Geri Dön

TBDY-2018 ile DBYBHY-2007 yönetmelik hükümlerine göre Yalova ili özelinde tasarımı yapılan binaların davranışlarının ve performanslarının incelenmesi

Investigation of the behavior and performance of buildings designed specifically for Yalova province according to TBDY-2018 and DBYBHY-2007 regulations

  1. Tez No: 905250
  3. Danışmanlar: DR. ÖĞR. ÜYESİ NECATİ MERT
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2024
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: Sakarya Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Yapı Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 367


Bu tez çalışmasında, TBDY-2018 ile DBYBHY-2007 tasarım hükümlerine göre Yalova ilinde yapıldığı kabul edilen yapıların, döşeme sistemi, kat sayısı ve yerel zemin sınıfları değiştirilerek STA4CAD betonarme yapısal analiz paket programında yapıların, davranışları ve TBDY-2018 performans kriterlerine göre deprem performansları değerlendirilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarından elde edilen yapı doğal titreşim periyotları, taban kesme kuvvetleri, etkin göreli kat ötelemelerinin her iki yönetmeliğe göre beton ve donatı miktarı üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Daha sonra davranışları değerlendirilen yapıların, TBDY-2018 performans kriterlerine göre performans değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Bu amaçlar doğrultusunda öncelikle, TBDY-2018'e eklenen ve değiştirilen hususlar ile asmolen ve kirişli döşeme sistemleri için taşıyıcı sistem seçimi ile birlikte depreme dayanıklı yapı tasarımı ilkeleri doğrultusunda taşıyıcı sistemin taşıması gereken nitelikler ve yapıların deprem performansı açısından yapı davranışını olumsuz yönde etkileyen yapımından uzak durulması gereken düzensizlikler verilmiştir. Daha sonra TBDY-2018 ile DBYBHY-2007 yönetmeliklerindeki hesap yöntemlerindeki farklılıklar ortaya konulmuştur. Davranışları değerlendirilen yapıların, TBDY-2018 performans kriterlerine göre deprem performansını değerlendirmesini belirlemek için ilk olarak TBDY-2018'deki beton ve donatıdaki birim şekil değiştirme sınırları ve buna bağlı olarak kesit hasarı bölgeleri verilmektedir. Daha sonra binaların deprem performanslarını belirlemek için tasarım yaklaşımları; DGT yaklaşımı ve ŞGDT yaklaşımı verilmiştir. Ortak bir mimari plan üzerinde çalışmak için mimari plan oluşturulmuştur. Kat sayısı, yerel zemin sınıfı ve döşeme sistemlerini değiştirilerek ilgili olduğu yönetmelikteki sınırları sağlatılarak yapıların davranışları incelenmiştir. Analizler ışığında elde edilen bulgular tablo ve grafiklerde karşılaştırmalı olarak gösterilerek her iki yönetmelik için değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalar kapsamında, TBDY-2018'de zorunlu hale getirilen etkin kesit rijitlikler ile birlikte yapıların davranışını büyük ölçüde değiştirdiği ve buna bağlı olarak TBDY-2018'e göre tasarımı yapılan yapılarda DBYBHY-2007'ye göre donatı miktarının büyük ölçüde arttığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca eski yönetmeliğe göre tasarımı yapıların deprem performanslarının, TBDY-2018 performans kriterlerini sağlamadığı görülmüştür.

Özet (Çeviri)

