Geri Dön

GLİ açık ocak işletmelerinde delici makine performansını etkileyen parametrelerin incelenmesi

Investigation of parameters affecting on drilling machine performance in GLI open pit mine

  1. Tez No: 467153
  2. Yazar: SELMA ÜNLÜ
  3. Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. ÖMÜR ACAROĞLU ERGÜN
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Maden Mühendisliği ve Madencilik, Mining Engineering and Mining
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2017
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Maden Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 125


Yaşadığımız yüzyılda kaydedilen gelişmelere baktığımızda, yapılacak mühendislik çalışmalarının en az maliyetle ve en hızlı şekilde yapılması beklenmektedir. Madencilik sektöründe de benzer durum söz konusu olup hem yeraltı hem de yerüstü maden ocaklarında yapılacak çalışmaların ekonomik ve hızlı olması istenmektedir. Yerüstü madencilik faaliyetlerine bakıldığında, hazırlık aşaması olarak adlandırılan delme-patlama işlemleri ocaktaki diğer çalışmaların sürekliliği açısından önem arz etmektedir. Ekonomik ve hızlı bir delme-patlatma işleminin yapılabilmesi ise uygun makine ekipmanın kullanılmasına bağlıdır. Madencilikte delme-patlatma faaliyetlerinin amacı kayaca baskı ve dönme uygulayarak patlatma deliklerinin açılması ve patlayıcı madde ile doldurulan deliğin patlatılmasıdır. Delme işlemleri için döner delme makineleri ya da darbeli döner delme makineleri kullanılmaktadır. Döner delme makineleri daha geniş çapta delik delme kabiliyetlerinden dolayı büyük ölçekli maden ocaklarında daha çok tercih edilmektedirler. Döner delme makinelerinde en çok tercih edilen matkap tipi konili matkaplardır. Üç konili matkaplar, iki veya dört konili üretilen matkaplara göre hız ve dayanım açısından üstün olup daha yaygın kullanım alanı bulmuşlardır. Matkaplar kayaçla sürekli temas halinde oldukları için gittikçe körelmektedir. Matkap ömrünün uzun olması dolayısıyla delme maliyetlerinin daha düşük olması istenmektedir. Ayrıca daha ekonomik bir delme işleminin sağlanabilmesi için delme hızı ve harcanan yakıt miktarı gibi performans parametreleri de önemlidir. Matkap ömrünün uzun olması, delme hızının arttırılması ve harcanacak enerjinin azaltılması ise matkap özellikleri, delici makine işletim parametreleri ve formasyon özelliklerine bağlıdır. Yapılan bu tez çalışmasında delici makine performansını etkileyen parametreleri incelemek için GLİ Açık Ocak İşletmeleri Tunçbilek Kömür Havzası'nın altı farklı bölgesinde, üç ayrı delik delme makinesiyle çalışılmıştır. Bu makinelerde delik delme işlemleri takip edilerek delme süreleri ölçülmüş, makine işletim parametrelerine ait değerler kayıt edilmiş ve elek analizi için numune alınmıştır. Deliklerin delindiği 35, 37 ve 38 nolu ekskavatörlerin çalıştığı üç ayrı kotta, delme işlemindeki farklılıklara bakılarak parça ve blok numuneleri alınmıştır. Araziden alınan tüm numunelerin fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla deneyler yapılmıştır. Yapılan deneylerin sonuçları ve ölçülen parametreler incelenerek şu sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. I., II. ve III. Bölgeler'e ait kayaç özelliklerinde ve makine işletim parametrelerinde çok büyük farklılıkların olmadığı görülmüştür. Bu nedenle delme hızlarında da çok büyük farklılıklar olmamıştır. Yakıt sarfiyatında ise makine arızalarından dolayı artma gözlenmiştir. IV. Bölge'de delik dibinin temizlenmesinde kullanılan jetlerin delici makine performansına etkisi incelenmiş delme hızında çok büyük bir fark meydana gelmediği görülmüştür. Ancak uygun boyutta jetin kullanılmaması delik dibinin gerektiği gibi temizlenememesi ve sonuç olarak efektif bir delme işleminin yapılamamasına neden olmuştur. Bu nedenle delici makinenin delme işlemi sırasında zorlanmış ve makinede arızalar meydana gelmiştir. V. Bölge'de matkap çapının ve jet boyutunun delme üzerine olan etkisi araştırılmış ve delme hızında çok büyük farklılıklar meydana gelmemiş, fakat makine işletme parametreleri farklı olmuştur. VI. Bölge'de ise matkap tipinin delici makine performansı üzerine etkisi incelenmiş delme hızında ve harcanan yakıt miktarında çok büyük bir farklılık görülmemiştir. Seçilen matkap tiplerinin makineye ait değerlerde çok büyük bir değişime sebep olmadığı söylenebilmektedir.

