Geri Dön

Yapı bilgi modellemesi (BIM) ile robotik total statıonların aplikasyon ve imalat kontrolünde kullanımı

Usage of robotic total stations with application and manufacturing control with building information modeling (BIM)

  1. Tez No: 607337
  2. Yazar: TOLGA YÜCEL
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Mühendislik Bilimleri, Engineering Sciences
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2019
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Geomatik Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Geomatik Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 118


Her geçen gün değişen ve gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte bir çok sektörde yeni ve uygulaması daha kazançlı yaklaşımlar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Yapı Bilgi Modellemesi yaklaşımı da bunlardan biridir. Özellikle inşaat sektöründe, dizayn aşamasından işletmeye kadar olan bütün süreçlerin yönetiminde kolaylık sağlayan Yapı Bilgi Modellemesi yaklaşımı sıkça tercih edilir hale gelmiştir. Tasarım aşamasında 2 boyutta yapılan dizaynların aksine 3 boyutta gerçekleştirilen modelleme ile tasarım hataları daha kolay tespit edilmekle birlikte sunduğu görsellik ile projenin daha iyi anlaşılması sağlanmaktadır. Farklı disinlinlerin bir arada değerlendirilip süperpoze projelerin üretilmesi yapı büyüdükçe zorlaşmaktadır. Bina ne kadar karmaşık olursa inşa etmek ve yönetmek de o oranda zorlaşır, belirlenen inşaat süresinin aşılması ya da yapımı tamamlanan karmaşık binanın yönetilememesi ciddi maddi kayıplara yol açar. Bu sebeple yapı bilgi modellemesi, inşaat sektörünün vazgeçilmezi haline gelmiştir. Yapı Bilgi Modeli uygulamaları ile tasarım aşamasında gerçekleştirilen koordinasyon toplantıları ile birlikte disiplinler arası koordinasyon gerçekleştirilir, bu sayede tasarım hataları belirlenerek hatalar 3 boyutlu ortamda giderilir. Oluşturulan süperpoze projeler ile saha imalatı devam ederken intermet tabanlı yapı bilgi yönetimi sistemi uygulamaları ile saha imalatı kontrol altında tutulur ve insan kaynaklı hatalar büyük oranda azaltılır. İnternet tabanlı yapı bilgi modellemesi sayesinde dijital ortamda oluşturulan raporlar ile kullanıcılara anlık olarak bildirimler gönderilir, bu sayede belirlenen hatalar diğer ekiplerce de bilinir hale gelir, ekipler arası iletişim kuvvetlenir. Projenin yaşam döngüsü düşünüldüğünde tasarım aşamasından yapım aşamasına, yapım aşamasından tesis yönetimi sürecine kadar olan bütün geçiş süreçlerinde bilgi kayıpları gerçekleşir. Projenin büyüklüğü arttıkça oluşan veri büyür, veri kayıpları çoğalır. Sonuç olarak büyük veriyi yönetmek oldukça zorlaşır. Yapı Bilgi Modellemesi'nin sunduğu dijital çözümler ile birlikte tüm geçiş süreçlerinde veri kayıpları en alt seviyede tutulur, sistematik ve parametrik temellere dayanan modeller sayesinde büyük verinin saklanması ve yönetilmesi kolaylaşır. Bu sebeple Yapı Bilgi Modellemesi tasarım aşamasınn yanı sıra tesis yönetiminde de sıkça tercih edilir hale gelmiştir. İlk etabı 29 Ekim 2018 tarihinde açılan, tamamı ise 2028 yılında tamamlanacak olan İstanbul Havalimanı, içinde bulunan sistemlerden dolayı dünyanın en karmaşık yapılarından birisidir. 1.4 milyon metrekarelik terminal binası içinde bulunan elektrik, mekanik, IT, mimari, strüktür ve bagaj sistemlerinin koordinasyonunun en hızlı şekilde yapılıp bu sistemlerin devreye alınabilmesi için Yapı Bilgi Modellemesi kullanılmıştır. Bu kapsamda YBM uygulama planı hazırlanmış, önce kavramsal model oluşturulmuş, devamında ise ayrıntılı koordine modeller oluşturulmuştur. İstanbul Havalimanı projesinde Yapı Bilgi Modeli yaklaşımı paydaşlara uygulaması zorunlu kılınmıştır, gerekli destek ise İGA YBM direktörlüğü tarafından sağlanmıştır. Organizasyon şemasında YBM direktörlüğü doğrudan genel müdüre bağlanmış, böylece oluşturulan yapının daha etkin olması amaçlanmıştır. Tasarım aşamasında disiplinler arası koordinasyonun sağlanabilmesi için uygulama planında haftalık ve günlük toplantı günleri belirtilmiş, paydaşlar bilgilendirilmiştir. İstanbul Havalimanı YBM uygulaması ile ekipler arası iletişim kuvvetlendirilerek projedeki farkındalık arttırılmıştır. Alışılmışın dışında gerçekleştirilen yeni çalışma yöntemleri ile saha ekiplerinin projeyi daha iyi anlaması sağlanmış, insan kaynaklı hatalar büyük oranda azaltılmıştır. Projenin büyüklüğü düşünüldüğünde inşaat sürecini azaltmak, sistemlerin imalatını belirlenen sürelerde tamamlayıp YBM sistemi ile birlikte devreye almak için YBM saha ekibi oluşturulmuş, bu kapsamda mobile uygulamalar geliştirilmiştir. Modellerin diğer ekiplerce de kullanılması, böylece tespiti yapılan bir problemden anında haberdar olunması için internet tabanlı yapı bilgi yönetimi sisteminden yararlanılmıştır. Kontrollerin mevcut ekipmanlarla yapılamaması ve sistemlerin hassasiyet gerektirdiği konularda da robotik total station ile YBM entegre kullanılarak hassas ve başarılı bir yöntem elde edilmiştir.

