Geri Dön

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Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 56021
  2. Yazar: AREL KAN
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. AHMET SAĞLAMER
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1996
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 174


ÖZET Sanayileşmede kaydedilen hızlı ilerlemeler nüfus artışı, çevre kirlenmesi sonucunu doğurmuştur. Oluşan endüstriyel atıkların ve çöplerin uzaklaştırılması ihtiyacı, çözümlenmesi beklenen büyük bir çevre sorunu olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Atik olarak nitelendirilen üretim yan çıktıları ve çöpler, belirli yasal düzenlemeleri kapsayarak sıhhi bir şekilde depolanmaktadır. Çevre geotekniği alanında, katı atık olarak nitelendirilebilecek atıkların, yasal düzenlemelerle depolanması nedeni ile çift tabakalı sistemler, sızıntı erken uyan mekanizmaları, geomembran şilteler kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Dolayısıyla azaltılmış kütlelerin en az zarar verebilecek ve yer kaplayacak şekilde depolanması yoluyla çevre sağlığını bozmayacak biçimde, katı atik depolama tesisleri tasarlanmaktadır. Atik içerisinde oluşan, zehirli ve toksit bileşenleri (çöp suyu), uygun drenaj ile toplanmalı, altındakizemin tabakalarına yayılması kontrol edilmeli ve yeraltı suyuna sızarak kirletmesi engellenmeli ve toplanabilen bu sıvıların mümkünse arıtıldıktan sonra uzaklaştırılması sağlanmalıdır. Geçirimsizlik sağlamak amacıyla, depolama tesisinin altına inşa edilen düşük permeabiliteli kil şilteler ve geosentetik şilteler oluşturulmaktadır. Geçirimsiz şilte sistemlerine son yıllarda geomembranlarda kullanılarak güçlendirilmiştir. Geomembranlann çeşitleri, malzeme dayanımları, kullanım alanları detaylıca açıklanmıştır. Depolamanın tamamlanmış olduğu katı atık tesisleri geçici veya sürekli şilte sistemleriyle kaplandıktan sonra, yüzey akışın tesise girmesini engellemek ve akış rejimini düzenlemek için yüzeysuyu toplama ve uzaklaştırma sistemi oluşturmalıdır. Atığın depolama tesisine yerleştirilmesi ve örtü tabakasıyla kaplanmasının ardından, içeride meydana gelen anaerobik bozulmalardan dolayı çeşitli gazlar oluşmaktadır. Tesisin üst kısımlarına yığılan meetan gazı zehirli olup, yüksek basınçlar altında patlayabilme özelliğine sahiptir. Üstteki geomembranın, hemen altında biriken metan gazının alınması gerekmektedir. Bu sorunda özel metan gazı toplama ve havalandırma sistemleri ile çözülebilmektedir. Katı atık depolama tesislerinin yapımında, tasarımcı mühendis açısından, yeterli ve sağlıklı bir atik depolaması uygun olurken, böyle bir sahaya yakın komşu plandaki biri için ise tesisin çevresine hiç zarar vermemesi olabilmektedir. Böylece farklı bakış açılarından değişen bir amaçlar yığını ile karşılaşabilmektedir. Geoteknik mühendisinden beklenen problemlere pratik, etkin maliyetli, güvenilir ve yeterli çözümler getirmesidir. Yapılan laboratuar çalışmasında ise sıkıştırılmış kil tabaka ile geomembran arasındaki kayma gerilmesi parametreleri bulunmuş ve bu değerlere göre deponi sahasının stabilite problemlerine daha doğru bilgilerle yaklaşabilme olanağı doğmuştur. Pürüzsüz geomembranlarda, kayma gerilmesi-yerdeğiştirme arasındaki ilişki pik gerirlme değeri olarak belli bir değere ulaştıktan sonra diğer okumalarda rezidüele doğru eğilim göstermektedir. Pik gerilme değeri iyi tanımlandığında, küçük yerdeğiştirmeler önemsenmez ve deneyin sonucu, rezidüel kayma gerilmesi sonuçlarına bakarak belirlenir. Pürüzlü membranlarda ise kayma gerilmesi pik değeri, rezidüel değerinde artarak ilerlemektedir. XVİ

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY WASTE CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS AND LANDFILLS'.DESIGN AND EVALUATION Over the past two decades, increasing public awareness of environmental issues has resulted in various federal and state environmental regulations. The primary goal of these regulations is to procted human health and the environment. This goal has required remediatingexisting waste disposal sites and closing them with properly designed features. For new waste disposal sites, location, design, construction, monitoring, and closure requirements have been specified. All this has resulted in environmentally safe waste disposal practices. In this thesis we present the regulatory environmental framework and its impact on geoenvironmental engineering, waste disposal, and containment issues. By virtue of its historical development, the field of loading can be subdivided into the categories of industial, municipal, and hazardous wastes. However, this seems somewhat artificial since the philosophy for all three is in essence identical to take the waste material, place it in a suitably lined area, backfill