İstiklal Caddesi XIX. yüzyıl cephe bezemelerinin üslupsal analizi ve bezeme restorasyonu için öneriler
Stylistic analysis of building facades in İstiklal Caddesi and suggestions for ornament restoration
- Tez No: 21754
- Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. DOĞAN KUBAN
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1992
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 249
ÖZET Bu çalışmada, XIX. yüzyıl Beyoğlu bölgesi İstiklal Caddesi binalarının üslup özelliklerini belirleyen cephe bezemeleri incelenmiş ve bu incelemeye dayanarak bezeme restitüsyon ve restorasyonu için seçilen örnekler üzerinde öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Giriş niteliği taşıyan ilk bölümde; özellikle kent merkezlerindeki tarihi çevrelerin korunmasında karşılaşılan sorunlar ve bu bağlamda, tez konusu olarak seçilen bölgenin, tarihsel önemine değinilmiştir. Ayrıca, bölgedeki binaların taşıdıkları üslup özellikleri açısından önemi ve korunmaları gerektiği vurgulanmıştır. 2. Bölüm'de; Avrupa'nın XIX. yüzyıldaki genel durumu, içine girilen endüstrileşme süreci ve bunun Avrupa toplumunda yarattığı ekonomik, siyasal, toplumsal değişiklikler ve bunların sanata ve mimarlığa yansıması anlatılmıştır. Burada XIX. yüzyıl Avrupa Mimarlığının seçmeci yapısı, bu yapının oluşumunda etkili olan XIX. yüzyıl Avrupası'nın toplumsal yapısına değinilmiştir. 3. Bölüm' de; temelleri XVIII. yüzyıla dayandırılan“Batılılaşma Süreci ”nde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu 'nun içinde bulunduğu siyasal, ekonomik, sosyal koşullar ve bunlara bağlı olarak, kentlerin-çalışma konusu olan İstanbul'un fiziksel yapısındaki değişiklikler anlatılırken, mimarlık alanındaki değişiklikler, -batılılaşma hareketlerinin en yoğun olduğu XIX. yüzyıl sonuna kadar- örneklenmiştir. Bunun yanında tezin konusu ile doğrudan ilgili oluşu nedeni ile mimarlık alanında bezemede görülen değişim ve batılı öğelerin kullanılması ayrı bir alt başlıkta incelenmiştir. 4. Bölüm 'de; öncelikle seçilen çalışma bölgesi olarak, Beyoğlu- İstiklal Caddesi 'nin XIX. yüzyıl sonuna kadar- çok kısa bir tarihsel gelişimi ve bu gelişim içinde önemli olan binalar anlatılmıştır. Sonra, cadde üzerinde bulunan binaların üslup özellikleri; binalarda bulunan mimarlık öğelerine göre yapılan sınıflandırmaya göre altı alt başlıkta incelenmiş, görülen bezemelerin ve biçimlenişlerin üslup özellikleri Avrupa Mimarlığından Örneklerle desteklenerek belirlenmiştir. 5. Bölüm 'de; incelenen örneklerde kullanılan malzemelerin üslupların ve bezeme öğelerinin birbirleriyle olan ilişkileri ortaya konmuştur. 6. Bölüm 'de ise; binaların cephelerinde ve bezemelerde görülen bozulmalar belirlenmiş ve bezemelerin restorasyonu için öneriler yapılmıştır. XV111
Özet (Çeviri)
SUWIARY STHJSHC ANALYSIS OF BUILDING FACADES IN İSTİKLAL CADDESİ AND SUGGESTIONS FOR ORNAMENT RESTORATION The aim of this study, is to search the facade ornaments of the buildings, at Beyoğlu-İstiklal Caddesi; 'which gives them their style characteristics. Basing on this search, some suggestions about the restitution and restoration of the facade ornaments on some chosen examples were made. In the first chapter; comprising a general definition of the thesis; the problems of the historical site conservation-especially if they are in the city centers- and in this context the historical importance of the Beyoğlu-İstiklal Caddesi was told. Also, because of the original style characteristics of these buildings, the importance and necessity of the conservation is determined. In the second chapter, the general outlook of Europe and basic tendencies in European Architecture in the 19 th. century is summarized, to perform a base for estimating the facade ornaments of the buildings at Beyoğlu-İstiklal Caddesi. In the 19th. century's Europe, with the changes seen in the structural qualities and new meaning in science-industry connection, a complex structure has been built up. The industrialization process, has begun in the middle of the 18th. century firstly in England and spreat to the other European countries, especially in the 19th. century. Colonial interactions and industrial progresses, formed new commercial possibilities. Also the rapid increase of the population and social movements, -especially starting by the 1789 French Revolution- caused changes in social structures of these countries. In addition to these, the progresses seen in the scientific and technical subjects, together, formed up the complex structure of the 19th. century. And this structure had been naturally effectual on art, architecture and city planning. In architecture, by the progress seen in the technical field besides the social and political developments, new space concepts and new forms by means of material and construction has been formed. In the 19th. century architecture; mainly the presence of two different tendencies can be accepted. The first one, is the architecture, formed by the new technologies and usage of new materials, like bridges, railways, fabric buildings in which steel, gloss, etc. has been used. And, the other tendencie, is the one, in which the old historic forms were used together with an eclectic approach. With this eclectic attitude, we seen that, in the first half of the xixcentury, the ancient Greek and Romen architectural