Geri Dön

Metalotermik redüksiyon ile molibden disilisit bileşimlerinin üretilmesi

Production of molybdenum disilicide compounds via metallothermic reduction method

  1. Tez No: 540019
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. ONURALP YÜCEL
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Metalurji Mühendisliği, Metallurgical Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2018
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Üretim Metalurjisi ve Teknolojileri Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 91


Bu yüksek lisans tez çalışması çerçevesinde Molibden disilisit alaşımlarının geleneksel üretim yöntemleri dışında metalotermik redüksiyon yöntemi kullanırak üretilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Böylece geleneksel üretim yöntemlerine kıyasla daha kısa sürede çok daha basit üretim prosesleriyle üretilmesine imkan sağlayacağı öngörülmüştür. Tez çalışması kapsamında hedeflenen nihai ürün bileşimine ulaşmak amacıyla ilk aşamada yanma sentezlerinden, kendinden ilerleyen yüksek sıcaklık yanma sentezi yöntemi (SHS) kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntemde hedeflenen nihai ürüne ulaşabilmek amacıyla oksit tozları ve redükleyici olarak seçilen metalin toz formunu içeren karışım stokiyometrik oranlarda hazırlanmıştır. Karışımın bir pota içerisine yerleştirilip tetiklenmesi ile aşırı ekzotermik reaksiyonun başlaması sağlanmıştır. Karışım üzerinde bir dalga şeklinde ilerleyen reaksiyon çok kısa sürede tamamlanmasıyla istenilen ürüne ulaşılmasına imkan vermektedir. Böylelikle klasik üretim yöntemlerinin uzun işlem süresi, maliyetli ekipman gereksinimleri ve çevresel zararları gibi dezavantajları elimine edilebilmektedir. Deneysel çalışmaların iİkinci aşamasında ise redüktant olarak kullanılan Alüminyumun yapıya geçip metal kazanım oranlarını düşürmesi sebebiyle daha az miktarlarda kullanılıp hacim yanma sentezi (VCS) yöntemiyle hedef bileşime ulaşılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu yöntemde de oksit tozları ve redükleyici metal tozları sitokiyometrik oranlarda hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan tozlar pota içerisine yerleştirilip 800 0C de 1 saat boyunca tav fırını içerisinde bekletilerek reaksiyonun gerçekleşmesi sağlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada Molibden disilisit alaşımlarının metalotermik yöntem ile üretimi gerçekleştirebilmek için çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Yapılan deneyler çerçevesinde reaksiyona giren toz miktarı ve oranları FactSage 6.4 termokimyasal simülasyon programı ile hesaplanmıştır. Bu sayede oksit bileşenler ve redükleyici metal istenilen kompozisyonda son ürüne ulaşmak amacıyla daha doğru olarak hazırlanabilmiştir. Reaksiyonun adyabatik sıcaklığı, redükleyici miktarının nihai ürüne etkisi ve stokiyometrik hesaplamalar simülasyon program ile hesaplanmıştır. Termodinamik hesaplamalar sonucunda Molibden disilist oluşumu için planlanan reaksiyonun 298 K'deki entalpi değeri (ΔH298) -372kJ olarak tespit edilmiştir. Adyabatik sıcaklık değeri ise 2423 oC olarak hesaplanmıştır ve bu değer reaksiyonun kontrollü olarak ilerleyebileceği sınır değerler aralığında olduğu görülmüştür. Bir diğer parametre olan spesifik ısı değeri (SI) hesaplamalar sonucunda 2293,6 J/g olarak tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen termodinamik verilerden hareketle metalotermik uygulama şartları sağlandığı belirlenmiştir. Deneylerde molibdenli hammadde olarak molibden oksit (MoO3), tungstenli hammadde olarak tungsten oksit (WO3), silisyum kaynağı olarak metalik silis veya silisyum oksit (SiO2), redükleyi olarak ise Alüminyum (Al) kullanılmıştır. Gerçekleştirilen deneylerde her biri 150 gr olacak şekilde farklı sitokiyometrilerde şarjlar hazırlanmıştır. SHS deneylerinden reaksiyon öncesi seramik potalar 20 dakika boyunca 500 °C de ön ısıtmaya tabi tutulmuştur ve sonrasında tetikleyici ısıyı sağlamak amacıyla hazırlanan şarjlara akım verilerek reaksiyonların başlaması sağlanmıştır. VCS deneylerinde ise hazırlanan şarjlar pota içerisine yerleştirilmiştir ve tav fırını içerisinde 1 saat boyunca 800 0C de bekletilerek reaksiyonun başlaması sağlanmıştır. Bu çalışmalar ile ticari bileşime yakın Molinden disilisit bileşimleri elde edilmeye çalışılmıştır. SHS ve VCS uygulamaları sonucunda elde edilen ürünlere karakterizasyon çalışmaları amacıyla XRD analizleri uygulanmıştır.

