Kültürel bağlamda simgesel anlamın mimariye yansıması ve farklı kültürlerde incelenmesi
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 100623
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1999
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 1008
ÖZET Mimarlıkta simgesel anlamı konu alan çalışmada“kültürel bağlamda simgesel anlamın mimariye yansıması ve farklı kültürlerde gösterdiği değişimler”ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın kapsamında, amaç doğrultusunda incelenen simgesel anlam, belirli kültürler ve 20.yy'ın ikinci yarısında yer alan çağdaş mimari örneklerde irdelenmesi ile sınırlandırılmıştır. Tezde izlenen yol, konunun belirlenmesi ile literatür araştırması yapılması, oluşturulan kuramsal çerçevenin mimarlık eylemi ile olan somut ilişkisinin incelenmesi, farklı kültürlerdeki çağdaş örneklerin ele alınarak irdelenmesi ve sonuçların tartışılmasıdır. Tez çalışmasının kuramsal bilgi ve kuramsal bilginin uygulamalarının incelendiği mimari örnekler olarak iki aşaması vardır: Birinci aşamada, konu öncelikle kuramsal açılardan incelenmiştir. Mimari iletişim ve ilişkili kavramlar olan dil, anlam ve göstergeler ile açıklanan simgesel anlam ve mimarlık ile olan ilişkisi, çeşitli tanımlar ile ortaya konan kültür kavramı, kurulu çevrejnsanın kurulu çevre içindeki zihinsel davranışları ve üç kavramın birbirleri ile olan ve mimarlık ile olan ilişkileri kuramsal çerçeveyi oluşturmaktadır. İkinci aşamada ise teorik olarak ortaya konulan kavramların doğrultusunda uygun örnekler bulunmuştur. Simgesel anlam, saf kültürlerin ve kültürler arası etkileşimin oluşturdukları mimari örneklerde irdelenmiş; çağdaş boyutta teknoloji girdisi ile oluşan mimari örneklerdeki simgesel anlam kültür kavramından bağımsız olarak geliştiği ve konu kapsamının dışında kaldığı için bilinçli olarak incelenmemiştir. Seçilen örnekler barındırdıkları simgesel anlamın incelenmesi ile kuramsal aşamada ortaya konulan düşünceleri desteklediği görülmüştür. Sonuçta, mimarlık, iletişim içeren bir eylem olarak, içinde barındırdığı simgesel anlamların toplumun kültürüne dayalı olarak ortaya çıkması ile insanlar ve içinde yaşadıkları çevre ile daha köklü ve sağlam bir ilişki kurulacağı anlaşılmıştır. Gelenekler ve kültürün, içinde bulunduğu ortama uygun olarak yeniden yorumlanması ile modern dünyanın gerektirdiği çağdaş anlatım yakalandığı gibi toplumun tinsel ihtiyaçları da karşılanmaktadır. Mimarlık eyleminin kültüre temelli bir eylem olarak ele alınması gerektiği ve toplumun kültürel sürekliliğinin de devamının da sağlanması açısından yeni tasarımların simgesel anlamların çağdaş bir bağlamda mimariye yansıtılması gerektiği düşünülmektedir. vu
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the symbolic meanings in architecture in cultural context. It is aimed to analyze symbolic meaning in relation with culture and built environment, in theory and practice of architecture. The theoretical framework is based on the attributes pertaining the notions of communication and its features, culture, built environment and their relation with the discipline of architecture. The practical frame of the thesis consists of analysis of the symbolic meanings if contemporary architectural designs from different world cultures reflecting their own cultural values by symbols to their architecture. The study comprises five sections: The introduction deals with the importance of communication in the built environment and the importance of symbolic meaning in cultural context to build the communication between humans and their environment. The second section is dedicated to the analysis of symbolic meaning and the relation of symbolic meaning with architecture. The concept of communication, language, sign, meaning and symbols are expressed in relation with the discipline of architecture. The third section deals with the notions of culture, built environment, the perceptions and behaviors of human beings in built environment and their relation with symbolic meaning. In the fourth section, different cultural systems are discussed and the architectural designs chosen according to their ability to reflect their cultural context to their design is analyzed through the features of symbolic meaning discussed in second chapter. The final section comprises a general evaluation and discussions of the study. Architecture is a concrete action in which form and space get in relation with each other. But actually, understanding architecture differs according to the interpretations because every human being perceives the space and form in a different way. The interpretation lies in the meaning and the context of architecture and has bases in culture. Architecture becomes a form of communication in which culture is reflected to the environment and is conveyed to the future generations. Human beings live in a society. Culture is one of the main factors that differ one society from the other. Culture is the values and traditions that one society owns from past till present. Communication has a very important role in conveying culture to future. For any kind of communication process, a sender, a receiver, a channel, a cultural code, message, context of the message and the meaning is needed. V11IArt is one of the basic features of communication because it aims the idea of conveying message through abstraction. So architecture, as a kind of art, becomes societies expression of its own values in the environment. Because Architecture has a visual expression, it builds up the communication by the help of the symbols and the meanings of them. The basic mean for communication is language. Language uses signs to convey messages. F. de Saussure studied language and found out that language and the idea make up the same whole. Architecture also has its own coding system like form, color, light-shadow, ratios and likewise makes up its own language. Architectural language comprises firstly the elements of form that effects our senses. Secondly, the elements of expression and thirdly the elements of instinct or behind conscious, to make up the communication. But actually architecture is not that much flexible like language, so it is better to deal with the discipline of architecture by using the sign systems the science of semiology. Signs are things that make call in mind to a thing or context. The visual image is the symbol of the meaning expressed. Every sign is expressing a context by a form; form and context always go together. Every concept comes as a result of abstraction and generalization. The codes of context come from the community's experiences. The science that deals with the signs is semiology. Semiology studies the signs that use ways to express things. It has three basic elements: signifier, signified and sign. Signifier is the form or expression. Signified is the concept expressed. Sign is the concrete thing that signifier and signified relates with each other. These 3 features make up the basic semiological triangle. Signs have many different kinds: 1. Sign: The signifier and signified are related to each other in a physical way. It does not have any communication intention. 2. Icon: It is the image of the original. An icon can communicate; it looks like the original with its basic features. 3. Symbol: It only communicates, the relation between context and form depends on the associational values of the community. Symbol represents the thing itself. Every kind of art uses symbols; it doesn't refer directly to the thing but communicates by calling in mind. Architectural sign is a visual code that communicates. Color, textile, form, space that has meaning are signifiers. The signified becomes the rituals, traditions, culture, beliefs, life style and aesthetic meanings. The sign is the architectural design itself. Generally architectural sign indicates its function. Architectural sign is also culture based. The reason how the architectural element is used not only in its functional sense, is that users know the relation between the element and the meaning. IXLanguage and signs are used in order to convey a meaning. The context becomes meaningful when they are involved in relation with symbols. The context is formed from nature, cultural background and environment. These concepts are represented by signs and meaning is the connection between the context and the form. Meaning has two different kinds: Direct meaning: It is the first context it reminds the user, which is generally its function. But there are times when the direct meaning loses its effectiveness and another meaning, which is quite abstract and communicational, appears. Architectural sign has physical properties and it is an abstraction of a culture- based context. This abstraction comprises the features that remind the meaning. Generally architectural sign's direct meaning turns out to be its function. The second meaning expresses the cultural values of that architectural sign, which is quite important. The symbol is a kind of visual expression. Symbol becomes clear when the ideas they represent becomes meaningful. The basic function of a symbol is to communicate and it can be related to an environment which is shaped by emotions and behaviors. The symbolic meaning reflects the social and cultural meanings of the environmental values and function. The origin of the abstract idea comes from the source of culture. The symbolic meanings can direct human beings to different ideas, make them think and discuss. The image that the symbolic meaning reminds has the traces of the past or shared memories. Architecture is not made of form and space. It comprises much more than these two features. The communicational side of architecture lies in the symbolic meanings. The architectural design must be both a functional sign and communicate. Because of that it must comprise the physical features that a symbol must have in order to communicate with the society, the meaning that is placed in community's mind and the information that the expressed symbol contains. In traditional cultures the architectural symbols were largely used. After the industrialization and Modernist ideology, the physical environment was only designed according to the physical needs of humans. So the city scene changed and inhabitants started to feel strange to their environment. By this way was understood that living friendly with the environment is very important. So the questions of symbols, symbolic meaning and how to maintain it in the environment is one of the important issues. The criteria for an architectural design that reflects symbolic meaning can be described as follows: the formation of building, the formation space, materials, color and lightning. More than these, some places or buildings can be named by an action that took place there...Culture and environment have important roles in the formation of the symbolic meaning. Culture is a concept that differ one community from the other. Culture comes out from humans' shared values and activities, actions related with each other and intersect in a system. Environment is formed the society, its' values and life style. It maintains the order of the society and communicates with people. Built environment can be seen as a system of things to things, things to people and the relations within those people. Built environment is rich in human experiences and behavior. Every human being perceives the environment in different way and codes the environment in their mind according to the image they make. Human beings use three different systems for understanding and coding the environment in their mind. Perceiving, imaging and building a schemata in the brain can be said to be the basic activities of the human mind. These processes of the brain make the human being feel friendly and calm in his environment. So besides perceiving architecture and its features, he creates the“existential space”in his mind so as to feel happy in his surrounding. The existential space is a kind of space that one feels and makes only in mind. The concept of“place”also is important. It is the site, in which the architectural design is done according to the need of the landscape. Architecture is designing“places, it comprises the buildings that symbolize his own life form and reflects it to the environment. Within the concept of ”place“, genious-logi by C. Norberg-Schulz, locus by A.Rossi and ”shintai“ by Ando. These phrases point out the spirit of place. Symbolic meaning is anywhere, where there is meaning, it can change according to time and can unite with any kind of human artifact. Yesterday's sign is today's symbol. When symbolic meaning is searched in the built environment, the environment becomes a cultural thing itself. When the symbolic meaning is reflected to environment by architecture, form reaches its highest level of meaning. The physical space becomes the social space and gains symbolic value. Today, all symbols can be said to belong to different cases and can change. The reason why there are so many symbols is that there are so many cultures. As the cultures change, the values and beliefs change. So when these beliefs are reflected to environment through architecture by abstraction, different symbols carrying different meanings come out. So the difference between landscapes belonging to different cultures can be explained by this way. Culture, being the sum of the values of community, has different forms. Homogeneous cultures are one group, which reflect the meanings on the highest level. Cross-cultural forms are an interesting case as they come out as a synthesis of 2 or more cultures adapted to the geographical and climatic conditions of that area. Technology based culture form just deals with the physical needs of man and how can they be solved. They refer to machines but not culture. Ecological culture form is dealing with people and the place, XIbut they are also making use of technology and its language. To find out how and in what ways symbolic meaning can be found in contemporary architectural designs from different world cultures, searching was made. The examples found are analyzed according to the features of symbolic meaning -which are formation of building, formation of space, materials, color and lightning. The concept of ”place" is also analyzed in the examples. The examples for homogeneous cultures are chosen from Ando (Hyogo Children's Museum-Japan), Correa (Vidhan Bhavan Parliamentary Building- Bhopal), Portzamparc (La Cite de la Musique-Paris), Barragan (San Cristobal House-Mexico) and Cansever (Turkish Historical Society-Ankara). They all had different cultural values and the reflections also are not the same. One of the things common is they all used very strong abstraction and representation, in order to convey those cultures' values. Also they all could turned the site into a place. Mostly the formation of the building and the formation of space had strong abstraction. For the example of cross-cultural architecture, firstly Malaysia was analyzed according to its values and how they are reflected. Malaysia had passed a colonial period, in which British ruled for quite a long time. It still has Chinese and Indian population living in Malaysia. So the architecture turns out to be quite interesting, neither British nor Islamic or Chinese; but a synthesis of the all. Also, 10 years period in Turkey, Austrian architects designed many buildings in Cubic style with the traditional ratios, color, materials. The results of that practice are also discussed in the thesis. Contemporary examples were chosen from J.Nouvel (Institute Le Monde Arab-Paris) and K. Kurokawa (Hiroshima Contemporary Art Museum- Hiroshima). With the same criteria these two examples are also analyzed. Both of them got hold of the genious logi very well. The designs comprise a synthesis of two different and opposite cultures quite well. It seems that in all periods of history, the societies try to reflect their values to their environment and communicate with them. Architecture can communicate in society and can convey messages of cultural values through symbols. For our time, the loss of meaning in the environment is a problematic issue. Both the city and the inhabitants suffer, also will future generations. Most important thing is to understand the traditions and beliefs and then to abstract represent them in a contemporary way seems to be the successful way to deal with the problem. So, the designs can be more open and rich in creativity. XII
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