Geri Dön

Türkiye'de 1985-1990 dönemi yüksek bina projeleri

High-rise building projects in Turkey between 1985-1990

  1. Tez No: 19384
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. ALTAN ÖKE
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1991
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 282


in general, high-rise buildings are later additions to the existing infrastructure and traffic system and building order of previouısly planned cities and therefore have influences effecting physical environment. Structural system of a high-rise building determined by materials (Steel ör reinforced concrete) used, by number o-f stories by architectural plans and by purpose of buiIding. Precautions againts fire danger can be divisded into four main partss preventian of fire danger and fire beginning, prevention of fire expansion, detection of fire, exacuation af occupants and extinguishing the fire. The functi on of the building is the most important factor in decisions regarding vertical circulation systems and their elements. There are differences between entry-exist and vertical transportation probleme of multi-story offices, hotels and apartment buildings. Most important factors effecting building envelope of a high-rise building are wind pressur'e, temperature differences,, noise5 candensation and rain. in the fourth part of the thesis 33 exâmples selected from 45 projects which were prepared between 1985-1990 in Turkey and included 75 high-rise blocks, were evaluated based ön the informatipn obtained by using a systematic questionnaire. Ali of the architects of the projects and some of the managers of canstructian firma were visited. in this part, the examples of the high-rise buildings in Turkey were explained and discussed on account of their locations, progress of their realisations, their functionsjj thier relations with environment, their floor plans and their systems of construction. Of these 33 high-rise building examples, 9 project are in use now, 14 projects under construction, 4 projects are in -the phase of planing and revisions and 2 projects are in phase of preparations. Besides, 2 projects have not yet obtained building permits from municipalities, l project was cancelled by the proprietor firm and l project is brought to law~court due to a disagreement between the proprietor and the construction firm» ı Y.

Özet (Çeviri)

