Mevcut planlama pratiğinde toplum yararı yaklaşımının değerlendirilmesi-İstanbul örneği
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 55637
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Şehircilik ve Bölge Planlama, Urban and Regional Planning
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1996
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 258
ÖZET Ülke genelindeki mevcut planlama pratiğinde, planlama sorunlarının temelinde toplum yararı kavramından açıkça bir sapma olduğundan tez kapsamında bir yerde planlama sorunları da irdelenmiş ve bu sorunların altındaki temel sebebin toplum yararı anlayışından uzaklaşmak olduğu ispatlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Günümüze kadar Şehir ve Bölge Plancılığı açısından planlama kavramı, planlama Metodolojisi ve planlama süreci üzerinde pek çok yeni yaklaşımlar, değişiklikler önerilmiş, yazılmış, bilimsel çalışmalar yapılmış, hatta yer yer bu çalışmalar uygulanmışsa de, alınan neticelere bakıldığında ilerleme yerine gerileme olduğu görülmektedir. Cumhuriyet yıllarındaki şehircilik uygulamalarının bugüne göre, daha başarılı, sağlıklı, daha rasyonel ve organizasyonları tamamlanmış olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Bugün bilimsel, teknik yönden büyük ilerlemeler kaydetmemize rağmen yerleşmelerimizin kimliklerinin yok edildiği, büyük kentler dahil hepsinin kasaba görüntüsüne sahip olduğu, bitmemiş bina görüntüleri ile çirkinleştikleri izlenmektedir. Ülkemizde yaygın olan "En kötü plan, plansızlıktan iyidir.'''' anlayışı ve yaklaşımı iyi planlamayı değil, kötü planlamayı destekler duruma gelmiştir. Şüphesiz, plansızlık savunulacak bir olgu değildir, ancak kötü planın da plansızlıktan iyi olduğu söylenemez. Ne var ki; bu anlayış sonucu uygulamada ıslah imar planı uygulama imar planlarının önüne geçmiş durumdadır. Kimi belediye yönetimlerinin yasal düzenlemelerle çelişen keyfi uygulamaları kamuoyunda güvensizlik yaratmakta; bunun sonucu olarak zaten yetersiz olan ilgi ve duyarlılık daha da azalmaktadır. Kentin her parçasını, bu bedelini gözardı etmeksizin ve kamu yararlarını zedelemeyecek şekilde değerlendirmek zorundayız. Özellikle politikacıların, ben daha iyi bilirim düşüncesinden kurtulup, teknik kadroların fikir ve görevlerine ihtiyaçlarının olduğunun farkına varmaları gerekmektedir Toplum çıkarlarının her koşulda kamu yararının eşleniği olmadığı gözlenmektedir. Bu ikilem nedeniyle, literatür, kamu yararı olgusundan çıkan ancak ondan farklılaşmış toplum yararı gibi yeni bir kavramla tanışma olanağı bulmuştur. Planlama ilkeleri, toplum yararı olgusu ve planlama eylemi üçlüsü arasında olması gereken ideal bütünlük, kuramsal olarak vardır. Sistemin günlük işleyiş mekanizmaları, bu bütünseliğe olanak sağlamayan çok sayıda işleyişle yüklüdür ve böylesi bir sonuç alışılagelmiştir. Bu nedenle sorunun temeline inilerek planlamada toplum yararı kavramının benimsetilmesi ve yaygınlaştırılması gerekmektedir. XII
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY : DISCUSSION AND SCRUNITY OF CONCEPT OF SOCIAL BENEFIT IN EXISTING PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION - CASE STUDY ISTANBUL METROPOLITAN AREA. In spite of the fact that far many new approaches, modifications regarding planning concept, planning methodology and planning period from viewpoint of Urban and Regional planning have been proposed, scientific studies have been carried out, even from time to time such studies have been implemented; until our present time, when obtained results are examined, regression is seen and observed instead of progression while urban planning implementations were more successful, healthy and rational in the years of the Republic as compared with present day status, it is observed that settlements have lost their respective identities and become ugly and spoiled with appearance of unfinished buildings although we have achieved great progression at our present time from scientific and technical viewpoints. First of all urbanization being unconcerned with human factor in a world where everything would have been made for people is one of contradictions which face and witness. Without any doubt speculation has not been reflected to urban living throughout the countries in observed dimensions. For this reason; as a matter of fact, the problem is based on scrutinity and examination of potential effects of maximum profit event to city structure and individual behavior and attitudes of people living in the city. In first appearance, though profit seems as a economical problem,“Whose benefit”question brings forth a world view beyond this and a problem of culture and policy common institutes, establishments, common interests and common behavior are defined and identified by social organization, hence, a community profit concept surpassing personal profit becomes the topic of agenda, without doubt, since profit concept has been extended into these dimensions and thus, wrapped up into impersonal nature, it is converted into social benefit. Social benefit implies the meaning of social economical profitability in long term and balanced distribution at a level higher then profit desires of persons in short term. As from the conclusion of existing condition, it is very clear and obvious that there is a conflict between personal interest and social benefit almost in every aspect. Since it is essential to snatch largest piece in the cake in urban area, urban place has come out from area necessary to be shared and has been caused to be shared. Recently, public establishments, enterprises and especially local administrations have disregarded social benefit and have rendered priority and emphasis on personal XIIIinterest and gains and hence urbanization planning activities have taken their place within this philosophy and research, evaluation and planning activities have been deviated from the required order. of which groups benefît will be observed of which interests do not show harmony ali time with each