Özel alanlarda kullanıcı müdahalesinin kamusal alanlar üzerindeki etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi Etiler, Nispetiye Caddesi örneği
Evaluation of effects of private spaces changed by the users on public spaces Etiler, Nispetiye Street sample
- Tez No: 510914
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Şehircilik ve Bölge Planlama, Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2018
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Kentsel Tasarım Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Kentsel Tasarım Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 156
Kamusal alanlar ve özel alanlar kenti meydana getiren alanların sınıflandırılmasında mülkiyet ilkesine göre değerlendirilen ve birbirine zıt anlam ifade eden iki kavram olarak tanımlanmaktadırlar. Bu iki kavram kentsel tasarım çerçevesinde değerlendirildiğinde birbirilerini tamamlayan, etkileyen ve dönüştüren niteliklere sahiptirler. Özel alanda ortaya çıkan her türlü mimari form kullanıcısı ya da mülk sahibi için bir mekan sağlarken aynı zamanda kamusal alanların fiziksel ve sosyal anlamda biçimini ve karakterini de ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Toplum içerisindeki her bireyin hem kamusal hem de özel olan iki varoluş düzeninde yer aldığı düşünüldüğünde kişilerin hem kendi özel alanları hem de kamusal alan ile olan ilişkileri yaşam kalitelerini belirlemektedir. Özel alanda ortaya çıkarılan yapılı çevre belirli bir kamusal kontrol süzgecinden geçerek bir tasarımcı tarafından kullanıcı ya da mülk sahibinin ihtiyaç ve beklentilerine yönelik olarak ortaya çıkarılmaktadır. Yapıların kamusal bir ürün olarak ortaya çıkarılmalarının ardından başlayan kullanım süreci ise kullanıcı ya da mülk sahibinin çeşitli nedenler ile yapı üzerinde değişikliklerde bulunabildiği bir süreçtir. Bu süreç içerisinde yapı üzerinde gerçekleştirilen değişiklikler yapının kendisini ilgilendirdiği kadar kamusal alanları, yapının kullanıcısı ya da mülk sahibini ilgilendirdiği kadar kentliyi de ilgilendiren etkiler doğurabilmektedir. Bu tezin amacı günlük yaşam pratiğimizin geçtiği kamusal alanlarda yapısal çevre üzerinde sıklıkla karşılaştığımız kullanıcı ya da mülk sahibi müdahalelerinin oluşum nedenlerini araştırmak, kamusal alan üzerinde yarattığı etkileri belirlemek ve bu olgunun yarattığı olumsuz etkileri kontrol altına almak için öneri ve yöntemler geliştirmektir. Bu kapsamda tez dört bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde çalışmada incelenecek problemin tanımı yapıldıktan sonra tezin amacı, kapsamı ve izlenecek yöntem açıklanmıştır. İkinci bölümde tezin temel iki kavramı olan kamusal alan ve özel alan kavramının kavramsal analizi yapılmış bu kavramların tarihsel süreç içerisinde oluşum ve gelişim evreleri incelenmiş ve kent bağlamında birbirleri olan ilişkileri ele alınmıştır. İkinci bölümün devamında kullanım sürecinde kullanıcı ya da mülk sahibinin özel alanındaki yapısal çevre üzerinde değişiklik yapma nedenleri ve bunların ortaya çıkardığı sonuçlar ele alınmış bölüm sonucunda ise bu değişikliklerin kamusal alan üzerinde yarattığı etkiler ortaya konulmuştur. Tezin üçüncü bölümü ise özgün araştırma kısmının yer aldığı bu olgu karşısında alınabilecek önlem ve bu olgunun yarattığı olumsuz etkilerin azaltılabilmesi için önerilebilecek yöntemleri içermektedir. Bu bölümde alan çalışması olarak çalışma konusunda tanımlanan problemin görülebildiği bir kamusal alan olarak Etiler mahallesi, Nispetiye Caddesi seçilmiştir. Cumhuriyetin erken döneminde ortaya çıkan bu Caddenin Tarihsel süreç içinde gelişimi ve evrimi incelenmiş ve günümüzdeki mevcut durumu ortaya konulmuştur. Cadde üzerindeki özel alanlar kapsamında yer alan yapılı çevre son 30 yıl içerisinde değişen kentsel dinamikler etkisi altında işlevsel anlamda büyük bir değişime uğramıştır. Bu işlevsel değişim ise mevcut yapılar üzerinde kullanıcı ya da mülk sahibinin çeşitli müdahaleler gerçekleştirmesine ve kamusal alanın bu durumdan olumsuz olarak etkilenmesine sebep olmuştur. Bölüm kapsamında özel alanda görülen müdahale tipleri ve bunların kamusal alan üzerinde yarattığı etkiler ortaya konulmuş, Bu etkiler karşısında çözüm önerileri geliştirilmiştir. Bölümün sonucunda ise yere özgü olarak kamusal özel alan etkileşimini düzenleyen bir kentsel tasarım önerisi hazırlanmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde tez çalışmasının genel bir değerlendirilmesi yapılmış kullanıcı ya da mülk sahibinin özel alanda yaptığı değişikliklerin kamusal alan üzerinde yarattığı olumsuz etkilerin önlenmesi için öneriler ortaya konulmuştur. Kentlerde ortaya çıkan bu olgunun nedeni olarak özel alanda yapı kullanım sürecini düzenleyen kuralların içeriği ve uygulanmasındaki eksiklikler, tasarımların oluşturulmasında kullanıcı katılımının eksikliği, ve yapı kullanım sürecini ilgilendiren yönetim stratejisinin olmaması durumları saptanmış ve bu durumun kentsel çevrenin ve kamusal alanların sağlığı için özel alanı bağıtlayacak şekilde düzenlenmesi önerilmiştir.
