Geri Dön

Taşıyıcı sistemi düşeyde düzensiz binaların statik ve dinamik olarak incelenmesi

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 66885
  2. Yazar: DENİZ GÜNEY
  3. Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. NECMETTİN GÜNDÜZ
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1997
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: İnşaat Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Yapı Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 97


ÖZET Bu çalışmada, taşıyıcı sistemde, birinci katta kolonların konsola oturması nedeniyle ortaya çıkan düşeyde düzensizlik problemi konu edilmiştir. Bu tip bir problemde dinamik ve statik hesap yapılarak kıyaslamalar yapılmıştır ve bu tip sistemler için alınabilecek tedbirler incelenmiştir. Çalışmaların seyrinde ilk bölümde bu tip bir düzensizliğe neden gereksinim duyulduğu yazılmıştır. Bu tip bir düzensizlik durumunun ülkemizde ve dünyada kullanım alanlarından bahsedilmiştir. Çalışmaların ikinci bölümünde, düzensizlik kavramı üzerinde ayrıntılı olarak durulmuştur. Düzensizlik çeşitleri (planda, düşeyde) değişik şekillerde tanımlanmıştır. Bu tip sistemlerde kullanılan hesap yöntemleriyle ilgili bilgiler verilmiştir. Özellikle deprem etkisi dikkate alınarak yapılan dinamik hesap yöntemleriyle alakalı bilgiler verilmiştir. Ülkemizdeki deprem bölgeleri, deprem yoğunluk ve şiddetlerine bağlı olarak hazırlanışı, sismik özellikleri ve bu özellikler nedeniyle deprem etkisine karşı düzensiz yapılarda ek önlem alma gereksinimi ortaya konulmuştur. Çalışmaların üçüncü bölümünde ülkemizde ve dünyadaki akademisyenlerin, düzensiz yapılarla alakalı olarak yaptıkları çalışmalar ve bu çalışmalar sonucu ortaya koydukları değerlendirmeler verilmiştir. Çalışmaların dördüncü bölümünde, çeşitli ülkelerde halen uygulanan, konu ile ilgili yönetmelik esasları ve ülkemizde 1997 Ocak ayma kadar uygulanmış bulunan“Afet Bölgelerinde Yapılacak Yapılarla ilgili Yönetmelik”ve Ocak aynıdan itibaren uygulamaya girecek yeni yönetmelikte düzensizlik konusuna yönelik olarak yer alan düzenlemeler verilmiştir. Çalışmaların beşinci bölümünde üzerinde analizlerin yapıldığı yapı baklanda bilgi verilmiş, analizlerin yapımında kullanılan SAP90 programının içeriği ve işleyişi hakkında temel bilgiler verilmiştir. Yapılan üç boyutlu yapı modellemeleri ve analizler hakkındaki tanıtıcı bilgiler verilmiştir. Çalışmaların altıncı bölümündeyse, incelenen yapı tipinde düşeyde taşıyıcı sistem düzensizliği olması durumunda alman önlemler için analizler yapılmıştır. Önce Erzincan 1992 depremi Kuzey-Güney bileşeni 0.05 sönüm oranı için dinamik analiz, ardından deprem yönetmeliğinde tanımlanan spektrum esas alınarak dinamik analiz ve sonra düşey yükler ve yönetmelik kaydıyla belirlenen deprem yükleri kendi aralarında süperpoze edilerek analizler yapılmıştır. Bu durumlar arasında kıyaslamalar verilmiştir. Çalışmaların yedinci bölümündeyse, tüm bu analizlerden elde edilen sonuçlar kendi aralarında karşılaştinlmıstır. Tüm bu analizler sonucu, bu tip sistemlerde yapılması gereken değişiklikler, alınması gereken önlemler, dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar yapılan çalışmalar ışığında değerlendirilerek ortaya konulmuştur. xi

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY The name of the present study is“ An Investigation of Buildings With Vertically Irregular Structural System Under Static and Dynamic Effects”. This study is about investigations of buildings with vertically irregular structural system under static and dynamic effects (like earthquake) and the regulations in the. structural system for safer and betler buildings. in our country, a lot of vertically irregular structural system can be seen. There are some reasons for the applications of such buildings. The basic reason of that is to get more floor area. Usually corbels are used for that purpose which are limited to maximum 1.5 m. at the first floor level by municipalities in Turkey. For the use of this area, in the first floor, the axes of corner columns are changed in the architectural project. This causes vertical irregularity ör discontinuity. Structures having irregularity ör discontinuity as described above are called“irregular Structures”. But it is very important for ali the elements of structural system to have regularity and continuity so that simple methods of calculation can be used as well as preventing some parts of the structure such as connections between columns and beams from overloading. Undesired floor arrangements, asymmetrical design of beams and columns, discontinuity of the vertical elements carrying lateral forces (i.e. columns and shear walls) throughout the ground