Geri Dön

İmar planlarının konut alanlarında uygulanmasında ortaya çıkan yasal sorunlar (Kütahya örneği)

The Legal problems encountered during applications of development plans in housing areas (city of Kütahya has baen chosen as example)

  1. Tez No: 14335
  2. Yazar: NURSEL KABAK
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. YÜCEL ÜNAL
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Şehircilik ve Bölge Planlama, Urban and Regional Planning
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1991
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 66


ÖZET Çalışmanın amacı, imar planlarının konut alanlarında uygulamala rı esnasında karşılaşılan yasal sorunlara değinerek incelenmesi ve çözüm getirilmesidir. Kütahya Kenti'nin konut alanlarındaki imar pla nı uygulamaları, uygulama esnasında karşılaşılan yasal sorunları, ça lışmanın amacına ulaşması açısından örnek olarak verilmiştir. îmar planlarının konut alanlarında uygulanmasında ortaya çıkan yasal sorunlara değinen ve çözümler getiren bilgilerin toplu bir şe kilde bulunduğu bir kaynak bulunmamaktadır. Konu genelde uygulamaya yönelik olduğundan, çalışma esnasında bir hayli güçlük çekilmiştir. Çalışmanın hazırlanması sırasında konuyla yakından irtibatlı ve uygu lama alanının içinde bulunan kişilerin görüşlerinden de yararlanıl mıştır. Bu çalışmanın ilk bölümü olan giriş bölümünde, imar planı kavra mı ile çalışmada bahsi geçen ve anahtar sayılabilecek kavramların ta nımları verilerek konuya bir nevi açıklık kazandırılmaya çalışılmış tır. Bu bölümde ayrıca, Türkiye'deki imar faaliyetlerinin tarihi ge lişimine yer verilmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde, imar planı uygulama araçlarından bahsedilmiştir. Bunlar imar mevzuatı ve imar programlarıdır, imar planlarının uygulanması imar mevzuatı çerçevesinde gerçekleşecektir. Düzenli olarak uygulanabilirliğinin sağlanması ise, imar programla rıyla olacaktır. Bu bölümde Türk imar mevzuatının tarihi dökümü veri lerek, imar planlamasına ışık tutulmuştur. îmar programlarının da imar planlarmdaki yeri belirtilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, imar planlarının konut alanlarındaki uygulaması esnasında ortaya çıkan yasal sorunlara, bunların kaynaklarına yer ve rilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, Kütahya Kenti 'ndeki konut alanlarındaki imar uygulamalarına değinilmiştir. Bu bölümde Kütahya Kenti'nin kısa tari hi gelişimi, yerleşimi, kentsel gelişme yönü ve uygulanan imar faali yetleri açıklanmış, örnekler verilmiştir. Beşinci bölüm, dördüncü bölümle bağlantılıdır. Kütahya Kenti'nin konut alanlarındaki imar planı uygulamaları esnasında ortaya çıkan yasal sorunlara değinilmiştir. Sonuçta ; Çalışmada verilen örnekler, incelemeler, tanımlar ve yorumlarla konuya açıklık getirilmiştir. - iv -