In our country, a sgnfcant part of the settlements and places where ndustralzaton s ntense are at serous rsk due to both the exstng ground condtons and the weak strength of the structures n a severe earthquake that may occur due to proxmty to fault lnes. Snce t s not possble to prevent earthquakes, t s necessary to control buldng behavor to ensure lfe safety. Examnng buldng behavor durng earthquakes wth the ever-developng buldng scence and technology necesstates the renewal of regulatons. Earthquake s the phenomenon n whch the energy released as a result of the breakng of the earth's crust shakes the places t passes through. Our country s under the nfluence of earthquake zones such as the Northern Anatolan Fault Lne (NAF) and the Eastern Anatolan Fault Lne (EAF). These faults occasonally produce large earthquakes, causng great loss of lfe and destructon. In partcular, a sgnfcant part of the places where ndustralzaton s actve, are close to fault zones, thus presentng a dangerous stuaton due to the ground condtons and lack of strength n the structures n the event of a possble severe earthquake. Earthquake s a dynamc load effect that s most dffcult to predct and calculate. In ths case, snce t wll be dffcult to predct the earthquake, t s at least possble to predct the behavor of the structure n case of an earthquake by controllng the behavor of the structure. The expectaton of the current and prevous Earthquake Regulatons from the buldngs s that they wll not collapse n a possble severe earthquake and that the lfe safety of the people nsde them s ensured. In addton, t s seen that t s not enough for buldngs to be earthquake resstant alone; ultmately, ground condtons are also an mportant factor on the structure. Accordng to the prevous regulatons n force n the DBYBHY-2007 regulaton, small-scale It remaned almost the same wth some changes. As a result of ncreasng technologcal developments and research n the feld of scence, t has become clear that a new buldng regulaton s needed. On March 18, 2018, TBDY-2018 came nto force by beng publshed n the Offcal Gazette. TBDY- Structure-sol nteracton research conducted untl 2018 could not be reflected n the regulatons. In TBDY-2018, structure-sol nteracton s gven n detal. In ths thess study, t s amed to examne the earthquake performances and general behavors of the structures assumed to be bult n Yalova provnce. Türkye s under the nfluence of one of the most actve earthquake zones n the world, especally snce t s located on the North Anatolan Fault Lne. Ths stuaton makes t necessary to ncrease the earthquake performance of buldngs n our country. In ths context, takng nto account the desgn provsons of TBDY 2018 and DBYBHY-2007, whch are mportant earthquake regulatons n Turkey, the floor systems, number of floors and local sol classes of the buldngs are systematcally changed and analyzes of these structures are carred out. Ths process s a crtcal step n understandng under what condtons structures can be made more durable. In the analyses, modern structural engneerng software STA4CAD s used, and through ths program, the behavor of the structures and ther earthquake performance accordng to TBDY-2018 performance crtera were evaluated n detal. STA4CAD s capable of performng dynamc analyzes of complex structural systems, allowng engneers to more accurately evaluate how structures wll respond under varous scenaros. The use of the software ncreases the valdty of the analyzes and enables healther decsons to be made n the desgn processes. Analyss results nclude natural vbraton perods of the structures, base shear forces and effectve relatve storey drfts. Natural vbraton perods determne how the structure wll move under the nfluence of dynamc loads t may be exposed to durng an earthquake. These data were metculously examned to determne ther effects on the concrete and renforcement amounts of the structures accordng to both regulatons. Natural vbraton perods of structures are of crtcal mportance for understandng ther behavor under the effects of earthquakes; because these perods are among the man factors that determne whether the structures wll enter nto resonance or not. Whle base shear forces ndcate the horzontal forces actng on the foundaton of the structure, effectve relatve storey drfts express the dfference n movement between the floors of the structures, whch s extremely mportant for the stablty of the structure. Effectve relatve storey drfts are a crtcal parameter n determnng how flexble the structure s durng an earthquake. Therefore, these data need to be analyzed carefully to evaluate the behavor of the structures. In addton, effectve relatve storey drfts are an mportant ndcator n terms of ensurng the general stablty and safety of the structure. Followng these analyses, a comprehensve performance evaluaton of the structures whose behavor was evaluated was made accordng to TBDY-2018 performance crtera. Durng the performance evaluaton process, t s necessary to frst determne the ssues added and changed n TBDY-2018. These regulatons, especally the selecton of carrer systems for hollow block and beam floor systems, have been carefully consdered n lne wth the prncples of earthquake-resstant buldng desgn. Determnng the qualtes that the load bearng systems must have and the rregulartes that may have negatve effects on the earthquake performance of the structures are of crtcal mportance n terms of structural safety. Important parameters to be consdered n the desgn of buldngs nclude elements such as buldng heght, number of floors, floorng type and local ground condtons. Afterwards, the dfferences n the calculaton methods between TBDY-2018 and DBYBHY-2007 regulatons are revealed n detal. The dfferences between these two regulatons reveal the varablty of calculaton methods and standards used n the desgn of structures. In partcular, the dfferent desgn approaches n the two regulatons provde mportant data on