around it as it is being placed, and eventually cover it over in an environmentally safe secure manner. Obviously in dealing with a highly toxic material, more care and geater precuations must be exercised than in handling something like building demolition waste. Rapid increments on industrialization and urbanization around the globe are caused vast amounts of environmental problems. Geotechnical engineers are increasingly challenged to solve these problems related to waste disposal facilities and cleanup of contaminatated sites. A new discipline called environmental geotechnology is established. Environmental geotecnologists must not only be acknowledged with geology and civil engineering, but also accustomed with principles of hydrogeology, chemistry and biological processes, as well. In first three sections terms“environmental geotechnology”and contamination processes are explained and and investigated. Environmental engineering, waste disposal, and containment system requirements are established primarily by regulations; this was discussed briefly in the preceding section three. In section three I present the application of these requirements in waste management systems and identify the chapters in which each subject area is discussed. In general, evironmental engineering issues related to waste disposal can be divided into the following areas:. Types of waste and waste characterization. Waste disposal. Landfills. Surface impoindments XVİİ. Remediation. Methods. Contaminant isolation technologies. Analyese. Infiltration and leachate generation. Contamination migration. Static and seismic slope stability Municipal solid wastes (MSW) are somewhat more consistent than industrial waste. The distribution of MSW produced varies to the conventional habits of the countries. Investigations that is carried out at developed countries indicated that most of the MSWs are paper, öetals, food and year wastes. It is ointed out that recycling attempts reduced the amount of glass and paper wasres. As recycling becomes more prevalent, the distribution would change. An important feature of MSW is that the waste decomposes and produces gas, including methane, that can be very dangerous if not properly controlled. Hazardous waste handling and disposal are regulated by federal law because they pose a threat to human health or the environment. Municipalities most commonly use ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, toxicity, and carcinogenicity to define hazardous waste materials in MSW. Definitions for RCRA hazardous waste and priority pollutants, as they relate to solid waste and wastewater, have been published by he U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) non-hazardous wastes are municipal, household hazardous, sawage sludge, water treatment sludge, MSW combustion ash, industrial non-hazardous, small quantify generator hazardous, construction and demolation, mining, agricultural, oil and gas and etc. The primary disposal techniques are landfills, surface impoundments, land application, deep well injection, etc. It is stated that 90% of the off-site disposal of hazardous waste in the United States is on land. Hazardous wastes cover a broad spectrum of materials, particularly when one considers newly generated, treated wastes and old, untreated wastes buried in the ground some years in the past. Investigations indicated that most the industrial wastes are consisted of chemical and allied products, primary metals and petroleum and coal products. The liquid is derived from waste is called leachate. Leachate can be produced directly from buried liquid wastes or consolidation of fluid-beraing wastes, by decomposition or chemical reactions, or by the leaching action of water moving through the waste. The control of leachate and gasses the single most important design requirement for new waste disposal faicilities. Typical values for engineering properties of wastes, such as total porosity, field capacity, wilting point, hydraulic conducivity, unit weight, and strength and compressibility. These properties presented are primarily for municipal lanfill wastes. Some information on mineral wastes, such as fly ash, compacted copper slag, and flue-gas desulfiirization sludge, has also been presented for preliminary engineering evaluation. These properties are presented merely as a guide, and wherever possible, XVlllsite-specific information should be collocted for project design. Compressibility of a municipal lanfill is related to the settlement behavior of the landfill. However, unlike soils, the settlement behavior of a landfill is complex and can be influenced by various factor, such as movement of smaller particles into larger voids, chemical reactions, biodegradation