Geri Dön

Ultrashort and short pulsed fiber laser development for transparent material processing, imaging and spectroscopy applications

Transparan malzeme işleme, görüntüleme ve spektroskopi amaçlı ultra kısa ve kısa atımlı fiber lazer geliştirilmesi

  1. Tez No: 379855
  2. Yazar: SEYDİ YAVAŞ
  3. Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. FATİH ÖMER İLDAY
  4. Tez Türü: Doktora
  5. Konular: Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ultrashort Pulse Laser, Ultrafast Laser, Fiber Laser, Fiber Ampli er, High Pulse Energy Laser, Ultrafast Material Processing, Nanosurgery, Tissue Ablation, Multiphoton Ablation, Photoacoustic Imaging, Supercontinuum Gen- eration, Photothermal Effects, THz Spectroscopy, Photodarkening, Glass Pro- cessing
  7. Yıl: 2015
  8. Dil: İngilizce
  9. Üniversite: İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Malzeme Bilimi ve Nanoteknoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 135


60'l yllarda lazerin icadndan bu yana lazer teknolojisindeki gelismeler temel olarak iki yonde ilerlemistir; daha ksa atm uretme ve daha yuksek guclere ulasma. Bunu basarabilmek icin bircok farkl lazer tipi gelistirilmis ve bu lazer tip- leri her seferinde, ayn isi ya da daha iyisini yapabilen, daha basit, daha kucuk ve daha ucuz alternati erle yer degistirmistir. Son 20 ylda da ber lazerler mevcut lazer teknolojisine onemli bir alternatif olarak ortaya ckms ve mevcut parame- treleri daha da ileri goturmeyi basarrken bunu daha az sistem karmasklg, maliyeti ve kararszlg ile sunmustur. Fiber lazerlerin temelini olusturan optik berler ilk olarak yaygn olarak kullanlan kablolara alternatif olmas icin telekomunikasyon alannda, sinyalleri dusuk kaypla uzun mesafelere tasyabilmesi sebebiyle kullanlmaya baslanmstr. Bu nedenle ber optik alanndaki calsmalarn cogu berleri daha etkin telekomunikasyon kanallar yapmaya yogunlasmstr. Fiberlerin yuksek kalitede lazer demeti saglayabildiginin fark edilmesi ve bu parametrenin lazerler icin de onemli olmas sebebiyle berlerin lazer alannda kullanlmas icin arastrmalar yaplmaya baslanms ve 80li yllarda ilk aktif berlerin dusuk kaypl olarak uretilmesiyle sonuclar alnmaya baslanmstr. Cift-kl  berlerin uretilmesi, diyot lazerlerin aktif berleri pompalama amacl kullanlmaya baslanmas ve ver- imli nadir element katkl berlerin gelistirilmesiyle ber lazerler yalnzca labo- ratuvarda bir arastrma konusu olmaktan ckp bircok uygulama alannda kul- lanlmaya baslanmstr. Fiber lazerlerin ksa (nanosaniye) ve ultra ksa (pikosaniye ya da fem- tosaniye) atm uretmede kullanlmaya baslanmas arastrmaclar icin zorlu bir gorev olmustur. En buyuk zorluk lazer demetinin icinde ilerledigi dalga klavuzu ortamnda kucuk bir hacme skstrlms olan sgn dogrusal olmayan etkilere sebep olmasdr. Genisletilmis atm yukseltgenmesi ve yuksek katkl berlerin vi vii kullanlmas gibi zekice tasarmlarla, yalnzca kat-hal lazerlerle elde edilmesi mumkun olan yuksek atm enerjilerine ve tepe guclerine ulaslmstr. Dogrusal olmayan etkiler gucun artrlabilmesi icin sorun teskil etmesinin yan sra bir taraftan da bircok yeni uygulama alan icin frsat sunmaktadr.  