Geri Dön

İnşa edilmiş geminin yerli katkı oranının belirlenmesi ve milli ürün kavramı

Determination of domestic contribution rate in builded ship and national product concept

  1. Tez No: 555923
  3. Danışmanlar: DR. ÖĞR. ÜYESİ İSMAİL ÇİÇEK
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Denizcilik, Marine
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2019
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Deniz Ulaştırma Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Deniz Ulaştırma İşletme Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 91


Gemi inşa sektörünü canlı tutmak için atılan adımlardan belki de en büyüğü ve en önemlisi olan milgem projesiyle birlikte, sektörde tartışılan ama üzerine hiç akademik bir çalışma yapılmamış olan konulardan biridir bu tez çalışması. Bu tez çalışmasının içerisinde giriş bölümünde yerli ürün ve milli ürün kavramlarının tanımlamaları yer almaktadır. Yerli ürün kavramının Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı tarafından net ve anlaşılır bir sınırlar içinde anlatımı yer alırken aynı tanım milli ürün için yer almamaktadır. Sektörün içinde belli konumlarda bulunan insanların fikirlerinden de yola çıkılarak gemi inşa için yerli ürün ve milli ürün tanımları yapılmış ve bunlar açıklanmıştır. Yerli katkı oranının %51'in üzerinde olan her bir gemi için yerli gemi denilebileceği gibi, bu tez çalışmasında asıl amaç denize inmiş geminin yerlilik oranının nasıl hesaplanması gerektiği ve bunu bir hesaplama modeline oturtmaya çalışmaktır. Gemileri milli gemi etiketi ile adlandırabilmemiz için ise geminin ne üretildiği yer ne de malzemelerinin yerlilik oranı önemlidir. İki önemli şart belirlenmiştir. Bunlardan biri fikri mülkiyet hakkının millete ya da milli bir firmaya ait olması, diğeri de milli çıkarlar için kullanılmasıdır. Bu şartları karşılıyan her bir gemi milli gemi sayılmıştır. Tezin içeriğinde yer alan konular hakkında yapılan ve incelenen çalışmalara yer verilmiştir. Hangi çalışmanın kaç yılında, kim tarafından yapıldığı ve içeriğinin iki üç cümlelik özet olarak ne olduğu anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmaların çoğunluğunu gemi maliyet hesabının ve üretim proseslerinin oluşturduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. En büyük sorunlardan biri de bu analizlerin yetersiz veri eşliğinde yapılmış olmasıdır. İlgili kurum ve firmaların bu tür verileri paylaşmıyor oluşu da akademik çalışmaların az olmasına bir sebep oluşturuyor. Tezin ikinci bölümünde tezin beşinci bölümünde uygulanan hesap cetvelinin nasıl oluşturulduğuna dair bir anlatım bulunmaktadır. Bir geminin inşa fikrinden denize inip seyretmeye başlayıncaya kadar geçen imalat süreçlerinin maliyet girdileri belirlenmiştir. Ve her bir girdi için verilen ana başlıklar incelenmiştir. Giderler iki ana başlık altında toplanmıştır. İşçilik, malzeme, enerji, klas, sörvey, sigorta gibi giderler doğrudan giderler, üretim planlama, dizayn ve yönetim giderleri ise dolaylı giderler başlığı altında incelenmiştir. Bölümün ilk iki başlığında yapılan tanımlar ardına, son başlık altında bu girdilerin toplam maliyete oranla yüzde kaça denk geldiğini belirleyerek oluşturulan katsayılara değinilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde yer alan şekiller ile tez içinde oluşturulmuş tablosal verilere yer verilerek bu verilerden elde edilmiş çıkarımlara yer verilmiştir. Bu veriler ışığında en çok harcamalar malzeme giderlerine ve işçilik giderlerine yapıldığı görülmüştür. Malzemeler arasında da en yüksek maliyetli girdi ana makine ve tahrik sistemi olduğu gözlenmiştir. Gemi inşa yan sanayi üreticileri, dizayn ofisleri ve taşeron firmalar dördüncü bölümde ele alınmıştır. Bir ürünün yerli katkı oranı belirtilirken o ürün için yerli girdilerden olan bir ürün içinde eğer ithal bir ürün bulunuyorsa bu onun sonucuda etkileyeceği bilgisi göz önüne alınarak hazırlanan bu bölümde, Türkiye'de tezde adı geçen firmaların üretim kapasitelerinin yanı sıra yerlilik oranları da belirtilmiştir. Beşinci bölümün içeriğinde gemi üretim aşamaları biraz daha derin incelenerek aşama aşama maliyet analizleri yapılarak nasıl yerlilik oranı belirleneceği anlatılmıştır. Beşinci bölümün son başlığında ise bir tersanemizin ürettiği geminin yerlilik oranının hesaplandığı uygulamalı örnek yer almaktadır. Altıncı bölümde MİLGEM projeleri alt başlıklar halinde incelenmiştir. Son bölümde yer alan sonuçlar ve öneriler kısmında ise araştırma boyunca karşılaşılan sorunlara ve olası çözümlere yer verildikten sonra, tez sonrası elde edilen veriler değerlendirilmiştir.

