Binalarda ve kentsel mekanlarda tepe ışığı kullanımı
Skylighting use in buildings and urban space
- Tez No: 66617
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1997
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Bina Bilgisi Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 161
ÖZET Çalışma, araştırmada amaç olan, günışığının mimari mekanlarda ne sebeple, ne şekilde ve hangi özellikleri ile kullanıldığının belirlenmesinin ve konunun mimari açısından öneminin ifadesi ile başlamaktadır. Ardından, konuya ilişkin mevcut literatürün gözden geçirilerek, bu güne dek günışığı ile aydınlatmada kaydedilmiş olan gelişmelerin sergilenmesi sağlanmıştır. Pencereler, bina üzerinde bulundukları yer itibarı ile iç mekana alınmasına vasıta olurlar ve ışığın karakterini ve dolayısıyla etkilerinin de değişmesine yol açarlar. Ayrıca pencerelerin şekilleri ve kullanılan ışık geçirgen malzemelerin özellikleri de sağladıkları etkide, konumlan kadar önem taşır. Duvarların üst kısımlarında ve çatıda yer alan pencereler, tepe ışıklığı olarak adlandırılır. Pencerelerin günışığının mekana alınmasında sahip oldukları önem sebebi ile 2. Bölümde pencereler, kullanılan olan yöntemler, özellikleri ve mimari mekan içinde kullanılan günışığının oluşturduğu etkiler hakkında bazı bilgiler verilmiştir. Günışığı, binalarda ve kapalı mekanlarda olduğu gibi, şehirsel mekanlarda da yaşanır ve ayrıca şekillenmesinde etkili olur. Bu sebeple takip eden bölümde günışığının tepe ışığı olarak şehirsel mimari mekanlarda kullanımı ile ilgili bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Mekanın kullanıcıları, bulunduktan ortamın aydınlığından büyük ölçüde etkilenirler. Bir işlem, ne kadar fazla detay içeriyorsa, o kadar fazla aydınlatılır. Bu sebeple, pek çok iş alanındaki belirli bazı işlemler için kesinlikle gereksinim duyulmamasına rağmen, farklı durumlarda en yeterli aydınlanma günışığı ile sağlanır. Günışığının, mekan kullamcıları üzerinde bir çok olumlu ruhsal etkisi vardır. Tepeışığının sadece aydınlatma değil farklı amaçlarla da kullanılması mümkündür. Bölüm 4'te tepe ışığının kullanım şekilleri ve mekan içindeki öğelerden ne şekilde etkilendiği ile ilgili bilgiler yer almaktadır. Aynı bölümde, yaygın ve özgün tepe ışığı kullanımları ile ilgili örneklere de yer verilmiştir. Tepe ışıklıkları bina kabuğu üzerinde bulundukları yere ve türlerine göre farklı kullanım şekillerine ve etkilere sahiptirler. Bu sebeple, bir diğerinden farklı ışıklıklar, ayrı özellikleri göz önüne alınarak sınıflanabilir. Bölüm 5'te de bu sınıflamalara yer verilerek, bölüm sonunda başlıca bina tiplerinde yer alan ışıklıklar hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Günışığı ile aydınlatma yöntem tasarımları bir süreç halindedir. Tasarımcıların, tepe ışığı uygulamalarında faydalanmaları amacıyla, varılan bazı bulgu ve geliştirilen öneriler sonuç bölümünde ele alınmıştır. Bu uygulamalardaki gerek malzeme ve maliyette, gerekse konum ve işlev yönünde oluşacak farklılıklar; tasarımcının ve kullanıcının istekleri ve tercihleri yönünde şekillenecektir. ıx
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY SKYLIGHTING USE IN BUILDINGS AND URBAN SPACE This research, begins with the explanations of the main purposes, and the importance of subject, by the means of architecture. It was tried to explain that, why and how daylighting is to be used, with which of its properties and where. After that, related literature, previous researches and documents were traced and the past advances in the area of lighting researches was tried to be demonstraded. Because of the importance of windows, due to their function which appears as transmitting daylight to the interior spaces; some information about the windows, their design, ways of location on the building shell, differing properties and effects has took part in at the 2.nd Chapter. Although, daylight is radiated mainly from a single source, rays do not depart from the same location on the sky. Because Earth, like other planets, continously rotates around the Sun; while it continues to spin around its core, like other planets, also. This situation means that, there is not any permanent position of sun on the sky; there may be a route, which is to be followed with small regular changes, through the time. Because of this, design for daylighting becomes a project, which contains some stages such as orientation of building, examination of sunpath diagrams and previous meteorological tables, selection of the suitable method and the materials for the determined activity of building. Planning the use of daylight has a great importance. Because, use of daylight has some special problems. One of these problems, as just mentioned above, the change of Sun's position. One other problem is that, sunlight may be easily curtained by clouds or fog. Also, overcast sky has differences from open sky about its illuminance distribution. To determine the amount of daylight which they need to have in particular spaces and to have for different activities; some countries has accepted some standarts and some rules about calculation of the average daylight amount, between particular dates under overcast sky. Daylight affects the people and life in a settlement, just before a room interior as a single architectural piece. Besides, it also helps to shape and to found architectural environment. Historical parts of the old cities have some kind of urban pattern, which have been influenced by geographical and general climate effects. At the hot climates, the places where the sunny days cover the greater part of the year, street dimensions help buildings to cast shadow. On the other side, in temperate or coolclimates, it is seen that the buildings are all located seperately, to gain as much sunlight as they may receive. Thus, in the Chapter 3, the importance of the daylight and how it effects the urban area as an illuminance source which is used to gain light from top, has mentioned. Also some cases and examples were given to explain the condition of urban life under