İyileştirilmiş dizi kararlı heterojen araç katarları için dağıtılmış oluşum kontrol algoritması geliştirilmesi
Distributed formation control algorithm development for improved string stability in heterogen vehicle platoons
- Tez No: 535624
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Ulaşım, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Transportation
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2018
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Kontrol ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Kontrol ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 63
Trafik sıkı¸sıklı˘gının azaltılması ve enerji verimlili˘ginin artırılması günümüz karayolu ta¸sımacılı˘gında en önemli konuların ba¸sında gelmektedir. Aynı güzergah üzerinde seyreden araçların aralarında koordine olarak bir düzen dahilinde katar olu¸sturmaları bu iki konunun her ikisine birden fayda sa˘glamaktadır. Otomobil gibi görece küçük araçlarda kısa takip mesafeli araç katarlarının olu¸smasıyla birlikte yolun kullanım oranı ve trafi˘gin akı¸s hızı artarken otobüs, kamyon, çekici gibi a˘gır ticari araçların katar olu¸sturmasıyla birlikte olu¸san rüzgar koridoru neticesi yakıt tüketimi de kayda de˘ger derecede dü¸smekte, bu sayede enerji verimlili˘gi artmaktadır. Bu konuda literatür çok eskilere gitmekle birlikte uygulama projeleri 90'lı yılların sonunda ba¸slamı¸s, teknolojik altyapının geli¸smesiyle günümüzde oldukça hız kazanmı¸stır. Buna paralel olarak araç katarlarının beraberinde getirdi˘gi sorunların çözümü için gittikçe daha fazla sayıda çalı¸sma yapılmakta, ara¸stırma sonuçları yayınlanmaktadır. Araç katarlarıyla ilgili yukarıda bahsedilen problemlerin ba¸sında dizi kararlılı˘gı gelmektedir. Dizi kararlı˘gı en basit haliyle lider araç ve hemen ardından gelen takip aracı arasındaki pozisyon, hız veya ivme cinsinden hata i¸saretinin katar içinde geriye do˘gru gidildikçe azalması, bir ba¸ska deyi¸sle sönümlenmesidir. Dizi kararlılı˘gı sa˘glayan bir araç katarında kopmalar yahut çarpı¸smaların ve olası kazaların önüne geçilmi¸s olur. Katarı olu¸sturan araçlar e¸slenik veya dinamik davranı¸sları ihmal edilebilecek seviyede ise buna homojen araç katarı denir. Farklı türde araçların olu¸sturdu˘gu araç katarları ise heterojen olarak adlandırılır. Bu tez çalı¸smasında heterojen araç katarlarında dizi kararlılı˘gının iyile¸stirilmesine çalı¸sılmı¸stır. Bunun için katarı olu¸sturan araçların dinamik farklarını gözönüne alan bir katar olu¸sum kontrol algoritması geli¸stirilmi¸stir. Her ne kadar güvenlik açısından heterojen araç katarlarında araç dinamiklerinden kaynaklanan davranı¸s farklılıklarını araç seviyesinde bertaraf etmek, araç seviyesi kontrolcüye eklenecek ön düzenleyiciler vasıtasıyla mümkün olsa da, bu durum toplam katar performansını ideal noktadan uzakla¸stırmaktadır. Çalı¸smada öne çıkan özellik, benzer çalı¸smalardan farklı olarak heterojen katarlarda olu¸sum kontrol algoritmasında her aracın dinamiklerini katar içindeki di˘ger araçlarla mukayese etmesi, bu sayede her aracın katar içindeki optimum yerinin dizi kararlılı˘gını maksimize edecek ¸sekilde belirlenmesidir. ˙Iyile¸stirilmi¸s dizi kararlılı˘gı sayesinde araçlar arasında daha yakın takip aralı˘gı mümkün olmakta, bu sayede yol kullanım oranı ve yakıt ekonomisinde iyile¸sme sa˘glanmaktadır. Çalı¸sma sonucunda ortaya çıkan algoritmanın iyile¸sme sa˘gladı˘gı simülasyonlar e¸sli˘ginde kar¸sıla¸stırmalı olarak ortaya konmu¸stur. Bir di˘ger dikkate de˘ger husus ise algoritmanın merkezi de˘gil, her araç içerisinde ba˘gımsız olarak ko¸suyor olmasıdır. Bu sayede modüler biçimde araçlara entegrasyonu mümkün olup herhangi merkezi bir i¸slemciye veya yöneticiye ihtiyaç duymamaktadır.
