Dengelenmiş performansın Bayes ağları ile modellenmesi: Finans sektöründe bir uygulama
Modeling of the balanced scorecard with the Bayesiannetwork approach: A case study in finance sector
- Tez No: 556875
- Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. SEÇKİN POLAT
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Endüstri ve Endüstri Mühendisliği, Industrial and Industrial Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2019
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Endüstri Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Mühendislik Yönetimi Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 129
1992 yılında Robert Kaplan ve David Norton tarafından ortaya koyulan Dengelenmiş Performans, organizasyonların gelecek odaklı performanslarını ölçmeye yarayan bir yöntem olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Performansın ölçülmesine yeni bir bakış açısı getirilerek yalnızca finansal verilerden yararlanmak yerinde, finansal olmayan boyutlarda araştırılmış ve bunların performansa olan etkileri ortaya koyulmuştur. Ayrıca uzun ve kısa dönemde planlama yapılabilmesine yarayan bu yöntem, daha sonraları geliştirilerek organizasyonların strateji haritalarını belirlemek için büyük ölçüde kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Yalnızca finans odaklı olan strateji haritaları ve performans göstergeleriyle, şirketler rekabetin yüksek olduğu günümüz dünyasında üstünlük elde edemeyeceklerini görmüşlerdir. Böylelikle Dengelenmiş Performansın kullanımı önemli ölçüde artış göstermiştir. Literatür incelendiğinde Dengelenmiş Performansın farklı sektörlerde, farklı yöntemlerle pek çok araştırmada farklı konuda yer edindiği görülmüştür. Araştırma yöntemi olarak çoğunlukla vaka analizi çalışmaları yapılmış olup, deneysel yöntemlerin yanı sıra anket kullanımları ve analitik metotların kullanıldığı görülmüştür. Bunların yanı sıra niteliksel ve nicel araştırmalarla birlikte kullanıldığı da olmuştur. Ancak Dengelenmiş Performansın bir karar verme yöntemi olarak Bayes Ağları ile kullanıldığı bir çalışmaya rastlanılmamıştır. Bu kapsamda uzmanlardan faydalanılarak elde edilen mevcut verilerin gerçekleşme olasılığına dayalı gelecek durum tahminlerinde önemli seviyede yer edinen Bayes Ağları, Dengelenmiş Performansın modellenmesinde kullanılabilir mi sorusundan yola çıkılarak bu tez çalışması hazırlanmıştır. Dengelenmiş Performansın amaçları doğrultusunda, ana performans göstergeleri belirlenmiş ve bunlar arasında ilişkiler kurulmuştur. Oluşturulan model üzerinden belirlenen ilişkilere yönelik uzman görüşleri ile modeldeki olasılık dağılımları belirlenerek geleceğe yönelik tahminlerde bulunabilmek için Bayes Ağları, bu çalışma kapsamında Dengelenmiş Performansın modellenmesinde kullanılmıştır. Yapılan bu tez çalışmasının amacı; Türkiye'de finans sektöründe faaliyet gösteren bir bankanın İş Süreçleri Departmanında, Dengelenmiş Performans faktörleri ve bunlar arasındaki ilişkilerin tespiti sonucunda geleceğe yönelik strateji senaryolarının oluşturulmasıdır. Bu doğrultuda ilgili banka, performansının Dengelenmiş Performans boyutları dahilinde çeşitli senaryolarda nasıl iyileştirmeler yapılması gerektiği konusunda fikir sahibi olabilecektir. İyileştirmelerin yanısıra, banka da gerçekleşebilecek belli kötü senaryolar doğrultusunda sonuçların ne olabileceği hakkında da bilgi sahibi olunabilecek ve bu durumlar gerçekleşmeden çeşitli önlemler alınabilecektir. xviii Bu tez kapsamında öncelikle literatür araştırması yapılarak Dengelenmiş Performansın dört ana perspektifinde bulunan göstergelerin finans sektöründe nasıl kullanıldığı incelenmiştir. Sonrasında bunlar arasından modelde kullanılacak olan alt faktörler belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen bu alt faktörler arasındaki ilişkilerin oluştrulabilmesi için Dengelenmiş Performans boyutları arasındaki genel hiyerarşi doğrultusunda, uzman görüşlerine başvurulmuştur. Aynı şekilde ilişkiler kurulduktan sonra, koşullu olasılıkların belirlenebilmesi için uzmanlardan destek alınmıştır. Bayes Ağları ölçümlemesinde literatürde en çok karşılaşılan Netica adlı yazılım programı, modelin derlenmesi ve analizlerinin yapılmasında kullanılmıştır. Oluşturulan model kapsamında yedi farklı senaryo geliştirilmiştir. Bunlar Dengelenmiş Performansın finansal olmayan üç ana boyutundaki en iyi ve en kötü durum analizleriyle birlikte finansal boyutun en iyi durumunu içermektedir. Geliştirilen senaryolar ardından üç farklı duyarlılık analizi yapılarak modelin geçerliliği ölçülmüştür. Sonuç olarak literatürden faydalanılarak oluşturulmuş kavramsal modelde, Dengelenmiş Performansın boyutları arasındaki hiyerarşi, model kapsamında oluşturulan senaryolarda da varlığını korumuştur. Bu hiyerarşiye paralel olacak şekilde elde edilen sonuçlarda çelişkiler ya da tutarsızlıklar meydana gelmemiştir. Beklenenin aksi yönde gelişen bir durum ile karşılaşılmamıştır. Son olarak, elde edilen sonuçlara ve modelin geliştirilmesi adına ileride üzerinde durulabilecek noktalara, sonuçlar ve öneriler bölümünde yer verilmiştir.
