Düşey kanallarda doğal ısı taşınımı
Free convection in vertical tubes
- Tez No: 83042
- Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. A. FERİDUN ÖZGÜÇ
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1999
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Makine Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 155
DÜŞEY KANALLARDA DOĞAL ISI TAŞINIMI ÖZET Yapı teknolojisinde enerji ekonomisi; enerji savurganlığı önlenmemiş yapılarda düşünülemez. Bu nedenle öncelikli olarak yapılarda savurganlığa sebep olan tedbirlerin alınması ve tüketiminin kabul edilebilir sınırlara çekilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu anafikirden yola çıkılarak yapılan çalışmada; kalorifer kanallarında en küçük hacim ve en az malzeme kullanılarak, sıcaklık farklarının uygun değerlerde seçilmesiyle en fazla ısı geçişinin elde edilmesi incelenmiştir. Bölüm l'de pratik uygulamalarda binalarda ve üretim sahalarında ısıtıcı elemanlar olarak kullanılan elemanlar özetlenmiş, bu elemanların çalışma prensipleri uygulama sahaları ve optimum düzeyde kullanım özelliklerinden bahsedilmiştir. Bölüm 2'de Doğal Isı Taşınımının teorik özeti verilmiştir. Daha sonra düşey ve yatay düzlemlerde doğal taşınımı ile ısı geçişinin formülasyonu teorik olarak gösterildikten sonra düşey yüzeylerde farklı akış kesitleri incelenmiştir. Bu bölümde Elenbaas tarafından başlatılan ve bu referansa dayanarak düzeltmeler yapılan çalışmalar ele alınmıştır. Kalorifer radyatörü olarak kullanılan profillerde ortak özelliğin doğal ısı taşınımı ve paralel akış olması ve bu profillerin ekseriyetle düşey bir su kanalı ve buna bağlı düşey düz levha, düşey kanat, U-kanal gibi değişik akış kesitli kanallardan meydana gelmesi yapılan pratik çalışmanın Bölüm 2'de anlatılan Elenbaas'ın teorik çalışmaları ile ilişkilendirilmesini sağlamıştır Bölüm 3'te optimum ısı geçişi ve optimum ısı taşınım katsayısı Bölüm 2'deki formüllerden faydalanılarak bir program ile hesaplatılmıştır. Bu program ileride yapılacak pratik çalışmalarda kesit ve boyut seçimine bağlı olarak elde edilecek ısı geçişinin kolaylıkla görülmesi için kullanılabilecek şekildedir Bölüm 4'te bilinen ısı geçiş formülleri ile kare ve dikdörtgen kesitte iç ısı taşınımı. dış ısı taşınımı ve ısı iletimi yollarıyla meydana gelen toplam ısı geçişi belirlenmiştir. Bu formülasyon yardımıyla, kanallar değişik geometrik konfigürasyonlarla düzenlenerek ısı geçişinin arttırılması hedeflenmiştir. Bu çalışmada aynı zamanda toplam ısı geçişinin birim kütlede ve birim boydaki değerleri bulunmuştur. Daha sonra tasarlanan kanal için bir program yazdırılmış ve bu program vasıtasıyla çeşitli boyutlarda, değişik sıcaklıklarda değerler elde edilerek dağılım bir grafik üzerinde gösterilmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu bölümde, birim malzeme miktarından geçen ısı ile toplam ısı geçişinin maksimum olduğu boyut uzunluklarının aynı değerlerde olmadığı görülmüş ve kullanıcının tercihine göre seçim yapılması gerektiği gösterilmiştir. Bu konuda daha sonradan yapılacak çalışmalara yardımcı olacağı umuduyla elde edilen sonuçlar ve yapılan öneriler çalışmanın sonuna eklenmiştir. XII
Özet (Çeviri)
FREE CONVECTION IN VERTICAL TUBES SUMMARY In production and use of energy, energy economy must be examined completely. But in building technology, energy economy can not be considered if there is energy waste. So that; we must first take some pre-cautions to prevent the wastefulness in buildings and draw the consumption back to the accepted limits. Heating in buildings is a need of humanbeing since 14. century. In these centuries, heating was made locally. But in 18. century, in Rome, first central heating is used in heating water in bath. In 1900, first central city heating is built. Today heating systems are modernized but our target is to decrease the costs of systems and operation. To reach our objective, we can make some developments on the equipments of heating systems such as boilers, heat exchangers, heating elements, valves, pipes, automotic control systems etc. In this thesis, we will examine the ' Free Convection in vertical cross-sections'. In application, we can apply it to the heating elements in radiators. As we know, the heat transfer in radiators are realized by free convection. As a result of this theoretical research, we can try to optimize the cross-section of the radiator profile which the fluid passes to supply the maximum heat transfer with minimum material. If we can succeed, we can save energy and we can draw the costs back. First of all, it is necessary to learn the theory of free convection. We can