İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Nükleer Enerji Enstitüsü Triga Mark-II Eğitim ve Araştırma Reaktörü'nün kalite güvence programı
Ouality assurance program of İstanbul Technical University Nuclear Energy Institute Triga Mark-II training and research reactor
- Tez No: 66749
- Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. HASBİ YAVUZ
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Nükleer Mühendislik, Nuclear Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1997
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Nükleer Bilimler Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Makine Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 75
ÖZET Kalite, bir ürün veya hizmetin, özellik veya karakteristiklerinin, mevcut veya ileride gerek duyulabilecek müşteri ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilme yeterliliğidir. Kalite Güvence Sistemi; bir kuruluşta Kalite Yönetimi'nin gereklerini yerine getirmek için gereken yapısal örgütlenme, tanımlanmış sorumluluklar, uygulama esasları ve yöntemler ile bu amaca ayrılan kaynaklardır. Kalite Güvence Sistemi'ni uygulayabilmek için yönetim; etkin bir Kalite Sistemi kurmak, geliştirmek ve sistemin etkinliğini sürekli izlemek zorundadır. Toplam Kalite Programı'nın başarısı için; üst yönetimin tam inancı ve desteği, programın kuruluş ana stratejisi ile entegrasyonu, uygulamada taviz verilmemesi, her kademenin mutlak inanç ve katılımı, sabır ve devamlılık, gerekli olan temel konulardır. Kuruluş tarafından ürün kalitesini herhangi bir şekilde etkileyen bütün faaliyetlerin; kalite güvence içinde geçen planlanmış ve sistematize edilmiş faaliyetlerin belirli bir hedef doğrultusunda ve birbirleri ile olan ilişkileri de gözönüne alınarak bir bütünsellik gösterecek şekilde organize edilerek yönetilmesi, Kalite Yönetimi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Buradaki belki de en önemli husus: Bir Kalite Güvence Sistemi'nin varlığı, kalitenin gerçekten güvenceye alındığını kanıtlama değildir. İstenilen kalite düzeyinin sağlanması ancak belirlenen sistem, prosedür ve yöntemlerin gerekli düzeyde olması ile mümkündür. Bir kuruluşun hedeflerine varabilmesi için ürün veya hizmetlerinin kalitesini etkileyen tüm etmenleri (teknik, yönetsel, insan) denetim atanda tutabilecek şekilde örgütlenmiş olması gerekir. Tüm cabalar, kalite düzeyini arttırmaya ve en önemlisi, kusurları tümüyle ortadan kaldırmaya yönelik olmalıdır. İTÜ TRIGA Mark-n Reaktörü'nde bir Kalite Güvence Sistemi kurmak, yapılan çalışmaların düzenlenerek; belirli bir sistem dahilinde; dokümante edilmesi ile mümkündür. İTÜ TRIGA Mark-n Reaktörü'nün ilk kuruluş aşamasında yazılan ve kurucu firma tarafından verilen çeşitli kaynaklardan faydalanılarak oluşturulmuş talimatlar, çizelgeler ve formlardan yararlanmak esastır. Nükleer güç reaktörlerinde olduğu gibi; eğitim ve araştırma nükleer reaktörleri ile diğer nükleer tesisler için de Güvenlik Kılavuzları ye bunların uzantısında Kalite Güvence Programlan büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada, İTÜ TRIGA Mark-n Reaktörü'nde yapılan çalışmalar düzenlenerek ve TS 5801“Nükleer Tesisler-Kahte Temini”standardının maddeleri de esas alınarak; İTÜ TRIGA Mark-n Reaktörü için Kalite Güvence Sistemi açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. vi
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY Any widespread discipline must identify and clarify the universal concepts wbich underlie its very existence as a discipline. in addition, it must evolve and standardize the key words and phareses through vvhich the practitioners of the discipline can commımicate wftn each other. The“Quality Function”has taken some steps to identify and clarify these concepts and to prepare some glossaries of terms. Because these have not been widely adopted (ör even circulated), there is great difficulty inreaching a meetting of the minds \vhen practitiones convert to solve problems. Quality is the probability that the values of the characteristics of a product ör service will he \vithin specified ümits and impart to the product ör service the abihty to satisfy given needs. Ouality is (in İSO 9005) the totality of features and characteristics of a product, process ör service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated ör implied needs. Ouality Control is the regulatory process through vvhich we measure actual quality performance, compare it with standarts and act on the difference. Ouality Control is (in İSO 9005) the operational techniques and activities that are used to satisfy quality requirements. The other meanings of“quality control”include: -A part of the regulatory process, e. g., product inspection. -The name of a department vvhich is devoted full-time to the quality function. in this usage, Ihe term is