Tek yan band yukarı karıştırıcı tasarımı
Desining a single side band up convertor
- Tez No: 39487
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1994
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 96
ÖZET Bu tez çalışmasında, 70 MHz lik ara frekans (IF) işaretini, 10.5GHz öteleyen Tek Yan Band Yukarı Karıştırıcı Tasannu amaçlanmıştır. Tasarım sırasında mikrodalga devre tasannu için geliştirilmiş olan Microvvave Harmonica programından yararlanılmıştır. Tezin ilk bölümlerinde amaçlanan karıştırıcı tasarımına baz teşkil edecek karıştırıcı yapılan incelenmiştir. Tasarım sırasında ilk olarak blok şema halinde karıştırıcı ortaya çıkarılmış daha sonra bu bloklar içinde bulunana mikroşerit yapıların tasarımına geçilmiştir. Mikroşerit yapıların gerçekleştirilmesinde kullanılacak taban malzemesi olarak +RT Duroid 6010.5 kullanılmıştır. Bu malzemenin seçilmesinin nedeni diğer aynı özellikleri gösteren malzemelere göre daha yumuşak ve üzerinde daha kolay işlem yapılabilir olmasıdır. Diğer aynı özellikte olan malzemeler sert ve işlenebilirliğinin zor olması nedeniyle üretim sırasıda zorluklar çıkarmaktadır. Karıştırıcıda kullanılacak elemanlar tek tek tasarlanıp Microwave Harmonica (MH) ile sonuçlan incelenmiş ve iyiüştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bütün yapıların tasannu tamamlandıktan sonra, hemen tek yan bandlı karıştırıcı tasarımına geçilmemiştir. İlk olarak bu karıştırıcı da kullanılacak dengeli katıştırıcı yapısı incelenmiştir. Dengeli karıştırıcı üzerinde MH programı ile doğrusal ve doğrusal olmayan analizler yapılmıştır. Bu analizler sonucunda karar verilen yapı tek yan bandlı yukarı karıştırıcıda kullanılmıştır. En son olarak tek yan bandlı yukarı karıştırıcının incelenmesine geçilmiştir. Benzer şekilde ilk olarak MH programı yardımıyla üzerinde çalışılmış ve elde edilen sonuçlardan yaralanılarak karıştırıcı gerçeklenmiştir. Üretilen tek tan bandlı yukarı karıştırıcı beklenilen özellikleri sağlamaktadır. Bilgisayar sonuçları ile pratikte elde edilen sonuçlar arasında çok büyük farklar ortaya çıkmamıştır. Sonuç olarak istenilen özellikleri sağlayan tek yan bandlı yukarı karıştırıcı gerçeklenmiştir. iv
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY DESINING A SINGLE SİDE BAND UP CONVERTOR in this master thesîs, Single Side Band Up Conwetor has been realized with the aid of Microwave Hannonica. The structures in the mixer have been tested and tried to be better by Microwave Harmonica (MH). in this mixer, a non-linear element which was used is Schottky Barrier Diod and substrate is +RH Duroid 6010.5. This substrate has chosen because it is flexible and easly worked on it. Primary purpose of the mixer is to translate a signal at öne frequency to another where it can be amplifîed ör processed efficiently. in the theory, mixing process is a single multiplier. The block diagram of a mixer is given figüre 1. *&“*. f^V^|ffighnrT^wPaSS I \/J>/Füter Local Oscilator (LO) Figüre l Principles of mixing The signals of input ports are given below. Signal: A(t).cos(a>r.t)(1) Local Oscilator: cos(o},.t) The resıdt of multiplying is given at equation 2. A(t).cos(û)r.t).cos(&,j) = -^.[cos(û)r + a)l).t+cos(û)r-6)l).t](2) vit can be easly seen that products consists of two signal at the sum and difference frequency of input signal. Öne of them could be easly selected by filter. So mixing process satisfîed by this netvvork. For microwave applications the multiplying function could be created by any non-linear devices. The draw backs of the non-linear devices are that they generate many LO hannonics and mixing products other than the desired öne. The transfer function of a non-linear device can be expressed as: l = f(v) = aû+a1.V+a2.V2++an.V(3) where I and V are the device current and voltage respectively. For a mixer, non-linear devices voltage is a composite of a two input signal in the form V(t)=Vs.cos(a).!.t) + V,.cos(ûjj.t) this result in a infînite series of mixing products given by : l = a0+al.[Vs.,.t)]+a2,[Vs.cos(fos.i) + VJ. cos(fo,. t)] ++an.[Vs.cos((os.t) + V,.cos(û>1.t)]”(4) If the first two components in equation (4) is analysed in the frequecy domain it can be seen that a de and input signals are present in the output of the non-linear devices. Primary mbdng products (CD}±O)S) come from the second order term and are proportional to a2 in amplitude, which explains why a non-linear device can perform a mixing function. Third and higher order tenns generate products of form n.&l±m.o)s and higher order hannonics. There are a number of basic parameters that can be used to characterize a mixer. These are conversion gain ör loss, noise figüre, intermodulation products and dynamic range. The conversion gain ör loss of a mixer is defîned as the ratio of the output power to signal input power. it is öne of the most important parameters since it measures the efficiency with which a mixer converts energy at input frequency to another frequency. it is a function of the mixer alone and depends on the losses in RF circuit and quality of the non-linear device. The noise figüre of a mixer is ratio of signal to noise ratio at the output of the mixer signal noise ratio to the signal noise ratio at input of the mixer. The noise figüre detennines the low-level sensitivity of the mixer.The level of the intermodulation products detennines the amount of distortion produced in mixing process. As discussed previously, mixing products of the form n.