other even being in conflict form ali time, in other words“vvhose benefit is social benefit”emerges as a question which can not be ansvvered very easily. Because expectations of industrialists, businessmen, owners of immovable goods and property in the settlement, middle class and \vorking class and similar groups are not same. When spread and grovvth forms of city start acceptance and approval gradually through plan in urban plot/land market where there are multi interest conflicts, both planning activity and planning concept will incur great damage and injury from this. Because, by legalization of subject growth form, while certain urban functions will be spread out by consuming nearby usage areas, such grovvth and spreading out opportunity will never be constituted for some other functions. it is impossible to find such double structure constitution reasons and grounds either in planning principles ör in the scope of community concept. Conflict between social benefit and personal interest is most determinant factor in the subject/matter of compliance with plan as much as in formation and implementation of plans. As a matter of fact, existing condition of our cities, shores and forests reflect the results of such conflicts and disputes. istanbul city has received its respective share from these negative approaches. istanbul is 2600 years old a world metropolitan city, center of history and culture, outdoor museum and economical capital of Turkey. Nevertheless, majör part of people living in istanbul today and who came to live in istanbul do not notice and concern with the city and values possessed by the city and they conceive istanbul the most important economic rent overall the country and struggle to increase their share of respective shares from this economic rente. Economic rente incomes reaching to share of around 70% is the most important factor making the city so attractive. Unlicensed construction being the most dominant means of illicit sharing event of urban economical rente, has not emerged only as a result of arrangements of some section of community, but has constituted 65% of istanbul by reaching to very big proportions in consequence that ali sections contained in the community have benefıted directly ör indirectly from this economic rente. Briefly, city being planned, but at the same time being unhealthy is the natural result of this economic rente created by urban land and plans are implemented to the extent created by this rente. Planners and public establishments being responsible for making plan and implementation are trying to make plans and implement the same which will make some posttive gains even though they may be small, to the benefit of community while making plans ör approving plans instead of making unimplemented plans and hanging them to the wall. Essentially the important matter here is that how much concession ovvners of fıelds will give. Hovvever, while the city is growing, in parallel, economic rentes are also grovving and consequently, property ovvners become more organized and more povverful from economical and political viewpoint. Therefore, concessions that they will give, are gradually decreasing and areas on which planners could produce decisions are gradually becoming narrow. Within this period, plans are xivnot considered as means of checking and controlling social benefıts, but enter into position of being means increasing land rente. By a general hastiness, irrevocable decisions directed towards 100-150 years future of the city, are being made and destructions are caused. As a result of zoning and construction plans prepared as unattached to metropolitan regulatory plan related to the city in whole, have formed land value increases in trillions liras and so, extraordinary unfair and unjustified gains providing big inceme transfers to certain sections have arisen since no legal mechanisms assuring conversion of these value increases to public have been developed. NVithout doubt, arguments and discussions being made today in public are conducted for very small section of dangerous iceberg remaining on the surface of mater and ones to be mode within coming 20-30 years have not been felt by wide community sector yet. As it is seen, despite the fact that reasons of existence of planning principles are defined in weight as protection, creation and increase of event being benefıcial to the community as long as plans define social benefit wrongly and are not made in due time and necessary means and tools for implementation are not possessed, this definition is not applied in true sense. Unfortunately, it is obvious that situation is not in true sense in practice of our country and trends receding into distance from planning concept focused to social benefit form basis for experienced planning problems. For this reason, by this thesis study, it is aimed to be means directed to constructive approach development as soon as possible by emphasizing seriousness and importance of the topic with ali details vvithin a system. Introduction chapter of thesis include trends receding from planning concept focused to social benefit, purpose of research, methodology and its content. in second chapter, in general definitions related to planning period, dilemma betvveen social benefit and public benefit concepts, legal regulations, relationship between planning social benefit phenomenon planning action and effects making social benefit mandatory are discussed. in third chapter, throughout the country, urban lands forming basis of planning problems, unlicensed construction amnesty tradition, values to be protected, shore areas, forestry areas and tourism areas and relevant legal loopholes and non/development of effective policies are emphasized and besides city location, sample events having too much cost to community are indicated. in fourth section which contains evaluation of pools studies conducted, firstly, general information regarding to county municipalities vvhere