sunlight. Skylighting can be used as not only for illuminating the spaces but also some other specific purposes. In the Chapter 4, some basic information about the use of skylighting and the mutual change in the properties of both daylight which arrives to the eye and the surfaces' own, has given. In the same chapter, also widespread methods of skylighting use and innovative methods were included. Widespread methods are the ones which are coming from the architectural illuminating history, generally. However it can be seen that some innovative products and skylighting structures also appear in the past. Today's innovative designs are often leaned on the technological advances. This advances caused that; many industrial items, products and structures can be produced less expensive, more safe and suitably enlarged or minimized enough to use. Even some new materials such as light but sturdy alloys, can be used in the construction. Some extraordinary structures can be built, by the way. In all architectural daylight usage cases, daylight has to pass through the closed space's boundaries. This is generally, the wall. Light can pass through the gases, liquids and other solid elements and alloys which are called as transparent. For ages, people used holes on the shell of the building to acquire daylight. After the use of glass became widespread, several window designs appeared. Daylight passes from the glazed or non glazed openings on the structure, and after several reflections, reaches to the user of the inner space. To use daylight and sunlight in architecture, the rays arriving directly or reflected should be not prevented. Walls are boundaries of the closed spaces and they may prevent many external effects, sunlight, too. They can have windows and doors as holes to provide some kinds of relationship between inner and outer spaces. The main purposes for a window to be built are: To allow some amount of sunlight to pass through, just in to the rooms, to ventilate the air and to provide the view of the street for the occupants. The location of windows, may cause the change some of transmitted daylight's character and some of its effects. Also the shape of the window and the material which is used in glazing affects the properties of transmitted daylight. The windows that are placed on or near to the roof generally called as“skylight”or“rooflight”. This rooflights, sometimes cover the whole roof. Windows are generally designed on the wall. Because of that, they also called as“side windows”. Side windows are reliable to versatile use, meanwhile rooflights are generally designed to carry on more special tasks. Rooflights may differ in their shape, related with the building's activity. Factories generally have slightly sloped roofs with lanterns or sawtooth shaped roofs. This lanterns are useful designs to have sunlight reflected; besides, sawtooth roofs' glazed XIsides are generally turned to northern sky to have quite uniform illumination. Some windows, extend upwards and continue over the roof. This kind of uses are seen in the cases that provide some scene for the users, while lighting the space. In some shopping malls and cultural buildings, fully glazed roofs can be seen. This glazing, may be on a slightly sloped terrace or steel construction pieces. Daylight, differs in its effects, by the windows' shape, size and location on the building. This different effects are also related with the function of building and how it is desired to be lighted. If any special daylighting method is not used, daylight possibly will vary in its directions. If there is an unwanted situation caused by this variation; some rooflighting applications can be used to minimize this variation. Because of that, in many countries, daylight is accepted as the main natural light. Illuminating certain places is done by the projection of light, with the use of some specially designed windows. Projection of daylight is hard with ordinary window designs and locations. The window openings on thick walls, light wells or some highly located glazed lines over the walls are good solutions for the matter of daylight projection. Light is to be distributed by reflections, also. Every reflection lowers the density of light; then, contrasts between directly illuminated objects and the others are softened, gradually. Daylight can be used for some purposes other than illuminating. A rooflight design which is similar to one used for illumination in an exhibition center while expressing the meeting sense; can be used in a house also, again for lighting purposes while providing privacy. When sunlight is projected to a certain place, spot or line; it is also possible to point, to express or to bound the target area; either with the dense light, or with the shadow. Sometimes, artificial lighting is used with daylight use. This is preferred when the amount of daylight appear not enough. Such coordinated uses are called as“Permanent Supplementary Artificial Lighting Interiors”(PSALI). Daylight has its own problems, besides artificial light spends energy continously. When the two different method used together for covering their mates' weaknesses; results may be very good. The illuminating effect and the other effects of the daylight may change with the properties of the surface, which it iluminates. Daylight has many different rays at different wavelengthes. Only a small scale of the whole spectrum of wavelengthes, is visible. That scale has the colored lights, ranging from purple to red. Color of an object is related with the surface of that object. If something appears yellow, this means that the surface reflects dominantly the rays which has the wavelengths equal to the color effect“yellow”. Brightness and the color of an object related with these events: How does the light reflect ? What are the covering elements of the surface ? In which form does the element last ? What texture does the object have ? xnIn the closed spaces, the illuminating effect of the daylight changes with the