Geri Dön

Yapı ve mimarlık hizmetleri sektörlerindeki işyerlerinde mobing

Mobbing in the construction and architectural services sectors

  1. Tez No: 310538
  3. Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. EMRAH ACAR
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2012
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 103


Bu tez çalışmasında, bireylerin çalışma yaşamında maruz kalıp, kimi zaman adlandıramadıkları, kimi zaman adlandırmaktan kaçındıkları, `mobing' ? işyerinde psikolojik taciz ? ele alınmış ve Türkiye'de mimarlık hizmetleri ve inşaat sektöründe çalışan profesyonellerin maruz kaldıkları psikolojik taciz olgusuna yoğunlaşılmıştır.Kişinin çalışma hayatında maruz kaldığı fiziksel zararlar, genellikle psikolojik zararlardan önce farkedilmektedir; bu sebeple kişinin işyerinde uğrayacağı iş kazaları ve meslek hastalıklarına karşı önlemler geliştirilmiş; ancak çalışanın hem psikolojik hem fiziksel sağlığına zarar veren mobinge karşı önlem almak arka plana atılagelmiştir. Mobing, bireye ve çalışma barışına verdiği zararın yanında, bir örgütteki sosyal ağı etkilemesi ve kişiler arasındaki iletişimi zayıflatması sebebiyle performans kaybına da neden olmaktadır. Mobing örgüt içinde performans düşüşü, personel kaybı, prestij kaybı ve maddi kayıplar gibi olumsuzluklara da yol açmaktadır. Dolayısıyla mobing, maddi ve manevi yönleriyle ele alınması gereken bir problem alanı oluşturmaktadır.İşyerinde karşılaşılan her türlü olumsuz davranışın mobing olarak adlandırılmaması ve doğru tanı yapılabilmesi için ele alınan unsurlar çalışmada açıklanmış; işyerinde karşılaşılan herhangi bir nezaketsiz davranış biçimi ile mobing davranışlarının ayırdedilebilmesi için gerekli ölçütler açıklanmıştır.Yapı ve mimarlık hizmetleri sektörleri bağlamında keşfedici nitelikteki bu tez çalışması kapsamında, sektördeki profesyonellere yönelik bir saha araştırması tasarlanmıştır. Araştırma ile sektörde çalışanların mobinge maruziyet düzeyinin, çalışanların mobing karşısında ne gibi tepkiler verdiklerinin, işyerlerinde bu konuya ilişkin önleyici mekanizmalar olup olmadığının ve çalışanların mobingi önlemek konusunda önerilerinin belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir.Çalışanların mobinge maruziyet düzeyini tespite hizmet etmek amacıyla, Leymann'ın `Leymann Inventory Psychological Terrorism (LIPT)' ölçeğinden faydalanılmıştır. LIPT ölçeğine araştırmanın amaçları doğrultusunda çeşitli sorular eklenmiş; tasarlanan anket formu sektördeki profesyoneller tarafından yaygın biçimde kullanılan elektronik platformlarda askıya çıkarılmıştır. Anketi yanıtlayan 107 profesyonel içinde literatürdeki `mobing mağduru' tanımına uyan 54 yanıtlayıcı ile ikinci bir örneklem oluşturularak bir dizi istatistiksel ve nitel analiz yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sayısal verilerin analizinde SPSS yazılımından yararlanılmıştır.Araştırma sonuçları, yapı ve mimarlık sektöründe çalışan profesyonellerin mobing olarak tanımlanabilecek davranışlarla sıklıkla karşılaştıklarını ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışma bulguları, yaş, cinsiyet, medeni hal ve sektör deneyimi gibi bireysel değişkenlerin mobinge maruziyet ve mobinge gösterilen tepki açısından belirleyici olduğunu göstermektedir. Büyük-küçük işletme, meslek, pozisyon farkı olmaksızın mobing davranışlarının inşaat sektöründe yaygın olması, çalışma barışının sağlanması açısından konunun üzerinde durulması ve çalışanların bilinçlendirilmesi gerektiğini göstermektedir. Çalışmanın bulguları, başta formel şikayet mekanizmaları olmak üzere, çalışanlar tarafından önerilen bir dizi önleyici mekanizmanın yararını istatistiksel olarak da doğrulamaktadır.Bu çalışma, gelecekte yapılabilecek daha kapsamlı araştırmalara öncülük etmesi açısından önemlidir. Ancak, çalışmanın, amaçlı örnekleme (`purposive sampling') metodu ile yapılmış olduğu ve `nasıl' sorusundan çok `ne' sorusuna yoğunlaştığı birer kısıtlama olarak dikkate alınmalıdır.