ÖZET, Türkiye'de yüksek binalar 40 yıldan beri yapılmakla beraber, son on yıl içinde taleplerinin arttığı görülmektedir. Günümüzde yüksek binaların kazandığı önemi gelecektede devam edeceği hatta artacağı düşünülmektedir. Son yıllarda Türkiye'de projelendirilen ve inşa edilen yüksek bina örneklerinin henüz toplu bir şekilde yayınlanmadığı görülmektedir. örneklerin pek azı mimarlık dergilerinde yer almış ve büyük bir kısmı ise yayınlanmıştır.. Bu tez yüksek binalar konusunda sistemli araştırma sonucu elde edilen bilgilerin ve bunlara dayanan eleştiri ve değerlendirmelerin ileride yapılacak çalışmalarda yararlı olacağı düşüncesiyle hazırlanmıştır. Bu çalışmamın 1» bölümünde konunun seçilme sebepleri açıklandıktan sonra, yüksek binalarla ilgili deyimler ve çeşitli görüş açılarına dayanan tanımlar irdelenmiştir. îkinci bölümde, Türkiye'de son yıllarda projelendirilen yüksek bina olayını anlamak ve yorumlamak için gerekli görülen, bu bina tipinin dünyada ortaya çıkış sebepleri ve gelişmesi ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra Türkiye'deki gelişimi ve son yıllarda görülen büyük isteğin sebepleri üzerinde durulmuştur. üçüncü bölümde, yüksek binalar fonksiyon, plan ve tertip, çevresel ilişkiler taşıyıcı sistem, yangın önlemleri, düşey sirkülasyon sistemi ve dıs kabuk sistemi bakımından irdelenerek, başlıca problemler saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde Türkiye'de 19B5-1990 döneminde tasarlanan ve 75 adet yüksek blok içeren 45 projeden seçilen 33 örnek, bunların mimarları ve yapımcı yetkilileri ziyaret edilerek sistemli bir soru listesi yardımı ile sağlanan bilgiler doğrultusunda değerlendirilmiştir. Besinci bölümde çalışmanın sonuçları açıklanmıştır. -1Y-circulation and services coreş either in the center ör on the auter «ide af the binek. The plan geometri es of some buildings are squares ör rectangles. But in the majority o-f the projects, rectangles w,ith broken corners, circles, ctırved forms were used to eliminate monotony. For ewample“Taksim Büyük Sürmeli Park Oteli”(Serdar Sipahioglu) which is under contruction in Bümüssuyu section of istanbul, has two 32-story and öne 42-stpry hotel blocks in the -form of circles. The floor plans o-f the 18-story“Conrad Hotel”(kl.B.Tabler) which is under contruction in Beşiktaş section of istanbul, are curvelinear. The geometrical -form of the -floor plan o-f“Türkiye Sise Cam Fabrikaları A.S. Binası”(Doğan Tekeli and Sami Sisa“ which has two 47-story of-f içe blocks, is octogonal. in some o-f the examples, prismatic form is broken by set- backs, and in this way buildings have visual effects to their' environments. ”Sabancı Center“ (Ayhan Böke and Haluk Tümay) which is under contruction in Levent section of istanbul, consisting of öne 39-story and öne 34-story office blocks, can be shown as an example. The tops af some buildings are covered with sky lattices for the purpose of stressing the vertical effect. The 44-story ”Taksim Ticaret ve Turizm Merkez i-TUT İM“ (M.Doruk Pamir,, Ercüment Gümrük), which is under construction in Gümüşsüyü region of istanbul having offices and hotel functions is an example far this element of design. in the third.part of the thesis, the problems of high-rise buildings related with functionsş floor plans and vertical arrangements, relations with environment, systems of structurej vertical circulation, fire precuation and building envelope were explained and discussed with the purpose of establishing necessary bases ta assess Turki sn enamples. General l y, projects such as offices, shopping centers, appartments, hotels, factories, schools, hospitals, student hostels, terminal s, garages and the mixed developments may contain high-rise blocks. For the high-rise blocks, three main plan schemes are widely useds central type in which circulation and service cores are in the middle of the plansş longitudinal plans in which the circulation cores are not in the centre, but near the edgesj and the type in which the circulation cores are organised in various different manners.Singapore and Hong Kong. There arB only 2 buildings from Europe in this list. According to the data published by The Council on Tall Building and Urban Habitat in 1980, there are 3492 high-rise buildings in the world,, and 1701 of them are in North America. Europe has 680 and Far-East has 425 high-rise buildings. The highest building of the world is the i 10' story ”Sears Tower“ (Skidmare, Qwings and Meri 1 1 ) completed in 1974 in Chicago. The highest building outside of USA is the 72- story (36S m. ) ”Bank of China“ (L.M. Pei ) completed in 1989. The accepted form of the American Skyscraper consisted of base, shaft and capital elements until the II. World War. From 1950' ies, a new prototype of skyscraper design was appeared as prisms in the same geometrical form, from base to roof. Begining from I960' ies, the prism was abandoned and search for new forms gained momentum. Between 1970- 1990 the high-rise buildings were designed considering paints of social benefit and prestige and with purpose of improving their contributions to city life. Between 1980 and 1990 some projects which were designed by using limited heights proved to be succesful commercially and socially. In this period the form of base, shaft and capital have reappeared. Some of the examples have ornamented facades, even historical styles have been revitalized by using modern material. The skyscraper idiom has enetered in Turkish Language by way of encyclopedia translations and as a real building, the 24-story ”Emek îs Hanı“ (Enver Tokay) at Kızılay of which the construction began in 1957 in Ankara, was named as skyscraper by the public. In Turkey the high-rise buildings appeared in Istanbul and Ankara begining from 1950' ies. The first high-rise buildings, in a modern sense, in Turkey is 13-story ”Ulus İs Hanı“ (Orhan Başkurt, Gazanfer Beken, Orhan Balak) at Ulus Meydanı of Ankara, completed in 1959. In Turkey, between 1950-1985, 15 high-rise hotel, offices, student hostels and housing buildings reaching to 30 stories were constructed. The 28-story ”Hacı Ömer Sabancı Kıs öğrenci Yurdu“ (Tamay Sütmen and Yılmam Koçak) completed in 1984 in Ankara is the highest building constructed in this period. _wt _Singapore and Hong Kong. There arB only 2 buildings from Europe in this list. According to the data published by The Council on Tall Building and Urban Habitat in 1980, there are 3492 high-rise buildings in the world,, and 1701 of them are in North America. Europe has 680 and Far-East has 425 high-rise buildings. The highest building of the world is the i 10' story ”Sears Tower“ (Skidmare, Qwings