circumstances, which have been just mentioned above. How much are the reflectivity of floor's, wall's, ceiling's, furnitures' and the other items' surfaces; interior illuminance increases. Light absorbing surfaces such as the dark colors or woven textures, reflect much lesser than the other surfaces. When such materials are used in rooms' furniture, interior illuminance decreases, because interior illuminance greatly depends on the inner surfaces' reflectivity rate. Using the reflectivity of the surfaces, some special effects can be sought. Actually, by this method, people's sensitivity and reactions are used by the designers. The users are greatly influenced by the illuminance of the environment. The level of the illuminance must be adjusted according to the spatial activity, related objects' and the details' visibility. If the users of the space hardly percept the visual tasks of the space, feasibility in the work decreases. The more the details that a visual task contains, the more illumination is required. The work of surgeons and small machine menders are accepted to be of visual tasks of this kind. However, this generalization is not valid for every work. Project drawing or work of a tailor, has also details; but generally these works last for hours. In the case of having high levels of illumination for long hours, the standards of the work probably will rise. This situation, causes exhaustion in users' eyes and their attention at work decreases, also. Skylights have several different uses and effects, depending to their location and to their type. Because of that, this different kind of skylights, can be classified under several titles by considering their characteristics. This classifications are listed in the Chapter 5. Briefly, the titles of these classifications are those: Method based classification Location based classification Usage type based classification Use purpose based classification Building typology based classification Method based classification summarizes the use of daylight as a skylight, barely or not. If a designer, wants to use skylight as only natural lighting; that must be suitable and architectural space's use period is limited with the daytime. However, today, nearly the whole designs cooperated with the artifical lighting. Because, buildings, especially other than houses, are used through the nighttime. Besides, some special effects of the atmosphere and the weather conditions, there may be some changes in the quality of illumination of the inner space. Location based classification, gives information about the skylight locations in different designs. Skylights may be located over terrace roofs, pitched roofs, sawtoothed factory roofs, steel construction roofs and the skylights that expand from the top to the facades of buildings. Usage type differences can be summarized in three divisions. Each divisions contain opposite usage types in its own. These are determined conditions, such as local vs. xmwidespread use; continous steady effect use vs. changing with the time use; direct use vs. indirect or reflected use. Use purpose based classification title, collects three different use purposes other than most famous illumination purpose. These are expressing the location, form and boundary limiting; expressing the social senses such as meeting or being personal and private. Skylight use can be used to provide enormously different goals. This is generally caused by the functional changes from one building type to the other. Main types are mentioned in the research. These are houses, religious buildings, schools, hospitals, office buildings, sport complexes and some public buildings such as museums and galleries. Skylighting use in houses, generally decided by the real user of the space. If the owner of the house demands such facility from the designer; than such skylights are installed. Often, the use purposes, rely upon the personal needs and desire to provide daylight illumination without lose privacy at any rate. The other types of buildings generally include this facilities, in order to provide direct daylight illumination. Besides, some architectural spaces use the effect of skylight for strong expressions. The religious places from west world is a good example to this kind of use. Museums which contain some special materials, also have some special reflectors to prevent solar harassment. Daylight is wanted in the architectural spaces, due to its importance on human psychology. However, to stay away from some of its side effects, it is often tried to obtain, as reflected. Sports buildings, museums, office buildings are from this kind. Daylight is not only the best illuminance source in specific places, besides considered to be a serious necessity. A good example can be given from patient examination or anaesthesia rooms, daylight is the most wanted light source. This may be lethal, not only most wanted. Because changes in the color of the skin, which is happened, after anaesthesia, often shows the reaction of patient to the chemical treatments. Daylight has very positive psychological effects on the users of space. For many person, sun and an open sky remind happiness; morning sun is symbolized for a new day; downing sun gives some kind of sadness. Some more such judgements; effect the daily life, even sometimes make changes. With the use of the daylight, some senses expressed in the architectural space. Because of such properties, designers especially use daylight in architectural spaces. Daylighting design is a progress. Some results and suggestions are listed in the conclusion chapter. The whole classifications and suggestions may be useful to the designers. Designers choose appropriate solutions for specific problems and needs, coming from user or the environment. The differences in needed materials and financial costs according to happen skylights location, type, size and function; may appear according to the designers desires and decisions. xiv
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