Büyükada Kalvokoresis köşkü restorasyon projesi
Restoration project for the summer residence of the Kalvokoresis family in Buyukada
- Tez No: 384883
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2014
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Restorasyon Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 521
Kalvokoresis Köşkü, İstanbul‟un Adalar İlçesi‟nde, Büyükada‟da bulunmaktadır. 19. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde diğer adı Yalı Bölgesi olan Maden Bölgesi‟nde, Yunan asıllı Dimitri Kalvokoresis tarafından yaptırılmıştır. Adalar, bugün yeşil dokuları ve ahşap mimarileriyle İstanbul‟un 19. yüzyıl sayfiye ortamını günümüze taşıyan kentsel ve doğal sit alanlarıdır. 19. yüzyıl öncesine kadar Rumların yaşadığı küçük balıkçı köylerini barındıran Adalar, Tanzimat, 19. yüzyıl ortalarında başlayan düzenli seferler gibi etkenlerle, Müslüman ve Musevilerin de yerleştikleri bir sayfiye alanına dönüşmüştür. Karşı karşıya kaldığı ilgiyle birlikte artan yerleşim ihtiyacıyla Adalar‟da dönemin önemli mimarlık eserleri uygulanmıştır. Genellikle Neoklasik, Neo-Gotik gibi eklektik tarzlarda ve Art Nouveau üslubunda yapılan konutlar büyük bahçelere sahiptir. 31.03.1984‟te Adalar‟ın tümü doğal ve kentsel sit olarak ilan edilmiştir. Onaylanan imar planını izleyerek birkaç senede oluşturulması gerekli olan koruma planları hala yapılmamıştır. Adalar‟ın şehrin dışında kalması bugüne kadar büyük ölçüde korunmalarına katkı sağlasa da, günümüzde artan turizm faaliyetleri, ulaşım kolaylığı ve sürekli değişen imar koşulları ile Adalar, büyük tehdit altındadır. Bugün çoğu önemli köşkün otel ve pansiyonlara çevrildiği ve beraberinde özgün mimari dokusunun büyük zarar gördüğü gözlenmektedir. Ada‟nın ilk sayfiye konutlarından olan Kalvokoresis Köşkü, bölgenin kuzey doğusunda 244 Ada, 25 Parselde bulunmaktadır. Bölgedeki diğer yapılar gibi ayrık nizamda inşa edilmiş, büyük ve çeşitli ağaçlarla dolu rodoskâri taşlarla süslenmiş bir bahçeye sahiptir. Kuzeyinde kayık limanı bulunur. Bahçesi ile birlikte 1135 m² alana sahip olan köşkün oturumu 18,7 m X 19 m dir. Bir bodrum kat ve iki normal katı vardır. Dış duvarları yığma tekniğiyle, döşeme ve çatısı ahşaptan inşa edilmiştir. Plan tasarımında orta sofalı plan tipi uygulanmıştır. Tavanlar, yuvarlak, beyzi ve dikdörtgen kartuşlar içerisinde şehir manzaraları, alegorik insan figürleri ve çiçek motifleriyle bezenmiştir. Bodrum katında sarnıcı, bahçesinde bir kuyusu ve süs havuzu bulunmaktadır. Neoklasik üslubunun hâkim olduğu köşkte, cepheler simetrik düzenlenmiştir. Pencere ve kapı boşlukları üçgen alınlıklı ve dikdörtgen panjurludur. Özgün kullanımında Kalvokoresis ailesinin birinci ve ikinci katı yazlık olarak kullandıkları, bahçe ile hemzemin olan bodrum katını ise hizmetkârlarına tahsis ettikleri bilinmektedir. Köşk, gelişen sosyal ve ekonomik koşullarla birlikte birtakım değişikliklere sahne olmuştur. Önce yapının içinde bulunduğu arsa ifraz edilmiş, daha sonra kat kullanımına geçilmiş ve bununla birlikte yapıya birtakım ekler yapılmıştır. Köşkün kuzey cephesinde bulunan camekânlı sundurmalık, bahçesinde bulunan ve doğrudan ikinci kata ulaşımı sağlayan kâgir merdiven, iç mekânda birinci ve ikinci katı ayırmak için kullanılan ahşap bölücü paneller bunlardan bazılarıdır. Yapıda bazı kapı – pencere boşlukları kapatılmış, özgün giriş değiştirilmiş ve uygun olmayan bazı onarım çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Köşk, sahibi D. Kalvokoresis‟in ölümüyle 1883 yılında oğullarına, 1946‟da torunlarına kalmış, sonrasında da defalarca el değiştirmiştir. Kalvokoresis Köşkü, GEEAYK‟ın 12.06.2002 gün ve 12989 sayılı kararı ile Marmara Takım Adaları Sit Bütünü içinde kalan, Taşınmaz Kültür ve Tabiat Varlıkları Yüksek Kurulu‟nun 17.10.1985 gün ve 1515 sayılı kararı ile“1. Grup Korunması Gerekli Kültür Varlığı”olarak tescil edilmiştir. Yapının yıkılmadan korunması gerektiğine ve detayları ile beraber rölöve, restitüsyon ve restorasyon projelerinin hazırlanmasına karar verilmiştir. Hazırlanan tez çalışmasından önce köşkün mevcut durumu belgelenmemiş, korunması için bir restorasyon projesi hazırlanmamıştır. Günümüze nispeten iyi durumda ulaşan Kalvokoresis Köşkü, döneminin mimarlık anlayışını çok iyi yansıtması ve barındırdığı özel detay ve bezeme programıyla tez konusu olarak seçilmiş ve sahip olduğu tarihi ve estetik değerlerin korunması, gelecek nesillere aktarılması amacıyla yapının gerekli belgeleme çalışmaları, analizleri yapılmış, koruma önerileri geliştirilmiştir.
Özet (Çeviri)