call the heat transfer as in forced convection, in which the fluid motion was imposed externally by a fan, a blower, or a pump. Also in some situations convective motion is set up within the fluid without a forced velocity. Consider, for example, a hot plate placed vertically in a body of fluid at rest, which is at a uniform temperature lower than that of plate. Heat transfer will take place first by pure conduction, and a temperature gradient will be established in the fluid. The temperaturevariation within the fluid will generate a density gradient which ina gravitational field, will give rise, in turn, to a convective motion as a result of buoyancy forces. The fluid motion set up as a result of the buoyancy force is called free convection, or natural convection. Energy transfer by free convection arises in many engineering applications, such as a hot stream radiator for heating a room, refrigeration coils, transmission lines, electric transformers, and heating elements. Free-convection currents also can be set up at high speed rotation in which temperature gradients alter the density in the presence of centrifugal body forces.This results because the magnitude of the body force due to centrifugal effects is proportional to the fluid density. XIIIBuoyancy-induced flows in water are in evidence in nature also. For example, short- term circulations of water due to the solar heating and the seasonal thermal inversion of lakes are buoyancy-induced free-convection motions. The analysis of free convection is a complicated matter. To provide some insight to the physical significance of the factors affecting heat transfer by free convection, the dimensionless parameters of free convection must be discussed. To develop the principal dimensionless parameters of free convection, we consider free convection on a vertical plate. For simplicity in the analysis, we assume the boundary-layer flow is steady and laminar; the viscous-energy dissipation term in the energy equation can be neglected because of the small flow velocities associated with free convection. Then the governing continuity, momentum, and energy equations are obtained du ev - + - = 0 ax dy cu cu c u u - + v- = g0(T-TJ + v-T ex dy cy~ oT dT d2T u - + v - = a - r- dx dy dy To determine the dimensionless parameters that govern heat transfer in free convection, we need to nondimensionalize the above governing equations. The following dimensionless parameters are defined: x = ± r = > u = ± v = ± e = l^- L I U“ U T-T Here L is a characteristic length, U0 is a reference velocity, Tw is the wall surface temperature, and the Tx is the fluid temperature at a far distance from the hot plate. With these new variables: r ? ? du dV n Contınuıtv: + - = 0 dX BY L,dU iVdU = gfi(T,-T,)L0i 1 d2U x Momentum: cX cY U: Re dY~ w,d0 t.d9 \ d20 Energy: ü - + I - = 7 BX BY Re.Prar- XIVHere the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers are defined as; v a The dimensionless group in the momentum equation can be rearranged as; gfi(Tw-Ta)L gfiL\Tw-TJ/v2 _ Gr U] {LUJvf Re2 where the Grashof number Gr is defined as Cr __gflÛ(Tu-TJ v2 The Grashof number represents the ratio of buoyancy force to the viscous force acting on the fluid. We recall that in forced convection, the Reynolds number represents the ratio of the inertial to viscous forces acting on the fluid. Therefore, the Grashof number in the free convection plays the same role as the Reynolds number in forced convection. Equations Continuity and Energy imply that when the effects of free and forced convection are of comparable magnitude, the Nusselt number depends on Re, Pr, and Gr:.Yw = /(Re,Gr,Pr) The parameter Gr/Re2 is a measure of the relative importance of free convection in relation to forced convection. When Gr/Re”s 1, free and forced convection are of the same order of magnitude, hence both must be considered. If (Gr/Re2)l, free convection becomes dominant and the Nusselt number depends on Gr and Pr only: A'w = /(Gr,Pr) Sometimes another dimensionless parameter, called Rayleigh number (Ra). which is defined as te=&ft=«*'ft=«*'ff;.-r.