Özet (Çeviri)
In 1992 Robert Kaplan and David Norton was introduced the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a method for measuring the future-oriented performance of organizations. Their study's purpose was to put forward intangible assests roles in the overall performance. It was the new perspective for the performance measurement. Because, not only the financial but also the non-financial assets were evaluated to find the effects of the overall performance. Since its presentation in the mid 1990s, it has evolved from the performance measurement system to the strategic management tool. In addition, this methodology can be used for long-term and short-term planning, and also can help the organizations to determine their strategy maps. The infrastructure for the strategic management decisions or activities can be created by the Balanced Scorecard. BSC can help the managers to understand various interrelationships and also cause-and-effect relationship. The BSC has a sequence of four perspectives. These can reflect the organizations value creation activities. The sequence is as follows: learning and growth perspective, internal or business process perspective, customer perspective, and financial perspective. Core outcome or overall performance measures within each perspective are adopted as leading indicators of the core outcome measures in the next perspective. The four perspectives of the BSC can be describe like below: • Learning and growth perspective: In order to adapt to changing world and administrate the business, it deals with the organizational compliance, employee skills and information systems. The success of the process depends on the right and timely knowledge as well as the talented and motivated employee. • Internal or business process perspective: This perspective accepts the employee capacity as an important factor in the development of the internal process. It focuses on the intangible assets of an organization, especially on the internal skills and capabilities that are required to support the value-creating internal processes. • Customer perspective: In order to satisfy customers, this perspectives defines the value creation that organization can apply. Thus it can generate more sales to the most desired customer groups. The value proposition is important in this perspective and it can be centered on one of the three: operational excellence, customer intimacy. • Financial perspective: This perspective can be costs, cash flow, revenue growth, profit margins, net operating income, etc. Therefore it examines if the company's implementation and execution of its strategy are contributing to the bottom-line improvement of the company. It represents the long-term strategic objectives of the organization and thus it incorporates the tangible outcomes of the strategy in traditional financial terms. When considiring the benefits of Balanced Scorecard, it is found that it has been widely used and adopted easily almost every industries around the world. Since the rising popularity, it is also getting take a place in the academic research more and more. While reviewing the literature, it's seen that the Balanced Scrorecard has used with different research methods in different sectors. Besides the experimental methods such as AHP, SEM; mostly case studies have been conducted with survey and analytical methods. Because of the fact that various BSC research topics for articles have been published. Also it has been used in conjunction with qualitative and quantitative research. However, there is no study discovered in which Balanced Scorecard is used with the Bayesian Networks as a decision making method. Therefore this thesis study was prepared based on the question of whether Bayesian Networks which depends on experts probabilistic ideas to forecast future situation, could be used in modeling of Balanced Scorecard. For the purposes of Balanced Scorecard, key performance indicators were identified and relations were established among them. Bayesian Networks were used in the modeling of Balanced Scorecard in order to be able to make predictions for the future by determining the probability distributions with expert opinions about the relationships of key performance indicators over the model. A Bayesian network is a representation of a joint probability distribution of a set of random variables with a possible mutual causal relationship. The network consists of nodes representing the random variables, edges between pairs of nodes representing the causal relationship of these nodes, and a conditional probability distribution in each of the nodes. The fundamental goal of the technique is to demonstrate the back contingent likelihood conveyance of result (frequently causal) variable(s) subsequent to watching new proof. Bayesian systems perhaps developed either physically with learning of the hidden area, or consequently from a huge dataset by suitable software program. The purpose of the study is; defining the Balanced Scorecard key performance indicators and their cause-effect relationships and than at the Bussiness Solutions Department of a bank in Turkey. After defining these relationship, estimating the several future oriented strategy scenarios. In this respect, the related bank will