Geri Dön

Sosyal donatım planlama uygulama ilişkisi (Kayseri kent bütünü örneği)

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 55971
  2. Yazar: SUAT ÇABUK
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. YÜCEL ÜNAL
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Şehircilik ve Bölge Planlama, Urban and Regional Planning
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1996
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 226


ÖZET Bu çalışmada sosyal donatımın kavramsal çerçevesi, sosyal donatımın planlama ile olan ilişkisi, sosyal donatımın planlama-uygulama boyutu, Kayseri kent bütününde sosyal donatımın mekansal sunum biçimleri, niteliksel ve niceliksel özellikleri ortaya konularak, genel sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Bunun sağlanması, için şu aşamalardan geçilmiştir; Birinci bölümde, konunun seçilme nedeni, amacı., kapsamı ve yöntemi ortaya konulmuştur. İkinci bölümde, donatım olgusu kapsamında donatımın tanımı, Türkiye'de ve dünyada geçirdiği evrim ve farklılaşma, standart olgusu ile olan ilişkisi ele alınmıştır. üçüncü bölümde, donatımların sınıflanması ve sosyal donatımın bu sınıflama içindeki yeri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde, sosyal donatımın planlama ile olan ilişkisi, plan türlerinin sosyal donatımları ne yönde ve nasıl etkiledikleri ele alınmıştır. Beşinci bölümde sosyal donatım türleri net olarak ortaya konulmuş, Türkiye'nin ve bazı yabancı ülkelerin sosyal donatım standartları tablolar halinde gösterilmiş ve sosyal donatımların planlanmasında gözönünde bulundurulması gereken düzenleme esaslarının neler olduğu sıralanmıştır. altıncı bölümde, uygulama alanı olarak seçilen Kayseri kent bütünü tanıtılmış, kent bütünü planlarının nazı rl anı İmasına başlanılan 1986 tarihinde ortaya konan mevcut sosyal donatım standartlarının 10 yıllık süreçteki değişimi incelenmiş ve son olarak kent bütünü içinde yer alan farklı karakterlere sahip alanlarda sosyal donatımların planlama ve uygulama boyutu irdelenmiştir. Çalışmanın son bölümünde, önceki bölümlerde ortaya konan bilgilerden yola çıkılarak donatım, standart, donatım standardı, sosyal donatım, sosyal donatım türleri, planlama, planlamanın sosyal donatım ile olan ilişkisi, sosyal donatımların planlanmasında uyulması gerekli düzenleme esasları, sosyal donatımların Kayseri kent bütününde sunum biçimlerine ilişkin değerlendirmeler, öneriler ve sonuçlar ortaya konulmuştur. xı

