Geri Dön

Simav-Dağardı feldspatlarının zenginleştirilme olanaklarının araştırılması

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 2240
  2. Yazar: EROL OKUR
  3. Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. GÜVEN ÖNAL
  4. Tez Türü: Doktora
  5. Konular: Maden Mühendisliği ve Madencilik, Mining Engineering and Mining
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1984
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 128


ÖZET Bu. çalışmada Seramik sanayiinin hammaddelerinden olan Felds patların; bulundukları yataklar, ekonomik önemleri ve kullanim alan- lan.belirtilerek, istenilen özelliklere sahip olmayan ve sınırlı tüketim alan la ri' bulabilen düşük tenörlü feldspatların zenginleştiriliri© ola nakları çeşitli yöntemler tatbik edilerek araştırılmıştır. Ülkemizde, rezerv bakımından önemli bir yeri olan SİMAV-Da" gardı yöresi pegrnatitlk yataklarından alınan numuneler üzerinde yapılan Petrografik ve Mineralofik etüdler sonucunda; cevherin Felds pat (ortoklaz ye plafiaklaz), kuvars, mika ve turmalin 'minerallerin den oluştuğu tesbit edilmiştir. SİMAV- DA?ARDI feldspatlarının zenginleştirilmesi olanakları nın araştırılmasında; boyuta göre sınıflandırma ile zenginleştirme, flotosyon, manyetik ayırma ve elektrostatik ayırma yöntemleri uy gulanmıştır. ' 1 - Boyuta göre sınıflandırma ile zenginleştirme çalışmaların da olumlu sonuç alınamamıştır. 2 - Flotasyon ile zenginleştirme deneylerinde; Şlam'ın seçici liği önlemesi ve reaktif serfiyatını aşın ölçüde arttırması nedeniyle sınıflandırılmış (-O.210+0.Q44 mm.) numuneler kulanılmış ve zen ginleştirme üç ikademede gerçekleştirilmiştir.a- Mika flotasyonunda; Cevherdeki mika'Iar pH=3.5, %50 katı oranında ve Amin + Gazyağı (150+300 g/t) şartlarında yüzdürülmüş ve toplam ağırlığın %5'i olan mika konsantresi elde edilmiştir. b- İkinci kademede; Demir içeren ve renk verici (Ferromağ- nezyumlu) mineraller, Anyonik kollektörler (petrol sülfona/tları) kul lanılarak asit ortamda (pH=3.5) ve %25 katı pülp yoğunluğunda yüzdürülüp %40 Fe 2 O 3 verimi ile konsantre elde edilmiş ve batan ürün (artık) deki demir oranı ise %0.4 Fe2 03 'e düşürülmüştür. c - Son kademede ise mika ve renk verici minerallerden arın dırılmış cevherden Feldspat-Kuvars ayırımı yapılmıştır. Katyonik dev rede yapılan flotasyon deneylerimde feldspatlar, amiri (Tallow Amin AsetaMÛOO g/t) ilavesiyle pH= 3 ve %20 katı oranında yüzdürü lerek %83.78 K2 O verimiyle, %7.22.K2 O İçeren ve toplam alkaii- tesi % 14.06 olan konsantre elde edilmiştir. 3 - Manyetik ayırma ile renk verici ve demirli minerallerin ay rılması; Kuru manyetik ayırıcıda, 2.5 amper (110 V) de üç kere te mizleme ile sağlanmış, manyetik olmayan üründeki demir oranı %0.28'e düşürülmüştür. Ayrıca flotasyon ile elde edilen ürünler (Feldspat ve Kuvars kons.) manyetik ayırma ile tekrar temizlene rek %0.4 Fe2 03 olan demir içeriği %0.28-0.32 Fe2 03 'e düşü rülmüştür. 4 - Elektrostatik ayırmada; Feldspat-Kuvars ayırımı Feldspat tanelerinin HF ile aktive edilmesiyle gerçekleştirilmiş, %İ0 HF kon santrasyonunda 15-25 dakika ısıtılarak aktive edilen numuneler 7.000 Volt gerilimde elektrostatik ayırmaya tabi tutularak % 7.05 K2 O tenörlü Feldspat konsantresi % 80.24 K2 O verimle elde edilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalar sonunda SİMAV-Dağardı cevherinden, sa nayiinin talep ettiği özellüıklere sahip feldspat konsantresi üretilebi leceği ortaya çıkarılmıştır. VI