Özet (Çeviri)

The aim of this study was producing molybdenum disilisicide alloys by metallothermic reduction via combustion synthesis such as VCS (volume combustion synthesis), SHS (self propagating high temperature synthesis) which has many advantageous such as considerably energy consumption, lower environmental effect, simple equipments and low time requirement when compared with traditional production methods such as arc remelting or mechanical alloying. Many important properties of molybdenum disilicide such as high melting temperature, relatively low density and high oxidation resistance, makes it's a proper material for various industrial areas. Molybdenum disilisicide and molybdenum disilicide based composites have many usage areas in various industries such as heating elements, diesel engine plugs, industrial metal lances and glass industry. While only molybdenum disilicide and it's different lattices can be found alone in some applications such as heating elements, it can be alloyed with other compounds such as Si3N4 in engine applications or it can be alloyed with Al2O3 in molten metal lance industries. The first commercial usage of molybdenum disilicide is heating element and its patented by Kanthal which is Sweden based heating element producer company. The other application area of molybdenum disilicide is coating purpose and it gives high corrosion resistance to the material which is coated by molybdenum disilicide. Apart from that, high oxidation resistance at high temperatures of molybdenum disilicide makes it's a proper material for aviation industry. Metallothermic reduction is an alternative process to the conventional carbothermic reduction smelting which is generally endhothermic and which requires external heat to initiate to process. However, metallothermic is an exothermic reaction and doesn't require any external heat to initiate reaction unlike the carbothermic process. Therefore, metallothermic reaction doesn't require any external heat and it's process is based on basic steps. Moreover, thanks to it's exothermic nature, it decrease thermal energy input to produce liquid metal in reaction. As previously mentioned, carbothermic process requires high power rating furnaces and these furnaces require high capital expenditure. In contrast, metallothermic reactions use the energy which is occurred by exothermic nature and the reaction generates adequate heat energy to propagate to completion without any additional heat input post for ignition.The additional energy required to promote self-propagation of metallothermic reaction can be obtained through several methods. In certain cases, the reactants are preheated to the relevant temperature to effect self-propagation. In other instances the use of highly oxidic compounds which are simultaneously reduced with the charges are introduced to the bulk charge. These oxidic compounds are commonly termed reaction boosters as they generate high energy per mol reductant and therefore boost the overall reaction enthalpy. There are many drawbacks in producing of refractory non-oxygen and oxide compounds and materials, semiconducting compounds, hybrides, intermetallics such as enviromental pollution, high capital expenses, complex reactors and consuming natural sources to generate heat. However, self propogating high temperature synthesis has eliminated above problems owing to it's exothermic nature. One of major features of SHS process is high purity which is obtained during sythesis by using all reagents.The technical potential of SHS is determined by the variety of the materials used and the possibility of specific combinations of reactants and products not available for other methods. The chemical nature of the reactions of combustion used for the synthesis is also variable. In combustion sythesis reactions ; VCS and SHS, there are various reaction paramateres which can effect reactions and it's propagation rate.Establishing the optimum reaction parameters for synthesizing a material is based on obtaining a fundamental understanding of the controlling reaction mechanisms in each SHS reaction system. Two of major parameteres are specific heat of reaction and thermal conductivy of mixture. Theoretically, increasing thermal conductivity of the mixture will increase mixture's burning rate and efficiency. The greated thermal conductivy provides more rapidly ignition and propagate from the reaction zone to unreacted area. In case of greater specific heats, the greater the heat required to raise the next layer of composition to the ignition temperature.The temperature of the reaction zone is reduced, and the burning rate lowered. At highest thermal conductivity and heat capacity, ignition difficultly is achieved, and normally an increased intensity or duration of the ignition stimulus is required. In this study, many experimental studies have been completed to produce aimed heating element which is based molybdenum disilisicide and it's alloy with tungsten disilicide by metallothermic reduction. In the scope of experimental studies, reactant powder quantities are calculated through FactSage 6.4 thermochemical simulation programme to obtain reaction's specific heats and adiabatic temperatures. Thus, correct amount of reactans are prepared to reach desired end product's chemical composition. Adiabatic temperature, reductant material effects on end product and stoichiometric calculation are simulated through with the programme. Oxide forms of raw materials and reductant metals are prepared as powder form with specific stoichiometries in order achieve aimed chemical composition of heating element. At the first stage of experimental studies, SHS (self propoagating hight temperature synthesis) method is applied to reach aimed material's chemical composition. Mixture charged were placed in a ceramic ladle and ignited by an ignition is supplied by a battery and extremely exothermic reaction has initiated. Reaction is spreaded on mixed charge and finished in very low time. Thus, desired product is achieved in a short time period and many disadvantegous of conventional methods such as high energy requirement, environmental effect, complicated equipments and high cost were eliminated. However, highly exothermic character of SHS reactions, many spreaded material problems were occurred, caused end product loss and metal distrubition rates are decreased in final product. Therefore, at the second stage of experimental studies, VCS (volume combustion synthesis) method is applied and less reductant powders are used in experimental studies in order to eliminate excess aluminium which will cause a decrease in metal recovery rates by applying to final product and which will cause high specific heat and metal splashes. Thus, less splashed materials are aimed and high metal recovery rates are aimed. In these methods, charge powder are prepared according to calculated sitociometries by Factsage 6.4 and placed in a ceramic can and left it to 800 0C for one hour in a furnace. According to results of thermodynamic calculations, enthalpy value for the first reaction is identified as -4,39x105 at 298 Kelvin and adiabatic reaction is identified as 2305 oC, enthalpy value for the second reaction identified as -4,17x105 and adiabatic reaction is identified as 1998 oC, enthalpy value for the third reaction identified as - 5,56x105 and adiabatic reaction is identified as 2060 oC and enthalpy value for the fourth reaction is identified as -7,56x105 and adiabatic reaction is identified as 2444 oC. According to above thermodynamic datas, reactions cover requirements of metallothermic application conditions and these reactions are suitable to iniate by themselves and propagate. In experimental studies, molybdenum oxide (MoO3) as molybdenum source, tungsten oxide as tungsten source (WO3), metallic silicon or silicon oxide (SiO2) and Aluminium (Al) as reductant are used. XRD analysis are applied to end product which is obtained after metallothermic reactions under characterization studies.

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