The summer residence of the Kalvokoresis family, which dates from late 19th century, is situated in the Maden (Yalı) region, of Büyükada. The mansion was built by Dimitri Kalvokoresis who was of Greek origin on Prinkipo (Büyükada) which was a favorable place as a summer resort in the 19 th century. With its greenery and timber architecture, Princes' Islands are protected as natural and urban sites. Until 19th century the islands did not have a dense settlemenet; they were only small fishing villages inhabited by Greeks. With the establishment of regular ferry service and acceptance of tanzimat reforms, the islands became a fashionable resort where Muslims and Jews lived. Architectural activity accelerated due to the increasing demand in settlement. Mansions with big gardens were designed using to Art-Nouveau and eclectic styles like Neo-Classic and Neo-Gothic. On 31 March 1984, the islands were registered as natural and urban sites. After the establishment of the master regulatory development plan, it is essential to develop a conservation plan to protect the islands, but this has not been completed yet. The islands are well preserved as they are away from the city. However, they are also under threat due to the thriving tourism activities, the ever-changing demand in development. Today some of the important mansions are being converted into hotels and pensions. As a result, their original architectural fabric has been damaged. The Summer Residence of Kalvokoresis Family is one of the prelimary summer resorts of the Büyükada, which is located in the 244th lot and 25th plot in the North East region. Similar to the other buildings in the region, it has a detached structure with a big garden, which is paved with pebbles and full in a wide variety of trees. There is a boat harbor to the north of the building. It has 1135 m² area with its garden and the mansion is located 18,7 m X 19 m area. It has two floors and a basement. Its exterior walls were built using a masonry technique. The floors and the roof are made of timber. It was built using a central hall type. Ceilings were decorated with allegorical figures, floral motifs and city views in oval, rectangular and round cartridges. There is a cistern in the basement, a well and an ornamental pool in the garden. The residence is strongly influenced by Western styles. Its facades are symmetrical and there are triangular pediments and rectangular slatted shutters. The building has a unique arrangement where tradition and contemporary materials are used in a combination. There are also bathroom and kitchens with the mid – hall plans. Planning innovations were supported by indoors rich ornaments and simple, symmetrical and eclectic features on the facades. The summer residence of the Kalvokoresis family which has a basement and stone covered two floors the characteristic building of the Princes' Islands with its rectangular – iron louvered and long, narrow, round – arched windows. The mansion has plainly facades and it is quite modest compared to the same period mansion that have a relationship with the sea. Triangular pediment windows facilitates movement to the facades. Construction techniques and materials of the building are studied under the title of the foundation, the wall, the floor and the roof. The doors, the stone jambs, the windows and the ornaments are studied under the title of architectural elements. Most of the doors are wooden at the summer residence of the Kalvokoresis family. There are also iron doors in some places at the ground floor. Some of them were used with a wooden door together. The windows are round – arched or flatly according their spacing. There are long, narrow and round – arched windows in the stair enclosure. Inside of the building is more ornamental than its outside. There are classical ornament style that are balanced and harmonious indoors. Besides, Empire, Art – Nouveau, Baroque, Rococo elements, naturalistic and still – life paintings, pure geometric elements are used together with an eclectic approach. Ornament works was analyzed according to the materials. This part was grouped under the stone, wooden, metal and hand – carved ornament materials headings. The building was protected as structurally and originality than its coevals which had been built in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and were connected with sea. The damages were estimated on the building. This part was grouped under the deterioration of structure, material and user headings. The first and the second floors of the mansion were used by the Kalvokoresis family as a summerhouse; the basement was reserved to the servants. The building changed in time due to social and economic conditions. First, its area was allotted, and then it was used as an apartment building with an extension being added over time. These include a glassed pethouse on the north façade, concreate stairs that is located in the garden and provides access to the second floor and wooden screens, which separate the first and the second floor. Some of the door and window