and Meri 1 1 ) completed in 1974 in Chicago. The highest building outside of USA is the 72- story (36S m. ) ”Bank of China“ (L.M. Pei ) completed in 1989. The accepted form of the American Skyscraper consisted of base, shaft and capital elements until the II. World War. From 1950' ies, a new prototype of skyscraper design was appeared as prisms in the same geometrical form, from base to roof. Begining from I960' ies, the prism was abandoned and search for new forms gained momentum. Between 1970- 1990 the high-rise buildings were designed considering paints of social benefit and prestige and with purpose of improving their contributions to city life. Between 1980 and 1990 some projects which were designed by using limited heights proved to be succesful commercially and socially. In this period the form of base, shaft and capital have reappeared. Some of the examples have ornamented facades, even historical styles have been revitalized by using modern material. The skyscraper idiom has enetered in Turkish Language by way of encyclopedia translations and as a real building, the 24-story ”Emek îs Hanı“ (Enver Tokay) at Kızılay of which the construction began in 1957 in Ankara, was named as skyscraper by the public. In Turkey the high-rise buildings appeared in Istanbul and Ankara begining from 1950' ies. The first high-rise buildings, in a modern sense, in Turkey is 13-story ”Ulus İs Hanı“ (Orhan Başkurt, Gazanfer Beken, Orhan Balak) at Ulus Meydanı of Ankara, completed in 1959. In Turkey, between 1950-1985, 15 high-rise hotel, offices, student hostels and housing buildings reaching to 30 stories were constructed. The 28-story ”Hacı Ömer Sabancı Kıs öğrenci Yurdu“ (Tamay Sütmen and Yılmam Koçak) completed in 1984 in Ankara is the highest building constructed in this period. _wt _ÖZET, Türkiye'de yüksek binalar 40 yıldan beri yapılmakla beraber, son on yıl içinde taleplerinin arttığı görülmektedir. Günümüzde yüksek binaların kazandığı önemi gelecektede devam edeceği hatta artacağı düşünülmektedir. Son yıllarda Türkiye'de projelendirilen ve inşa edilen yüksek bina örneklerinin henüz toplu bir şekilde yayınlanmadığı görülmektedir. örneklerin pek azı mimarlık dergilerinde yer almış ve büyük bir kısmı ise yayınlanmıştır.. Bu tez yüksek binalar konusunda sistemli araştırma sonucu elde edilen bilgilerin ve bunlara dayanan eleştiri ve değerlendirmelerin ileride yapılacak çalışmalarda yararlı olacağı düşüncesiyle hazırlanmıştır. Bu çalışmamın 1» bölümünde konunun seçilme sebepleri açıklandıktan sonra, yüksek binalarla ilgili deyimler ve çeşitli görüş açılarına dayanan tanımlar irdelenmiştir. îkinci bölümde, Türkiye'de son yıllarda projelendirilen yüksek bina olayını anlamak ve yorumlamak için gerekli görülen, bu bina tipinin dünyada ortaya çıkış sebepleri ve gelişmesi ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra Türkiye'deki gelişimi ve son yıllarda görülen büyük isteğin sebepleri üzerinde durulmuştur. üçüncü bölümde, yüksek binalar fonksiyon, plan ve tertip, çevresel ilişkiler taşıyıcı sistem, yangın önlemleri, düşey sirkülasyon sistemi ve dıs kabuk sistemi bakımından irdelenerek, başlıca problemler saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde Türkiye'de 19B5-1990 döneminde tasarlanan ve 75 adet yüksek blok içeren 45 projeden seçilen 33 örnek, bunların mimarları ve yapımcı yetkilileri ziyaret edilerek sistemli bir soru listesi yardımı ile sağlanan bilgiler doğrultusunda değerlendirilmiştir. Besinci bölümde çalışmanın sonuçları açıklanmıştır. -1Y-Of the 33 examples, 25 projects are in Istanbul, 5 projects are in Ankara, 2 projects in Hersin, 1 project is in Kanya. The goverment declared some places as ”Tourism and Trade Regions“ in cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Mersin, Antalya by a law related with tourism which was passed on March 12.1982. Most of the high-rise buildings are considered as ”Tourism and Trade Centers“ to benefit from provisions of the law. These centers usually contain hotel and office blocks with shopping centers. High-rise housing blocks were planned in new housing developments out of the city centers. Some of the high- rise hotels are in the natural sites which are outside of the cities. The 25-story ”Grand Prestij Hotel“ (Servet Varol) which is planned to be constructed in Tarabya section of Istanbul is an example. According to functions, 33 building projects cam be classified as 34 offices, IS hotels, 7 public administration and 7 housing projects. The reasons of planing high-rise buildings are different. In most of the cases building programmes are extensive againts the limited area of land in the cental areas of the cities. Therefore, the demands of developments on expensive sites gave rise to vertical planning. High rise hotels were designed to increase room numbers and to have better wiews. The purpose of high-rise housing block is to increase green area between buildings. Some commercial projects were planned as high-rise building only for the purpose of prestige. In the high-rise buildings taken as examples, reinforces concrete is used exclusively expect one project. For the first time in Turkey, the structural system of 35-story hotel building ”Net Hotel" (Ercüment Gümrük) was projected as a steel -frame. In reinf orces-concrete buildings, frame type of structural system preffered mostly. Far the blocks which have more than 40 stories, reinforce concrete shear-wall tube-in tube system is used in most of the cases. Structural system of high-rise housing block either reinforced concrete frame, or reinforced concrete cross wall construction. Since there is no certain by-laws on fire precuation in _ Y -Turkey, in mast of the prajects, fire regulations of other countries were observed. According ta di ng by-law o-f istanbul city, building över 20 stories must have 2 escape stairs. in 50 storied MERTîM project, two fire lifts were installed in addition ta fire stairs. Sprinkler (pressured Water) systems, centeral fire alarm systems and smoke-sensi ti ve dedectors were used in rnost of the proj ects. in the projects taken as examples, lifts were organised as 1-3 groups in the buildings up ta 20 staries The speed af elevators are between 2.5-3.15 m/sec. The passenger capacity of the lifts are between 8 and 22 persons. in the high-rise buildings taken as examples, The most preferred system for facades is aluminum and reflective double glass curtain wall. in some of the projects, marble and sealant finished exposed concrete were also used. For wall-type facades, al ununum window with double glazing was used mostly. -VI-

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