> v v~a is used instead of the Grashof number to correlate heat transfer in free convection. For such cases, the equation takes the form Nu = f(Ra,Pr) XVHeat dissipation by free convection in paralel plates can be shown as; ?,.. = - -O...Prt-e-(35*“ak-w'jr Nu ”24 H with the condition C2 x C3 =3/4. We can calculate the heat dissipation of the inner surface of tubes, and as a first example we consider a vertical tube with circular cross- section. In order to derive a formula for the heat dissipation of the inner surface of the tube, we first consider a tube of which the length is large compared with the diameter. In this case the heat dissipation may be calculated in the same way as that in which the heat dissipation of parallel plates was derived. If the distance b between the plates was small compared with the height h. The inner diameter of the tube 2R being small compared with the height h, theflowing medium will over the whole cross-section attain the same temperature as the tube wall. The heat Q dissipated per sec. equals therefore Q = MCPAT“ where M is the mass of the medium flowing throughper sec. and 9W the temperature difference between the tube wall and the medium at the moment of flowing in. As in this case the lifting force is constant over the wholecross-section, the flow in the tube as long as it is laminar is the well known Poisseuille flow. Hence: 8//. dl With dpi dl = -gpw/3ATH and we find; _ nCrr For the case where r is not small compared with h, we write in analogy with paralel plates equation: xr 1 r ^ n d ”,“ Pr)c, f' /Re// We can calculate heat dissipation in per unit of cross-section. To this end we must make h.ÇH AT I A a maximum. Giving the quantities referring to this optimum arrangement the index m, we find (-GrrK.Pr)m=0,72(/Re) ti 4/3 The value of Nu belonging to this value of i~)Grr.. Pr H is: A'tt”=0,385(/Re) 1'3 The we can calculate that:.VMm=0.42(-Grr“Pr) ti 1 '4 Thus, if we draw the line Num = 0,42( - Grr ”Pr)J“ 4, this line intersects the curves 1 H to 6 in the figure below where th cooling per cm2 of cross-section is a maximum. The energy dissipated per cm”of cross-section at the optimum value of r is: Q^ h.ÇHATw\ 0J75.HJcuAT“(fRe) 1 ? XVH1Substituting rm, we have: '&) _0n^^'/2(A7;)3/2.g1/2./g';,2.Prlf2 Mm ' (/Re)wV The cooling at the optimum value of r is therefore better for smaller values of fRe, so that among the above considered shapes of cross-sections the equiteral triangle is the best one. The ratio is (14,2/1 3,3)T= 1,02 and lies therefore within the range of possible errors and is without significance in practice. The cooling with squares is %19 better than with parallel plates, if both the optimum value of r is chosen. Nur,w as a function of (r/h)Grr,w. Pr on double logarithmic scale In this thesis, rectangular cross-sections in different profiles has been calculated. In the chosen profile below, we aim the maximum heat dissipation and minimum material. There is four different cross-section in this profile. If we take one constant dimension, equals to 0,080m. and the other is not constant, we can think the XIXdimensions of cross-sections in the profile as ai,bi - a2,b2 - ai,b2 - a2,b2. Height of the profile is H and the distances between cross-sections ti in the edges and t2 in the middle. We choose the temperature differences is not constant. By using these values, we obtain heat dissipation. If we divide this value to mass (M) or the constant length of the profile (L), we can evaluate the efficiency of profile. t-> 80mm. Rectangular profile Three different types of heat dissipation occur in this profile: ? Heat dissipation in the inner surface of the cross-sections with convection ? Heat dissipation in the outer surface of the profile with convection ? Heat dissipation in the outer surface of the profile with radiation According to these; we can calculate the heat dissipation in the outer surface of the profile with convection as; Qou,er = 0A(g-/?(//l-Ar”Pr)1M^.2.(0,0804- 2/, +/2 +4 +b2)AT We can calculate the heat dissipation in the inner surface of the cross-sections with convection as; If the hvdraulic radii are as below: a.b. a^b. a.b-, ? r = - - - r = a,+/>, a, +b. a, +h ve r4 = a2b2 XXxZuwer (/Re), Ra*. \-e ^<> afo.2(ax+bxf.HAT +. (/Re)2 to' 1-e -."4 a2Z>, 2(a2+btf.HAT 2(a,+b2f.HAT (/Re)4 fla' 1-e -, // + - -C/Re)j( 0.5 : +6, +A)!7? -^] XXIIIf we calculate the heat dissipation per mass; it means QM = - -(W /kg) ; as M M = H.((2ti +/2 +Z>, + 62).0,080-[a1i>1 + a2i>, + fl,i>2 + a2i»2)).2700 a,+6, 0.+6, (/Re) v // -(/RcM 0.5 «^(-^-)'jTPr(-^l-) l-i a-. ?+/>.. l-< a,i>, 2.(a,+k)2JiAT + , +b2) AT öt,= +, +/: + />, + m(7^ -7?] 7/.((2/, + /, + Z>, + A,).0.080-[a1.fc, +O.İ», +0,4 +0,41)2700 XXIllBy using a software program in C++, we can calculate these values in different measurements and take the results below. 75 ı 70 65 | 60 E 55 O I 45 40 35 30 Qtop(W) Qm(W/kg) 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,08 bb(m) Total heat dissipation and total heat dissipation in unit mass per length of profile XXIV
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