&}±m.a>s naturaly result from non-linearity of the device. These are commonly referred to as single tone intermodulation products since they are present with only öne input signal. If two signal are present simultaneously at the mixer input, higher order products of the form m.o)I±(k.cosl +n.a>s2) are present at the output. These. are commonly referred as a two tone products. The most important of these response is the third order products given by equation (5) JM3 = û)/-(2.ö)rl±0r2)(5) The dynamic range of a mixer is simply power range ower which device can be used. The low end is limited by thermal noise and noise figüre of the mixer. The sensitivity of a mixer im dBm is given by equation (6) S= -l 14 + NF +log (BW)(6) where NF is the mixer noise figüre, B W the bandwidth in MHz and -l 14dBm is the thermal noise in IMHz bandwidth. The maximum signal level is limited by saturation of the mixer output. İn microwave frequency, a few device can be used as a non-linear device. The selected device must have strong non-linearity, low noise and adequate frequency responce The most employed devices are are diods: p-i-n junction diodes, point contact diodes, but used much more are the Schottky barrier diod and GaAS MESFETs. Only GaAS MESFET can be used for microwave mixer applications. The other type of transistors ör dual gate MESFETs must be used below IGHz. in this work non-linear device is Schottky barier diodes. The simplest theory to explain the mixing process in a diode mixer is to consider just a single diod driven by local oscilator into heavy forfard conduction for nearly halfa cycle and into reverse bias for the other half cycle. If the impedance of the diod in conduction and reverse bias can be defîned as gf(t) and gr(t), the reflection coefficient of the diod can be writen as equation (7) Zf(t)-Z_ ^Z,(t)+Z f~Z,(t) + Z'' ZM+ZVJ viiin this model only effects of the junction capasitance and other parasitics is to transform source impedance from its actual value to other value Z' in the plane of the semiconductor junction. The model is given at figüre 2. -' '-^~T- ^C^n Input-T Output ()) g(t) -ıı'- LJ a)b) Figüre 2 Diod mixer a) typical cicuit b) equilavant circuit in order to handle the mathamatics of the mixer, r can be expressed as a Fourier series at equation (8) r(0=r0+r,.cos(ö>,.*)+r2.cos(2.6vf)(8) when there is a incident signal voltage Vs.cos(G>S.t), the reflected voltage can be found as eqution (9) Vr = T(t}.Vs.CQs(a>s.t) yr = r0.vs.cos((os.t)+rl.cos((ol.t).ys.cos(û>s.t)+(9) y» t r Vr = ro.Vs.cos(û)s.t)+-L-JL.[cos(a)s + ,)./]+... From equation (9), it can be seen that mbdng products are accured on the Schottky diod. in this section, realizing of the single side band up converter is analysed. Blok diagram of the mixer is given figüre 3. Wilkinson power divider and Branch line coupler are designed by Microwane Harmonica. This program has been used to designd and also optimized them. Three different Wilkinson power divider and Branch line coupler have been designed and the best öne of each structure were chosen to be used in single side band up converter. Then balanced mixer has been designed and optimized by MH program. viiiLO IF Wilkinson Power Divider 50 0 Angle 3dB Coupler Balanced Mixer. MX1 Balanced Mixer MX2 Branch Line Coupler RF 1 50 £ Figure 3 Blok diagram of the single side band up converter All structure in the single balanced up converter have realized by microstrip line. Chosen substrate to built the microstrip structure is +RT Duroid 6010.5. All transmision line used in the mixer is calculated by TRL tool of MH. The microstrip structure used in the mixer are Wilkinson power divider, Branh line copier, Ring coupler, microstrip transmision line and radial stub. All structure have been designed with the aid of MH. S parameters of the structures have been checked by doing linear analysis with MH. Return loss and port isolation of the single side band up converter were olsa faund by linear analysis with MH. Non-linear product of the mixer has been checked by non-linear analysis tool of MH. After all process, real microstrip structres length and width have been found. After completing the mixer, various measurements have been made, in order to check the results with test set given figure 5. While using this set, carrier supression, side band supression, two tone harmonics and intermodulation suppression have been measured. In addition, single side band mixer has been tested at -30, 0, 25, 50, 70, 80 celcius santigrat degrees. IXHP8569B l fTFt l l,..l l Rmc s şr hp MT,FQpp^2-9o|=-|sL^nelSystion Donner JWm"f lSİ^G^rl Model 17 02 Figüre 4 Test set of the single side band up converter
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