Spt-Cpt korelasyonu
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 39186
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1993
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 48
ÖZET Bu calxsma, arazi deneyleri içinde kullanımı hayli yaygın olan standart penetrasyon (SPT) ile koni penetrasyon (CPT) deneyleri arasındaki ilişkileri ve buradan elde edilen sonuçların laboratuar deney sonuçları ile. karşılaştırıl masını içermektedir. Adapazarı Toyotasa otomobil fabrikası inşaat sahası kapsa mında yapılan geoteknik araştırmalar ve laboratuar deney sonuçları arasındaki ilişkiler literatürde SPT-CPT ve laboratuar deneyleri arasındaki mevcut korelasyon bağıntı ları çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiştir. Korelasyon çalışmasında öncelikle SPT darbe sayısı (N) ile koni penetrasyon deneyinden elde edilen uç mukavemeti (qc) değerleri arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Ardından drenajsız kayma mukavemeti (Cu) - N, Cu/N - plastisite indisi (ip) korelasyonları incelenmiştir. Daha sonra ise çevre sürtünmesi (fs) - N, Cu - qe ve sürtünme oranı (f&=fs/qc) - qt ilişkileri belirlenmiştir. Laboratuarda saptanan kıvam limitleri doğrultusunda likit limit (wı) ile plastisite indisi (ip) değerleri plastisite kartı üze rinde gösterilmiş, böylelikle gerekli zemin sınıflandır maları yapılmıştır. Tüm bu çalışmaların sonucunda, elde edilen verilerin mühendislik tasarımı için önerilen değer lere uygun olup olmadığı tartışılmıştır. -iv-
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY STANDART PENETRATION TEST(SPT) and CONE PENETRATION TEST(CPT) CORRELATIONS It is obvious that a foundation, to perform properly, must interact favorably with the soil on which it ultimately rests. This is not a new problem since the builder has had to place his structures on foundations of sorts from early times so the soil engineering has developped into a rational approach, rather than putting total reliance on empirical rules. It is very important, then, that the modern foundation engineer, who must often work in areas which were consi dered too poor to build upon a few years past, be well versed in the fundementals of soil mechanics. The engi neer must be able to answer questions, of which the follo wing are a few: a- Will there be excessive settlements? b- Can the structure tolerate settlements? c- Will this type of foundation perform more adequatelly than another type? d- Is the solution the most economical one which will perform satisfactorily? The foundation engineer have an adequate knowledge of the soil conditions at a given site before he can begin to answer these questions. It is false economy to attempt the design of a structure of many magnitude without inves ting a few thousands dollars for soil borings so that the design may have some.iust if ication in fact. Because of the nature of soil and rock materials, both laboratory and field testing are very important in geotechnical engineering. One way that engineers can begin to develop a feel for soil and rock behavior is to get some experience in the laboratory by performing the standart tests for classification and engineering properties on many different types of soils and rocks. -v-In this way the novice begins building up a“mental data bank”of how certain soils and rocks actually look, how they might behave should, for example, the amount of water present change, how they might behave under different kind of engineering loads, and what the range of probable nume rical values is for the different tests. This is sort of a self calibration process, so that when we are faced with a new soil deposit or rock type, we will in advance have some idea as to the engineering problems we will in encounter at that site. In geotechnical engineering, we can also begin to judge, at least qualitatively, the validity of laboratory and field test results for the materials at the site. So laboratory as well as field experience is important for us to help develop a“feel”for soil and rock behavior. Just as with any other subject, this exposure in the laboratory to soil and rock properties and behavior must be complemented by a diligent study of the theoretical, empirical and design components of geotechnical enginee ring practice. This thesis provides guidance basically on the use of the standart penetration test (SPT) and the cone penetration test (CPT), the well known in-situ tests, and the corre lation between them have been studied by taking the labo ratory test results into consideration. The results of the geotechnical investigation for Toyotasa car factory project have been examined as an example. In situ tests which are favorable in terms of engineering applications are the part of the methods of soil investi gation. These tests facilitate determination of the samples obtained and estimation of the physical properties of a few samples but requires reliable estimation of the average values for the strata under investigation. The empirical correlation of the SPT and CPT take an important place in foundation design, to get design para meters for sands, silty clays and clays. The penetration tests give the possibility to inform the shear strength which lead to the evaluation of the ultimate bearing capacity of footings and piles. For the soils which are unsuitable to make a good sampling, also in case of the requirement of expensive samplers, the in situ tests are the best and economical way to obtain engineering design parameters in sufficient precision. The dynamic and static penetrometers are two main groups of the penetrometrs, however only two tests are well known -vi-and accepted by A.S.T.M and I.S.S.M.F.E in Europe. These are SPT and CPT. The main difference in penetrometers commonly used concerns the difference between the elect rical and the mechanical tips. The standard penetration test, the most commonly used one in Türkiye, help to identify the strength and deformation characteristics of granular soils, the relative density, the ultimate bearing capacity of sand and silty soils and give the possibility to determine some indications of the shear strength of cohesive soils. The test equipment is simple, inexpensive and rugged, giving disturbed samples but representative results. The standard penetration test is basically performed by driving a spoon sampler, 51 mm. of diameter, into the bottom of a borehole 60 to 200 mm. of diameter, using a hammer, 63.5 kg.