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY The Legal Problems Encountered During Applicati ons Of Development Plans In Housing Areas. (City of Kütahya has been chosen as example) Arrangement of cities and settlement areas according to a particular plan and program will be a reflection of that community's life and culture. City plans are prepared for the purpose of providing a systematic and programmed development for settlements. In city planning, legal base of municipal development decisions to be made is related laws. On top of the legal rules hyerarchy is the Constitution. The Constitution is followed by laws, statutes and regulati ons. This hierarchy is exactly the same in the planning ju risprudence. On top of the plannig jurisprudence is again the Consti tution. Between 1924 and 1961, the Constitutions amended time to time in Turkey did not include the planning jurisprudence concept. The new Constitution enacted in 1982 determines some new principles and targets in terms of planning jurisprudence activities. Article 43“allocation of sea shores to public use”, Article 44“productive use of lands”, Article 45“pre vention of State-owned agricultural areas, pastures and me adows from being misused and damaged”, Article 56“control ling environmental health and pollution”are examples. Article 57 is as follows :“State takes measures to meet housing needs under a plan considering cities”characteristics and the environmental conditions, and supports mass housing projects.“ The Development Law, which forms the second step of the planning jurisprudence is an important and original act. The Development Law no. 3194 has been put into full force afterit has been published in Official Gazette dated November 9,1985. Said Development Law no. 3194 replaced the Develop ment Law no. 6785 which lasted for 29 years. Before the Deve lopment Law no. 6785, there was Buildings and Roads Law no. 2290. And before that, there was the Building Law dated 1882. Municipal Buildings and Roads Law no. 2290 ordered deve lopment plans for the first time in Turkey. However, develop ment plants prepared under said law were nothing but formali ties. Since urban development was quite slow at that time, shortcomings and insufficiency of said Law no. 2290 could not be discovered. When the Development Law no. 6785 was enacted in 1956, some efforts were spent to prepare plans and to control buil ding construction licenses within municipal borders. Although the Development Law no. 6785 provided some imp rovements in planned urbanization, programmed development plans, projected constructions and controlled constructions, it failed to provide sufficient development. The Development Law no. 6785 had got no any dynamic planning concept. On one hand it took a long time prepare development plans, on the other hand urbanization showed a rapid spreading, so that in sufficiency of said law proved to be true. In other words, urbanization always outrun the planning. Planning prescribed by the Development Law no. 6785 based on a traditional appro ach considering physical planning concept, using city lands, and providing construction controls. However, urban develop ment was hardly in physical dimension only. Social, economic, and politic dimensions existed too. The new Development Law no. 3194 was enacted in 1985. It has been observed that purposes of said new Development Law were : Rendering services to fall in step with rapid develop ment movements and ever-improving technologies ; Including planning concept into a system. Said new Development Law tried to prevent development anarchy, but it failed. Paradoxically, one might say that it even encouraged said anarchy. Apart from positive arrange ments, it has been observed that most of the negative aspects of the former law were included in this new law too. Besides the elected bodies of municipalities (municipal committee, municipal council), no any methods have been enac ted to allow public to participate into the city planning and applications processes. viIt will not be possible to control and inspect construc tion and development activities and urbanization by Develop ment and Construction Law no. 3194, and usage of city lands have been left to the monopoly of the rich. One might say that the latter is the most important drawback. Apart from above mentioned subjects, Development and Construction Law no. 3194 provided some positive improvements such as : * allowing construction of more than one buildings on a single parcel ; * increasing arrangement partnership share to 35 ¥. * removing the greenfield criteria from the law and inc luding it in regulations. Other steps of the planning jurisprudence are develop ment statute and development regulations. Development statutes and regulations are legal documents whose details are determined pursuant to the principles sta ted in Development Law. These regulations define the bodies who will prepare development plans, the technical conditions under which said plans are to be prepared, the approval pro cess and some urban standards. Although Development Law contains some complex definiti ons about planning, it does not prescribe a definite structu re between development plans and development regulations. Development regulations being in full force in Turkey do not contain an approach for overall designing of cities. In general, Turkish development regulations support a structuri zation in parcel scale. For example, the so-called ”Develop ment Regulation for Municipalities uncovered by the Law no. 3030“ orders that cities ought to be planned according to mathematical patterns (i.e. a side garden of 3 meters, a front garden of 5 meters, etc.). This patterns cause monoto nous, unindividual cities. Therefore, planning method should be changed. City plan ning should not be left to coincidences, urban spaces should be designed with care, and inhabitable spaces should be cre ated. This thesis aims at highlighting said problems and brin ging solutions. Main subject of this thesis is the legal problems encountered during applications of development plans in housing areas. City of Kütahya has been chosen as example. This thesis explains applications of development and vııconstruction plans at housing projects and legal problems en countered during actuel works by using the city of Kütahya as an example. Chapter one of this thesis defines the development plan concept as the key and some other important concepts, and brings some interpretations. The same chapter also explains improvement of development plans in Turkey as the starting point. Chapter two focuses on applicational means of develop ment plans. These means are development regulations and deve lopment programs. Development plans will be realized under the development regulations. Said realization will be kept in a steady way by development program. In this chapter chrono logic breakdown of development regulations is given to high light development planning. And the role of development prog rams in development plans is explained. Pursuant to Article 10 of the Development and Construc tion Law no. 3194, development programs gained a legal and jurisprudential value, viz : ”Development and construction programs shall be prepared not later than 3 months as from the date when development and construction plans are put into application.“ Chapter three focuses on legal problems encountered du ring application of development plans in housing areas and on their possible sources. This chapter divides said legal prob lems into three groups. The first group is the problems ari sing from the legal gap between the Development Law and deve lopment regulations ; the second is the problems arising du ring application of above mentioned ”Development Regulation for Municipalities uncovered by the Law no. 3030"; whereas the third is the problems encountered during application of development programs. Chapter four is about development applications in hou sing areas of the city of Kütahya. This chapter gives expla nations about historic development of Kütahya, its settle ment, urban development direction and applicated development activities, and provides some examples. viiiChapter five is connected with chapter four. It explains legal problems encountered in Kütahya during applications of the development plan in housing areas. In conclusion, this thesis aims at explaining this main subject clearly by means of examples, researches, definitions and interpretations. This thesis focuses on applications of said development and construction plans at housing areas in urban dwelling areas, mass-dwelling project areas, and shantytown prevention areas in the city Kütahya, gives examples and underline the problems. The Kütahya City Development Plan by 1/5000 scale, the Kütahya Applicational Development Plan by 1/1000 scale, and the Kütahya Protection Oriented Applicational Development Plan by 1/1000 scale have been used. It is necessary that application oriented foundations of the planning decisions must be laid in a flawless manner by making related legal arrangements. These foundations must provide o supertised and balanced distribution of authoriza tions and responsibilities of application means and bodies. Laws, regulations and decrees must be coherent in terms of hyerarchy and juricprudential arrangements. In the meantime, moral and behavioural values that high light the public benefit concept and that are based on the legal equality principle are superior to the immovable esta tes possession rights. What is the complementary factor of these values is the respect shown to development and construction laws and plans by every section of the community. The most important factor is that individual interests and desires of people living in cities should not be allowed to infringe the rules and and to invade respect shown to pub lic benefit. In a medium where the rules, laws and plans are changed by some people for their own interests, where planning deci sions are changed by bureucratic and politic pressures to turn into a usual structure within the social morality prin ciples, where landsbuilding speculations based on individual interests cannot be controlled, development and constructions laws, regulations and planings can hardly protect and arrange public benefit. - ix -

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