Ekonomik ve toplumsal gelişmelerin apartmanlaşma sürecinde konut birimine etkileri
Impacts of economical and social developments on individual dwelling units of multi-family housing blocks during their formation process
- Tez No: 39698
- Tez Türü: Doktora
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1994
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 241
QZET Ekonomik ve toplumsal gelişmelerin İstanbul'da, apartmanlaşma sürecinde konut birimlerine etkilerinin saptanması, bu çalışmanın temel amacını oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada ekonomik gelişmeler kalkınmanın ana hedefi olarak ele alınmaktadır. Sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik gelişmelerle birlikte, kalkınmanın toplumsal yapıya ve kentleşme olgu suna etkileri ile apartmanlaşma olgusunun kalkınma sürecine koşut özellikleri ortaya konmaktadır. Belirlenen temel amacına yönelik olarak çalışma altı bölümden oluşmaktadır; Giriş bölümünde, ekonominin toplumsal yaşam üzerindeki etkisi ile ekonomik kalkınmanın temel amacı olarak, toplumun yaşam düzeyinin yükseltilmesi ve sosyal refahın sağlanması çabalarına değinilmektedir. Mimarlığın, sosyo-ekonomik değişmelerin yansıdığı alanların en önemlililerinden biri olduğu, çağdaşlaşma, ve kalkınma süreci içersinde apartman tipi konutların, kentsel mekanlardaki yeni oluşumlar doğrultusun da ortaya çıktığı belirtilmektedir. İkinci bölümde, çalışmanın temel amacı, içeriği, yöntemi, kapsamı ve sınırları yer almaktadır. Üçüncü bölümde, ekonomik etkinliğin zaman içindeki değişimini, belli bir dönem içindeki örgütlenmesini ele alan kalkınma ekonomisi ne değinilmektedir. Türk ekonomisinin modeli ve sistemi tanıtılmak tadır. İlk apartmanların görülmeye başlandığı 19. yüzyıldan itibaren, ekonomik gelişmeler ve toplumsal yapıdaki değişmeler dönemlere ayrılarak incelenmektedir. Apartmanlaşma olgusunun bu değişimlere koşut olarak ortaya çıkması ve apartmanların yaygın konut tipi haline dönüşmesi süreci irdelenmektedir. Dördüncü bölümde, çalışmanın belirlenen amacı doğrultusunda, İstanbul'da dört farklı dönemde tasarlanıp, inşa edilen apartmanların konut birimi örnekleri morfolojik temelde analiz edilmektedir. Oluşturulan analiz yöntemi açıklanmaktadır. Analiz kapsamında seçilen 48 adet konut birimine ait planlar ve planların grafik sunumları olan ilişki grafikleri verilmektedir. Sırası ile uygulanan analiz yöntemleri sonucunda, elde edilen veriler, örneklere ait kartlara işlenmekte ve yorumlarına yer verilmektedir. Beşinci bölüm, ekonomik ve toplumsal gelişmelerin konut birimleri ne etkilerine ilişkin yorumların yer aldığı bölümdür. Altıncı bölümde çalışmanın belirlenen amacı ve seçilen örnekler bazında, analiz çalışmalarından elde edilen sonuçlara göre ulaşılan varsayımlar sunulmaktadır. -viii-
Özet (Çeviri)
IMPACTS OF ECONOMICAL AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENTS ON INDIVIDUAL DUELLING UNITS OF MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING BLOCKS DURING THEIR FORMATION PROCESS SUMMARY In the introductory chapter economical grouth is defined briefly. Economical development as the main target of economical grouth is discussed, and charateristics of social change in contradiction to the economical growth process are specified. Policies adopted to maintain a state of affluence both economically and socially, have influences on different disciplines one of which is architecture. The second chapter comprises the explanation of the general scope of the thesis, its objectives and limitations of the work. Main objective of the study is to ascertain the impacts of economical and social developments on the formation of individual duelling units during the multi-family housing process. The analysis covers a time span starting from the late Ottoman Period to our day. In the third chapter, Turkish economy, economical system and social structure betueen 1850 and 1980 are discussed. Also this chapter deals uith the developments in the multi-family housing block patterns of this period. Starting from the 18th century efforts touards development, modern societies and social euphoria in the uestern uorld had uorlduide impacts. During this period Ottoman Empire uas dependent on the uestern uorld both economically and politically. State motivated efforts for modernisation and westernisation had negative impacts on the unique economical, social and political structure of the Ottoman Empire. Increase in external debts, decrease in economical investments and uages, an unbalanced income distribution were signs indicating that Ottoman Empire uas lacking economical grouth in this period. With the establishment of the Republic a neu era begins. It is aimed to maintain sound measures for -IX-to a great extend withhealthy economical growth and social change. It is beleived that economical and social independence should coexist. During this period liberal economical principles are adopted. Economy is dependent on industry to a great extend with provisions for foreign capital. State sets measures to facilitate private investments, but also is the major investor. State becomes more effective in economical life and assumes the perfectionist role with e ffects of global economic depression and Ottoman debt payments