Boşluklu dalga klavuzunda SH dalgası saçılımı
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 75065
- Tez Türü: Doktora
- Konular: İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1998
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Mekanik Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 111
ÖZET Elastik ortamda, düzlem SH dalgalarının saçılım ve kırınım problemi mühendislik çalışmalarında oldukça önemlidir. Yapının ömrü boyunca düşünülen güvenlik ve kalite kontrolü için, süreksizliklerin yapıyı bozmadan belirlenmesi son derece önemlidir. Geçmişte, süreksizliklerden dalga saçılımı ve kırınımım içeren çalışmaların çoğu ya tam uzay yada yarım uzay için yapılmıştır. Yaklaşık yöntemler, keyfi süreksizliklerden elastik dalganın saçılımını ve kırınımını incelemek için güçlü bir araç ise de, basit durumların kesin çözümleri ile yaklaşık çözümlerin duyarlılığını denetlemek ve problemin fiziksel niteliklerine uygunluğunu göstermede oldukça önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, iki paralel düzlemle sınırlı, diğer iki yönde sonsuza giden ve bir dairesel veya eliptik oyuk içeren elastik ortamda SH dalgası saçılımı ve kırınımının kapalı ve sayısal çözümü, dalga fonksiyonlarına açılım ve imge yöntemi kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Sayısal yöntem olarak ağırlıklı artık yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bilindiği gibi, dalga kılavuzu iki yüzeye sahip olduğundan, dalga süreksizlikten saçılarak ve yüzeylerden yansıyarak sonsuza gitmektedir. Gelen dalga için göz önünde bulundurulan denklem otomatik olarak yüzeydeki sınır koşullarını sağlamaktadır. Bu dalga oyuk yüzeyine çarptıktan sonra saçılacak ve iki serbest yüzeyden yansıyacaktır. Artık bu dalgalar sınır koşullarını sağlamayacaktır. İlk olarak, dalga kılavuzunun alt ve üst yüzeylerden dolayı oluşan saçılan dalgalar için imge yöntemi kullanılarak serbest yüzeydeki sınır koşulları sağlatılmıştır. Daha sonra, toplam yer değiştirme alanında bulunan bilinmeyen katsayılar oyuk yüzeyindeki sınır koşulunu sağlayacak şekilde bulunmuştur. Burada incelenen saçılım ve kırınım probleminde, değişik frekanslara göre dalga kılavuzunun üst yüzey genlikleri, oyuk çevresindeki dinamik gerilme yığılmaları, saçılan dalgaların açısal dağılımı ve toplam gücü hesaplanmıştır. Sınır koşulları deliğin yakın dolayında, uzak bölgelere göre daha iyi sağlandığı gözlenmiştir. Bu durum, Bessel fonksiyonlarının özelliklerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Büyük argümanlarda yani uzak bölgelerde, veya yüksek frekanslarda doğru sonuca ulaşmak için fazla terim almak gerekmektedir. Fakat kritik durumlar deliğin yakın çevresinde olacağından bu bölgede problemi incelemek yeterli olmaktadır. XI
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY SCATTERING OF SH WAVES BY A CAVITY IN A WAVEGUIDE In an elastic medium, the problem of scattering and diffraction of plane SH waves by discontinuities are fairly well-known in the engineering works. For quality control and for assuring safety during the service life of the structure, these discontinuities must be detected non - destructively. Once discontinuities are detected, estimation of the resulting stiffness reduction is also very important to determine the serviceability of the structure. In this thesis, the scattering of SH waves by a cavity in an elastic waveguide that is bounded by two parallel planes v = hi, - ti2, extends to infinity in the ±(x,z) directions is considered ( Figure 1 ). In the problem, there are multiple scattered waves by a cavity and two parallel planes respectively, so it is difficult to form the mathematical model. For scattered waves by a cavity in the full-space, a well - known method of solution is given in[121, pp.1 1 1-140]. The idea of source