Özet (Çeviri)

This thesis study is one of the subjects discussed in the sector but has never been studied on academic.With the milgem project which is perhaps the biggest and most important one of the steps taken to keep the shipbuilding sector alive, this discussion came to journal again. Domestic and national ships are discussed in this thesis to find out domestic rate in shipbuilding. In this thesis, the definition of domestic product and national product concepts are included in the introduction. While the concept of domestic product is defined by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology in a clear and comprehensible boundary, the same definition is not included for the national product. Based on the ideas of the people in certain positions within the sector, domestic product and national product definitions for shipbuilding have been made and explained. For each ship with a domestic contribution rate of more than 51%, a definiton of domestic ship may be called, but the main purpose of this thesis is how to calculate the domestic rate of the seaworthy ship and try to put it into a calculation model. In order to be able to name the ships with the national ship label, the place of ship is neither important nor the place rate of its materials. Two important conditions have been determined. One of them is that the intellectual property belongs to the nation or a national company and the other is to be used for national interests. Each ship that includes these requirements has been called as a national ship. The definitions of domestic product and national product concepts in the sector are examined and the definitions to be used in the thesis are as follows: The domestic product is the product that fulfills the requirements of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. The national product is the product in which all the legal rights of the product produced, regardless of the domesticity, are in the hands of the Turkish manufacturer and the national interests are respected. The studies on the topics in the content of the thesis are examined. It is tried to explain how many years of the study, who made it and what the contents are in two three sentences. Majority of the studies have been found to be composed of ship cost calculation and production processes. One of the biggest problems is that these analyzes are carried out with insufficient data. The fact that the related firms do not share such data is a reason for the lack of academic studies. In the second part of the thesis, there is a narrative about how the calculus is applied in the last part of the thesis. The cost inputs of the manufacturing processes from the idea of the construction of a ship to the sea have been determined. And the main topics given for each entry were examined. Expenses are grouped under two main headings. The expenses such as labor, material, energy, class, survey, insurance, direct expenses, production planning, design and management expenses are examined under the heading of indirect expenses. Following the definitions made in the first two chapters of the chapter, the coefficients were determined by determining the percentage of these inputs compared to the total cost. Labor costs are as follows: assembly work, welding work, electrical work, blasting and painting work, equipment work, test and inspection work, crane services and grinding work. Material expenses were examined under 5 main headings. Metal materials: ship plate, stainless materials, netherlands profiles, stainless welding wires, cables, pipes, fittings and valves. Mechanical materials: main machine and sailing package, air compressors, auxiliary generators, heating and ventilation systems, rudder machine and accessories, fire fighting system, garbage incinerator, boiler heating system, cargo pumps, separators, engine room pumps, bow thruster, fresh water producer, sewage treatment system, bilge separator, stationary tank washing system, nitrogen system, deck equipment, anchor and chain. Equipment materials: fireproof panels, doors, WC, rescue lifeboat, boat, life raft, windscreen wiper, whistle, porthole and windows, isolation materials, kitchen, fire and safety equipment. Electrical materials: lighting and navigation lights, alarm systems and telegraph, main electrical table and materials, navigation and communication devices, cargo tank measurement and monitoring system, oil evacuation and monitoring equipment. Paints were examined under the title of chemical materials. Energy costs are as follows: electricity, water and natural gas consumption. Natural gas requirement was determined as imported data. Interest expenses, class expenses and insurance expenses of the loans taken for construction are examined under the heading of other costs The cost of design, which is one of the expenditures made before the construction of the ship, and the expenditures made by the personnel working in the planning and purchasing departments during production are examined as production planning and design expenses. It is the sum of the expenses paid to the personnel in the management level of the shipyard. Rent expenses, security expenses, accounting department expenses, stationery expenses, transportation expenses, cleaning expenses, landscaping expenses are evaluated under management costs. The figures in the third section and the table data in the thesis are given and the inferences obtained from these data are included. In the light of these data, it is seen that the most expenses are made to material expenses and labor expenses. Among the materials, it was observed that the highest cost input was the main machine and power system. Cost expenses of three different ships were examined and material expenses were determined. The direct and indirect expenses of another ship were examined and the approximate ratios of cost inputs for a ship were