Özet (Çeviri)

With the developing and using technology, new and more profitable approaches are emerging in many sectors. The Building Information Modelling approach goes through them. Although there are many definitions about Building Information Modelling, basically that is a methodology of project management. Building Infornation Modelling is also a BIG data management approach where it uses multi-dimensional models from planning and concept design to the facility operations. In recent years, Building Information Modelling approach has become frequently preferred. The state of the designs made in 2 dimensions during the design phase If the design errors are not more easily understood with the modeling in 3-D computer, it is on a better understanding of the project with the discussions in the open spaces. It can be evaluated and produced in different projections. The more complex the building, the more difficult it becomes, how the construction of the building or the construction of the complex cannot be managed, leading to serious financial losses. For this reason, Building Information Modelling has become an indispensable part of the construction sector. In the Building Information Model, a team work and an interdisciplinary coordination are carried out and design plans are determined. With the superposed projects created, field control is kept under control with the intermet based building information management system system and human oriented errors are greatly reduced. Internet-based building information modeling allows users to recieve instant reports via digitally available reports, whereby erros become known to other teams, strenghtening communication between teams. Considering the life cycle of the a project, loss of information occurs in all transition processes from design to construction, from construction to facility management. As the size of the project increases, the resulting data grows and data losses increase. As a result, it becomes very difficult to manage big data. Data loses in transition processes adversely affect project processes. The resulting data losses increase the backward production and increase the cost of project. With the digital solutions offered by Building Information Modelling, data losses are kept to a minimum in all transition processes, and it is easier to store and manage big data thanks to models based on systematic and parametric foundations. For this reason, Building Information Modelling has become frequently preferred in facility management as well as in design phase. Another and the most important benefits of using Building Information Modelling in the facility management process is that is enables the building to be used in high efficiency. When the Building Information Modelling approach is applied strategically in all the processes of the building, it takes the planning and design phases one step furter and increases the usage time of the building. BIM minimizes potential risks by maximizing efficiency in building management, plant operation, asset management, project management and cost management proccess. In addition, the BIM system can be used efficiently against documentation and data storage problems frequently encountered in complex and large-scale projects, problems in managing data correctly, and project-based progress monitoring and control challenges. Having been the world's largest airport project, Istanbul Airport scope encompasses 4 phases. Istanbul Airport, the first stage of which was opened on October 29, 2018, and will be completed in 2028, is one of the most complex structures in the world due to the systems in it. With the completion of the first phase of the Istanbul Airport, it started operations with 2 north-south runways and a terminal building with a total usage area of 1.4 million square meters. First phase also includes carpark with area of 700 000 meter square and other site wide facilities. With the completion of the project in 2028, Istanbul Airport will continue its operations with 6 runways and 2 terminal buildigs. There are 170 supporting facilities other then the terminal and Carpark. They have been tracked according to the 4D BIM models. Building Information Modelling has been used for the quickest coordination and commissioning of electrical, mechanical, IT, architectural, structural and baggage systems within the 1.4 million meter square terminal building. In this context, a BIM execution plan has been prepared, a conceptual model has been developed first, followed by detailed coordinated models. Istanbul Atatürk Airport was the old airport before Istanbul Airport fully transferred all passenger operations and it had the capacity of 64 million passengers per year. In terms of operational