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY Feldspar which is an important raw. material. for ceramic in dustry has been studied in this thesis. Occurence, economic impor tance and application fields "off -feldspars are mentioned. Feldspars which hove low grade content, unusable properties and limited con sumption fields have been studied by different benefication met hod®. Petrographic and mineraldgie studies have shown that the Sİ MAV- DA?ARDI pegmatites ore deposits contain feldspar (ort- hoclase and piajioklase) quartz, mica and tourmaline minerals. Benef relation methods which have been used during these studies were as follows: Concentration by grain-size classification, Flotation, Magnetic and Electrostatic separation, 1 1 - Beneficiation according to grain-size classification did not give applicable results. 2-. Beneficiation by Flotation was considered to be the most suitable method for this öre and investigated in detail. In the experiments carried out for the all flotation stages of silioates; the effects of particle size, type and amount of collectors, conditioning time, PH value, solid ratio in the pulp and. removal of slime prior to flotation were -investigated. VIIThe results obtained are summarized below: a - Type and amount of collector, Cationic type of collectors including Armac T (Tallow Amine Acetate), Armac C (Coco Amine Acetate), Dodesil Amine Acetate were used at mica-feldspar flotation and Armac T (150 gr/t for mica flotation and 1000 gr/t for feldspar flotation) was found to be the most suitable. Anionic collectors (R 825 and R 801) was used for ferromag nesian minerals flotation and R 825 (500 gr/t), R 801 (250 gr/t) gave the best results. In the mica and feldspar flotation auxiliary collector kerosene was used and the amounts 300 gr/t for mica flotation, 2000 gr/t for feldspar flotation gave the best results. b - Particle size, Ore samples which were used in these tests, ground to minus 0.425 mm., 0.297 mm, 0.210 mm, 0.149 mm, 0.105 mm, were used. The best results were achieved with the minus 0.210 mm.. c- ?> Conditioning time, The pulp was conditioning for 3,5,7,8 and 10 minutes. 7 minutes mica flotation, 8 minutes ferromagnesian minerals flotation and 6 minutes feldspar flotation gave the best results. d - PH value, Flotation tests were carried out in an acidic circuit at various PH values ranging between 2.0 to 4.0. Best results were obtained at PH=3.5 in mica and ferromagnesian minerals flotation and at PH=3.0 in feldspar flotation. PH was regulated with H2 S04 at the mica and ferromagnesian minerals flotation and with HF at feldspar flotation. e - Solid ratio in the pulp, Various solid ratios of the pulp were employed between %20- 50 solid and the best ratios was found to be %50 mica, %25 fer romagnesian minerals and %20 feldspar flotation. VIII 'f-^ Slime, Ore samples ground to minus 0,210 mm, were subjected to flo tation tests, both before and after removal of the slimes. It was found that the slimes were unsuitable on the flotation. Therefore, ore samples were ground by close control of the grinding- and des- limed (0.044 mm.). Laiboratory batch flotation tests on the SİMAV- DA?ARDI felds par ores were performed to determine the best conditions for the re moval of micas and iron-ibearing minerals and flotation of a feldspar product. Flotation was applied on an ore containing %5.76 K2 O, %4.53 Na2 O and %0.70 Fe2 Os at the three different stages. a - First stage (Mica flotation): Micas have been floated in the cationic circuit. Mica concent rate obtained under the best conditions, which are summarized be low assaying % 77.02 mica with % 85.77 recovery, is %5 of total weight. PH8.5 Y Amount of H 2 SO 4... 1.6 kg/t Collectors'.Armac T(1 50 gr/t), Kerosene (30Ö gr/t) Conditioning time...... 7 minutes FrotherPine oil (0.044 kg/t) Pulp density%50 solid Particle size0-.21 0+0.044 mm. Second stage (Ferromognesian minerals flotation): Iron -bearing minerals and coloring minerals were floated with anionic collectors (Petroleum siilfonats) in the acidic circuit. Iron content in the sink product (feldspar and quartz) dropped to %0.4 Fe2 03. The ferromognesian concentrate obtained assaying %6.5 Fe2 03 while the recovery of Fe2 03 was %40.00 which is %4 of total weight. IXThe best conditions for ferromagnesian mineral's flotation are PH3.5 Amount of H 2 SO 4... 1.6 kg/t CollectorsR 825 (50 gr/t), R 801 (250 gr/t) Conditioning time...... 5 minutes Pulp.density%25. solid, Particle size-0.210+0.044 mm. c - Last stage (Feldspar flotation): Feldspar have been floated with amines (Tallow Amine Acetate) in acidic circuit. The concentrate obtained under the best conditions assaying %7.22 K2 O, %5.64 Na2 O and %96.3 feldspar, while the reoövery was %83.78 K2 O, %83.19 N2 O and %83.31 feldspar ac cording to classified ores. Best conditions for feldspar flotation are PH;...3.0 Amount of HF1.58 kg/t Collectors......Armac T(1000gr/t); Kerosene (2000 gr/t) Conditioning time...... 6 minutes Frother..........Pine oil (0.175 kg/t) Pulp density%20 solid Particle size-0.210+0.044 mm. 3 - Benefication by Magnetic Separation;, Ferromagnesian minerals have been separated by the high-in tensity dry magnetic separator. Ore samples after grinding to minus 0.210 mm. were separated to two fraction sized -0.210+0.105 mm. and -0.105+0.044 mm. Each samples were cleaned three times at 2.5 amper (110 Volt) and iron content in non the magnetic product (feldspar-quartz) decreased to %0.28 Fe2 03. In addition to these tests, iron content has been decreased to % 0.28-% 0.32 Fe2 03 which were used in feldspar flotation products feldspar and quartz concentrates. '. XElectrostatic separation of feldspar and quartz have been verified toy activlten the feldspar grains toy HF. Separation has been obtained at 7000 Volte by activation of sink product of second stage flotation with %10 HF concentration (15-25 minutes heating). Experiments were carried out under 0.210 mim. In two classified samples a feldspar concentrate was produced with a grade of %7.05 K2 O, %5.44 Na2 O and % 93.20 feldspar according to clas sified ores, and recovery was % 78.98 feldspar. Results of the tests showed that flotation and electrostatic se paration may be applied succesfully to SİMAV-DA?ARDI ores there fore feldspar concentrate which Industries would demand wilt be obtained in this method. XI

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