Planlama sürecinde Sivas'ın kentleşmesi ve kent formu
Urbanization and Urban form of Sivas in planning process
- Tez No: 19396
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Şehircilik ve Bölge Planlama, Urban and Regional Planning
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1991
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 93
ÖZET Anadolu kentlerinin yapılaşmasındaki değişim 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde 1848 tarihli“Ebni- ye Nizamnamesi”ile başlamıştır. Sivas şehride bu değişimden etkilen miştir. Osmanlı imparatorluğu 'nda sosyo-ekonomik yapının genel duru mu, 17. ve 19. yüzyıl arasındaki iki yüzyıllık dönemde toplumun durağan yapısından dolayı, şehirler ve mekansal yapılanda oldukça durağandır. 16. ve 17. yüzyıllarda yeni mahalleler kurulması yoluyla hız lı bir şekilde genişleyen yerleşme alanları 17. yüzyıl başlarında u- laştığı sınırları yaklaşık 19. yüzyılın sonlarına kadar korumuştur. Romalılar zamanında kaleden şehir olmaya başlayan Sivas şeh rinin esas formu ışınsal niteliktedir ve 20. yüzyılda da bu yapısını korumaktadır. Bununla birlikte batı ve güney yönünde yapılan yatırım lardan dolayı, şehir bu yöndeki akslar boyunca gelişerek devam etmek tedir. Nüfusu çok hızlı artmayan, nüfus artışı bakımından statik bir görüntü veren şehirin nasıl bir yapı değişikliğine uğradığını belir lemek amacıyla şehir formu ve şehirleşme konusu seçilmiştir. Araştırmanın temel amacı, son yıllarda diğer illere önemli oranda göç veren Sivas'ın kentleşmesini, planlanlama süreci içinde ele alarak 1/5000 ve 1/25000 ölçekli ana plan kararları yla mevcut kentsel gelişmenin uyumunun irdelenmesi, geçmişten bugüne kent for mu vecluşumunu etkileyen faktörlerin tespiti ve. kent formunun belir lenmesidir. Araştırmanın diğer bir amacı ise, İç Anadolu kenti o- lan Sivas'ın, daha önce yapılan bazı çalışmalardan faydalanarak şe hirsel gelişmesini sağlayan ve sınırlayan faktörlerin belirlenmesi dir. Bu faktörler çalışma içerisinde ayrıca anlatılmıştır. Ana planların incelenmesi sonucunda planda gösterilen gelişme alanları ve plan kararlarına uyulmadığı gözlenmiştir. Plan dışı gelişme alanları içinde, özellikle kuzey-batı ve kuzey-doğu yönünde gecekondu alanları tespit edilmiştir. Planda gelişme alanı olarak gösterilmeyen bu alan, arsanın ucuz olmasından dolayı şehre göçen dargelirli vatandaşlar tarafından tercih edilmek tedir. Diğer taraftan güneyde yapılan bölgesel ölçekteki yatırımlar, şehrin yerleşme alanlarının Kızılırmak havzasına yayılması endişesi ni ve eğilimini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Ayrıca, şehir merkezinin ağırlık lı olarak güneye doğru kaydığı gözlenmektedir. Sivas şehrinin batı yönündeki gelişmesi durdurularak çimento fabrikasıyla arasındaki mesafe korunmalıdır. Gelişme yönleri ku zey ve doğu yönlerinde belirlenmelidir. Sivas'ın mevcut gelişmesi belirli. akslar boyunca gerçekleşmektedir. Kurulduğundan be ri kompakt ve ışınsal formda gelişen Sivas günümüzde de aynı şekilde gelişmesini devam ettirmektedir. -vii-
Özet (Çeviri)
URBANIZATION AND URBAN FORM OF SÎVAS IN PLANNING PROCESS SUMMARY The structural changes of the Anatolian cities began in the second part of the i?th century with the“Ebniye Nizamnamesi ”in 184S. Sivas city was also influenced from this structural changes period. In the period between the 17tn and 19th century, because of the community and its socio-economic structure was static, cities and their spatial structure were also static. As a result of new districts which were established in the 15th and 16th centuries, rapidly extending urban settlement areas, kept their 17th century boundries until at the end of the 19th century. When Sivas was a castle city in the Roman period, it became a radial city and took its actual form which still maintains. However, in the present, the physical growth is continuing along the some axes. In order to analyze the structural changes of Sivas city which is static and the population growth rate is low, the city form and the urbanization was chosen as a subject. The main aims of this thesis is to search the urbanization of Sivas city in the planning period which gave migrants in a large proportion to the other provinces of Anatolia in the last years, to the examine the harmonization of the urban development with the basic planning decisions which has 1/5000 and 1/25000 scale and to identify the physical, socio-economic and cultural factors which cause the emergence of Sivas city form. Another aim of this search is to determine the help of other works which made in this subject, These factors are explained in this thesis. On the other hand, the studies about the plans showed that, some planning decisions and development areas which were offered don't fit the plans. In generally, the factors which provide the developmet of cities can be categorized into different groups as follows: * Physical structure, -Vlll-* Socio-economic structure, * Demographic structure, # Politic decisions, # Plan decision etc. However, it must be taken into consideration that, some local and cultural factors can also influence the development and form of the cities. It is possible to range tne factors wnich &re the indicators of Sivas city development and the form of it as the following way; * We don't have enough information about Sivas city's physical form before the Roman period. Due to the fact that Sivas was located along the military and commercial road, for defense, it was surrounded by the city walls. After the Roman period, Byzantine became dominant