( 1401b. ) of weight, falling from a height of 0.76 m.(30 in.). The number of blows required to drive the sampler 0.3 m. is counted, and it is expressed by N30 and so called the standard penetration resistance. The SPT is usually completed when the penetration resistance exceeds 50 blows. A solid driving shoe is mostly used in gravely or stony soils to prevent damage to the sampler in case of the driving stage. The cone penetration test (CPT) is the most common static penetration method and has a history of over 40 years. The dutch cone penetrometer was initially used in Nether lands by Barentsen, day and day other cone penetrometer have been developed. The modernisation in using trucks with high thrust capacity and the inventions of the electrical cone and friction cone tips, have made the CPT test very useful, economical and technically attractive. However, relative to other in-situ testing methods, CPT has the outstanding advantages of providing usually high speed and economy, precise and detailed data suited to many ordinary soil engineering problem. The disadvantage of the test is not being able to obtain a soil sample visual-lab. inspection and sometimes limited depth capability. In the cone penetration test, a cone at the end of a rod series is pushed into the ground at a constant rate while continuous measurement of the resistance to penetration of the cone and of the outer surface on the resistance of a surface sleeve is being performed. The CPT apparatus consists of the thrust machine, reaction system and a penetrometer including measurement with recording equipment. Although cones for penetration testing are in various sizes, the only cones considered, -vii-with minor exceptions, are those with a 60 point angle and a diameter of 35.7 mm. However this not only a matter of the shape of the shape of the cone, but also of the method of operation. The principle of the CPT is to pushing a series of cylin drical rods with a cone at the base at a slow rate and measuring the penetration resistance and the friction resistance on a friction sleeve continuously or at selected depth intervals. Cone penetration tests are performed in order to obtain the stratigraphy of the layers and their homogeneity over the site; the depths to the firm layers, the location of cavities, voids and other discontinuities, soil identifi cation, mechanical soil characteristics and bearing capacity of piles. As there is a lack of satisfactory alternative methods, the CPT has an important role in the investigation of cohesionless soils. The cone penetration test also give the possibility to have excellent continuous profiles of undrained shear strength. In case of the determination of undrained shear strength (Cu), the main problem is the evaluation of the in situ“Cu”appropriate to the particular design problem, since the Cu depends on the stress path followed during shear. Generally, because of more limited alternatives, the CPT has proven most useful in the coarser, more permeable, soils such as sand. However, worldwide experience has shown that the CPT can also provide useful data for design in most of the. types of soil wherein the equipment can penetrate. As with any other soil engineering investiga tive tool, the engineer must use appropriate judgement as how to best interpret CPT data from different soils for design purposes. The writer hopes this manual will aid such judgement. In relatively permeable soils, such as fine and coarser sands, pore pressure effects during penetration at stan dard rates often have a negligible influence and the CPT measures approximately fully drained behavior. In homo geneous, plastic clays the CPT measures approximately fully drained behaviour. In homogeneous, plastic clays the CPT measures approximately fully undrained behavior. In contrast, cohesive soils form a less important field of use for the CPT because established alternative methods are available. In NC and lightly 0C clays, in-situ Vane Test has proved to be a very useful method of determining -viii-the parameters. The laboratory tests on specimens from thin-walled stationery piston samplers also give good results especially in case of undisturbance. The cone penetrometer test results are used extensively for pile design, for estimating the soil parameters to be used for the application of the conventional design methods. The CPT determine the soil profile to interpo late ground conditions between control boreholes, to evaluate engineering parameters and to assess bearing capacity and settlement. The theoretical analysis of CPT is very difficult because of the complexity of the stress field around the tip. The CPT method does not provide soil samples for visual inspection. However, the CPT data does permit an estimate of the soil types penetrated and provides accurate data for the subsequent precise locations of critical soils that might require sampling. Various types of samplers may be used with the various types of CPT rigs in use. Samplers can be used directly with the CPT hydraulic thrust machines and require no borehole. Other CPT equip ment involves using a special set of adapters on an other wise ordinary SPT drill rig. In this case the rig can easily reconvert to boring and sampling. Although engineers with much CPT experience in a local area some times conduct site investigations without actual sampling, in general one must obtain appropriate samples for the proper interpretation of CPT data. But, prior CPT data can greatly reduce sampling requirements. There have been a number of empirical correlations between cone tip resistance and SPT blowcount. The "qc/NM ratio has been believed to vary depending on soil type and test apparatus and procedure. It can be seen that the ratio of cone tip resistance to SPT blowcount decreases by the reduction of fine content or by increasing the mean grain size. -IX-
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