coinciding to the same period. State also supports the development of the private capital given the economic policies set and laws passed during this period. Also during this period reliance on foreign sources reduces substantially and a considerably closed economic growth is being realized. At the end of this period where large investments are realized and major developments undertaken, comes World War II and the difficult conditions of war economy are faced. State has unlimited interference in every part of the economy and passes laws which increase state influence in social and economic life. It is a widely accepted view that the state puts emphasis on private capital during even war economy conditions. After the war a fast growth is being realized. The problems created by economic and social pressures give way to new political developments in the country. In 1950 starts Demokrat Parti rule period with liberal principles both in economical and political fields. New economic policies are being set for the purposes of realizing growth and developing private capital, also with effects of new economic and social formation of a post war era. The fundemental economic approach of 1923-50 continues in this period as well. Foreign aid and the savings of the war period increases the growth rate. Towards the 1960's the discrepancies forming in the income distribution are partially being stopped while fast growth takes place. Wages are increasing and wage earners positions within the national economy are improving. The fast population growth slows down the targeted economic growth. The per capita income does not show a notcable improvement. The lack of sufficient capital reduces investments. At the end of the period foreign debt, resource problems, high devaluation and budget deficit becomes unmanagable. With the military coup in 1960, the political structure of the country changes and this change is followed by the new constitution in 1961, which adopts the planning system for development targets. Turkish economy moves to planned period. Plans play adeterminant role in economic policies and serve as a guide and support for private capital. During the first three plan periods of 1963-1977 there is constant growth in economy. Fast population growth reduces the income per capita in this period. Investments which vitalize the economy, increase of resources in the industrial sector, change of tax systems cannot stop the increase in the cross-border dependence of the economy. At the end of 1970's the country faces major economic and social problems. Depressed economy causes significant political crisis in the country. In mid 19th century, western influence causes new developments in architecture. As a need of the social and economic system under western influence there is variety in building styles. Buildings with various functions reflecting western influence increase in number in Istanbul. During this period population distribution of Ottoman society is under change and there is migration to cities. Cities grow and and spatial change is highly influenced. New city management systems and forms are required. There are new settlements in Galata and Beyoğlu where the resident foreigners and nonmuslims who has strong social, economic and cultural ties with the west are in majority. Multi-family housing blocks as a new housing type increase with the influence of economic and social changes as well as with the new city management support and building laws passed. It is in the Republican period when the multi-family housing blocks become widely used for residential purposes. In the years following the establishment of the Republic, the formation of a contemporary and free society is made possible by the establishment of a new regime which contained legal, political and social elements. The change in the economic life and social and cultural realized by revolutions. Education, one of the fundamental conditions of social welfare, was emphasized in early Republic period. The highest rate of increase in literacy was realized in this period. In the process of developing a national conscience, architecture is one of the areas where national culture was most effective and successful as well as being in line with the needs of the new social structure. First National Architectural Movement, which continues until 1930, goes together with economic, social and cultural developments and widely spreads with the nationalist ideology. Howewer, during the same period, rational-f unctionalistic movement which develops in the west is observed to be adopted by the Turkish architects. During 1925-1935, national influences are neglected, and residential and public buildings in line with universal principles are designed and constructed. It is observed that the extreme nationalist ideas increasing in the world in the 1930's -xi-are reflected in architectural environment. During the War period closed economic and social developments as well as governmentalist applications, vitalized nationalism in Turkey as uell. The approaches in architectural field are in this line and Second National Architectural Movement becomes influential in the years of 1940-1950. In the years fallowing the establishment of the