2007 Türk Deprem Yönetmeliği ve İstanbul Yüksek Binalar Deprem Yönetmeliğine göre yüksek bir binanın tasarımı
Analysis of a high-rise reinforced concrete building according to 2007 Turkish Earthquake Code and Istanbul High-Rise Buildings Earthquake Regulations
- Tez No: 397954
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Deprem Mühendisliği, Earthquake Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2015
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Deprem Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 221
Dünya üzerindeki nüfusun her geçen gün artış göstermesi ve bu nüfus artışına bağlı şehirleşmenin de fazla olmasından da kaynaklanan yaşam alanlarındaki azalış, insanların az katlı küçük yapılar yapmak yerine daha çok insanın yaşayabileceği yüksek katlı binalar yapmaya itmiştir. Bununla birlikte ülkemizin büyük bölümünün deprem tehlikesi altında olması yapılacak bu yük sek yapılar için özel analizler yapılmasını gerektirmektedir . Ayrıca hesaplarda kullanılan doğrusal analizlerden daha ekonomik sonuçlar veren doğrusal olmayan analizler kullanılması hesapları zorlastirmakta ve bu anazlilere özel yönetmelikler ortaya çıkmasını zorunlu hale getirmektedir. Ülkemizde 2008 yılında taslak olarak İstanbul Yüksek Yapılar Deprem Yönetmeliği yayınlanmıştır. Henüz resmi olarak yayınlanmamış ancak yüksek bina analizlerinde Deprem Bölgelerinden Yapılacak Binalar Hakkında Yönetmelik 2007 ile birlikte analiz ve tasarımlarda kullanılmaktadır. Bu Tez aşamasında, 2007 Deprem Bölgelerinde Yapılacak Binalar Hakkında Yönetmelik ve İstanbul Yüksek Binalar Deprem Yönetmeliği kullanılarak betonarme yüksek katlı bir binanın tasarımı ve analizleri yapılmıştır. Bölüm 1'de çalışmanın amacı ve kapsamı ol an yüksek binaların performansa bağlı tasarımı ve DBYYHY 2007 ve İYBDY' ne göre yüksek binaların tasarımı konusu ana hatlarıyla açıklanmıştır. Bölüm 2' de yapı sistemlerinin doğrusal olmayan davranışları ve bu davranışlar çerçevesinden yapılan kabuller in celenmiştir. Doğrusal olmayan sistemlerde iç kuvvet - şekil değiştirme bağıntıları ve akma koşulları malzeme bakımından incelenmiş, şekil değiştirmenin kesitin belirli bir bölgesinde toplandığı varsayımına dayalı plastik mafsal hipotezi ve betonarme davranış ın beton ve çelik elemanların tek eksenli deformasyon üzerinden tanımlandığı fiber model hakkında özet bilgiler verilmiştir. Bölüm 3'te İstabul Yüksek Binalar Deprem Yönetmeliği göre performansa dayalı tasarım hakkında genel bilgiler verilmiş ve kabuller özetlenmiştir. Performansa dayalı tasarım aşamasında kullanılan doğrulsal ve doğrulsal olmayan analiz yöntemleri incelenmiş ve yöntemler hakkında genel bilgiler verilmiştir. Bölüm 4'te yüksek katlı bir binanın tasarımında kullanılacak İstanbul Yüksek Bina lar Deprem Yönetmeliği ve Deprem Bölgelerinden Yapılacak Yapılar Binalar hakkında kurallar ve genel kabuller özetlenmiştir. Bölüm 5' te yüksek bir betonarme bina İYBDY'ne göre sayısal olarak tasarlanmıştır. Bu bölüm, yapı hakkındaki genel bilgiler, analiz modelinin bilgisayar ortamında tanımlanması ve IYBDY ' ne göre Tasarım Aşamaları I, II ve III' e göre analizler sıra ile yapılmıştır. Sonuç bölümü olarak, Bölüm 6'da elde edilen analiz sonuçlar ı irdelenmiş tir. DBYYHY 2007 ve IYBDY kullanılarak tasarlanan yüksek bir binanın tasarım aşamasında yapılan kabuller ve tasarım sonucunda ortaya çıkan yapı performansı özetlenmiştir ve yorumlanmıştır.