Özet (Çeviri)

This thesis focuses on `mobbing? ? psychological disturbing phenomenon in the workplace ? The study aims to identify the extent to which professionals active in the architectural services and construction sectors are exposed to mobbing behaviors in their daily routines.The word `mobbing? is used in particular to describe `disturbing in the workplace? although different words are used in different countries for describing the term `disturbing?. Mobbing is, psychological disturbing that is directed in a systematically and hostile behavior, from one or a few people to a few people in the workplace, in order to cause them leave the work.In any workplace, physical damages that an individual is exposed to during his/her carrier, are relatively more easy to realize than psychological damages. Therefore, while precautions are often taken for occupational accidents and diseases in a workplace, protecting employees from mobbing which is harmful both psychologically and physically, is often neglected. Besides the individual damages, mobbing causes losses of performance through affecting the social network in an organization and weakening the interaction between people. Mobbing has also other negative effects on the organization such as the loss of personnel and prestige. Accordingly, mobbing is clearly a problem area in the project and construction management discipline to be addressed with its tangible and intangible dimensions.Today, awareness is raised among employees about mobbing, via various legal arrangements and criminal sanctions many countries. In Turkey, awareness on mobbing is relatively a new phenomenon and the protection of employees from mobbingis yet a matter of incomplete legal debate while this thesis is being written.Thus, choosing the `mobbing? phenomenon as the subject of this thesis, is related to both the scarcity of empirical evidence in the construction industry, as well as the recent awareness and consciousness in Turkey toward this phenomenon. The author hopes that findings from this thesis will lead to further research studies on the subject matter.To diagnose `mobing? and not to entitle every negative and unkind behaviour in a workplace environment as `mobbing?, this study identifies also a set of criteria. In case of mobbing, the purpose of endamagement is less distinctive whereas non-equal balance of power (both formal and informal) is more distinctive. The aim of mobbing is to make the individual feel insufficient on defending himself/herself against the negative circumstances that are threatening, indefensible, regular iterant. However, it is not always easy to get a distinctive diagnosis on mobbing from a normal conflict, sexual abuse, paranoia, personality disorder or stress of workplace arising due to excessive amount of work load. Mentioning mobbing, a `systematic? motion is required more than an instant act or behavior. Once or twice displayed behaviors are not accepted as mobbing. For this reason, negative behavior such as instant pounding or revilement between people is not the subject of psychological disturbing. In order to assume as mobbing, the behaviors should be acted for a long time ?minimum six months? and should be done often, organized and ganged.In vertical and horizontal mobing, three applied mobing types are identified respectivecley as ?top to bottom? (from senior to junior), both ?top to bottom? (from senior to junior) and ?bottom to top? (from junior to senior), and people having equal positons.There are seven criteria that are identified in order to mention the asset of mobbing. First of all, the psychlogical disturbing must be in the workplace. Second, an employer should be encountered with hostile behaviours at least once a week, that is four times a month; as it is defeined by Swedish scientist Heinz Leymann, who is accepted as an authority in literature. Third ciriterion ?time? means, still with the definition of Leymann, hostile and unethical behaviours should be continued at least for six months. Fourth criterion is about behavior pattern and empolyer should be exposed to a few behaviours of at least two of 45 behaviours among five behaviour category, that Leymann designated. These categories: Attacks oriented to communication, attacs oriented to social relations, attacks oriented to social image, attacks oriented to quality of professional and special position, and attacks oriented to health. Fifth criterion to get diagnosis of mobbing is planar inequality that should be between parties. If both sides are armed, in other words, there is no dangler and sufferer, this phenomenon can not be entitled as mobbing. Sixth criterion is about the necessity of development of the events in successive stages. Accordingly, if it is regarded that the name ?zero condition? is given to the condition of general conflict and tension in management; sixth criterion is; no longer hostile behaviors? are coincidental on the stages following zero condition, observing psychosomatic symptoms on the victim later on, situation?s being carried to a senior such as HR department, individual?s divergence from the work in time and even the following cases of suicide on heavy conditions. Last criterion is the necessity of ulterior motive in hostile behaviours of dangler. This is the hardest criterion to understand, since, a simple misbehave or rude behaviour does not define the inhumanly intent separately.Being the first one of the five categories of mobbing behaviour patterns, attacks oriented to comminication means, dangler?s preventing the victim?s, expressing herself/himself via closing the communication channels with colleagues and contacting with people. Attacs oriented to social relations can be defined as dangler?s trying to demoralize the victim via reducing or hindering the