Ornek olarak, dogrusal olmayan etkilerin ber icinde kullanm ile super tayf uretilebilmektedir ve spektroskopi, goruntuleme, metroloji gibi degisik alanlarda kullanm bulmak- tadr. Gunumuzde 50den fazla sirket ksa atml ber lazer satmaktadr ve bu lazer- ler optalmolojiden, malzeme islemeye, medikal goruntulemeden hassas metroloji uygulamalarna bircok alanda kullanlmaktadr.  Ozellikle ber lazer temelli mikron hassasiyetinde malzeme isleme bircok urunun uretimi icin rutin olarak kullanlmaktadr. Fiber lazerlerin yeni uygulamalar da surekli gelisim icindedir. Sonuc olarak, bu doktora tez calsmasnda ber lazerlerin yeni uygulama alan- lar arastrlmstr. Ultraksa ve ksa atml ber lazerler biyolojik malzeme isleme, saydam malzeme isleme, spektroskopi ve goruntuleme amacl olarak uygulamaya ozel sekilde tasarlanms ve gerceklenmistir. Tezin ilk ksmnda ultrahzl atmlara sahip bir ber lazer mikroskopa entegre edilmis ve bu sistem ile nanocerrahi ve doku ykmlama deneyleri gerceklestirilmistir. Akusto-optik degistirimcileri kontrol eden FPGA temelli elektronik devre tasarmlar ile atm dizileri istege bagl olarak herhangi bir snrlama olmakszn uretilebilmistir. Bu sistem kul- lanlarak ykmlama deneyleri doku, hucre ve hucre-al seviyede denenmistir. Tez calsmasnn ikinci ksmnda Bogazici  Universitesi ile ortak olarak gelistirilen nanosaniye atmlara sahip 600-1300 nm aralgnda dalgaboylarna sahip ber lzer sisemi gelistirilmis ve fotoakustik goruntuleme deneyleri icin kullanma hazr hale getirilmistir. Bu sistem kullanlarak, seramik bir ornekten fotoakustik sinyal uretilmesi denenmis ve gelistirilen sistem biyolojik malzemelerden fotoakustik goruntuleme elde etmeye hazr hale getirilmistir. Tez calsmasnn ucuncu ksmnda ODT  U ile ortak bir calsma cercevesinde THz-TDS sisteminde kullanlmak uzere ozgun bir femtosaniye atml, Yb-katkl, atm tekrar sklg kaydrlabilen ber lazer gelistirilmis ve THz olcumleri icin kullanma hazr hale getirilmistir. Gelistirilen lazer sisteminin THz ocumleri icin gerekli OSCAT teknigine uygun olup olmadg kaydrma islemi srasndaki kararllg karakterize edilerek test edilmistir. Lazer salngacndan elde edilen op- tik guc, spektrum ve atm suresi degisimleri olculmustur. Bu sistem kullanlarak THz sinyal uretimi gerceklestirilmis ve spektroskopi olcumleri icin hazrlanmstr. Tez calsmasnn son ksmnda saydam malzeme isleme amacl, yuksek atm enerjili femtosaniye atml ber lazer gelistirilmistir. Gelistirilen lazerin cks galvo-taraycya iletilmis ve bu taraycyla senkronize hareket eden bir konumlama sistemi ile genis alanlar (10 cm x 10 cm) yuksek tarama hznda (2 m/s) taramak mumkun hale gelmistir. Bu sistem kullanlarak cam ornekler uzerinde kesme, kazma ve cam icinde karartma deneyleri yaplmstr. Anahtar sozcukler : Ultraksa Atml Lazer, Ultrahzl Lazer, Fiber Lazer, Fiber Yukseltec, Yuksek Atm Enerjili Lazer, Ultrahzl Malzeme _ Isleme, Nanocerrahi, Doku Kesimleme, Cok-fotonlu Kesimleme, Fotoakustik Goruntuleme, Supertayf  Uretme, Fototermal Etkiler, THz Spektroskopisi, Fotokarartma, Cam _ Isleme

Özet (Çeviri)