openings have been closed, the original entrance of the building has been changed and unsuitable construction and repair works have been carried out. After the death of the owner D. Kalvokoresis in 1883, the property belonged to his sons, and then in 1946, the ownership washanded over to his grandchildren. Following this, the building changed hands several times. Kalvokoresis mansion was registered as a historic monument by the High Councile of Monuments on 12 June 2002. The mansion has to be preserved without removing, destroying its integrity. Before this study, there wasn't any survey and restoration projects for the preservation of the building. Documentation of building have been started by drawing sketches of plans, sections and elevations. Traditional measuring instruments were used like tape measure, plump, surveying rod, water level besides levelling instrument and total station. Sit plans were planned with 1/1000 and 1/200 scales. Plans, sections and elevations were planned with 1/50 scales. Ornaments on the walls and ceilings were planned with 1/20 scales. Different details were prepared with 1/10 scales for the doors and the windows. Materials, different terms and damages in the buildings were planned on the survey studies with different legends. Mortars and plasters were taken from the buildings original walls and the wall of cistern. At the part of the material analyses studies, the mortars and plasters were analyzed in the laboratory. The summer residence of Kalvokoresis family which had built in late 19th century is an example of the Neoclassical style with its plan scheme, facing setup and ornamental balance. The plainness and simplicity in the forming structure are the most prominent feature of this residence. Neoclassical style, Neoclassical style in the Ottoman residential architecture and Neoclassical features on the summer residence of Kalvokoresis family were examined in this part of the thesis study. Residential architecture in Istanbul before Westernization period, Westernization period of İstanbul housing, Western eclectic styles of the 19th century, the features of Neoclassical style and Neoclassic houses in İstanbul were collected under this heading. The restitution works started with the determination of the restitution problems. Then, buildings which has similar plan and style features in the İstanbul circle were analyzed and written and visual references were researched in order for indicate the building's changing parts in time and qualify the originality of them. A restitution proposal has been developed by taking into consideration marks on the building, preserved parts and similar examples. Historical buildings are physical elements that they surround and enrich our living environment. Historical buildings have influence over people in the daily life. People are mostly ignorant of what kind of environment these elements occurred in the past. Telling the city architecture to the public, creating public awareness about city architecture and getting access to the historical buildings are important issues to preservation of historical buildings. The summer residential of Kalvokoresis family brings the 19th century countryside environment into the present. This building is very important both its plan scheme and ornament program which is shaped by its seasonal usage, wherefore it should be protected with the original function. The building has conscious home owners about historical environment protection. The present landlady of the building wants to use the original function. However, a proposal of usage which doesn't damage the building's structural integrity and spatial relationships was developed for the summer residence of the Kalvokoresis family. Accordingly, appropriate interventions under the title of cleaning, consolidation, reintegration, supporting contemporary reinforcement must be carried out immediately. In addition, these interventions should be performed with adequate techniques according to the results that had been determined in the laboratory by the experts working on these issues. The summer residence of Kalvokoresis Family was chosen as the subject of a thesis because it is a good example of 19 th century summer houses in Prinkipo. It contains special details, decorative features and represents the architectural perception of its time. This heritage needs to be hand over to the future with its aesthetic values. The study started with the documenting the extant situation of the building. The original appearance of the building and the changes that occurred in the course of time is verified depending on data the building provides written and visual information and similar buildings. After, preservation proposals are developed.
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