Özet (Çeviri)

Considering the developments in the century we are living, it is expected that works should be done at the least cost and fastest way. Similar situation is also valid for the mining sector and it is desirable that the work to be done in both underground and open pit mines is economical and fast. Looking at the top mining activities, the drilling-blasting process, which is called the preparation phase, is important in terms of the continuity of other work in the quarries. The economical and rapid drilling-blasting process depends on the use of appropriate machine equipment. In the mining operations, the purpose of drilling and blasting activities is to apply thrust and rotation for opening blasting holes and blowing up the hole filled with explosives. Rotary drilling machines or percussive rotary drilling machines are used for drilling operations. Rotary drilling machines are mostly preferred for the large-scale mines due to their ability to drill larger holes. In the rotary drilling machines, most preferred bits are the tricone bits. As compared tricone bits with bits having two and four cones, tricone bits have advantages in terms of velocity and durability. Because of that, they have found widespread application. Bits continously contact with rock and they can be consumed rapidly. Bits having long term life and then low drilling cost are wanted. Furthermore performance parameters such as drilling rate and consumed energy are also important to obtain economic drilling operation. Having bits with long term life, increase drilling rate and decrease consumed energy depend on bit properties, drilling machine operation parameters and formation properties. In this thesis, works have been done with three drilling machines and six different area in Open pit mines of Tunçbilek basin in GLI to investigate parameters affecting on drilling machine performances. By observing drilling operation in these machines, drilling times and machine operation parameters were recorded and samples were taken for sieve analysis. Considering differencies in the drilling operations piece and block samples were also taken from working places of 35, 37 and 38 excavators in the different levels. To examine the effect of land divergence on drilling machine performance, drilling speeds for zones I, II and III were looked at, the energy consumed, ie the fuel consumption and changes to the machine during drilling. The average drilling speed in Region I was 1.75 m / min. The average drilling speed in the region was found to be 1.74 m / min. In the region, drilling speed is 1.54 m / min. It is seen that there are not great differences in the rock properties and machine operation parameters of the region. For this reason, drilling speeds did not vary greatly. Only III. due to the fact that the drill in the region is close to depletion, there has been a decline in drilling speed. As can be seen from the results of all the measurements in Annex A, higher and lower speeds were obtained in some holes. Unlike the general formation, there is hard serpentinite or very soft clayey rock. When looking at fuel consumption; average fuel consumption in Region I is 1,48 lt / m, II. 2,15 lt / m in the region and III. In the region, on average 1.35 lt / m was found. According to this; most energy II. It was spent in the region. The reason for this is II. during the measurements taken in the region, the malfunctions in the machine equipment are more frequent than the others, which is why the machine is seen to be forced during drilling. However, III. in the measurements taken in the region, there was no malfunction in the machine equipment and the machine made drilling more easily and less fuel was spent. It is seen that the measurements are similar in terms of mechanical and physical properties that the formation did not change in the terrain areas. For this reason IV. when we consider the region, only the jet size has changed; Since the other parameters are the same, the jet difference between this region and the other regions (I, II, III) can be compared. The effects of punching machine performance on jet size were investigated by taking into account the punching speeds, the energy expenditure, fuel consumption, changes to the machine during drilling, and changes in air pressure. IV. the drilling speed of the region was found 1,32 m / min. As you can see, there is a slight drop in drilling speed. In terms of fuel consumption, IV. average 2,16 lt / m was found in the region. The most important reason for this is that in the case of not using the jet in the proper size, the resulting bottom hole can not be cleaned properly and as a result an effective drilling can not be done. Another reason is that the matched jet is incompatible with other machine equipment and it is difficult to drill in the end result and the machine has failed and the fuel consumption has increased as a result. When air pressure values of the regions are compared; average 5.5 kg / cm2 in other areas, IV. in the region, on average 6.6 kg / cm2 was found. The increase in air pressure caused the piercing machine to come to a fault in the compressor and the air filter was clogged. Given that there are no major differences between the terrain features of the regions where measurements are taken, IV. the difference between region V is only in terms of drill diameter, and the two regions are compared in this respect. Again, comparisons of drilling speeds, spent fuel quantities and machine values were taken. The