of organics within the landfill, dissolving of soluble substances by percolating groundwater, creep, and changes in deformation properties with time. At present, most geotechnical project designs and construction are based on the test results following ASTM and AASHTO standards. These standards are based on control conditions at room temperature with distilled water as the pore fluid. Since field conditions and the standard control condition are significantly different, many premature or progressive failures frequently occur. To understand soil behavior under in-situ conditions, it is necessary to examine soil behavior as close to the actual condition as possible. To accomplish this goal, we must understand the environmental conditions as they exist on the ground and their interaction over along- term period. The field of practice called“enviromental geotechnics”evolved over a period of about two decades starting in the 1970s. It is tracted nuclear power industry. One of the part of the process of construction a nunlear power plant was development of an“enviromental impact statement”. No nunlear power facility could be grated a construction permit until an environmental impact statement was complated. Concerns about the safety of nuclear power plants have always been voced, but in mid to late 1970s, on of the most frequently expressed concerns was over the ultimate disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Geotechnical engieenrs played an important role in these early studies through investigation and characterization of suitable host rocks for waste respositories, analysis of long-term performance of the earth materials under realistic temperatures and pressures, evaluation of probable ground water impacts and assessment of potential risk. The sanitary lanfill represented a dramatic improvement over the open dump. Controlled placement of waste in sanitary landfills (Particularly daily covering) greatly reduced the number of rodents and insects, dramatically reduced public health ricks, and generally contributed to major aeshtetic improvements in waste disposal. Engineerd liners for waste disposal facilities dis not become until the 1970s. Sophisticated waste containment units with multiple liners and fluid collection systems did not become common in the United States until they were mandated by USEPA for hazardous waste landfills in the early 1980s. They are several issues that have impact for site selection for a solid waste disposal facility on land. In board terms three major issues are environmenal, economic, and political. The geotechnical and hydrogeological parameters fall within the environmental category. The political factor is heavily impacred by public attitude. For a siting study to achieve public acceptance, citizen groups should particpate in identifiying the siting criteria and their relative importance. The ultimate goal is to select a site where the greatetst protection to the environment is provided in the event that technology, possibly affording protection, fails. In this regard some states in the USA are idendifying areas where facilities could be located safely. XIXGeosynthetics may be defined as synthetic materials, mostly plastic, which are commonly used in place of, or to enhance the function of, soil materials. While geosynthetics may be used in a wide range of geotechnical engineering applications, in section four, geosynthetics commoly used in both municipal solid waste (MSW) and hazardous waste (HSW) landfills and other waste containment systems. These include geomembranes, geotextiles, geonets, georids, and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs). The function, types, and materials properties of each of these geosynthetics are discussed. Geosynthetics have numerous material properties. Most of the reported material properties are important in the manufacture and quality control of geosynthetics; howover, some are also important in the design. The material properties related to the manufacture and quality control of geosynthetics are generally rederred to as index properties and those related to the design as design of performance properties. Both the index and performance properties relevant to specifiying geosynthetics used in waste containment and cover systems are discussed. In section five, as explained PVC geomembranes are used as liners for many waste containment applications, such as contaminated soils containment and liquid storage ponds In the United States, PVC geomembranes have historically been recommended for realtively short term applications, approximately 1 to 5 years, due to long durability concerns. The PVC Geomembrane Institute, however, has been promoting the use of PVC for more long-term