Republic, the city of Istanbul seems to lose its social, cultural and economic significance of Ottoman times. Nevertheless, it becomes the most important city of the country again starting in 1930's. National capital circles of the new Republic farmed by Turkish-muslims are in Istanbul. The intensity in the Beyoğlu area and its surroundings where higher income groups live, increases. Orderly and planned multi-family housing block neighborhoods develop in Beyoğlu and its vicinity. During the öarly Republic period apartment buildings/multi-family housing blocks are viewed as a sign of modern life, although limited in number. They are build by wealthy individuals and rented by upper or upper-middle class individuals who do not have the adequate financial means to build them. Comtemporary movements are fallowed in residential architecture. Layout schemes develop in line with new life styles and designed by famous architects of the period. State does not have an influencial and guiding role in residential investments. Residential housing is not scarce as there is not a major increase in urban population yet. Post war developments gave Istanbul its former economic power during this period. In the years to follow, starting in 1950' s, Istanbul becomes the most populated city of the country due to natural population growth and domestic migration. As a result of the economic policies in practice, urban population growth rate increases. In rural areas excess work force accumulates while investments in urban areas create employee demand as the economy goes into industrialization stage. However, the balance between supply and demand for employment is not obtained during this period. In the pre-planning period significant changes are taking place in social life in Turkey. Residential housing problems are being faced due to population increses in the cities. During this period, as a result of building activities, Istanbul grows and new residential areas develop. -XIX-Public residential investments af limited resources are made in the planned period. The importance of residential investments is emphasized in the development plans, however the investments realized during this period cannot meet the residential demand. The new residential developments cannot serve the housing needs of the lower income group. Formation of squatter settlements is one of the major problems of the period and urbanization rate cannot be controlled. The price of land tends to go up tremendously. Due to the increasing demand for housing, construction of apartment buildings outside the city, on pieces of land lacking infrastructure increases. This formation becomes uncontrollable with property law of 1965. Due to the insufficiency of the master plans and the inability of municipal authorities of limited means to take precautions, leads to“build and sell”in early 1970s. Private residential investments increase and public residential investments are insufficient. At the end of the 1970s, increasing political and economic crisis effects social life. The country faces the highest crisis period of its history due to discrepancies in income distribution, increasing inflation and decreasing purchasing power, lack of proper guidance in investments and political turmoil in the country. Even though, the residential investments decrease in this period, apartment buildings get constructed in squatter areas in an uncontrollable fashion. Fourth and fifth chapters deal with the impacts of economical and social changes on the dwelling units through the evolution process of multi-family housing blocks. In this respect, twelve flats that have been designed and constructed in all of the four consequent time periods are evaluated. A comparison of the entities in regard to their sizes and layout schemes is presented. The flat layouts and their related connection graphs are evaluated in accordance to certain graphical measures. The sixth chapter handles a discussion on the findings of the study. In summary, findings of this analytical study can be stated as follows: Political end economical stability, Industrial investments, Economical independence, Capital accumulation, -Xxll-. Controlled population growth,. Measures to facilitate employement,. Measures to set-up the pace of the investments in human resources,. Increase in national income,. Measures to balance income distribution. Changes in Turkish social life are due to the the following factors:. Western influence,. Social welfare. Population,. In periods when economic development and social welfare are high: Residential housing units are designed and built for upper and upper-middle income groups. Total areas of the units are relatively large and there is spatial variety. Highest values as a ratio of total area are seen in these examples. There are no extraordinary groupings in spatial organizations.. In periods when economic development and social welfare are low: Residential housing units are designed and built for middle income group. Total areas of the units are relatively small. Spatial variety is low. Values as a ratio of total areas are low. There are extraordinary groupings in spatial organizations. -xiv-
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