Özet (Çeviri)
Public spaces and private spaces are defined as two concepts which are judged according to the principle of ownership in the classification of the areas that bring up the city and have opposite meanings. These two concepts, dating back to the antique age, have undergone a chain-like development process throughout history and have reached the present day. Today, these concepts are often taken up by the sociology and political sciences, while the reflection of these concepts in the physical sense arises in the framework of urban design science Concepts of public space and private space have qualities that complement, influence and transform each other within the city theme.Public and private qualification for the characterisation of the areas and spaces in the city is important because it can describe their physical condition as well as their use, living and behaviour. Any architectural form that emerges from the private area provides a space for the user or property owner, while at the same time revealing the physical and social form and character of public spaces.When each individual in society is thought to be involved in two forms of existence, both in public and private spaces, the quality of life is related to the relationship of people with both their private areas and the public spaces. The built environment that is revealed in the private area passes through a certain public control process and is revealed by a designer to the needs and expectations of the user or the property owner.The use process that started after the buildings were revealed as a public product is a process in which the user can make changes on the buildings for various reasons.There is no guarantee that users will live according to the vision that the designer suggestsIn addition to this, changing living conditions, rapidly advancing technology, and the dynamic character of the cities under the influence of globalisation can cause the user to change the built environments in their private spaces. In this process, the changes on the building intersts the building itself as well as the public spaces and they interests the users of the building as well as the citizens. This study deals with the interventions of the user on the buildings that are on his/her private space in a non protected built environment. In response to the fact that each building is under the management of individuals under the private property rights, the fact that every building has a public meaning in the framework of the visibility principle is discussed. While the users' right to intervene in private spaces is considered legitimate, it is emphasised that the effects of these interventions on the public space can sometimes have negative consequences.In order to be able to identify measures and methods against this situation, it is necessary to address this issue both from the point of view of private users and public viewpoint.The user's expectations and needs from his own building should not be overlooked, but in order to reveal a healthy public space function and character, required physical environmental conditions needed to be provided.Therefore, in the scope of the study, the causes of the interventions on the built environment from the point of view of the user have been researched and tried to be presented systematically.On the other hand, from a public viewpoint, the negative results of the changes made on the public sphere were tried to be explained.The situation created by this phenomenon has been exemplified in a field study and suggestions were made to prevent the problematic situations by inferences made from field work. In this context, the study consists of four chapters. in the first chapter, after the definition of the problem to be investigated, the purpose, scope and method of the thesis are explained. The second chapter is the section on which the conceptual framework of the thesis is built.In this context, the concepts of public space and private space, the emergence of these concepts in the historical process, their development and what they express today have been investigated.Then, the relation between these two concepts in the context of the city is explained by using the opinions in the urban design literature, and the topics recently discussed in the literature aboutthese two concepts are mentioned.In the second part of the second chapter, the private space users' interventions on built environments is discussed and the causes of the interventions were collected under 3 main headings. These are defined as; the causes resulting from physical and functional deficiencies in design, the causes that depend on the personalisation, changing needs, adaptation to the social environment and increasing the economic benefit of the users in the use process, and the causes due to the functional transformation in urban areas. At the end of the chapter, the effects ofprivate spaces that are changed by users on the public spaces are discussed within the framework of the opinions in the literature, also the weakening and depreciation of the public spaces under the influence of neoliberal urban dynamics are emphasised. In the third chapter of the thesis, an area study was carried out in order to create a concrete research ground for the subject.In this context, a public space is chosen and the conceptual framework formed in the second chapter is exemplified in this field.It is aimed to examine the effects of user changes on the built environment and to determine what effects they have on the public sphere.It is aimed to create management proposals to protect the public space function and the character against the negative effects of user changes with the data that is derived from the field work and specific urban solutions for the sample area has been proposed.The criterion required in the selection of the sample area is that; the built environment in the selected public space is built in 1950 and after, It is not under a special urban protection, it is composed mainly of residential buildings, itis subject to user changes due to various reasons, and as a consequence, there