Özet (Çeviri)
By the increase of the population over the world each passing day and decrease in habitat depends on increasing of population and urbanization, high rise buildings are made peo ple can live rather than the small low - rise structure. In addition, it is required some special analysis methods for the design of high rise building because of being in seismic region of big parts of our country. Moreover , in the design phase using nonlin ear analysis methods more economical than the linear analysis methods, makes calculation steps much complicated and hard. These difficulties makes special codes abo ut high rise building necessary . In our country, Istanbul High Rise Buildings Earthquake R egulations was published as a draft in 2008. DBYBHY 2007 and İYBDY are used in design of high rise building although the officially have not been published yet. Although d evelopments in structural engineering, computer technology and the material science h elp engineers to be familiar to the earthquake motions and the effects of earthquake on buildings in a more realistic and accurate way. These developments with the observation of the non - linear behaviour of structural systems in an earthquake, enable engin eers to accomplish more realistic designs. This study - thesis are about design and calculations of a high rise building according to DBYBHY 2007 and IYBDY. This study is composed of six chapters. These six chapters are detailed in below. In Section 1, gene ral informations and scope about thesis and study are given. Design rules of high rise building according to DBYYHY 2007 and İYBDY are examined in short. According to DBYYHY 2007 and İYBDY, performance based design is mainly used for high rise building. A t the present time, in the calculation strenght design is mainly used and plastic behaviour is added to calculation by dividing behaviour factors, because of that earthquake load reduction coefficient used in calculation is totally independent from plastic deformation of the structure and earthquake effects on structure. The most important parameter is obtaining the deformations of columns, beams and shear walls in performanced based design. These deformation on structure, can be occurred by various static and dynamic effects like wind load, earthquake load, etc. Also seismic hazard assesment for a specifit region can be obtained in performanced based design. In Section 2, the nonlinear behavior of structural systems is examined and assumptions according to nonlinear behavior of structural systems are summarized. Force - deformation relation in nonlinear systems and yield conditions are examined according to material propert ies. Hinge hypothesis that is based on the assumption of non - linear deformations are collected at certain sections and fiber models are summarized and explained in short. In Section 3, general informations about performance based design according to İsta nbul High Rise Buildings Earthquake Regulations are given. Assumptions which used in performance based designed are summarized. Nonlinear analysis methods and linear analysis methods are used to determ ine performance of building are explained shortly and g iven informations. P erformance level of the structure under the effect of an earthquake given, it is state of the prescribed limit the amount of d eformation . This limit states, the amount of d eformation to the carrier and non - structural elements of the bui lding, which damage the safety in terms of the constituted a danger, is used when the building after the earthquake and caused the d eformation is determined, depending on the economic loss. I n Section 4, The rules and general assumptions of İstanbul High R ise Buildings Earthquake Regulations which used in the design of a numerical example for high rise reinforced concrete building , are summarized. Istanbul High Rise Buildings Earthquake Regulations , is based on the basic principles of design based on perfor mance under seismic forces . In the design approach based on performance based design, deformation of the structural elements of high - ris e buildings under earthquake force certain level is estimated to be digital, and that each element of the d eformation is to check that remain below the acceptable d eformatiom limits. Acceptable deformation limits are defined in a manner consistent with the performance targets stipulated for the structure in various earthquake levels. Earthqua ke deformation anticipated t o be calculated on the element , under severe earthquakes, that generally means to strain beyond the linear elastic limit, the non - linear design approach based on performance (nonlinear) analysis methods and deformation is directly related to the concept of performance based design. After these concepts and methods are examined in de tail, In Section 5, a numerical example for high rise reinforced concrete building was designed and examined according to Buildings to be Built in Seismic Zones Code 2007 and İst anbul High Rise Buildings Earthquake Regulations. Also in this chapter shown how to defined general design parameters like design loads, combinations etc. in computer model. For all structural members, it is included that members strength calculations, dem and/capacity ratios, drift limitsi deformation limits and strain limits. F or each design phase - Design Phas e s I - A , II and III , necessary analysis and ca lculations are done and summarized. Design Phase I - A can be classify as a preliminary design section.In this phase the structural elements like columns, beams etc. are determined. For normal class buildings, D2 earthquake is used as a earthquake level. For this phase target performace level is life safety performace level. Mode superposition metho d is used for seismic analysis. For this phase, structural behaviour factor R is chosen according do Buildings to be Built in Seismic Zones Code 2007 but less than 7. Drfit check limit is %2. Section rigidity is calculated by using Built in Seismic Zones C ode 2007 and by Built in Seismic Zones Code 2007. Effective storey drift limit is %2. For materials strenght parameters are used as characteristic strenght for concrete and reinforcing bar. Acceptance criteria is strenght and effective storey drifts. To su mmarize the aim of the preliminary design is to target yielding to occur in components that are reliably capable of ductile response. Desirable modes of inelastic response include, but are not necessarily limited to flexural yielding in reiforced concrete beams, slabs, shear walls. xxv For Design Phase II is verification phase for the previous phase. For normal class buildings, D1 earthquake is used as a earthquake level. For this phase target performace level is immediate occupancy performace level. Mode supe rposition method is used for seismic analysis. For this phase, structural behaviour factor R is chosen as 1.5 according do Buildings to be Built in Seismic Zones Code 2007 . Ef fective storey drift limit is %1 . Section rigidity is calculated by using moment - curvature curve. For materials strenght parameters are used as average strenght for concrete and reinforcing bar. Acceptance criteria is strenght and effective storey drifts. For Design Phase III is verification phase for the previous phase with using tim e history analysis for seismic calculation. For normal class buildings, D3 earthquake is used as a earthquake level. For this phase target performace level is collapse prevention p erformace level. Time history analysis method is used for seismic analysis. For this phase, there is no structural behaviour factor R used in calculation because of seismic analysis method as a time history analysis. Effective storey drift limit is %3 .5 . Section rigidity is calculated by using moment - curvature curve. For materials strenght parameters are used as average strenght for concrete and reinforcing bar. Acceptance criteria is strain and effective storey drifts. For this phase energy balance diagrams are analyzed. It is possible to examine the plastic deformations on struct ural members if its occurred. Another hand by energy balance diagrams it is possible to get information about the amount of energy which is dissipated inelastic energy. Rayleigh damping model is used for design of the structure. As a concluding section, i n Section 6, the analysis results are examined . The assumptions which are made in the design phase of high rise building according to Specitications for Buildings to be Built in Seismic Zones Code 2007 and I stanbul High Rise Buildings Earthquake Regulat ions, the building earthquake performance and design results are summarized and reviewed. For the building in hand, the result of the analysis, main bearing elements columns and beams remain in elastic limits. Design results which was made in accordance wi th regulations, there is a limited scale of plastic deformations. These plastic deformations are checked in accordance with the limitations of related performance level criteria. For all structural members, to prevent brittle failure under the shear forces , capacity design is used in preliminary design phase
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Design of a high rise reinforced concrete building according to Turkish Seismic Code and earthquake performance analysis by Istanbul High Rise Buildings Earthquake Code
Yüksek Lisans
Deprem Mühendisliğiİstanbul Teknik Üniversitesiİnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı