Bartın ili, Orduyeri mahallesi, 417 ada 57 parseldeki Zekai Özen evi restorasyon projesi
The restoration project of Zekai Ozen house (block 417, plot 57, Bartin Orduyeri)
- Tez No: 601438
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2019
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Restorasyon Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 300
Bu tez çalışması kapsamında, Bartın İli, Merkez İlçe, Orduyeri Mahallesi, 417 ada 57 numaralı parselde yer alan Zekai Özen Evi konu edilmiştir. Günümüzde sivil mimari yapı stoğunu önemli ölçüde kaybetmiş olan kentte Zekai Özen Evi, yer aldığı Orduyeri Mahallesi'nde ayakta kalmış ve korunması gerekli kültür varlığı olarak tescil edilmiş sayılı yapıdan biridir. Yapının inşa edildiği tarih ile ilgili bir yazılı kaynak bulunamamıştır. Sözlü kaynaklardan yola çıkılarak edinilen bilgiler doğrultusunda yapının 1890'lı yıllarda doğmuş olan marangoz Abdi Saraç'ın ailesi için yaptığı ev olduğu bilinmekte ve yapımının 1920'li yılların sonlarına tarihlendiği tahmin edilmektedir. 417 ada, 57 parselin kuzeydoğu köşesinde yer alan bina bir bodrum kat ve iki kattan oluşmaktadır. Ana giriş kuzey cephesinde yer almakta ve yapıya 190. Cadde'den (eski Orduyeri Caddesi) girilmektedir. Doğu cephesinin bulunduğu Ilıca Sokak ile ana cadde arasındaki kot farkı nedeniyle yapı cadde tarafından iki, sokak tarafından üç katlı algılanmaktadır. Konsol çıkan birinci kat ahşap eliböğründeler ile desteklenmiş ve ucunda ahşap tornalar ile süslenmiştir. Balkon ve kat silmeleri doğu ve batı cephesinde devam ettirilmiştir. Arka bahçeye bakan güney cephesinde ise hiçbir süs ögesi kullanılmamış, diğer 3 cepheden farklı olarak yalı baskısı ahşap kaplama uygulanmıştır. 19.yy sonu itibariyle tüm kentte etkisini gösteren Tanzimat Dönemi mimari üslubu, yapının kuzey cephesinde net bir şekilde okunabilmektedir. Tezin amacı; inşa edildiği dönemin mimari özelliklerini özgün ögeleri ile yansıtan tescilli sivil mimarlık örneği yapının mevcut durumunun detaylı bir şekilde fotoğraflanarak belgelenmesi ve çizimler ile kayıt altına alınması; özgün haline ilişkin verilerin elde edilmesi ve yapıldığı dönemdeki görünüşüne dair restitüsyon önerisinin geliştirilmesi; tüm bu çalışmalar doğrultusunda restorasyon projesinin hazırlanması, yapı yeniden işlevlendirilirken güncel ve geleneksel yaklaşımlar ile doğru koruma kararlarının alınması; yapının yer aldığı mahalle özelinde sürdürülebilir bir senaryo oluşturulması ve buna yönelik kensel ve mahalle ölçeğinde değerlendirmelerin yapılması; kente ve gelecek nesillere Bartın tarihi ve mimarisi ile ilgili güncel tespitler ve belgelerin bırakılmasıdır. Tezin kapsamında rölöve çalışmalarına plan, kesit ve cephe krokilerinin hazırlanması ile başlanmıştır. Yapının mevcut durumu fotoğraflanmış, geleneksel ölçüm tekniği ile yapının ölçüleri alınarak ve bu ölçüler doğrultusunda çizimleri hazırlanmıştır. Arazide yapılan bir sonraki çalışmada 3 boyutlu lazer tarayıcı kullanılarak yapının iç mekanı ve cepheleri daha detaylı şekilde ölçülmüştür. Modern çalışma tekniğinin, geleneksel teknik ile tamamlanması sonrasında kesin ölçüler ile binanın rölövesi elde edilmiştir. 1/200 ölçek vaziyet planı, 1/50 ölçek plan, kesit, görünüşler, 1/20 sistem kesiti, kapı ve pencere detay çizimleri hazırlanmış; malzeme, bozulma ve müdahaleye yönelik analitik rölöve çizimleri yapılmıştır. Restitüsyon önerisi öncelikli olarak yapıdaki izler doğrultusunda geliştirilmiş, sözlü kaynaklar ve çevredeki benzer sivil mimari örneklerden yola çıkılarak tamamlanmıştır. Restorasyon projesi, restitüsyon önerisi temel alınarak hazırlanmış, yapı sahibinin isteği üzerine pansiyon olarak işlevlendirilmiştir. Yapılacak olan müdahaleler güncel koruma yaklaşımları kapsamında, yapının yeni işlevini destekleyecek uygun teknikler ile entegre edilmiştir. Yapının yer aldığı Orduyeri Mahallesi kent tarihinde önemli bir yere sahiptir ancak zamanında doğru koruma yaklaşımları uygulanmadığı için sahip olduğu yapı stoğunun büyük bir bölümünü yitirmiştir. Bu bağlamda güncel tespitlerin hazırlanması için Karabük Kültür Varlıklarını Koruma Bölge Kurulu Müdürlüğü'nden gerekli belgeler temin edilmiş, kent ölçeğinde koruma yaklaşımları 1979, 1981, 1985 ve 1991 yılları kapsamında analiz edilmiş, tez konusu yapının yakın çevresi ve yer aldığı mahalle özelinde detaylandırılmıştır.