capitalized, i.e., Ouality Control. -The tools, sküls, ör techniques through vvhich some ör ali of the quahty function is carried out. viiThe term“Quality Control”has had a short but üvely history. Early in the tvventieth century, it began to be used as a synonytn for“defect prevention”(in contrast to the widely prevailing after- the-fect inspection). Hovewer, during the 1940s and 1950s there was a wave of enthusiasm (and overenthusiasm) for the use of statistical methods in cpıality control. The proponents of this movement coined the phrase“Statistical Quahty Control”and publicized it so widely that many managers gained the impression that quality control consisted of the use of statistical methods in industry. A consequence was that the Statistical Quaüty Control movement weakened the use of“Ouality Control”as an accepted term for the regulatory process. Ih the late 1950s there arose a countermovement aimed at deemphasizing the limited approach of Statistical Quality Control and restoring the concept that a broad collection of tools is needed for regulation, of which statistical methods is but öne. Various new terms were coined as labels for this countermovement, and some were well publicized, e.g.,“Total Quality Control”. Total Quality Control is a concept wherein ali organizations, managers, and employees throughout a company, including those \vho make no direct contribution to the products ör services sold, practice planned quaüty control in ali that they do. During the 1960s, two additional movements helped to confuse the terminology. Öne of these was the trend to cpıantify reliability and related concepts. The advocates of this movement proposed to their companies the creation of Reliabüity Engineering departments \vhich would be independent of tiıe then existing Quality Managers. As part of their argument, these advocates contended that quality control as a regulatory process, and Ojuality Control as a regulatory department, had been limited in scope to“time zero”parameters. This contention was accepted in enough companies to undermine seriously the use of“Quality Control”as a comprehensive term for the regulatory process. Ouality Manager a person ör organization assigned the responsibüity and authority to design, develope, implement, and estabhsh a quality system ör to oversee such a system operation and make it work. Additional confusion was created by the“motivational”programs of the 1960s. These programs, often called“Zero Defects”and undertaken (mainly) by govemment contractors, attained wide national publicity under a theory that adequate motivation wül eliminate defects. Öne effect was again to undermine the prevailing terminology, since the terms used as names for the motivational programs received wider publicity. ft would be helprul to agree on a single term for the regulatory process. However, it vrould be difficult to secure such agreement. Most men tend to structure their glossary in a way which affims their beliefs on organization structure, on priority of technique, ete. There have been enough instances in which choice of terminology was decisive in setüing jurisdictional disputes to cause men to use terminology as a weapon in such contests. ft is not merely a matter of aggression; there are many sincere human beings who feel that broadly standardized terminology is a detriment to their company needs (ör personal aspirations) and that therefore new, local terminology must be respond to these needs. viiiQuality assurance is the activity of providing, to ali concerned, the evidence needed to establish confidence that the quality function is being performed adequately. While such is the meaning given, tibıe term“quality assurance”has other meanings as well. Practitioners are well advised to understand these multiple meanings, since confusion on this important tenn can lead to serious misunderstandings. The added meanings include the following: -The name of the department which provides formal cjualfty assurance as defined above. Ih such usage, the term is capitalized, i.e., Quahty Assurance. This meaning of the term gives liftle trouble. -A new, more glamorous name for the activity of quality control as defined in Quahty Control, above. Any remeaning of an activity vdthout changing its content is a sure step toward confusion. -A board üst of activities closely bound up wfth the quahty function, i.e., quaüty planning, control, coordination, assurance, analysis, ete. -The name of the deparment vvhich carries out this broad Üst of activities. This uses the - capitalized“Quahty Assurance”and involves the same problems as above. Quaüty Policy is (in İSO 9005) the overall quaüty intentions and objectives of an organization as formally expressed by serior management. Ali organirations have in mind (ör miting) some principles, creeds, beliefs, ete., vvhich are their broad guides to managerial conduct. These guides rest on a philosophical and ethical base. They concern important issues, are the result of much reflection, and are intended to have long üfe, i.e., to act as a stabüİ2sr. Ih tiny organizations where öne man makes ali the decisions, these guides to conduct are üterally“in mind”. The öne man operates in accordance wüh his unwritten code of conduct. Anyone who wants to discover that code must deduce it from the observed deeds. As organizations grow, more and more managers are engaged in making significant decisions. These decisions affect numerous people inside and out of the organization, including the managers themselves. Unless there is consistency in these decisions, there is no predictability; neither insiders nor outsiders know v*hat to expect. An impersonal way of creating this predictabihty is to think through, write down, and publish the pohcies which then become the basis for consistent conduct. Quality Assurance Program is the documented plans for implementing the Quality System. Attainment of product quahty requires an extensive activity of creating and using many kinds of information. Coollectively, these needs for information add up to a large, complex network ör system consisting of numerous interrelated subsystems. There are two majör components of this information systems: ix-Dooımentation: This concems the overall system used for collection, analysis, and use of quality information. Documentation which is done mainly by manual“paper work”systems ör by computer. -Configuration Management: This is a special information system used to maintain product identity, especially during a time of engjneering change. Documentation is any mitten, electronic, ör pictorial record describing, defining, specifying, reporting, ör certifying acttvities, requirements, procedures, ör resuft. Quality System is (in İSO 9005) the oıganization structure, responsibilities, procedures, activities, capabilües and resources that together aim to ensure that products, processes, and services (ör projects) will satisfy stated ör implied needs. Quality Assurance Manual is a document in wbich is assembled the quahty policity, organization charts, and operating procedures by which quality is controlled. it is usual for the chief executive officer to approve and sign the guality policy. The Quality Assurance Program shall be described in the Quality Assurance Manual. The Quality Assurance Manual shall: -Describe the organİ2ation, responsibility, and control features of the Quality Assurance Program develope to comply wüh the applicable referenced standart; -Provide the basis for development and application of detaüed procedures, vibidı may be separate from the Quality Assurance Manual. The Ouality Assurance Manual shall be controlled as to issuance and revision, including a method to identify and/or highüght the revisions. Procedure is a documented course of action that specifies ör describes how an activity is to be perfbrmed. it may include methods to be employed, equipment ör materials to be used, and sequence of operations. Company organized ali factors (technique, managerial, people) to effect Iheir products and services cjuality keep down to reach their companies target. Ali effort is aimed at; quaüty level increase and more important, ali defects remove. Quahty Assurance System for Nuclear Reactor, at present involving Üıe preparation and publication, by IAEA (ürtemational Atomic Energy Agency), of about 50 books in the form of Codes of Practice and Safety Guides, has become knovvn as tiıe NUSS programme (the letters being an acronym for NUcleer Safety Ştandards). xSince its inception the nuclear energy industry has maintained a safety record second to none. Recogniang the importance of this aspect of nuclear power and wishing to ensure the continuation of this record, the International Atomic Energy Agency established a vvide-ranging programme to provide the Member States wüh guidance on the many aspects associated with thermal neutron nuclear power reactors. The programme has become known as the NUSS programme. They will be revised as necessary in the light of experience to keep their contents up to date. Safety Guides and nevertheless Quality Assurance Programs have highest importance for training and research reactors and also power reactors. The aim of this study is to prepare Quality Assurance Program for I.T.U. TRIGA Mark-ü Reactor. xi
Benzer Tezler
- İ.T.Ü. TRIGA MARK-II eğitim ve araştırma reaktörünün nükleer güvenlik ölçümleri ile hava ve su aktivite seviyelerinin değerlendirilmesi
Evaluation of air and water activity levels with nuclear safety measurements in I.T.U. TRIGA MARK-II reactor
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