SSK Ege Doğumevi ve Kadın Hastalıkları Hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin gerçekleştirdikleri hemşirelik uygulamaları ve bu uygulamaların gerekliliğine ilişkin görüşlerinin incelenmesi
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 48242
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Hemşirelik, Nursing
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1996
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: Ege Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 106
95 ABSTRACT The view that patients are nef well taken care of at medical institutiens is common within the communitiy. Particularly at social security Hospitals( SSH) tahat tha nurses ar employed for jobs not compatible with their nursing care lead them not to accomplish their work thoroughly and results with a negligence on the heath care of patiens. The purpose of this study in which nursing procedures practised by nurses and the opnion of nurses on the necessity of these procedures are investigated, is to evaluate socio- demographic features of the nurses involved, determine the availability of direct and indirect care procedures, find aut the effectiveness of same skills possessed by nurses on these procedures and finally making comparisions between different views and come up with a sound judgement on how nurses should practise these procedures. This study has been conducted at SSK Aegean maternity and obstetrical hospital in Nov. 1996. 50 nurses, providing bed-side care have been includet in this study but only 48 of these have returned the questionsonnolies. The study has been conducted as a definitive investigetion to make the above mentiened concepts clear. The datos obtained were based on a questionnory asking questions about socio- demographic features of the nurses as well as assessing how nursing care is practised and if this service is an essential part of the health care for pregnant ladies. All datos obtained from this study have been evaluted as arithmetic and using T test. All findings obtained from this study have been assessed and the following results have proved to be accurate. -Nurses have accurately and timely performed intravenous, intramuscular treatment, no discreponcy or negligence in its freguency has been obselved. -They all made the patients perform bladder exercise on a time basis. - Peranal fields of the patients have been well taken care of -Nurses had a little role in some hygenic problems of the patients such as bathing of involid patients at their beds, caring the mouth, teeth, nails and hair, -Nurses seldom checked the involution monitoring processes - Nurses sometimes performed their visits of the patients (not on a regular basis). On the other hand followings are the results of the indirect caring procedures accomplished. -Nurses prepored the medical glasses, perticipated to doctor's visits, accomplished all relevant paper work such as patient discherging, on call papers, laboratory documentation and having some papers signed by authorities, to a great extend. They all performed necessory paperwork to admit a patient to hospital without any fail.we also discovered that some skills of the nurses didnot have an effect on their direct caring role, while the position they are assigned had a major effect on indirect caring role. Followings are the opinions expressed by nurses on the direct caring role, and its necessity. -Following the vital signs of the patients, making the bad for patients and providing a neat bed ar pramocent.94 -Kanamaların takibi, hastanın servisler arası ve nöbet değişimlerinde teslimi, hemşire viziti, hemşirelik süreci aşamaları çok gerekli olarak değerlendirilmiştir.yatak yapımı ve temiz bir yatak sağlanmasını çok gerekli.hastanın hijyeniyle ilgili yatak ban yosu, ağız, diş bakımı, tırnak saç bakımını biraz gerekli, gavaj ile beslemeyi az ge rekl i olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Hemşirelerin dolaylı bakım işlemlerini uygulamalarının gerekli olup olmadığı üzerindeki düşünceleri ise özetle şöyledir; -Hemşireler doktor vizitine katılmayı ve temizlik kontrolünde rol almayı çok gerekli, -Hasta yatış ve taburcu işlemleri, vizite kağıdı takip, rasyon tanzimi biraz gerekli, -İstatisrik yapma, hastaların çıkış belgelerinin imzalanması az gerekli olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Hemşirelerin doğrudan ve dolaylı bakım işlemlerinin gerekliliği üzerine bazı özelliklerin etkili olmadığı.yalnız kurumda çalışma yılının doğrudan bakım işlemlerinin gerekliliği üzerine etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Hemşirelerin doğrudan bakım işlemlerini uygulamaları ile bu uygulamaların gerekliliğine ilişkin görüşleri karşılaştırıldığında elde edilen bulgular şunlardır. -Yatak banyoşu.ağız.diş bakımı az uygulanıyor ama daha fazla uygulamaları gerektiğini, hemşire vizitininin biraz uygulanıyor ama pekçok uygulamaları gerektiğini, hemşirelik sürecine ait aşamaları çok uyguladıkları ama daha çok uygulamaları gerektiğini belirtmişlerdir. Hemşirelerin dolaylı bakım işlemlerini uygulamaları bu uygulamaların gerekliliğine ilişkin görüşleri karşılaştırıldığında^ bulgularda aşağıdadır: -Hemşirelere ait gözlemlerin kayıt edilmesi çok uygulanıyor ama daha çok uygulanması gerekiyor, hastanın yatış işlemleri çok uygulanıyor ama daha az uygulanması gerekiyor, hastanm taburcu işlemleri pekçok uygulanıyor ama daha az uygulamaları gerekiyor, istatistiğin yapılması çok uygulanıyor ama az uygulanması gerekiyor, taburcu evrakını imzalatılması pekçok uygulanıyor ama az uygulanması gerekiyor şeklinde bulunmuştur. Bu bilgiler ışığında.hemşireterin görev ve yetkilerinin belirlenmesi, hasta bakım standartlarının yapılması, hizmetiçi eğitimde hemşirelik işlemlerine ağırlık verilmesi, yeni araştırmalar yapılması, hasta bakımında kullanılacak araç ve gerecin arttırılması, hemşirelerin gelişimini sağlamak amacıyla mesleki yayınların hastanede arttırılması önerilmiştir.
