Geri Dön

Taşıyıcı sistem bakımından farklı 2 yapının yatay yükler etkisindeki davranışlarının incelenmesi (10 ve 15 kat için)

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 75128
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. ZEKİ HASGÜR
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1998
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: İnşaat Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Yapı Analizi ve Boyutlandırma Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 150


ÖZET TAŞIYICI SİSTEM BAKIMINDAN FARKLI 2 YAPININ YATAY YÜKLER ETKİSİNDEKİ DAVRANIŞLARININ İNCELENMESİ (10 VE 15 KAT İÇİN) Bu çalışmada, taşıyıcı sistem bakımından farklı 2 yapının yatay yükler etkisindeki davranışları 10 katlı ve 15 katlı binalar için incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, betonarme çok katlı yapılarda uygulanan taşıyıcı sistemlerden, Tünel kalıp Sistemler ile Perde-çerçeve sistemler ele alınmıştır. Örnek olarak alınan 2 taşıyıcı sistemin, kullanım alanı ve mimari nitelikler gibi diğer özellikleri değiştirilmemiş, böylece hangi taşıyıcı sistemin hangi durumlarda kullanılmasının daha elverişli olduğu araştırılmıştır. Hesaplamalar yapılırken ilk olarak Rayleıgh oranıyla yapının 1. Doğal titreşim periyodu yaklaşık olarak bulunmuş daha sonra çerçeve kesme kuvvetlerinden yararlanarak ve dinamik deprem analizleri yapılarak, binadaki taşıyıcı sistemlerin karşıladığı yatay yükler ve bu yüklerin katlarda ortaya çıkardığı yer değiştirmeler ile çerçeve iç kuvvetleri hesaplanmıştır. Sağlıklı bir karşılaştırma yapılabilmesi amacıyla da farklı iki yapı sisteminde boyut, yer ve diğer özellikleri değişmeyen 2 perdenin (Pl ve P5 Perdeleri) zemin katı için kesit zorlan hesaplanıp kıyaslanmıştır. (Bölüm 7.3.) Ayrıca 4 farklı yapı sisteminin beton, donatı ve kalıp maliyetleri hesaplanmış, birim beton miktarı ve birim kullanım alanı için hesaplanan bu maliyetler karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçta, incelenen 2 sistemden (Tünel Kalıp Sistem ve Perde-Çerçeve Sistem) hangisinin yatay yükler etkisinde hangi bakımdan daha elverişli olacağı araştırılmış ve elde edilen değerler Bölüm 7 deki tablolarda gösterilmiştir. ıx