pool studies have been realized, are given and later on, in sequence, planning studies, planning problems, implementation problems, problems related to management and authorization aspects and lack of social benefit concept lying down on base of financial problems are put forth. Finally, in fifth chapter, results trended legal, organizational and planning aspects emerged in thesis study concept and solution proposals are given and it is emphasized not to be pessimist in face of existing circumstances, but to support studies \vhich will incite of social sensitivity by increasing efforts and social benefit suspicion in existing planning practice must be eliminated. So, in this sense, results required to be emphasized with great importance on study scope are included. it must be remembered that planning requirement arisen from relation of öne desired socially and psychological and öne being possible from financial and technical XVviewpoint of employment of scarce sources of developing countries such as our country in the most rational and efficient manner. Success of plan depends on correct defınition and identifıcation of purpose and targets determined in great extent, consensus of community in widest manner on these purposes and targets, planning action of community, direct participation to production and implementation period of plan and at the same time, existence and power of implementation tools and means besides ali of these it must be remembered that iınportant aspect is not making plan, but formation of policies vvhich will implement that plan. On the other hand, concept being \videspread in our country as“The worst plan is better than unplanning”has become to the position to support improper planning. Undoubtly, having no plan is not a phenomenon to be defended, but at the same time, it can not be argued that improper plan is better than unplanning at ali.. Nevertheless as a result of this concept, improvement plan has gained priority in practice as compared with implementation plans. When reflections of plan decisions made with improvement plans to urban function areas are appraised, it is observed that settlements out of plans have been legalized in ali county municipalities and transportation have been regulated, but in consequence of information obtained from competent authorities of municipalities it has been found out that only half of planning decisions in this respect have been reflected to implementation. Furthermore, it has been determined that the most important problem in plan making stage was escape from large plan and making of modification plans in part ör local plans was preferred. These local plans being in excessive pieces being planned without inter/relationship with each other, \vill cause big problems from viewpoint of lack of transport and equipment and urban organization. These aspects vvhich are not felt at the moment by the Municipalities, will create conditions vvhich will be difficult to solve in fiıture. Throughout the country, legalizing unlicensed construction by laws and squatter settlements are frequently applied in order to solve public management problems caused by urbanization. On the other hand today as experienced in our large cities, it it is achieved actually to make plans to social benefıt is prevented, then, there is a little possibility to eliminate negatives of unlicensed construction and building by such planning mechanism Another point not to be ignored at ali in respect with topic is that who on which sector is protected by construction amnesty and by an amnesty mechanism repeated frequently will benefıt and gain be provided to community, town ör persons not complying vvith and observing laws and finally, what will be rescued and saved by pardoning persons committing offense to community, environment and public for their our personal gains and interests. xviLaws in respect with giving share to local administrations from State Revenues have been exercised by governments in power in contradiction with principles of the Constitution since 1984. An attitude arising especially the result of punishment of municipalities not supporting the political party in power as a matter of fact people of that town and awarding of ones supporting political party in power has been developed in,distribution of these shares through budget laws and other legislation. By taking into consideration that urban planning is a source distribution period, at this stage, planners should give necessary importance to public economy and should save planning from being“Squandering of Resources”period. it must be assured in this scope that resources should defınitely be planned and evaluated to the benefıt of community by seeking for respective values, also legislation must be made in respect with the topic and the most important of ali it must achieved to reach to more positive point than existing condition absolutely as a result of planning and community should benefıt accordingly. First of ali, an activity and efficiency and efficiency policy being sensitive to changing social, cultural and economical, values but not being effected by political interests and administration changes should be adopted in order to increase activities and efficiencies of local administrations. Due to the fact that social security institutes have not been developed to an adequate extent in the community, property right has been considered as security directed to the future. Many investments being related to land increase importance of land use more and more in solution. Consistent and integral policies in respect with employment of public lands have not been formed till no. Ceasing of treasury lands sold for the reason of chesing budget defıcit is such on application to cause payment of much more higher costs in future. On the other hand, no where in the world the Ministry of Finance has ppwer and authorization to determine destiny and fate of cities. An economical rente will be formed around cities