readiness and airport transfer, Building Informations Modelling is fully used for enhanced reporting and execution of the operational readiness and airport transfer plan in Istanbul Airport. The preparations of airport transfer was started 18 month earlier including the commissioning phase. Transfer from the Atatürk Airport was planned to be done in 45 hours and completed in only 36 hours without any major issue. And full operation was started on day one. It was 7th of April 2019 Building Information Modelling approach was mandatory for every stakeholder in the Istanbul International Airport Project. The necessary assistance provided by IGA Building Information Modelling Department. IGA BIM department was directly connected and reported to the CEO to make this system work efficiently. To fully integrate Building Information Modelling for Istanbul Airport, the strategy was collaborating and coordinating all parties and all disciplines including mechanical, electrical, information technologies, structural, architectural, special airport systems and also infrastructral systems. During the project lifecycle, IGA BIM department have created modelling strategy in a devoloping manner to match with the very tight construction schedules. In the beginning of 2016, BIM management building was utilized and execution plan was ready before the construction starts. Weekly and daily coordination meetings had made during the design phase. All the stakeholders had notified by email. In addition, the meeting times and locations were added to the BIM Execution Plan. The collaboration between the departments had increased due to the Coordination meetings. Departments' awareness had increased due to BIM. New management methodologies allowed to manage the site and office crews more efficiently and, reduced the human errors. In Istanbul Airport project, all design and engineering processes are handled with BIM based approach in virtual environment including digital engineering, clash free coordination and digital fabrication. At the core, aim of BIM in this project was having the correct design and after achieving that, it was the correct time to deliver clash free coordinated models to site. IGA BIM site engineering team was established after utilizing BIM site team who handles site engineering, quality assurance and quality control and test commissioning on site. Building Information Modelling Site Team was established to control the construction site works and, reduce the time of the construction. In addition, every person should had the ability to use tablets or any mobile device to see the BIM model and data to increase the collaboration between the office and the site. Consequently, the mobile BIM system was created to cover this problem. The cloud system gave everyone the ability to reach the most recently revised file. İGA BIM team have facilitated 150 ipads for site engineers to make design products including BIM models, shop drawigns, quality control/quality assurance documents easily accessable right on the field. In terms of BIM execution, more than 45000 digital checklists and tasks assigned, 792 critical coordination issues resolved on site. BIM site team had controlled the construction site daily to reduce the mistakes due to any project plan was out of date and was not matching with the BIM model. Robotic Total Station was used to control the construction when work was impossible to control with usual measuring devices. For instance, BIM site team used the Robotic Total Station to control the work on the Departure area ceiling because the height of the ceiling was 27.5 meters from the ground, which made high precision controlling with conventional methods impossible. In departure level, there are more than 34 kilometer fire protection pipes and 17 kilometer strom water pipes which located with roof steels. Another reason why robotic total station medhod necessary to control this systems is project errors. In the beginning of the coordination between roof steels and mechanical systems, there was more than 70000 digital clashes. Digital clashes were evaluated in 3D with BIM and largly eliminated in digital enviroment. After the optimization in interdisciplinary coordination, field works were started. For this purpose, both site control points and digital control points on model generated and used to control and evaluate field manufacture. Additionally, this integration allowed the quality assurance and quality control teams to work more flexible and efficient because, Quality Control teams were able to control the plans and checklist digitally through mobile devices instead of dealing with bunch of papers and printed plans on site.

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