are visible effects on the public space. Etiler Quarter, Nispetiye Street, which is one of the most known streets of the city of Istanbul, was chosen as an example of a public space within the framework of the determined criteria. The street emerges as a clear example of a conflict between public and private space. And it can be told that this situation occurs due to user interventions on built environments in the usage process. Nispetiye Street has emerged in 1950 as an urban axis shaped in the middle of the first mass housing settlements that are built due to the housing needs of Istanbul. The first public housing examples of modern Turkey; Levent public housing settlement and the Etibank cooperative housing settlement has became the built environment that define the street. These settlements, that are designed in accordance with the fashion of the garden city developments, followed by the construction of multi-storey residential blocks after 1960s.As a result of the rapid growth of the city during this period, the street remained in the city centre in a short time and the importance of the location of the street has increased due to the developing transportation facilities. The street and the surrounding areas soon became the living area for high income groups. By the end of the 1980s, globalisation and neoliberal policies significantly affected the urban dynamics of Istanbul and it is decided to create a financial centre on the Büyükdere axis, which is connected to Nispetiye Street. Today, Büyükdere Street has become the most important financial axis of Istanbul and this situation has emerged dramatic effects on Nispetiye Street and surrounding built environment. The built environment which defines Nispetiye Street today have mostly been built between 1950 and 1982.Almost all of the buildings that emerged during this period were found to have a residential function. From the end of the 1980s the region was under the influence of financial development areas and the buildings added after this period were revealed as commercial functions.Today, the buildings that define Nispetiye Street have been transformed into commercial uses from the residential function.It has been found that almost all of the detached buildings on the street have been affected from this situation, while the apartment blocks are partially used for commercial purposes.However, in the course of nearly three decades since the 1980s, many new expectations and needs of the users of the buildings have emerged and as a result all the user interventions have been seen physically on the built environment in the private spaces around Nispetiye Street. Both thefunctional changes and the changes that are made depending on the needs of the users have significantly affected public space and private spacerelations in Nispetiye Street. While the functional changes and the resulting physical interventions reveal semi-private and semi-public uses in the private space, this transformation has also caused the public space to become a scene of semi-public uses.Usage of residential buildings on the street such as food and beverage spaces, bank branches, shops and stores have caused additional traffic and parking space problems for Nisbetiye Street due to additional user and vehicle burden.As a result, there were negative consequences such as the conversion of open landscaping areas in the private area to parking lots and the occupation of pedestrian pavements as vehicle parking and vehicle waiting areas, and frequent breaks in the entrance and exit of the parking lots in private spaces. However, interventions carried out by users for various reasons have damaged the architectural integrity of buildings which have a public meaning and have caused the physical inclusion of distorted extensions on the built environment.It can be seen that this brings up a negative consequence as visual pollution at the vertical interface of the public space. As a result of these facts It can be said that the current situation in Nispetiye Street lead to the deterioration of the public space and the weakening of the urban environmental character.It appears that the street is in a situation that can not respond to the needs of the community.In the face of this situation, the development of regulations for the use of the private spaces and the regulation of user changes in the private space, with public and private joint venture and designer guidance, could create solution for the problem. At the end of the third chapter, suggestions for the management of the private space use process were presented and then the urban design proposal for the regulation of the built environment in the study area was prepared.The proposals for the buildings in the private spaces have been done on two type of groupings, that are multi-storey blocks and detached buildings.The negative effects of the types of interventions on the public areas are identified and the suggestions for eliminating them are expressed using visualisation techniques.As a result of all these proposals, an urban design proposal has been prepared in order to improve the operation of the public space specific to Nispetiye Street.Within this proposal, a principle section decision was made to address the needs of the users of the private and public space on the street In this context, it has been suggested that the entrance and exit of the parking lots in the private spaces should be provided from the rear streets instead of Nispetiye Street, and parking spaces and drop-off areas are arranged alongside the street for the usage needs of the private spaces. In the fourth section, which is the last part of the thesis, a general evaluation of the study was made.the reasons that led to the interventions users in their private spaces are summarised and method proposal has been made to prevent the emergence of these interventions.A situation assessment has been made for this phenomenon that is often seen in cities in Turkey.The solution proposal was presented from the results obtained from the field study.
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