Özet (Çeviri)
Traffic congestion and energy saving have been the utmost major subjects in road transportation. Vehicle platooning is already proved to have potential to improve both. Literature goes back few decades while experiments started as early as late 90s. Basic idea of platooning is to have a string of vehicles with closer gap than normal driving with use of automation. The automation is in simplest form a coordinated adaptive cruise control (CACC) in which constant time gap following strategy is implemented. Platooning is different from CACC that it has constant distance following strategy rather than time gap. Benefits of platoons comes from its vehicle following strategy. Closer inter vehicle gaps means more vehicle per kilometer which leads to better usage of the road and less traffic jam. It also improves aerodynamics of the whole platoon reducing fuel cost and emission in parallel. One can also tell that it helps safety because of reaction times of automation is much less than that of human driver. While adaptive cruise control is based on distance measurement with the preceeding vehicle with use of a front looking radar, CACC needs vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication as well. This is done by wireless Radio Frequency (RF) communication, namely IEEE 802.11p protocol over 5.9GHz base frequency. There are some challenges with vehicle platoons along with opportunities described above. The literature on this subject mostly focuses on string stability (SS). SS is that the error signal between the leader and the follower must attenuate as it propogate along the string. SS ensures there is no collision between the members of the platoon or no split under accelaration. Thus not only each vehicle needs to exhibit stability individually but also platoon or vehicle strings in other words needs to be stable as well. This work starts with building basics of SS, definitions, boundary conditions, how to reach SS analysis with using input output position errors and transfer functions, why a transfer function impuls response is important to tell if the system is SS or not, how to use norms from linear system theory for SS analysis and so on. There is also an appendix for the definition, theory and proof of norm concept. Another appendix is dedicated to impuls response of a transfer function and how it is related to inverse Laplace transformation of the system transfer function. This is to help reader to better understand some in text concepts. There are many papers on how to achieve SS and/or improve it. This work focuses on improving SS of a heterogenous platoon. Heterogeneous platoon means each member of the platoon has different dynamics contrast to homogenous platoon in which each vehicle is considered to have the same dynamic behaviour or identical in other words. One can ask why it is important to improve SS if the platoon is already string stable. Improving SS provides more margin between the vehicles thus allows shorter time headway for CACC or inter vehicle follow distance for platooning. Shorter time headway or intervehicle means better road usage and less fuel consumption. Ideally, this leads to road trains (touch condition) which is not possible in practice because of marginal SS behaviour under physical constraints. There are different approaches to compansate different dynamics of each member of the platoon like adaptive controllers or implementing low level controller at each vehicle working as gain scheduler (or pre-compasators) based on dynamics and position of the vehicle in the platoon. This kind of approaches have disadvantage of limiting overall performance of the platoon and at an operating margins far from ideal. When we say dynamics, we refer to acceleration and deceleration capability of a vehicle. This is basically depends on vehicle mass, drive train and braking performance. This work has taken a different approach than those of in the literature. Rather than compansating dynamic differences by means of low level control schemes implementing pre-compansators, it is preferred to improve SS at a higher level control; platoon formation. To achieve this, it is mandatory to ensure each vehicle is in the optimum position in the platoon based on its dynamics for highest string stability. This generally leads to the vehicle with highest inertia leads the platoon and lowest as the follower at the end. In order to do that, a platoon formation algorithm is developed and run on each vehicle leading to an optimum overall string structure. To show effectiveness of the algorithm, a simulation environment is needed. Matlab Simulink by Mathworks is used for this purpose. It is started with a state space model of a vehicle. A generic state-space vehicle model is created first from the literature then it is customized to differentiate each vehicle thus creating a heterogenous vehicle platoon. Then vehicles are linked to each other in an arbitrarly in simulink, by means of states, in such a way that the preceding vehicle's output is followers's input to simulate RF link. A reasonable transmission delay of 100 miliseconds also introduced at each couple. Second step is to create a drive cycle for which simulation can run over. Signal builder function is a powerful tool in simulink and can be used to create a drive cycle. It is used as speed reference (m/s) for drive cycle. To build the algorithm, state-flow diagrams are used in Simuling environment. State-flow diagrams is a powerfull tool and easy to implement to build logical diagrams and flow charts at high level. Operation modes, interfaces, transition rules and actions for each state are necessary build blocks for implementing state-flow diagrams. The good thing about the algorithm is that it is vehicle built-in thus no need for a cental control base for platoon management. Vehicle platoon run over drive cycle built in simulation environment with different vehicle order each time. Vehicle speeds, positions, and vehicle spacing in meters are measured and plotted to have insight about string stability. With a four vehicle platoon, it is shown that formation algorithm reaches the optimum vehicle platoon with each vehicle is in ideal position within the platoon. It is believed that this work paved the way for heterogen platoons with better overall performance thanks to improved string stability. One can question how much benefit to get with this approach while it is still safe with heterogen platoons SS already. However it should be noted that not only safety but also it is marginal gains at the end to reach maximum efficiency along the route which would typically be a highway. So it is reasonable to allow for manouvering to get ideal vehicle string at the beginning or along the route to maximize benefit from platoon thanks to closer headway or vehicle spacing, both fuel efficiency and road usage. xxiii
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