in Sivas city, it kept its military importance in that period again but, because of the Arabic invasions which occur frequently, it coultn't develop much, * Turkish became dominant between the period of 1080- 1085 in Sivas until 1175. After that, Danişment Prencibality got the city which was one of the important centers of it, * In the 13th century, it was dominated by Seljuk State. In this period, Alladdin Keykubat and izzettin Keykavus equipped the city with the new buildings. The administrative and economic value of Sivas city increased and the physical boundries enlarged during this period, * In the 14th century, Sivas was placed both along the commercial road which provides the connection between Black Sea and south of Anatolia and on the main road engaged with Iran and Azarbeycan till the end of the 14th century, the city kept its 13th city boundries, But, in 1398 it passed to the dominance the Ottoman Empire and in 1400, it was invaded by Timur and destroyed, * During the 15th century and later centuries, Ottoman Empire again was dominant in Sivas city. In the latest quarter part of the 16th century, construction activities were began. At the present, in the city center, some buildings exist which were constructed in that period, * In the period between the 16th and 18th centuries, IX-with the addition of new districts, Sivas city extended physically similar to the other Anatolian cities. In the 19th century, the buildings were constructed by using either soil or wood and the city had a population of 43.122, Physical and economic development of Sivas city began and accelerated mainly after the declaration of Republic of Turkey. In the beginning of the Republic of Turkey, Sivas had a population af 26000, during the 20th century the factors which provide the urban development and continuity of tne city form Are mostly politic and economic. All these: * The placement in the“Provinces which must be given priority in development”, * The increase in the investments of existing public institutions, * The existence of the qualified human power in the existing public institutions, * The wealth of raw materials, * The increase in the private sector investments parallel to the various incentives such as credits etc, which are given by the State, * The extension of industrial investments, * The easiness of transportation facilities, * The studies about the establishment of university campus which was thought in a regional scale, can be set up in order as above However, some thresholds exist which limit the physical and socio-economic development of Sivas city. These &r&: Physical Thresholds * Kızılırmak river - basin which border the south development of the city, * The places which are located in the north-east and north-west part of the inhabited areas with a slope more than "/. 20, * The rail road and rail station as an artificial boundry which limit the south-west development of the city. -X-Social Thresholds # Squatter house can be defined as a social thresholds due to the income level of people, confort and the infrastructure facilities, * Because of the university application in a regional scale and the organized industrial region which was established in Sivas, the rural areas social structure transforming to the urban areas social structure is also a social threshold. Economical Thresholds * The capital accumulation for the private sector investments did not realized in the desired level, * Parallel to the insufficient economic investments, the inf rastractural investments are not provided accurately, * The economic difficulties should be solved which are the results of the insufficient capital accumulation and state encouregement and the projects which can not be finished in the projection period. For Sivas city, as a latest work, the master plans with 1/5000 and 1/25000 scale made for 1980-83 period. In these plans, the development direction of the city were in west, north-west and east directions. The Cement Factory which is located 8 km far away from the city center resulted with the west direction development of the city. In the north and west part of the city, the mass houses are established by the worker cooperatives. The university campus, the organized industrial region and the highway are placed in the south part of the city. As a result of this, city faced the difficulties about the extension into the river - basin. It can be argued that, the development of the city trade center, which is towards the south and the west, depends on the investments which are made in here west and south development depends upon the investments which are made in there. If the projected investments are realized on time, it can be expected that, Sivas city can become more attractive. The new employment -XI-opportunities and industries, as a result of these investments clearly will cause the social structural changes. However, these changes will reflect into the physical structure. The extension of Sivas city into the river - basin should be prevented with the rational and efficient planning decisions which are taken by local authorities. It should be controlled the west axes development of tne city. Tfte distance, between the cement factory and the city center should be thought in east and north-east diretions. The city has a cocentric form since the Roman period. In present, the city form development should be continued along the important axes which is in west, east and south directions. -XII-
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