forms has been used and in the second half, with the notianalist movement seen in European countries, styles like Neo-Gothic, Neo-Renaissance, Neo-Romantic, has been formed. And by the following years, an eclectic approach, in cohich the forms and ornaments of different styles were used together, is seen. This eclectic attitude has been also effectual in the other countries with which European countries were in contact. And in this countries with the supplement forms of European Architecture original styles were formed. In chapter 3; besides the changes in the physical structure of the cities -here it is Istanbul- according to the political, economic and social conditions of the Ottoman Empire in the“Westernization Process”which is based on the movements in the 18th. century. And also the changes which has been seen until the end of 19th. century, in which the westernization movements has become dense, is told with examples. The progress of Western countries was not due to a social model, which has a theory and conciously ascertained, but it was a result of natural progress of many elements having different qualities and levels, in a long period of time with contradicitions. And at the end of this process the“West”and“Western”concepts became a criterion mostly by the help to the“West”itself. In this period, Ottoman Empire had a different economic and socio-cultural structure and also had some different worries. Since the Ottomans hasn't been a“Western”society, the westernization movement having no social base but created by the conditions in which the Empire has been, as a necessity, brought different res.ults. In the period of Selim III. the military organization named Nizam-i Cedid, the westernization movements, has firstly gained an associational character. And also in this period the educational associations except the medreses became important. In 1773 MUhendishane-i Bahr-i Hümayun, in 1792 Kumbarahane and in 1794 MUhendishane-i Berri-x Hümayun had b~gan education. After Selim III., in the period of Mahmut II., these renovation movements has continued and the most important; was the ending of Yeniçeri Ocağı, in 1826. This had increased the speed of renovation movements. By the decleration of Tanzimat, the westernization ideals have gained a formal and associational quality. In the period following Tanzimat, with the new statutes formed, by“Islahat Fermanı”in 1839, westernization of Ottomans gained force in economic cultural, educational fields. An other important step in the“Westernization Process”of Ottoman Empire was“Kanun-i Esasi”declared in 1876. As it can be seen; this process was not a result of a natual and independent progress, as it had been in western countries. In Ottoman Empire western society model -which had been seen in different conditions in the west- was accepted and tried to be applied by the Ottoman society. xxThis process had been effective on social structure and this was also effectual on architecture, as it had been in Europe. In the third chapter also the changes which has been seen in Ottoman Architecture, beginning from“Lale Devri”was summarised. The Kağıthane projects caused a new life style and in the 18th. century this area had became an entertainment center. Also in this period some other building types like fountains and sebils has been seen in cities since the city concept has changed by the western influences. Nur-u Osmaniye Complex is an other step in the westernization of Ottoman Architecture. In this period the influence of baroque style has began to be seen. Laleli Mosque (1759-63), Üsküdar Ayazma Mosque (1757-60) and Beylerbeyi Mosque (1778) are examples of this period. Also kiosk of Ahmet III in Topkapi Palace in an other good example of the reflection of baroque style and forming in Turkish house architecture. In the Nizam-i Cedid period, many other building types were s.een like barracks, military aimed factory buildings, etc., and also in this period foreign architects has began working in Ottoman cities. At the end of the century, the Selimiye district around the Selimiye Barrack was the first grid-planned districkt in Istanbul. In the 18th. century because of the population increase, settlements spreat out of the old city walls and to the Bosphorous sides. Eminönü and Sirkeci has developed as a harbour next to Galata. Also in this century the construction of yalis and köşks increased and influences of western architecture can be easily seen in these buildings -especially in their ornaments-. In the period of Mahmut II radical changes about the structure of the city had gained importance and the first city plan has been made by Moltke in 1987. With the Tanzimat decleration some organizations in architecture has been seen and in this period many construction laws has came into force. Especially in the second half of the 19th. century Galata and Pera in which the rich families has been living, became a different physical environment. Also the Galata bridge -connectiong Eminönü and Galata- built in 1845, the“Tünel”which has began working in 1874 were important. In the 4th. chapter; firstly the historical process of Beyoğlu was told. The history of Beyoğlu, or Pera as it was once called, beigns with Galata, a small village founded by the Gauls called“the Galats”by the Greeks. The Later, the Lombardians, the Amalfians, the Genovese, the Jews, the Pisans and the Venetians who gained their sovereignty from the Byzantines, settled in Galata and began dealing with commerce While the Jews outnumbered the rest of the population during the 12 century, during the 13, the region underwent Genovese sovereignty thus the new settlements were made in the Italian style. The ridge of Galata called Pera or Peran (meaning passageway or the other side) by the Byzantines ceased to be called so after 1461 when Mehmed the Conqueror overtook the Pounts Empire. And after that, the regron ards cailed“Beyoğlu”. xxxth In the XV. century; athough the Muslims began to settle in Beyoğlu they are still, in minority. And the region character is so different from the XIX century with a limited population and determinated functions. Beyoğlu developed most during the 19 century. The main street, today called İstiklal Caddesi, developed following a fire in the south in 1831 and a fire in the north in 1870. After the second fire, the Ottoman Government prohibited wooden constructions. The street stretches all the way from Tünel where a subway was constructed during 1873 to the Taksim square. Also, In the 4. chapter, the style characteristics of the buildings at İstiklal Caddesi is determined due to the architectural facade elemsnt. The General 4 facade forms, caves, windows, doors, consoles, balustrades, and other ornaments seen on the facades and the styles used were told. Also some examples from the European Architecture is given in order to support the these that these forms are taken from to European Architecture and buildings. Around 100 buildings in this style, lined around İstiklal Caddesi running all the way from Tünel to Taksim, own transformed functional elements of the antique architecture. For example, going up from Tünel, on the right hand side, above the“ ABC bookstore is the V.Sefer- oğlu Appartment, in Neo-Classical style. While the outer facade is ornamented, the pillars in Ionic and Corinthian style that have support ing function have been transformed to decorative elements. The Ionic pillar heads protrude unsimilar to the original samples. Another example where the antique architecture elements have been re-styled according to the taste of the era is the Arda Tunca appartment situated above the Hachette bookstore Here the Ionic pillars have completely lost their supportive function and have been used solely for decoration with plant like ornamentations on the pillars itself instead of stripes. An; other Antique architectural elements frequently, used on the appartments of the İstiklal Caddesi dating from the 19. century, are caryatides whose most important examples can be observed on the Erecthelon of the Acropolis in Athens. While the Ionian type caryatides along the two sides of the arcaded entrance of the Alkazar. Cinema constructed in the neo-baroque and the neo-classical forms continue their supportive function, the same type of caryatides at the sides of the entrance of the Çiçek Pasajı have been used both for supporting and decoration purposes. And also, the garland; which has taken from cor inthian order is also, used in Turkish Architecture following the westernization. Buildings of neo-classical and neo-baroque style such as the Ömer Rüştü Paşa appartment, the building over Dekor, the post office XXXIbuilding, Beyoğlu Han, the building over Pamuk Bebe the Luvre appartment next to the Arda Tunca appartment, Garanti Han, Çifte Roumelie and Sem 74, they all have garlands. These take place over the entrance, around the windows and balconies and over the half pillars. The arcades at the entrance of Çiçek Pasajı which are constructed in the neo-baraque style and the protruding places have garlands. Though not very often, some constructions have egg-and-darts used as decoration elments. Ionic and Corinthian type egg-and-darts can be observed on the plaster capitals of Cite”de Syrie in the neo-classical style and building no 65 in the neo-baraque style, and under the partitions separating the 2nd. and 3rd. floors of the neo-classical building over Eren. Palmets and acroterium borrowed from antique architecture can be observed as elments of decoration on these buildings. For example, balustrades of the balconies of buildings no 411-413-415 in the neo-baroque style over the Çiçek Şekerleme gallery have Corintian style palmets. There are acroteriums on the two frontels of the neo-classical construction over Rektör. In the XVIII century; especially in the period of Selim III. as the connections with the Western countries increased, the progress of Beyoğlu has gained speed. And also the foreign countries especially France, Hollanda and England opened their embassres in Beyoğlu. These foreign people setting in this area also had their own residences and churches constructed. t"Vl In the 5 chapter the relation between the styles, ornaments and the materials used is examined. We can say that stone was frequently used in Antique and Baroque, styled ornaments. And the iron is used mostly in Art-Noveau decoration. In the 6 chapter; the deterioration seen in the facade ornaments are told and some suggestions about restoration techniques are told on examples. XXlll
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