floors and upper fioors are some examples of irregular Structures. in the first chapter an introduction of the subject is given. The process system of the thesis is explained. The basic knowledge about the subject is given. The second chapter consists of the irregularities in the structural system. There are two basic types of irregularities; 1- Horizontal irregularities 2- Vertical irregularities These two basic types of irregularities have also further branches. in the second chapter, the earthquake effect for these buildings is considered. The rules for designing earthquake resistant buildings are given at this chapter. Then the calculation methods of buildings under static and dynamic effects are given. There are two basic calculations methods: 1- Static Method (Under the static loads) 2- Dynamic Methods ( Under the dynamic loads like earthquake, wind..) Structures having irregularity have to be investigated much more carefully than those vvhich are horizontally and vertically regular. For analysing the seismic response for this rype of Structures and also those having 75m height ör more, a dynamic method has to be applied instead of using lateral static forces as dynamic loads. ** xnThe third chapter is a literal survey of the studies and articles on this subject from different countries. The short summaries of this articles (about irregularity in the structural system) are given. in the fourth chapter, the studies of regulations from different countries about irregular buildings are given. New regulations for the structures of irregular buildings to be built in disaster areas and the precautions in order to prevent damage under the earthquake effect are given. There are a lot of codes that includes earthquake resistant design rules in many countries. in our country until this year, a design code had been used by design engineers since 1975. But as a result of changing some design principles, more contemporary and more extensive earthquake. code became necessary. At last, new“Turkish Earthquake Resistant Design Code for Buildings”was published in“Official Newspaper”in May 1996. in new code, traditional“earthquake coefficient”concept is abandoned and design earthquake loads are determined as forces being reduced elastic load for non- linear behaviour. in addition to“Equivalent Earthquake Load Method”in old code,“Modal Superposition Method”and“Dynamic Methods in Defîned Time Field”are explained in new design code. in new design code, definitions about irregular structures are explained clearly and provisions that must be satisfîed for these buildings are determined. For example, using of“Equivalent Earthquake Load Method”is limited in some situations but stili very extensive. in the fifth chapter, the modelling of five floor vertically irregular buildings for computer program is completed. The information about the SAP90 (Structural Analysis Program) is given. Especially the dynamic calculation methods used in. SAP90 is considered. Among the many (dynamic options in the program) spectral option is used for the calculation. While vvriting input data about the building, acceleration-period graphic is used. That graphic from Erzincan 1992 earthquake North-South direction for £=0.05 damping ratio. in the sixth chapter, 5 modelling of alternative options for more safety under the earthquake effect are prepared. The first is prepared vvithout any precautions. Every element of the building is the same as the regular building. in the second option, gusset corbels are used at the edge of the irregular building. The changed column directions are över the gusset corbels. The height of the gusset corbel near the lower column is l.SOm. But near the upper column, the height is 0.70m. The height of the gusset corbel changes linear. (Figüre 1)emf'-JT70 cms^ 180sS ^“”^1 ~^\Figüre l xüiin the third option, the dimensions of the elements are as same as the first option. But there are diagonal beams between the node of the column and edges of the corbels and im lower part of the first floor columns. in the fourth option, the dimensions of the first fioor columns are changed. When the columns reach at the first floor level, their dimension increase as the length of the corbels. So the column dimensions are equal to the corbels at the corbels direction. in the last (fifth) option, the dimensions of the elements are same as the third option. But there are diagonal beams betvveen the nodes of first floor columns and corbels and the nodes of first floor columns and the other diagonal beams. By the. way we prepared a lattice frame. The static and dynamic (spectral) analysis are completed for each options. The results