Since the invention of the laser in the 60s, the main advances in laser technology were done in two directions; shorter pulses and higher powers. In order to achieve this purpose, many laser types are developed and always replaced with simpler, smaller, cheaper alternatives that can deliver the same or better parameters. In the past 20 years, ber lasers have become an important alternative that can match and even enhance the performance of currently used lasers while reducing the complexity, costs and instability. Optical bers, which are the main components of ber lasers, were rst de- veloped just as a substitute for conventional cables since they offer much less attenuation in carrying signals over long ranges. So, most of the studies were focused on making the bers better for communication channels. After realizing that ber lasers offer better beam qualities, which is also a vital parameter for many laser applications, researches started nding ways to use bers for lasers and they achieved this in 80s by the rst ever utilization of low-attenuation ac- tive bers. After the invention of double-clad bers, utilization of diode lasers for pumping and development of efficient rare-earth doped bers, ber lasers became more than just a research topic in the laboratory and began to nd use in many applications. The utilization of ber lasers for short (nanoseconds) and ultrashort (picosec- onds, femtoseconds) pulse generation was a difficult task for researchers. The biggest challenge to overcome was nonlinear effects caused by the con nement of the beam into small volumes. By using smart designs like chirped pulse ampli - cation and highly doped lasers, pulse energies and peak powers close to solid-state ultrafast lasers can be achieved. These nonlinear effects were not just problems in the power scalability of ber lasers, on the other hand, they were an opportunity for new possible applications. For example, using these nonlinear effects inside bers, supercontinuum generation was demonstrated and found usage in many areas like spectroscopy, imaging and metrology. Today, more than 50 worldwide companies sell short-pulse ber lasers for ap- plications as diverse as ophthalmology, micromachining, medical imaging and precision metrology. Especially, ber-laser-based micromachining is routinely im- plemented in the fabrication processes for widely used consumer products. New applications of ber lasers are being continuously developed. Consequently, in this Ph.D. thesis study, new application areas of ber lasers are investigated. Ultrashort and short pulsed ber lasers are developed and uti- lized for biological and transparent material processing, spectroscopy and imag- ing. In the rst part of thesis study, we have demonstrated the use of a custom- built ber laser-based microscope system for nanosurgery and tissue ablation experiments. Through the use of custom FPGA electronics acting through ber- coupled AOMs, we are able to generate custom pulse sequence. Using this system, we have made photodisruption experiments in tissue level, cellular level and sub- cellular level. In the second part of this thesis study, in collaboration with Bogazici Univer- sity, we have developed a nanosecond ber laser system that is able to generate wavelength components of 600 nm to 1300 nm, developed speci cally for pho- toacoustic excitation. Using this system, we have made photoacoustic signal excitation in a ceramic sample and prepared the system for further experiments to generate photoacoustic images from biological specimens. In the third part of thesis study, in collaboration with ODTU, the development of a THz-TDS system driven by a novel Yb-doped ber laser whose repetition rate can be tuned, speci cally for fast scan THz measurements, is realized. Char- acterization of the built laser system is done considering the necessities for the OSCAT technique as an alternative method for fast scan THz measurements. Stability of the oscillator is examined in terms of power, spectrum and pulse duration with the changing repetition rate of the laser. Using this system THz waveforms are generated at different wavelengths and the system is prepared for further research in spectroscopy. In the last part of the thesis study, a high-pulse energy femtosecond laser system is developed and utilized for transparent material processing. The laser output is coupled to a fast galvo-scanner system, and a synchronized translation stage such that very wide areas (10 cm x 10 cm) are able to be processed with very high speed (2 m/s). Using this system, glass samples are cut, engraved and photodarkened.

Benzer Tezler

  1. Silindirik odaklı lazer hüzmeleri ile yüzey temizleme ve cam işleme çalışmaları

    Surface cleaning and glass processing studies with cylindrical focused laser beam


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  2. Femtosaniye lazer ile işlenen yapıların katıhal lazerlerde uygulamaları ve üst çevrim pompalı Tm3+:KY3F10 lazerleri

    Solid-state laser applications of femtosecond laser written structures and upconversion pumped Tm3+:KY3F10 lasers






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  3. Development of a burst mode oscillator free femtosecond fiber laser

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  4. Çeşitli lazer parametrelerinin silikon malzeme delme sürecine etkisi

    Effect of various laser parameters to the process of drilling silicon materials


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  5. Engineering the nonlinear dynamics of photonic systems: Demonstration of the soliton-similariton fiber laser and nonlinear laser lithography

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    Bilim ve Teknolojiİhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi

    Malzeme Bilimi ve Nanoteknoloji Ana Bilim Dalı