applications, such is MSW landfill liners. The merits of PVC geomembranes are that they are generally less expensive than PE geomembrane and can be factory manufactured in a few large planes to meet specific project dimensional requirements. The large panel sizes allow easier installation since there are fewer field fabricated seams. PVC is also easier to install since the panels can simply be solvent welded while PE geomembrances are heat welded using specialized equipment and installation crews. PVC geomembrances are manufactured in various dimensions and may be factory or field-semaed using heat or solvent welds. Solvent welds are more commonly used and are formed by brushing a liquid solvent on the two geomembrane surfaces to be seamed. The two surfaces are than placed together and pressure is applied to obtain complete contact. For small installations, the PVC geomembrane is factory seamed to the appropriate dimensions and then folded for transport. Upon arrival at the site, the geomembrane may simply be unfolded in the appropriate location. For larger sites, a combination of factory-and field-seaming is used. Geosynthetic clay liner (GCLs) are very low permeability barriers consisting of a layer of unhydrated, loose granular or powdered bentonite which is chemically or mechanically adhered to a geotextile or geomembrans. The GCLs are formed in panels approximately 4.5 m wide by 30 m long which are joined in the field by overlapping. They are generally used as an alternative to compacted clay liners. Due to the inherently low shear strength of hydrated bentonite, GCL usage had generally been limited to applications where slope stability of overlying materials was not a concern. Examples of such applications are liquid were developed to reinforce the GCLs, producing a composite material with relatively good shear strength properties. This allowed the use of GCLs in landfill applications. Currently, GCLs are generally well accepted for use and landfill covers and are gaining acceptance for use as containment liners. xxFor waste containment systems, the friction on shear strength between soils and geosynthetics and between geosynthetics and geosynthetics is a critical desing parameter in assessing the stabiliy of refuse over a lining system or the ability of a final cover to remain on a steep refuse slope. The friction values are particularly important because the combination of soils adjacent to geosynthetics or geosynthetics adjacent to geosynthetics may form a weak plane on which a preferential sliding plane may develop. The evaluation of shear resistance interfaces parameters between geomembranes and compacted clays and/or geomembranes and other geosynthetics is essential for assessing the stability of liner and cover systems. Therefore, a strong effort has been recently done to evaluate this resistance by means of lab-tests. This is explained in section six has the aim to examine some factors which could influence the results obtained in the laboratory. The interface friction between soils and geotextiles generally has a high efficiency under both low and high normal loads. The efficiency is generaly higher for wovens and needle-punched nonwovens than for heat-bonded nonwovens. This is probably due to the rougher surface abd larger amount of soil-to-fabric interaction with the wovens and needle-punched nonwovens. As mentioned in section six, unlike geotextiles, geomembranes do not contain openings or pores, the interface strength between soils and geomembranes is largely dependent on whether the surface of the geomembrane is flexible or rough enough to push the failure plane into the adjacent soils. If the failure plane is pushed into the adjacent soils, the interface friction strength is generally similar to the soil strength. Factors that affect the soil strength include items such as the soil type, density, moisture content, and confining stress. If the failure plane is not pushed into the adjacent soils, low interface friction values may result. For example, the interface strength between smooth HDPE geomembranes and clay can be less than 10°. This low interface friction strength can lead to significant stability problems. Also, if the interface between the clay and geomembrane is wetted (i.e., due to condensation of water under the geomembrane, clay swelling, or excess moisture during construction), the interface strength can be further reduced. It is t herefore critical that interface friction tests accurately model potential field conditions. XXIThe following Table summarizes soil geomembrane interface strength based on the results in compacted clay liners/PVC geomembrane frictional direct shear tests are giving. XXII

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