image is given with respect to the two free surfaces[l 18, pp. 1 12-1 13]. The time harmonic SH - waves propagating in an infinite plate of thickness H, having shear modulus u and density p are considered. Figure 1. A schematic diagram of the problem geometry.where h1 and -h2 are the ordinates of the upper surface and the bottom surface respectively. p is the wave propagation direction, and w(x,y) is the wave amplitude in the z direction. Two coordinate systems are required: A plane cartesian coordinate system and a plane polar coordinate system as shown in ( Fig. 1 ). The z - axis may be assumed to be perpendicular to the plane defined by the two coordinate systems. The excitation of the waveguide, w(1), is defined as a steady state set of plane SH waves with constant frequency a>, and the motion is in the z direction. It may be expressed as it is shown below [119, pp. 209-210]:... i(krcos(Q - )-e>t) w0) =2wQe 2 (1) The superscript ( * ) is indicating an incident wave in equation (1). Waves given by equation (1) may be generated by both tangential forces distributed over a large plane ( plane source ) located far from the cylinder. 2 w0 is constant amplitude in equation(l). The wavelength equals to X = 2k /k, where k = co/cs. Incident plane SH - waves are scattered by the cavity and then scattered waves are reflected by the surfaces. The total displacement field in the plate is a superposition of incident and scattered waves and must satisfy the following wave equation : d2w law 1 d2w 1 â2w - r + + ~T - r=- r - r (2) dr2 rdr r2 d62 c2 ât2 here cs=*[up is the shear wave velocity [120, pp. 889-902]. The displacement and the stress - field satisfy respectively the boundary conditions on the two surfaces and on the cavity surface: aw,-*,.-*, = <>. (3) trz=^ = 0, (4) on i.e aw 1 aw dr r r 36 9 0,where n=nr er +n0eQ = unit normal at the surface of the cylindrical cavity, nr and n o being, respectively, the radial and angular components of the unit normal. The sum of incident, w (i), and scattered,w( * }+ w (* s),waves in the waveguide are shown by w = w(i) + w{s) + w{ss) (5) and shear - stress field of the displacements is as follows t rz = rz' t rz' * rz. (P) Assume the existence of waves scattered by the cavity as shown wis)= YiHl)(kr)(Amcosm9+ Bmsmm0). (7) m=0 where Am and Bm are arbitrary constants, mt“ ' represents outgoing scattered waves satisfying the Sommerfield radiation condition. The time factor, exp ( -/ w t ), is implied and omitted in these and latter formulations. Scattered waves, w (is), are similar to scattered waves w (s) as naturally. For satisfiying the surface boundary conditions (3), The solution method given below is used. Satisfiying the equation (3), the idea of imaging primary cavity, which corresponds to the source,with respect to traction free surfaces can also be used to determine the Green's function. In this case we take the image of the primary cavity with respect to both y = h\ and y- -hi. The image wiht respect toy= -h2 destroys, however, the symmetry of the primary cavity and its image with respect to y = hi, and we thus must add another cavity in the region y > h\ to restore symmetry. The system of cavities must, however, also again be symmetric with respect to y = - hi, which establishes the need for another cavity at y < - hi,whereupon an additional source must be applied at y > hi, and so forth. It is concluded that an infinite number of cavities is needed to satisfy the conditions of equation (3). At a point h1>y>-h2, an infinite sequence of signals is observed. The signals, (w (ss)), are interpreted as the XIVprimary signal and subsequent reflections from the two free surfaces. The cavities and the pattern of waves are shown in fig.2. 