determined with these data. Ship building sub-industry producers, design offices and subcontractors are discussed in the fourth chapter. If a product's local contribution rate specifying it in a product which is of domestic inputs for products if present an imported product that is prepared taking into account the information would affect his conclusion in this section, the name of the thesis in Turkey as well as the production capacity of the company local content are also indicated. In this part of the thesis, the production capacities and domestic contribution rates of some of the manufacturers of materials that are included in the cost inputs in shipbuilding are examined. This data was obtained after one-to-one interviews with manufacturers. Although the manufacturer's declaration is based, it is possible to examine the data more accurately if the cost reports of the products can be examined in more detail. In the fifth chapter, the stages of shipbuilding are examined a little deeper and how to determine the rate of domestic contribution by using step-by-step cost analysis. In this section, where the processes taking place in a shipbuilding are examined one by one, it is aimed to shed light on which percentage of the cost inputs included in the production items can be provided with domestic products and what percentage of them may be domestic at the finishing stage. At the preliminary design stage, where the characteristics of the ship are determined, the dimensions and form such as length and depth depending on the type of ship, service speed, tonnage, and the list of materials to be used during the construction are determined. And what they need to be considered while determining these were examined. After selecting the appropriate shipyard for the production stage of the project, the steel construction process begins. At this stage, the ship's hull and superstructure manufacturing begins. The equipment of the ship is completed with the construction of blocks and main and auxiliary machines, deck equipment, pipes and electrical circuits will continue to be equipped. Tests and controls of the ship launched into the sea are made and deficiencies are eliminated. After the completion of the documents and documents, the ship is made ready for delivery. In the last section of the fifth chapter, there is an applied sample in which the domestic rate of the ship produced by a shipyard is calculated. In the sixth section, projects of MILGEM are invastigated under the subtitles. In recent years, under the leadership of Turkey with Turkish Defense Industry launched MILGEM project, known naval force in 162 countries, has been among the 10 countries that manufactured its own warships. Following these successes, offers were received from abroad. Contributed to the revival of the shipbuilding sector. In the results and recommendations section of the last section, after the problems and possible solutions encountered during the research, the data obtained after the thesis were evaluated. The factors that change the economic balances of a country are production, consumption and productivity. In this context, domestic production will reduce the country's dependence on foreign sources, and will increase the productivity of production in the production as well as economic strengthening of the country. There are two methods for calculating the domestic contribution rate in domestic production. The first is the determination of this ratio over production costs, the second is the calculation of the domesticity rate after the numerical determination of the cost items. The domesticity rate calculated on the cost items is an invalid method of calculating the domestic contribution rate, because the import of a high-cost item will result in a higher rate loss in the first method, a lower rate loss in the second method, and the wrong source for the manufacturer to obtain a domestic product certificate . If we consider that shipbuilding industry is a locomotive of other sectors due to the variety of products used in shipbuilding, we can say that as a result of the increase in shipbuilding capacity of a country, trade volume increase, employment capacity increase and the economy will develop in many ways. R & D is the second driving force behind sustainable economic growth. The higher the resource allocated to R & D, the higher the production of advanced production techniques and the more likely it is to produce new products. In order to increase the efficiency of R & D activities, it is necessary to make an increase in the manpower of researchers, instead of the employees performing routine tasks. An appropriate environment should be prepared for these employees and incentive programs should be supported. In this respect, not only the support of the state institutions should be expected, but private companies should act selflessly. The culture of cooperation and information sharing has not developed sufficiently in the shipbuilding and sub-industry sectors as in other sectors. In order to overcome this deficit, it is necessary to establish a structure that will bring together the common use of products-services and materials on the same platform, to open programs to encourage large-scale companies to establish partnerships with smaller-scale companies or foreign companies, and to take steps to establish a reliable database. . As a result of the researches and interviews with manufacturers and shipyards in the sector, it is seen that the shipowner who has built the ship in cost inputs such as ship plate, main machine and paint which affects the domesticity rate of the descending ship affects the domestic contribution rate to a great extent. The most important reason for preferring a foreign product is the mistrust of Turkish producers. One of the other reasons is the inadequate service.

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