) olgusu, Olay, Mekân, Eylem Örüntüsü kavramları temel kurguyu oluşturacaktır. Bugün yalnızca Arttırılmış Gerçeklik teknolojileri ile deneyimlenme olanağı bulunan sibertektonik mekân şüphesiz ki yeni teknolojik gelişmeler ortaya çıktıkça çok farklı bağlamlarda ve ortamlarda deneyimlencektir. Gündelik hayatta kullanılan teknolojiler, doğal arayüzler ve yaygın bilişim çerçevesinde giderek görünmez hale gelmektedir. Belki de bu teknolojilerin gelecekte Stellarc?ın projelerinde olduğu gibi bedenle bütünleşerek farklı boyutların kapısının aralanmasına önayak olacaktır. Bu nedenle bu araştırma Artırılmış Gerçeklik teknolojilerinin sunduğu olanaklardan çok, Sibertektonik Mekânın kavramsal çerçevesini oluşturmaya çalışmıştır. Bu araştırma sürecinde ?sibertektonik mekân? olgusunu kavrayabilmek ve anlamlandırabilmek için, bedenin/mekânın uzatılması ve mekân-olay-hareket örüntüsü üzerine bir dizi uygulama yapılmıştır. Mekân+Kütüphane, Mekân+Sergi ve Mekân+Kampüs projelerinde, lisans düzeyindeki mimarlık öğrencileri ile birlikte artırılmış gerçeklik teknolojileri yardımıyla mevcut bir yerdeki mekân deneyimine sibernetik öğelerle müdahale ederek yeni mekân deneyimi olasıkları araştırılmıştır. Yapılan uygulamalarda, atölye çalışmalarında ve diğer sibertektonik mekânlarda, katılımcı gözlem ve ilk elden deneyim yöntemi ile elde edilen bilginin önerilen kavramsal çerçeve ile ilişkilendirilerek çalışmanın özgün metodolojisinin oluşturulması ve bu özgün metodoloji aracılığı ile Sibertektonik Mekân olgusunun mimarlık bağlamında anlamlandırılması hedeflenmiştir Sibertektonik mekân, içerik ve biçimin sınırlarının muğlaklaştığı mekân, olay, eylem örüntüsü içinde, sibernetik bilginin mekânın tektoniğine eklemlenmesi ve bu çok katmanlı yeni mekânın bedene eklemlenmiş sibernetik uzantılarla kavranabilmesi sonuncunda ?yeni? bir mekân deneyimi sunmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile insanın mesken tutma/varoluş sürecinde, gelişen yeni teknolojiler ve arayüzler doğrultusunda mimarlığın temel sorunsalı olan mekân ve mekânsal deneyim bağlamında açığa çıkma potansiyeli olan ?yeni? nin ipuçlarını araştırılmıştır Sonuç olarak; yeni arayüzler, yaygın bilişim ve yeni medya olgusuyla birlikte ortaya çıkan sibertektonik mekânın, sanal ve gerçeğin birbirinin karşıtı olarak görüldüğü fizik mekân ve siber mekânın bir arada bulunamadığı, beden ve zihnin birbirinden ayrı durduğu dualistik yaklaşımla anlamlandırılması mümkün değildir. İnsanın varoluş ve mesken tutma sürecinde yeni bir boyuta girdiğimiz bir dönemde bu araştırmanın bundan sonra yapılacak diğer çalışmalar için kavramsal bir çerçeve oluşturması beklenmektedir.
Özet (Çeviri)
Within the evolutional development process of media and communication technology, new technology has become to be an inevitable part of our daily lives. Especially with the mobile technologies, wide spreading wireless networks and development of new natural human computer interfaces and cybernetic interaction becoming possible anytime and anywhere, has changed the way perceive the world and has transformed our methods of thinking and interpreting. By means of the ubiquitous computing notion, computer and information technologies has been decentralised and embedded in the physical environment. Emerging natural human-computer interfaces has enabled the new technologies to become an extension of the body which creates new methods of interaction leading us to discover a new type of experience of the space. With the new media services, ubiquitous computing and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies, media has transformed from being a consumed object to a self-articulating cybernetic organism which is being created, shared, transformed and added to the layers of the urban space by everyone and anywhere. This research focuses on media as an extension of space and human body and the experience of space surrounded with cybernetic elements which can only be experienced with extended bodies in the context of new technologies and interfaces. The virtual-real paradigm, the Cyberspace phenomenon, Body-Space experience and the notion of extension, the pattern of event-space-action concepts will construct the structural base of this research focusing on cybertectonic space. The cybertectonic space today, may only be experienced through Augmented Technologies. However with no doubt, the emergence of new technologies and methods cybertectonic space will be experienced in various environments and context. The various technology that is used in our daily lives is getting more seamless with the developments and innovations in interface design. In the future possibly these technologies will become an integral part of the human body like in Stelarc?s projects, opening new dimensions of space experience. Therefore rather than searching the pragmatic possibilities of Augmented Reality technology this research focuses on constructing a conceptual framework of Cybertectonic Space by interpreting and experiencing some experimental spaces which are designed as prototypes of cybertectonic space trough the research process. A series of experimental applications on extension of the body/space and space-event-action patterns have been implemented through the process of this research to understand and making sense of cybertectonic space. With the projects named; Space+/Library, Space+/Exhibition and Space+/Campus, new possibilities of space experiences has been searched by intervening and augmenting an existing space with cybernetic components. In the Space+/Library project, a conventional library space has been augmented with cybernetic objects. These cybernetic objects include sound, text and images which are embedded in to the common spaces of the library, such as shelves, tables and the lanes between the book shelves. Furthermore the books in the library space have also been augmented with cybernetic objects like 3d model of the buildings shown on a page. The augmented library provided a