Özet (Çeviri)
95 ABSTRACT The view that patients are nef well taken care of at medical institutiens is common within the communitiy. Particularly at social security Hospitals( SSH) tahat tha nurses ar employed for jobs not compatible with their nursing care lead them not to accomplish their work thoroughly and results with a negligence on the heath care of patiens. The purpose of this study in which nursing procedures practised by nurses and the opnion of nurses on the necessity of these procedures are investigated, is to evaluate socio- demographic features of the nurses involved, determine the availability of direct and indirect care procedures, find aut the effectiveness of same skills possessed by nurses on these procedures and finally making comparisions between different views and come up with a sound judgement on how nurses should practise these procedures. This study has been conducted at SSK Aegean maternity and obstetrical hospital in Nov. 1996. 50 nurses, providing bed-side care have been includet in this study but only 48 of these have returned the questionsonnolies. The study has been conducted as a definitive investigetion to make the above mentiened concepts clear. The datos obtained were based on a questionnory asking questions about socio- demographic features of the nurses as well as assessing how nursing care is practised and if this service is an essential part of the health care for pregnant ladies. All datos obtained from this study have been evaluted as arithmetic and using T test. All findings obtained from this study have been assessed and the following results have proved to be accurate. -Nurses have accurately and timely performed intravenous, intramuscular treatment, no discreponcy or negligence in its freguency has been obselved. -They all made the patients perform bladder exercise on a time basis. - Peranal fields of the patients have been well taken care of -Nurses had a little role in some hygenic problems of the patients such as bathing of involid patients at their beds, caring the mouth, teeth, nails and hair, -Nurses seldom checked the involution monitoring processes - Nurses sometimes performed their visits of the patients (not on a regular basis). On the other hand followings are the results of the indirect caring procedures accomplished. -Nurses prepored the medical glasses, perticipated to doctor's visits, accomplished all relevant paper work such as patient discherging, on call papers, laboratory documentation and having some papers signed by authorities, to a great extend. They all performed necessory paperwork to admit a patient to hospital without any fail.we also discovered that some skills of the nurses didnot have an effect on their direct caring role, while the position they are assigned had a major effect on indirect caring role. Followings are the opinions expressed by nurses on the direct caring role, and its necessity. -Following the vital signs of the patients, making the bad for patients and providing a neat bed ar pramocent.96 -Bathing the bed stricken patiens at their beds, caring their mouth, teeth, hair, nails - a little necessory, - Feeding them through a catheter - a little necessory, -Following the patients with bleeding problems, transfering the patients from one clinic to other or during duties nurses visits, nursing processor levels-highly necessory. The nurses opinions on whether indirect nursing procedures are necessory are as follows. -They very much want to join the doctor's visits and play their shore in cheching the cleanliness of the complex, -Following the paperwork - admitting or dischorging the patients or having them signed - a little necessory, -We also discovered that some of their (nurses) skills didnot have any effect on direct and indirect caring role but their service years had a considerable effect on the necessity of their direct caring procedures. Following are the findings obtained by comparing their views on practising direct caring procedures and if these procedures are necessory for nurses. -Hygenic care. is practised little but should be less, -Nurse's visits is practis0d rarely but should be more frequent, -Nursing processes levels are practised a lot but this should also be more. Following are the results discovered by companing their views on practising indirect caring procedures and rf these procedures are neccessory for nurses. -Recording observations of nurses- practised a lot but should be practised even more, -Hospitalizing the patient - practised to a great extend but should be practised less, -Discherging the patient and relevant paperwork - practised very frequently but should be practised less, -Having these paper signed - practised a lot but should be practised less. We therefore propose here, under the highligts of this information that we have to define the mission and responsibilities of nurses more clearly, determine patients care standarts, stress on the job training of nurses whenever possible, set up some training courses, perform new research programs, in creose the number of devices and equipment used for patients care and provide more career type publications and use all available means to increase on the job traning and professionolism of the nurses working at various healty centers.
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