24> T h, + 2 h2 Figure 2. Cavity model with image. Ultimately, we have a solution depending on a series. We find the amplitude image cavities as follows : w(^>=w(sO(rxQx)=YjHl'(krx)(AmcosmQx + BmsininQx) ro=0 CO W(V> = W(V > (,.., Gi, ) = £ //#(*/¦,. ){Am cos «G,. + Bm sin «9,. ) m=0 w^)=w(i2)(r2^2) = X//il)(Â:r2)(^mcosm^ + 5msinmö2) m=0 W Cv.) (a,.) = ws>-J(r2.,Qr ;= £ //i'V^2- ;r^C05m62. + Bmsinm%Y ) m=0 XVFor the cavities of the upper surface, the solutions are 00 CO w = Jm (£r)£ \{Alld + Almd ) cos m0 + (;”[*(/># +2/*2)k «=0 oo“+m **=£(-!) Pm'nHpH + 2h2)]Bn »=o and for m = 0, 1, 2,..., and d= 2, 4, 6,..., >c =î(-ı) ni^k 4L=£(-i) Ck^k 00 ”+1 4L=£(-i) M^#k «=0 GO m + 1 _ (10b) XVIwhere «£,)=¦ ^i(Q) i-iYH^c,) (11) Form=0, Sq=\ andm>l, fib =2 where,p=j - 1, i/= h\+h2,h\=su,h\=shj and if= a w (1+ 1/s ). and“ u ”and“ s ”are real coefficients, u represents the ratio of the cavity radius“ a ”to the distance from which the center to upper surface, s represents the ratio of the distance h\ to the distance hi. For combining of incident waves to scattered waves, incident waves are written as a cosine series as follows: w(/)=2exp /ikrcosfe--] (12) w(/) =2^ emimJm (kr\ cosmö cosw - + sin m - sin mQ m=0 (13) Finally, whole displacement field is given by w = 2]T s m i m Jm {kr\ cosmd cos h sin s'mm9 + ^ [H^ {kr\Am cosm m=0 J m=0 Bmsmm6] + Jm(kr)J%l^ + ALmd):osm+{Bumd + BLmd\mme\\ d=\ (14) When eq(14) is substituted into eq(4), following equations are found ( for circular cavity in eq(4), n& equals to zero and nr equals to one): f\ 2eJmJm(kr)cos^Hİ\kr)Am + Jm(kr)±(A»d+A^ \'»=0 m=0 *¦ (19a) d=\ ±\ 2sJmJm(kr^m^Hİ\kr)Bm + Jm(kr)fj(Bumd+BLmd) |'“=0 (19b) m=0 rf=l where, a is the radius of the cavity and I |° represents the derivate with respect to r.Solving these two equations, Am and Bm are determined. Am and Bm are the constant coefficients. If the coefficients are substituted into equation (14), the total displacement field is obtained. The problem is evaluated for circular and elliptic cavity by using weighted residual method. In this method, the result is assembled in the weighted residual form as follows for r=r{0): Jw/O'.eJW +*(*) +t(ss)] dQ, for /=0, 1, 2,..., (20) for appropriate choice of the weight functions w/ (r, 6), where /(') is the stress field with respect to incident waves, t(s)+t(ss) is the stress field with respect to scattered waves and w1(r,Q) are the weight functions. The weight functions selected for this case were cos 10 and sinW, as in Manoogian [132]. Other weight functions were tested though solutions using the functions described earlier resulted in solutions that converged for / >1 1 or more for the high- frequency solutions. It was found that weight functions H^(kr)coslQ and H^(kr)sin10 yielded solutions that converged, although higher-order terms in the coefficient matrix tended to become very large. Weight functions Jt(kr)cosl6 and J,(kr)smW were tried, but the results were not consistent, because the coefficent matrix tended to be ill- conditioned. The weighted residual forms are assembled into the following matrix form: Am B”g, (21) The matrix Aim is a matrix of coefficients from scattered and reflected portion of the weighted residual expressions (20), gi is a portion of the weighted residual expression developed from the excitation; and Am and Bm are unknown coefficients. Finally after calculating Am and Bm, surface displacement amplitudes on the upper surface, stress-fields around the cavity, dynamic stress concentration factors around cavity and scattered waves are obtained for the closed form solutions. After that, the surface displacement amplitudes on the upper surface and dynamic stress concentration factors around cavity are obtained for the arbitrary cavities by weighted residual method.
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