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY THE COMPARISON OF THE BEHAVIOUR OF TWO BUILDINGS, DIFFERENT IN STRUCTURAL SYSTEM UNDER EARTHQUAKE FORCES ( FOR 10 AND 15 STOREYS) It is the most important point for civil engineering to determine the kind of structural system of a building at designing stage of project for civil engineering. When we project a structural system of building, we should take care of horizontal forces at least as much as we take care of vertical forces, especially for high buildings. Because for example after 22 m.of height horizontal forces become more important than vertical forces. The population in metropolises is increasing day by day, although building areas are very restricted. People also want to make their buildings higher for prestige. Because of some reasons like that the building of high constructions is increasing nowadays. The behaviours of frames and shear walls under earthquake forces were examined in this study. Under horizontal forces, the sliding type of displacements occurs at frames, although the bending type of displacements occurs at shear walls. But if we use these two systems together in designing for earthquake resistance, optimum benefit can be obtained. If a structural system is designed with only frames, maximum displacements of storeys occur approximately at the middle storey of building as seen in Figure l.a But if a structural system is designed with only shear walls maximum displacements and forces occur approximately at the top storey of building as seen in Figure I.e. Also we can easily see in Figure l.c that the optimum benefits (like minimum displacements, minimum forces) can be taken by using these two systems together in our project.Figure La Figure l.b Figure l.c In this study only shear walls in the first example and frames with shear walls in the second example were used. Displacements after calculations showed in Figure 2 The area of building and architectural properties are the same for both examples. The properties of ground and geologic movement are also the same. First, the displacements of storeys determined by using Mohr method. Then the first natural vibration period was calculated approximately by using Rayleigh method. The effects of earthquake were calculated with two methods. The first one is the static method (under the static loads). In this method, horizontal forces were determined in relation to the weight of building, ground conditions and geological properties of the area. With the help of these these static horizontal forces we can calculate displacements and the period of building for each storey. Second method is the dynamic method (Under the dynamic loads like earthquake, wind...). In this method we used real earthquake data. We used DINAR 1995 Earthquake data in this study. Different results were obtained from calculations as seen in Table 1 and shown in Figure 2. XITABLE 1 Comparison of two systems d (m.) = Total storey displacements. As a result we can easily understand from Table 1 and Figure 2 that shear wall systems have more displacement than shear-frame systems at the top points of building, although shear-frame system buildings have more displacements at the middle storeys of the building. Because the shear-frame buildings are more rigid for each storey and more ductile than shear wall buildings. If we take care of the ductility of buildings we can prefer shear wall system buildings then shear-frames. We should use enough stirrups for that, especially at the connection points of frames. Some spaces in shear walls (like door and window spaces) can also make our building so ductile. But we should also take care of the designing stage of project, the speed, the quality and the cost of building. As we see in Chapter 7.4, the cost of shear wall buildings is higher than shear-frame buildings. But the speed of building is lower than shear-frames and in a long-term, these ones will be cheaper. XllDISPLACEMENTS IN X DIRECTION ( BUILDING WITH 15 STOREYS) 45,00 40,00 35,00 30,00 I 25.°° 1 9 2. 20,00 15,00 10,00 5,00 Shear-Wall i Shear-Frame 0,00 -\ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 0,000 0,005 0,010 0,015 0,020 0,025 0,030 0,035 0,040 0,045 0,050 Displacements Figure 2 Displacements of storeys for buddings with 15 storeys. XIII99 9* ti' T9 If- 9e 2£ 09 0* Şekil 3 10 Katlı Perde-Çerçeve Sistem l.Kat Planı XIVX 06 8T 688T 888T r- 06B1: 689T 06»T 0621 68ZT 88ZT 680T 880T Z.80T 688 £88 069 689 889 £89 06» 68» 88» £8» 06Z 68Z 88Z £8Z 988T m 988T 989T m S89T 98*1 in sen »8»t 98ZT m S8ZI »8ZI 9801 »801 988 »88 989 »89 98», 98Z »8» »8Z ?881 £891 £8»T E8ZT £801 £88 £89 £8» £8Z 68 88 £8 98 »8 Şekil 4 10 Katlı Perde-Çerçeve Sistem E aksı düşey kesit XVX 20 JJ&S 80/90 SI _50/90 S3 80/80 S2 M lo &/S0 1/50 S 3 M K £ £ n 258 « 20 S2 50/50.ffi/so j-P İP3 255 « 2d VSO « M S 8 2 S1 i/ao iffl» 8/ao 0/90 S2 ^50/50 I I i 1M0 £ P1 342 % 20 tfg HİS JJIo/ao.50/30 P1 342 » 20 0/80 S6 50/50 S3 Jso/so »5 I 225 © © © © © © © 3 s © © © © © © © O SEKİL 6 PERDE-CERCEVE SİSTEM KALIP PLANI XVII® ©- © - ©- i © ®. P2 Q ® ® © © MLL. _J!S_ m I a» 228 PI P4| PI a P4 P0 P3 P11 I s P»3 P* P12 P12 P13 »15 j 327.6 P9 PI -® ® İP4 P3 pn P2 f*|P12 P12 P11 P4 © ® © -© © © ® © ©- ©- ©- P2 PS I P3 P4 PI -*i- P9 i£SL P10 P3 P10 »7.9 SIS f M» ! as» 1 ^28 i - -mî - r s-f^ P2 P9 P4 P1 © © ® ® ® © © ® SEKİL 7 TÜNEL KALIP SİSTEM PLANI XVIII

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