average drilling speed in Region V was 1,41 m / min. As you can see, there is not a big difference in drilling speed. In terms of fuel consumption, IV. on the other hand, average 2.16 lt / m was found in the region and 1.44 lt / m was found in the V Region. Since the amount of spent fuel is different, the drill diameter is narrowed, so it is possible to drill more easily with the 13 mm jet in the V. Region. When we look at machine values IV. in the region, the average pump is 120 kg / cm2 and in V. region it is 160 kg / cm2. Pressure pump presser IV. the average is 119 kg / cm2 in the region and 140 kg / cm2 in the region V. Thus the operating parameters of the machine are different. However, the values of air pressures are IV. the mean is 6,6 kg / cm2 in the region and 5 kg / cm2 in the V region. This also allowed the machine to excavate without giving more trouble. Unless land differences are considered VI. Region I, II and III. The only difference between the zones is the drill type and the zones are compared accordingly. VI. the average drilling speed in the region was found to be 1,70 m / min. Given the piercing speeds, there is no big difference. Looking at fuel consumption VI. average 1,52 lt / m in the region. There is no big difference in the amount of fuel consumed. When the values of the machine are taken into consideration, the average main pump pressure of the other regions (I, II, III) is 118,5 kg / cm2. In the region, an average of 118.75 kg / cm2 was read. While the pressure of the press pump was 123.8 kg / cm2 in the other regions, VI. the average in the region is 135 kg / cm2. Air pressure values are 5.5 kg / cm2 in other regions. The average is 5.5 kg / cm2 in the region. As you can see, there are no big changes when the drill type is taken as the machine values. Experiments were made to define physical and mechanical properties for all samples taken from the field. Considering results of experiments and records of parameters some results were obtained. Firstly there was no big differences between I, II and III areas of the field in terms of rock properties and machine operation parameters. Therefore no big differencies between drilling rates occured. Sometimes consumed energy increased because of downtimes of the machines. In the area IV of the field, effects of nozzles used for flushing of the holes on the drilling machine performances were analyzed and it was observed that there were no big differences in the drilling rates. However using not proper size of nozzle caused that end of the holes were not cleaned well and an effective drilling operation was not made. Therefore, the drilling machine exhausted during the drilling operations and some downtime problems occurred. Experiments were carried out to determine the physical and mechanical properties of all samples taken from the field. The results of the experiments and the measured parameters were examined and the following results were obtained. It is seen that there are not very large differences in rock properties of I, II and III regions and machine operating parameters. These areas were excavated with a 622 IADC coded 9 inch drill and a 15.5 mm jet size. There were no big differences in drilling speeds. Fuel consumption increased in some regions due to machine failures. According to observations made during drilling, major changes in the main pump pressure, pressure and air pressure values, excessive strain on the machines and major breakdowns were not observed. IV. The influence of the jets used in the cleaning of the hole bottom in the region was investigated. For this purpose, unlike the three regions mentioned above, 622 IADC were fitted with a 13 mm jet of 9 inches in diameter. A drastic decrease in drilling speed was found to be a slight decrease that did not occur. However, in the case of not using the jet of the proper size, it is observed that the bottom hole can not be cleaned properly and as a result an effective drilling can not be done. Furthermore, the piercing machine was forced during drilling, the air pressure rose to 6.6 bar and the machine failed. For this reason, a 13 mm jet was not found suitable for this size drill. In the V. Region, the effect of drill diameter and jet size on drilling was investigated by attaching an 8,5 inch drill 13 mm jet with 622 IADC codes. Again, very large differences in drilling speed did not occur, but machine operating parameters were different. While the air pressure is not rising and the machine is not being stressed, the main pump pressure and pressure pressure are raised. VI. In the region, the effect of the drill type on the drilling machine performance was examined with 522 IADC coded 9 inch drill 15.5 mm jet. There was no significant difference in drilling speed and amount of spent fuel. It has been observed that the selected drill types do not cause a large change in machine values. The end result of this study shows us that the drill type, drill diameter and jet size must be compatible with each other and that if not properly selected, the drilling machine performance may be adversely affected and even the machine may fail. Effects of the selected bit types on the drilling machine performances were analyzed in the area VI of the field. It was observed that there was no big differences between drilling rates and amount of the consumed energy. Considering selected bit types, there were no big differences between them in terms of performance parameters.

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