completely new experience of a library space comparing to conventional library. At a conventional library the user has to browse the catalogue to find the book or information which is requested. The books are not linked to each other in the library catalogue system. However at the augmented library; the user enters the library sand immediately can start to experience this space. The books may be linked to each other non-linearly at the augmented space and all the tacit information hidden between the pages of the books may spread in to the three dimensional space of the library. Therefore it?s found that the augmented library provides a new experience of library, with the help of cybernetic objects which are embedded in to physical space. The Space+/Exhibition project focuses on searching new possibilities for experiencing an exhibition space with the help of Augmented Reality technology. In this project the subject experiences an end of term project exhibition of architecture students. The exhibition takes in the centre of the void atrium space of the school building. A number of cybernetic exhibition elements hanging digitally in the void space (the architectural design projects) can be experienced only by walking around the atrium and viewing the exhibition in different angles. At each angle the visitor may experience a different the project and the projects not only include two dimensional drawings and they may also include other cybernetic objects like three dimensional models, videos, sounds and etcetera. This project also encourages the movement of the body in the physical space to experience the cybernetic elements which may not be possible in a conventional cybernetic exhibition like a virtual museum or a virtual exhibition in the world wild web. Nevertheless, the possibilities of converting the void and unused spaces by augmenting them with cybernetic objects have been searched through this project. Space+/Campus projects has been designed to search new types of collaborative experiences in a campus space and furthermore each visitor got useful information which were cybernetically embedded in the physical environment of the campus space and customized to the roles and types of each visitor such as students or academicians. In the project the exterior space of a university campus has been taken to provide a new cybernetic experience again with the help of the Augmented Reality technology. When a user enters the campus garden, a number of information flying in the space greet the user such as course timetables on-going events, grades and etc. Furthermore a game has been designed based on finding same cybernetically hidden objects in the campus garden to take the visitor to the spaces in, where they may have not experienced earlier. With this project every user experiences a unique space according to their personal properties and roles which made possible with the augmented reality technology. The flux-node projects focuses on superposing multiple programs and events in a physical space. For instance an exhibition space in the flux-node project provides two or more exhibitions at the same time and exactly at the same space to the visitors. The exhibition might be an architecture exhibition or a music history exhibition according to the tags or patterns chosen by the user before visiting the exhibition. Each user experiences a customised exhibition with the help of the pattern recognition system in Augmented Reality technology. Different technologies such as monitor based, tablet or smart phone based and glass based Augmented Reality projects have been developed in this project to search different possibilities of each technology in the context of bodily experience of the space. The knowledge produced through implemented applications, workshops, and participant observation and first-hand experiences gained in other cybernetic space experiences has been contextualized with the conceptual framework of this research for discovering and constructing the original methodology of the research. Through the original methodology, this research aims to make sense of cybertectonic space in the context of architecture. It has been founded that Cybertectonic space may provide a ?new? experience of space through the space-event-movement pattern where the borders of content and form are getting ambiguous by extending the space and the body with cybernetic components. As a result, this research has been searching to find some clues of ?new? possibilities of space and experience of space which are the main problematic of architecture in the continuous process of human dwelling and Being. The cybertectonic space which is being possible with the emerging technologies and the new natural human computer interfaces integrated by ubiquitous computing and the new media phenomenon; cannot be conceptualized in an approach where the real and the virtual are accepted as contrary notions. The physical space and cyberspace may not be interrelated to each other where the body and mind are taken separately in a dualistic point of view. Therefore a holistic approach is needed in ordered to understand and make sense of the notion of cybertectonic space in the context of real and virtual continuity. In conclusion; this research is expected to create a conceptual framework for further research in order to understand and interpret the experience of cybertectonic space with a holistic point of view, rather than trying to find definitions and make comparisons by linear research methods. It?s believed that, only with this approach and methodology this research might be a part of the continuity or multiplicity of the other simultaneously done research and future research projects focusing the experience of cybertectonic space.
Benzer Tezler
- Sanatın mekansallaşması ve enstalasyon
Spatialization of art and installation
Yüksek Lisans
MimarlıkYıldız Teknik ÜniversitesiMimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı