Geri Dön

Zonguldak-Karadon bölgesinde kozlu formasyonu kömürlerinin petrolojisi ve değerlendirilmesi

Petrology and evaluation of the coals of kozlu formation in the Zonguldak-Karadon region

  1. Tez No: 14154
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. IŞIK ÖZPEKER
  4. Tez Türü: Doktora
  5. Konular: Maden Mühendisliği ve Madencilik, Mining Engineering and Mining
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1990
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 134


- V - ÖZET Kömür, havanın oksijeni ile doğrudan yanabilen, %55 ile 95 arasında serbest veya bileşik karbon içeren, yanma sonucu değişik miktarlarda ve bileşimlerde kül veren, or ganik kökenli bir kayaç olarak tanımlanabilir. Kömürler, sert, yumuşak, mat veya parlak olabilirler. Renkleri kah verengiden siyaha kadar değişir. Bu çalışmada, Kuzeybatı Anadolu Taşkömürü Havzasında üretim çalışmaları yapan T.T.K. Genel Müdürlüğünün, Zonguldak - Karadon Bölgesinde Kozlu Formasyonu kömürle rinin petrolojisi ve değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Kömürlerin değerlendirilmesi için, kömür karakteristik leri, mineral madde içerikleri ve petrografik özellikleri incelenmiş, rezerv tahmini çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Bu amaç la İ.T.O. Maden Fakültesi, H.Ü. yerbilimleri Uygulama ve A raştırma Merkezi, H.Ü. Zonguldak Mühendislik Fakültesi Maden Mühendisliği Bölümü, K.Ü. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Ereğ li Demir ve Çelik Fabrikaları, T.T.K. Genel Müdürlüğü, Fil yos Refrakter Tuğla Fabrikası ve T.P.A.O. Araştırma Merkezi laboratuvarları kullanılmıştır. Bölgedeki kömürlerin makroskobik ve mikroskobik bile şenleri ile kömürleşme dereceleri petrografik olarak sap tanmıştır. Kömür damarlarında, litotip olarak sırası ile klaren ve vitren hakimdir. Duren yalnızca II Nolu damarın alt bandında görülmektedir. Maseraller sırası ile vitrinit, inertinit ve eksinit şeklinde yoğunlaşmaktadırlar. Şu yığı şımlar gözlenmiştir: Vitrinit maserallerinde kollinit, vit rodetrinit, pseudovitrinit, telinit; inertinit maseralle rinde semifüsinit, füsinit, inertodetrinit, makrinit, mik rinit, sklerotinit ve eksinit maserallerinde sporinit, lip todetrinit, resinit, kütinit, Kil, karbonat, pirit ve mar kazit mineral madde olarak saptanmıştır.

Özet (Çeviri)

-VI- PETROLOGY AND EVALUATION OF THE COALS OF KOZLU FORMATION IN THE ZONGULDAK - KARADON REGION '««¦/ d SUMMARY Coal is described as a rock of organical origin which can undergo combustion directly with the oxygen in the air, contains free or compound carbon between 55 and 95 % and produces ash of varying amounts and compositions as a result of burning. The coals can be hard, soft, dull or bright. Their colours vary from brown to black. In this study, petrology and evaluation of the coals of Kozlu Formation inthe Zonguldak-Karadon region of Turkish Hardcoal Enterprise, which operates in the Northwestern Anatolia Hardcoal Region, has been carried out. The district 2 covers an area of 32 km in the east of the capital of Zonguldak province. The Kozlu Formation with a thickness of about 700 m. is of Upper Westfalian A age and contains 21 coal seams. It is located over Kılıç Formation of Lower Westfalian A age and under Karadon Formation of Westfalian B, C, D age. The Kozlu Formation includes 24 coal seams with mineable thickness along with conglomerate, sandstone, claystone, shale, coal bearing shale and clay. The thickness of coal seams vary between 0.57 m. and 3.66 m. The effects of Hersinian and Alpine Orogenies are observed in the mining region. Therefore, numerous faults have occurred along with folding. The faults, Gelik Anticline and Syncline which have been formed by the Hersinian Orogeny are in E-W direction. The coal bearing Upper Carboniferous units are dipping under the Cretaceous formations in the north and east.- VII- The silisif ied tree roots positioned perpendicular to the bedding in Yiğit seam demonstrate that the coalif ication environment was autochthonous. Also, the coal balls made of silica, pyrite and clay envelopes found in the coal bearing floor shale of Hacımemiş seam are indication of the environment is paralic. For the evaluation of the coals, coal characteristics, mineral matter compositions and petrographical properties have been investigated and reserve estimate studies have been carried out. For this purpose, the laboratories at Mining Faculty, Istanbul Technical University; Aplication and Research Center, Institute of Earthsciences, Hacettepe University; Department of Mining Engineering, H.Ü. Zongul dak Engineering Faculty; Department of Geological Engineer ing, Karadeniz University; Iron and Steel Factories, Ereğli; Turkish Hardcoal Enterprises; Refractory Bricks Factory, Filyos and T.P.A.O. Research Center have been used. The sampling has been carried out at every 50 m. along the longwall in seams which are being mined. In the seams which are not being mined, channel samples have been taken in the galleries. A minimum of three and a maximum of six samplings have been made and their results have been given as a group value* Ash contents of the coals are varying between 3.05 and 3 13.11 % for the coal floating in 1.45 gr/cm density and they are suitable for the production of metallurgical coke. Volatile matter content is varying between 27.46 and 33.12 % in the dmmf a coal. For this reason, they are at the lower limit of the high volatile coals and at the upper limit of the medium volatile coals. Fixed carbon is between 64.42 and 72.54 % in the dmmf coal. Calorific value is varying between 7985 and 8645 kcal/kg in the dmmf coal.- VIII- 3 Sulphur content for the coal floating in 1.45 gr/cm density is varying between 0.350 and 0.760 % for total sulphur, 0.020 and 0.186 % for pyritic sulphur, 0.046 and 0.222 % for sulphate, 0.102 and 0.592 % for organic sulphur. Free swelling index (FSI) is varying between 2 and 9 while dilatation is between 9 and 244. Also gray- king is varying between (D and G2). According to the International Standard Office (ISO), they belong to the code numbers 511, 522, 533, 534 and 535 and they are in the classes of VC, VD, VIA and VII. They are among very weakly caking, medium caking, strongly caking and very strongly caking coals. According to ASTM, they belong to the rank scale from 67-146 to 73-150; they are in the bituminous coal class and in the groups of high volatile Armedium volatile bituminous coals. According to British Classification (GB-NCB), They belong to the groups 600, 500, 400, 300 and they are in the classes of 601, 501, 401, 301 b and 306. They can be described as medium volatile,. medium-strongly-very strongly caking and prime coking coals. The chemical compositions of the coal ashes in district are as follows: Si02, 36.08-57.80 %; Al203, 19.63-34.60 %; Fe^, 3.71-18.17 %; CaO, 1.77-11.95 %; MgO, 0.70-3.78 %; K20, 1.45-3.80 %; Na2Q, 0. 37-0. 92 %; Ti02, 0.60-2.71 %; P2°5' O-08-0-96 %? so3 ' 1.32-10.70 %. The ash content increases with SiO+Al-O^ percentage and decreases with Fe 0 +CaO+MgO+Na»0+K?0 percentage. It is required that the total alkaline (i.e. Na_0+K20) should be less than 2.5 % in the metallurgical coking coal ashes.- IX - In this district, this limit has been exceeded in some seams. The hemispherical temperature points of the coal ashes are between 1125 and 1425 C. It is also required that the hemispherical temperature point of the coal ash to be used in the production of metallurgical coke should be greater than 1350 C. In some seams, the hemispherical temperature point of the ash is lower than this value while the depend in“Al^O +MgO”content of the ash varies s twee: point. between 1170 and 1360-1380 C the hemispherical temperature The distribution of trace elements, such as Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cr, Mn, Co, Cd and Ag has been detected in the coal ashes. The Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cr, Mn and Co contents of the ashes vary according to the seam, these can be criteria for distinguishing the seams. Cd and Ag contents are almost the same in all the seams. The macroscobic and microscobic components and ranks of the coals in the district have been determined petrographically. In the coal seams, clarain and vitrain are dominant, respectively, as lithotypes. Durain is observed only in the lower band of No II seam. Macerals are concentrated as vitrinite, inertinite and exinite, respectively. The following concentrations have been observed: the vitrinite macerals collinite, vitrodetrinite, pseudovitrinite, tellinitej in the inertinite macerals semifusinite, fusinite, inertodetrinite, macrinite, micrinite, sclerotinite; and in the exinite macerals sporinite, liptodetrinite, resinite, cutinite. Clay, carbonate, pyrite and marcasite have been detected as mineral matter. These minerals are among the collinite bands, in the pores of tellinite and fusinite cells and within the cleats. The carbonate, pyrite and macrasite minerals have been formed as epigenetic and syngeneic.- X - The rank of the seams is increasing from upper seams to lower seams. The highest rank is observed at Gökcan seam (i.e. 1.22 %) while the lowest rank belongs to Kartal seam (i.e. 0.72 %). Execpt Yiğit and Kartal seams, all the seams are petrographically suitable for the production of metallurgical coke. As the rank increases, the hydrogen from the exinites is desorbed as methane and accumulates in the pores of fusinite cells, cleats, fault zones and in the regions where the seam thickness changes. The methane is liberated during production and spontaneous combustion starts under suitable conditions in the seams. Compared to the other seams, the exinite and inertinite maceral contents are significantly higher in Gökcan, Çay, No II, Acılık, Sulu, Hacımemiş, Messoğlu, Acenta, Lower Karamanyan, Karamanyan and Büyük seams. In the region, it has long been known that Gökcan, Çay, Acılık, Sulu and Büyük seams are suspectible to spontaneous combustion. In the seams the orijinal ash, varies between 10.97 and 53.51 % ; the bulk density is between 1.482 and 1.970 3 g/cm. The bulk density incn increase in the ash content. 3 g/cm. The bulk density increases linearly with the An adequate number of thickness measurements for dependable semi-variogram calculations have been made for 19 seams. In the production panels, the thickness measurements have been taken at the nodal points of a mesh with rectangles having dimensions 1.20 by 4.00 m. The thickness values are comforming with the normal distribution. The thickness variances are increasing with the increasing seam thicknesses. The semi-variograms have been calculated in E-W, N-S, NW-SE and NE-SW directions and it has been observed that their graphs are conforming with the spherical model. Later, it has been observed that the seam thicknesses are varying between 30 to 61 %- XI - for a 95 % confidence interval. This thickness variation should be taken into account in panel preparation operations and especially in the case of mechanized mining and the mining machinery which can be adjus ted to the changes in seam thickness should be considered. As lithotypes, the increase of the hardness of coals are in the following order: fusain, clarain, vitrain and durain, respectively. The durain occurring in the lower band of No II seam is very hard. The diggability of the other seams are suitable since they demonstrate concentrations of clarain and vitrain. The cross-section method has been used for calculation bulk reserves of the coals in the district. The reserves of the seams are classified as proven and probable+possible. The total bulk reserve of the region is 1.67 0 billion tons out of which 874 million tons are proven and 796 million tons are probable+possible reserves.

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