Özet (Çeviri)
Bartın is located in western Black Sea region, between Zonguldak and Kastamonu, and has a 59 km coast to the Black Sea. The city takes its name from the Bartın River, which has great economic and historical importance for the city. History of the city dates back to the 2000s BC and the first inhabitants is said to be Kaska's. Hitites, Paphlagons, Phrigians, Lydians, Persians, Pontians were lived here. Homer mentions Paphlagons in Iliad saying“[...] they have built their famous palaces around Parthenios river [...] ”. Until 11th century, Bartın remained under Byzantine Empire and after 15th century it was dominated by Ottoman Empire. After the proclamation of the Republic, in 1924 the city became a district of Zonguldak province and in 1991 it became a province. The first studies for the presrvation of historic buildings in Bartın began in 1979. Until 1985, 516 historic buildings were registered as cultural asset that needs to be preserved but after 1985, 287 registered historic buildings were dropped from registration. Considering these researches, it is clear that Bartın has largely lost its historical fabric as a result of unplanned urbanization and inadequate conservation approaches. Zekai Özen House which is located in Bartın, Orduyeri quarter, on 50 layout, 417 block, 57 plot, is the subject of the thesis. This is one of the few buildings that have survived in Orduyeri and registered as a cultural asset. Regarding the date the building was built, no written sources have been found. Based on the informations obtained from oral sources, the building is built by carpenter Abdi Saraç, who was born in 1890s, as his family house and dates back to the late 1920s. The aim of the thesis is to document the current status of the registered civil architecture example with photographs and drawings; obtaining the history to develop the original appearance for the restitution proposal; to prepare the restoration project with correct conservation decisions according to the current and traditional approaches while re-functioning the building; creating a sustainable scenario for the neigbourhood where the building is located. The building is located in the northeast corner of the 57th plot and consist of a basement and two floors. Due to the elevation difference the building is percieved by the main street as two floors and by Ilıca street as three floors. The main entrance is located on the north façade and can be reached from the main street. There are also two other entrances to the building from basement floor; one from Ilıca street and the other from the backyard. The backyard is surrounded by wire fence between conctrete posts from east, west and south directions along the plot border. There is a doghouse on the northwest side of the garden which is built by the last tenants. The architectural style of the Tanzimat Period can clearly be read from the northern façade of the building. The outward-oriented architectural approach, ornamental wooden bracket supports with wooden wedges under the first floor cantilever, the ornaments under the eaves, the details on the window sills reflects the Baroque effects of that period. The ornamental components continue along north, west and east façades but the south façade is simpler, there are no ornamental elements on this side. There are 2 balconies located on the north and south façades overlooking the main street and the backyard. The entrance of the building, unlike the traditional architectural features of Bartın, opens directly to the sofa instead of kulluk which is a traditional word used for the entrance area apart from the living spaces. The reason is the elevation difference between two streets which makes basement floor only a storage area and ground floor as the entrance and living spaces. The construction system is mainly wooden framework with wood filling. In the basement floor north and northeast walls are connected by stone mortar. The basement floor was used as woodshed and storage. It is approximately 50 sqm. and has an open-plan space which makes the load-bearing elements can be read clearly. Half of the east façade was constructed with wooden framework and it continues along the south façade. West façade is the most damaged and interfered part of the building and the brick wall was constructed by the last tenants in 2000s. The ground floor, where the main entrance located, is approximately 52 sqm. The entrance is designed as a windbreaker and the original stone staircase remain existed but only one step can be used to reach the entrance door and the other 3 steps located below the pavement elevation which gives a hint about the original road elevation at the time the building was completed. The other 3 steps can be seen in the basement floor. There are 2 main rooms, one kitchen, one batroom and room for the staircase. The sofa is the only access to the rooms and situated on the north-south axis on plan scheme. The first floor can be reached through the staircase hall and is approximately 65 sqm. It has the same plan organisation with the ground floor. In the room 104 there is an original wooden ceiling covering made with kündekari technique where the traces of the original fireplace and cabinets can also be seen. During the survey, the current status of the building was photographed and measured with the traditional techniques. An outline drawing was prepared according to those measurements and in the next field study 3D laser scanner was used in order to obtain more detailed results. 1/200, 1/50, 1/20 scaled plan, secion, elevation and detail drawings, the material, deterioration and intervention analysis were completed according to the measurements and studies in the field. Although the structure is still standing today, many serious damages has been observed during the study which were defined under 3 headings such as structural damages, damages caused by human factors and damages caused by natural factors. It is predicted that if there are no correct intervention in the coming years, the deterioration process will continue rapidly. The restitution proposal was developed according to the traces on the building - such as the removed original fireplace, wood cabinets and chimney- and completed based on similar civil architectural examples in the surrounding area and with the information gained by the interviews done with Nihal Kambur, the granddaughter of Abdi Saraç, who told the history of the family while they were living in the house during the years 1957-1992. The restoration project has been prepared based on the restitution proposal and the building has been refunctioned as bed & breakfast upon the request of the owner. The basement floor, which was used as a warehouse in its original function, was used as a welcoming and eating-drinking place of the bed & breakfast. As a result the main entrance of the building was moved to the south façade, from the backyard and the door on the main street is intended only for guests use. The main rooms in both floors are functioned as guest rooms with shared bathrooms. Interventions have been integrated with appropriate techniques within the scope of current conservation approches for the new function of the building. Orduyeri quarter, where the building is located, has an important place in the history of the city. Due to lack of proper conservation practices, it lost a large part of its historic building stock. In this context, the documents were obtained from Karabük Cultural Heritage Conservation Board to prepare current determinations. The conservation approaches in 1979, 1981, 1985 and 1991 were analyzed and the scope of the thesis was detailed in the surrounding area of the building including the scenario created for the restoration project proposal. In this context, 6 civil architecture buildings which have been registered in the past but which have been removed from the list or have never been registered are proposed for registration. After all the data obtained, the prepared scenario could help to develop the neighborhood on an urban scale and make it an important point of the city.
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