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY THE RELATION OF SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE WITH PLANNING AND APPLICATION; KAYSERİ AS A CASE STUDY Due to the rapid change of this century, after the period of urbanisation and industrial i nation, today's society has been prepearing for post-industrial era. In this period in which balances changed entirely, urban areas has become more attractive instead of the pre-industrial rural life. For instance, the rate of urban population raised to %59 and 34 million in 1990 while it was %49 and 19 million in 1980 in Turkey. With the increase of urbanism rate the need for urban service areas has been raising correspondingly. This thesis aims to examine; - Infrastructure and social infrastructure concepts, - The relation between social infrastructure and planning, - The role of social infrastructure in planning hierarchy, - The provision of social infrastructure in Kayseri, - The social infrastructure in different function areas. The thesis is executed four phases. Hi the 1st phase, the subject of the thesis and the case areas are selected. In the 2nd phase, a research on the sources about the concept is made and the necessity of the study is determined. In the 3rd phase, the necessary data which is needed for Kayseri which is selected for case study is provided from the local and official authorities. In the 4th phase, after the evaluation of the data about the case areas, the problems of social infrastructures on different function areas of Kayseri are determined and some principle about planning of social infrastructures were determined as an introduction. The thesis consists of 7 chapter. In the 1st chapter, the reason, aim,, content and the method of the thesis are explained. xxxThe 2nd chapter is focused on the infrastructure concept. Infrastructure can be defined as the total activities that makes the existing conditions of settlement worth living. In addition, it is also considered as a regulated and organised forms of all the urban functions of man. m addition, it is also considered as the organised and formed state of functions. Infrastructures raised with the earliest settlements, together with the occurrence and differentiation of social classes, as a result of specialisation and organisation. However it was disorganised and unplanned and it was causing health, aesthetic and functional problems. These problems were tried to be solved by planning but since planning alone was not satisfactory, the concept of standardisation was also needed. In the 3rd chapter, infrastructure was classified in different groups. It is possible to group infrastructures in 4 category; - Infrastructures according to their types, - Infrastructures according to their sise and location, - Infrastructures according to the methods of obtaining, - Infrastructures according to their aims. Social infrastructures are included in the last category. To classify infrastructures according their aims is formed due to their provision and their usage. This classification is used in scientific researches and in development acts. Economical and technical infrastructures are also considered in the 4th category. The economic infrastructures have two main groups: commercial and industrial infrastructures. Technical infrastructures are electricity, gas, clean water, liquid disposals, rafination, garbage destroy, all kinds of transportation and conramication systems etc. Social infrastructures on which the thesis based are needed to socialise the people, to rise the level of prosperity and to provide more colourful life to people. In the Development Act social infrastructure is defined as education, health, religion, culture, administration buildings and green areas such as park and play gardens that are needed to obtain a healthy environment. m the first examples of settlements, administrative and religious infrastructures were the most needed functions. However, due to the rapid increase of population and changes of urban needs and interior dynamics the new kinds of infrastructures started to be needed. XlllThe 4th chapter of the thesis includes the information about the relation between planning and social infrastructure and how and in which direction different plans effect the social infrastructure. it is possible to classify plans in two groups: sccial-eoonomic plans and physical plans. Social-economics plans are national development plans and regional plans. Physical plans are also divided into three groups: Major physical plans, local physical plans and specific plans. In each category, the features of the social infrastructures are clearified according to their context, size and location. In national development plans, social infrastructure issue is mantioned in the chapter of“Social Objectives, Principles and Policies”. In this chapter, the main objectives on different sectors such as health and education etc are explained. Since regional plans are transitional plans between national plan and physical plans, they must be put into action. Physical plans are plans which are prepeared by the decisions on regional scale together with the local data and wishes. In these plans, social infrastructures such as university campuses, urban-scale green areas, health complexes etc. are shown with certain symbols. Local physical plans includes the location of investments and the balance of the usage of the land. These also have a legal framework. In local physical plans, the size and the location of the social infrastructure is determined definitely with their relations with other functions. Specific physical plans have their own laws. Since they do not obey other legal standards, they cause major problems in general planning system. In the 5th chapter, the kinds of the social infrastructure are explained and the standards of social infrastructure in Turkey and some other countries are given in tables. Moreover, the criteria that are necessary for social infrastructure planning were given. In the 6th chapter, the necessary information about Kayseri which are selected as the case study is given. The figure about space standards of the social infrastructure in 1986 and 1996 are compared and the planning and practising problems of social infrastructure are examined in different function areas. Kayseri city-whole consist of Mslikgazi, Kocasinan, Erkilet, Talas, Hacılar, Hisarcık, Mimarsinan and Kiranardi settlements and has a population of approximately 718000. Although the city-whole population increase 30000 people per year, the new social infrastructure that this population needs can not be provided. xiviktonnistrative infrastructure of the city-whole decreased to 3.29 m2 in 1996 while it was 3.99 m2/p (square-meter per-capita) in 1986. The ratio for pre-schcol educational area increased to 0.13 m?/p in 1996 from the ratio 0.02 m?/p of 1986. The proportion of primary educational area shows an increase from 0.87 m?/p in 1986 to 1.09 m2/p in 1996. The figure of the secondary educational area declined to 0.96 m2/p from 1.35 m^/p in 1996. The rate of health infrastructure was increased from 0.22 m?/p to 0.31 m?/p in the considered period. The rate of the social-cultural infrastructure is 0.56 m?/p while it was 0.52 m?/p in 1986. There is a decrease in green areas and sport facilities. The rate of green areas and sport areas were 1.33 m?/p and 0.40 m2/? in 1986 but they declined to 1.07 m2/p and 0.34 n^/p in 1996. m the case study, the different function areas in Kayseri city- whole were examined due to the aim. of the thesis. Residential areas were examined in to 4 groups with there examples such as; -Erciyes Evleri as an existing residential area, -Yenidogan settlement in Talas as a developing residential area, -BELSİN as an example of mass-hausing district, -Cengiz Topel Settlement as a sguater district. In this areas researches about planning principles and standards of social infrastructures are made and applicability of the plans is examined. To search the planning and application of social infrastructure in urban conservation areas, Kayseri urban site is selected for case study. Erciyes as a winter-tcurizm. center and Hisarcık as a sinner-house district are selected an touristic areas. To search the planning and application of social infrastructures in industrial areas, Kayseri organized industrial region and 5 small sized industrial areas are selected. xvIn the 7th chapter, as a conclusion, through the data presented in the previous chapters results, evaluation and suggestions are stated; - Infrastructure, standard, standard of infrastructure, - Social infrastructure and types of infrastructure - Relation between social infrastructure and planning - Principles of Social iitfrastructure planning, - Provision Social infrastructures in Kayseri city-whole. xvi

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