upon this implementation and in case that this economic rente will go to the treasury instead of local administration, urban planning studies will be effected in negative way ali över the country. VVithout making integral, long term programs related to long term urban land requirement, technical-social infrastructure area requirement required to remain under public property ownership and how these requirements will be met, exhaustion of existing public land stocks, means to bear risk to put future of cities under mortgage. Because, there will be need in future for lands under public ovvnership as in the case of our present time in order to constitute a healthy urban environment. As it is already know, producing sound and healthy planning decision and reflection of such planning decisions to implementation by means such as specifıed plan notes are quite different activities from each other and both of them have their own original problems. These decisions should not be changed frequently in order to constitute sound and reliable immovable properties market in the city. A serious state mechanism can not deceive a citizen acting in compliance with decision made by the State. xviiAlthough this thought is true and correct from vievvpoint of citizen and State relationship, it does not alvvays give correct results from planning aspect. Consideration of construction rights granted in zoning and construction plans as acquired rights will increase plans at each amendment mode end will create difficulty for city being healthy. At the present time, our local administration units do not possess democratic, transparent, effective and efficient management structure which could meet demands of contemporary community. Finally, the most important subject to be emphasized is while social benefıt phenomenon being \videspread today is being discussed, it is taken into consideration follovving a planning decision made and with result formation feature. If social benefıt phenomenon is discussed only as results of planning activity as it is done today then, existing planning period is assumed as it has been developed in conformity with social benefıt, hovvever, implementations in our country and pool study conducted under scope of thesis are evidences that situation is not so in our country. Moreover, great role played by people of town in the fate of town where they live, can not ignored. as a matter of fact, during recent years, European council made a series of researches about cities required to be saved in Europe and they made a decision to save Yenice despite nature and industry together ruin and destroy the city. in the report prepared in consequence of long time research conducted for istanbul together with Yenice, the Council stated t hat the city is being destroyed only by its own people and istanbul can not be saved unless views and opinions of people are changed. Of course, views and opinions of separate interest groups for the city and perception of the city and expectations from environment tovvards which they will be sensitive in conclusion, will be different. At this point viewpoints of local administrations, Assemblies, bureaucrats, technocrats for city and which benefıt will gain priority are brought forth in important sense, in other words, vievvpoint for city determines the result. Actually viewing city as butcher vievvs sheep ör as painter constitutes the core of problem. H is very clear that protecting lived cultures and catching up contemporary time with such values require a social consciousness, locations where this consciousness will be demonstrated should have been our cities. However, it is observed that both of them could not been formed as desired. \Vhereas in our cities where protection and adaptation sense are gradually lost, when consciousness of role to be played in future of city is made felt by the individual, will incite individual to be adopted to the city and also city will show positive change and development. in actual fact, individuals forming the community will go öne step further on matter of their own houses in future and should fıght for participation to decision mechanism in their own cities and should be in cooperation with local administrations. Thus, with excitement of this cooperation, people vvould not stick to only public resources and will incite thir own resources when proper time comes and bring solution to resource problem to some my opinion, the constitution dated 1961 stating that use of property right will not contradict social benefıt, has an suitable contents formed by social factors giving opportunity to tak necessary measurements to a great extent. If this principle is applied as required, difficulties encountered in realization of urban planning and fıght against speculation, in protection of shores, green areas historical buildings and in solution of housing problems of low income and poor familities, in short, achieving settlement features where people can live in civilized manner, would be eliminated. Actually, although a certain subject is interpreted in difFerent way from person to person and from country to country vvhether to be benefıcial to the community from viewpoint of heaith, economy and ethics, \vithout any doubt, solution of planning problems concerns social benefit. We would remember that protection of environmental many values and conveyance to future generations depend on prevailance of superiority of law in every aspect. So, this can be achieved by reviewing, fırst of Constitution, ali laws under view of democracy and jurisdiction and also a period intervening to any illegal event promptly to be occurred must be started. Solution: is achieved to create correct and right policies by each concerned institute and person, mainly political party in power and everybody should sincerely adopt social benefit and should act in respectful behavior and attitudes on and for behalf of our cities.
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