communication of him/her with colleagues. Attacks oriented to social image refers to spreading various rumors about the victim or holding up to ridicule some failures of the victim, either existent or inexistent. Attacks oriented to quality of professional and special position means directly attacking to proffessional skills of the victim. Attacks oriented to health can be mentioned as, to expose the victim heavy physcical and mental attacks that can endanger his/her health and deactivate his/her working.Reasons of mobbing are collected under two titles named organizational and personal. Under the title of organizational reasons, there are three types of company profiles: organization supporting mobbing, responsible to shareholders more than employees; organization supporting mobbing, having hierarchical management structure, generally seen in educational and governmental institutions; organization opponent to mobbing, conducting benefits of the organization, generally medium scaled institutions. Three types of profile are put forward in the studies referring to personal reasons of mobbing: The first profile describes people having serious psychological problems and having personality disorders. The second type of profile represents depressive and skeptical characters while third profile describes people in a normal psychology though having mobbing experience.There are three basic roles in the process of mobbing: Danglers, victims, audience. Danglers are people who feel justified, who do not have guilt feelings and also defend themselves, who bring forward that the victim made him/her to behave like this, stating the victim as the offender and the victim deserve this behaviour. Victims are people who are good at their work, succesfull in their profession and have the ability to raise; solely lacking self-confidense, not being aware of their own ability and skills. Audience are entitled as ?indirect danglers? and they are not directly included in the process that they prefer to be silent on the face of events and do not take responsibility.Results of mobbing should be handled both at personal and economical levels. Considering the personal results, it is seen that mobbing has negative effects on both victim and the audience in workplace. People lose their trust to both their chiefs and their colleagues and their motivation declines. The period of mobbing comes to an end via dismissing the employer or the employer?s quitting the job. Mobbing also hinders the organizational dynamics such as commitment between colleagues, communication and performance. Investigations affirm that psychological disturbing in workplace causes a lot of physical, psychological, organizational and social expenditure. Stress, being the leading among these, causes impairment of health, mentally and physically. Smoking, alcohol and narcotic drug addiction can commence on individuals, beside headaches, stomachaches, panic attack, blod pressure, heart diseases. Next to affecting individuals personally, mobbing also affects institutions, society and national economy. Organizational results such as absenteeism, low turnover, increaseing number of employees working uncheerfully, cost of education for new eployees, unprofitability, lack of quality and motivation, payments due to compensation and early retirement can be observable. Beside economical effects, mobbing also affects performance in an organization due to changing social network and working conditions. Conflict between employees, negative working environment, loss of cultural values, incredulous working environment and unrespectful colleagues pull down creativity and success in organization. Employees?, who are not content of their work, sharing their discontent with with people outside the company affects the image and prestige of company.In this thesis, which has an exploratory nature in the context of architectural services and construction sectors, a field study was designed. The study aimed to observe the extent to which the architects and engineers were exposed to mobbing behaviors in their workplaces. Employees? recommendations for taking preventative measures against mobing in a workplace were also identified.Leymann?s scale of `Leymann Inventory Psychological Terrorism (LIPT)? was used to measure the level of exposure of individuals to mobbing behaviors. Following a convenience sampling process, the e-questionnarie of the study were announced to professionals through various electronic platforms which are commonly used in the industry. Out of 107 respondents, 54 respondents were identified as `mobbing victims? based on formal definitions from literature and various statistical and qualitative analyses were then conducted. Quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS software.Findings suggest that design and construction professionals are frequently exposed to mobbing behaviors. Exposure to these behaviors are shown to be related to a set of individual variables like age, gender, marital status and sector experience. The study shows also that exposure to mobbing is not statistically related to variables like occupation, position and organizational size -a finding which may be signalling some deep cultural factors to be addressed in future studies. Overall, the study highlights the need for awareness building efforts and a set of preventative measures for mobbing.The fact that data for this thesis were gathered through a convenience sampling process and that the study focused on `what? question (the extent to which employees are exposed to mobbing), rather than `how? question (the actual mechanism of the mobbing process) should be taken into consideration by the reader as these are the limitations of this thesis work.

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