be able to have ideas on how to improve their performance with the Balances Scorecard four perspectives. In addition to the improvements, the bank will be able to forecast the results of certain bad scenarios and than it will be able to take precautions before these situations occur. First of all, conceptual model has developed according to the literature. Within the scope of this conceptual model, literature is reviewed again in order to find the usage of Balanced Scorecard key performance indicators in finance sector. Also Bayesian Network structure have researched. Its usage areas and advantages have identified in details. Then application steps of Bayesian Network have emphasised. The usage of Balanced Scorecard four main perspectives key performance indicators are defined in finance sector. Firstly, customer satisfaction, customer turnover rate, training and development program are specified as a learning and growth perspective sub-factors. Secondly, service and product innovation, investment of technology, regulations and supervisions, after-sales and operational services are specified as a business process perspective sub-factors. Thirdly, customer acquisition, customer retention and attention rate, and market share rate are specified as a customer perspective sub-factors. Last but not least, sales, incomes and growth are specified as a finance perspective sub-factors. Therefore, the sub-factors (main perspective's key performans indicators) are determined around the overall finance key performance indicators. After that, survey has conducted to the experts in order to establish the relationships between these sub-factors in the direction of Balanced Scorecard main perspective allignment. Norton and Kaplan (2005) was reported in their article the relations of these four perspectives as one-way in measuring the strategy map of organizations. After the relations and their directions are established, the final model has developed. Than the expert opinions have collected once again in order to determine conditional probabilities of sub-factors of each perspective. Netica software program, which is the most commonly encountered in the literature, have been used to compile and analyze the model. Netica is a complete, easy-to-use, and powerful program for working with belief networks and influence diagrams. It is very suitable for easy exploring, and for teaching belief network and influence diagram concepts. Under the scope of the network diagram that designed from Netica, seven different scenarios have been developed. These scenarios include the best and worst-case analysis of the three non-financial perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard. In addition the best case of the financial perspective has been developed. After the scenario analysis have run in the model, three different sensitivity analysis have conducted. Also the model validity has measured by doing sensitivity analysis. As a result, in the conceptual model which is formed by using the literature, it is found that the hierarchy between the dimensions of the Balanced Scorecard has also existed in the scenarios created within the scope of the model. No contradictions or inconsistencies have occurred. Moreover the results have obtained in parallel with the literature. It is seen that there is no situation was encountered in the opposite direction. Modeling of the Balanced Scorecard with Bayesian Networks is a new point of view for literature, so that there is no specific source about it. Also there is lack of information how to model overall performance with these methods together. For this reason, various difficulties have been encountered. In order to prevent all of those difficulties, some limitations and restrictions have been imposed. One of them is choosing the Bussiness Solutions Departmant of the bank for the performance measurement and limited the experts only this departmant. Finally, the obtained results and the points that can be discussed in the future in terms of developing the model, have given in the section of results and recommendations. For instance, in the relevant department of the bank, it is deduced that if the worst performance case in the customer perspective occurs, the sales rates and revenues will be lower by 78%, and the growth in the sector will be be lower by 83%. Based on this, it can be said that sales rates and revenues will fall by 45%. At the same time, it is observed that the performance of the growth in the sector could be reduced by 35%. In order to optimize the Bank's financial performance, it is necessary to gain 20% more of the new customer acquisition. Also, it is observed that the importance given to customer retention policies should be 15% higher. It has been observed that the financial performance of Balanced Scorecard in the relevant department of the Bank is maximized when the new customer acquisition is 90% higher and customer retention rates are 83% higher in customer perspective. Likewise, being market or product leader should be high at 75% to maximize the financial performance. Furthermore according to the results of those analysis, implications and contributions aspects of this study for that domain were indicated.
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