how structures wll perform durng an earthquake. In order to determne the earthquake performance of the structures whose behavor was evaluated, the concrete and renforcement stran lmts specfed n TBDY-2018 were examned n detal. These lmts are crtcal crtera that drectly affect the earthquake resstance and safety of structures. In addton, cross-sectonal damage areas were determned and the behavor of the structures durng an earthquake was predcted. At ths stage, strengthenng methods that can be appled to ncrease the durablty of structures are also emphaszed. Renforcement methods have been developed to mnmze the damages that structures may be exposed to durng an earthquake. Two dfferent desgn approaches have been consdered to determne the earthquake performance of buldngs: DGT (Detaled Strengthenng Technque) approach and ŞGDT (Schematc Strengthenng and Detalng Technque) approach. These approaches are crtcal to understandng how structures perform under varous scenaros and are accepted methods n the feld of structural engneerng. In partcular, whle the DGT approach requres a detaled renforcement analyss, the SGDT approach offers a more general and schematc evaluaton. Wthn the scope of the study, the behavor of the buldngs was examned by changng the number of floors, local sol class and floorng systems. The structures were desgned to meet the lmts specfed n the relevant regulatons and the effects of these changes on the general performance of the structures were evaluated. The fndngs obtaned were presented comparatvely through tables and graphs, and a detaled evaluaton was made for both regulatons. These evaluatons ndcate that the structure s susceptble to earthquakes. It reveals the extent to whch t s resstant to damage and shows n whch areas the necessary mprovements should be made. As a result of the studes, t has been observed that the effectve secton stffnesses made mandatory n TBDY-2018 have greatly changed the behavor of the structures. Ths shows that structures desgned accordng to TBDY-2018 need more renforcement compared to structures desgned accordng to DBYBHY-2007. In addton, t has been determned that the earthquake performances of buldngs desgned accordng to the old regulaton do not meet the TBDY-2018 performance crtera. These results reveal the need to constantly update the calculaton methods and standards used n the desgn of structures. As a result, ths thess makes an mportant contrbuton to examnng varous factors affectng the earthquake performance of structures and analyzng the effects of changes brought by dfferent regulatons. The fndngs provde valuable nformaton for both engneerng practces and future buldng desgn processes. It s thought that such studes wll contrbute to takng mportant steps towards ncreasng the earthquake safety of buldngs n our country. Partcularly n regons wth hgh earthquake rsk, such as Yalova, contnuous and metculous efforts are requred to ncrease the safety of structures. Addtonally, practcal applcatons of these fndngs may drectly mpact engneerng practce. However, the process of mplementaton and updatng of earthquake regulatons should contnue n order to ncrease the safety of structures. In ths context, engneers and archtects must metculously follow current regulatons and standards. It s essental to learn from the devastatons experenced after the earthquake and take these experences nto consderaton n future desgns. Addtonally, earthquake research and expermental studes should contrbute to the development of nnovatve solutons that wll ncrease the earthquake resstance of structures. The major earthquakes experenced n the past once agan reveal the crtcal mportance of the structures n our country. Türkye experenced major dsasters such as the 1999 Izmt earthquake, and standards and regulatons for buldng safety were developed after these dsasters. Therefore, t s of great mportance that not only new constructon projects but also exstng structures are regularly evaluated and strengthened when necessary. Strengthenng exstng structures should be an mportant strategy to mprove earthquake safety. It was emphaszed that nnovatons should be constantly followed and mplemented to ncrease the safety of buldngs. In ths way, t wll be possble to buld more resstant and safe structures aganst earthquake rsk n our country. Future research wll requre n-depth studes n varous areas n order to ncrease the earthquake resstance of structures and rase engneerng standards. The use of nnovatve materals, energy absorpton systems and smart buldng technologes offer mportant opportuntes to ncrease the earthquake resstance of buldngs. Addtonally, the effects of the data obtaned n these studes on structural engneerng educaton and professonal practce should also be taken nto consderaton. Educatonal nsttutons provdng engneer canddates wth more knowledge and experence n earthquake engneerng wll ensure that future engneers are more conscous and equpped. Engneerng educaton should encourage the development of sklls for practcal applcatons and enable students to gan an understandng of how to make decsons n real-world scenaros. As a result, ths thess flls an mportant gap n the feld of structural engneerng and ams to rase awareness about the earthquake safety of structures. Innovatons n earthquake regulatons and buldng desgn wll lead to safer and more durable structures n our country. There wll be mportant steps towards the constructon of structures. In ths context, the engneerng communty needs to constantly mprove tself and be equpped wth up-to-date nformaton to ncrease the earthquake performance of structures. In the future, such studes are expected to make sgnfcant contrbutons to the goals of ncreasng the safety of structures n our country. Therefore, contnuous mprovement and nnovaton n engneerng practces wll be mportant steps towards mprovng the safety of structures across the country.

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