of analysis are compared among the options in order to get the best option. The last option is applied because the axial forces in the diagonal elements are too much at the thkd option. The axial forces were intended to be decreased but it was not possible. The analysis results are very close to the third option. There weren't recognisable difference in the axial forces between the third option and fifth öne. The reinforcement calculation is given under only the bending effect for the first and second option. The results of the quantity of steel bars for the first and second option are compared. The results obtained from the previous chapter's are given at the last chapter. in this study, the irregularities (especially vertically irregular structures) in structural system are examined. If the slabs and/or in the structural walls, if most of the elements are prismatic elements with constant rigidities in their whole lengths, if the members are not very slender elements in other words if there is no need to adopt the second order theory in the design, if the members are not fully ör partially supported by linear ör non-linear soil media, if the inertia and/or rotatory inertia forces are negligible and if the material is elastic, the structure can be considered as a regular structure, othervvise the strucrure has to be considered as an irregular structure. The vertical irregularity is due to the discontinuity of the columns around the periphery of the building which do not coincide with each other on the ground and first floor. The columns placed at the corner and on the sides in the plan of these rwo floors are connected vvith the corbels. Because the axes of the columns are changed about 1.5m. in contrast, the inner columns of Üıe buildings are continuous from the ground floor to the upper floors and don't need to be examined. The structural system is taken into account by using three dimensionally and is solved by the program SAP90 (Structural Analysis Program) for static and dynamic cases. Three dimensional earthquake analysis of regular framed structures can be simplified so that the total number of unknowns is reduced to a level that the problem can be solved either by the help of simple computers vvith low memory capacity ör even manually. in this program, joints which are appointed by the user vvith their co-ordinates are used by the program through a matrix method for hyper static systems. The loads are multiplied by factors 1.4 and 1.6 (for static loads) and 1. (for dynamic loads) as described in Turkish Standard and applied for the whole system. The mass of the system is to be collected in these joints. The first five modal shapes are taken into account in order to obtain the final free vibration modes and periods. Seismic response of such a building is analysed under external loads xivcaused by 1992 Erzincan earthquake. The results obtained in the numerical analyses are given in tables to demonstrate the behaviour of the system. It is possible to estimate the characteristics of earthquakes completely for today. However it is possible to build earthquake resistant structures. So,. A suitable structural system for earthquake behaviour and in order to achieve an equivalent simplicity in the design of struc8tures new and effective analysis methods should be chosen.. All construction process should carried out seriously in construction site. M IK Figure 2. Internal forces in a corbel The inner forces of the corbel have importance especially for the beam placed next to the corbel so these kind of beams bending the corbels to the inner columns must be carefully analysed (Figure 2). The shear force of the columns is in the same direction and causes a large amount of a tension force in that beam compared to the other kinds of beams. Five alternative options are made in order to make irregular buildings safer structures especially under the earthquake effect. As a result of static and dynamic analysis, the third option was the best. Because it had the minimum moment and shear forces among the other options. Based on the preceding analysis, it is apparent that the main advantage of the dynamic analysis method is that it provides an indication of the maximum displacement response, whereas the static methods alone are generally incapable of indicating displacement amplitudes for a given seismic event, otherwise the dynamic methods showed no clear advantage over corresponding static methods. In the static analysis results, shear forces and axial forces are much more than the dynamic analysis results. So it is definite that the static analysis results must be used. The corbel's moments and shear forces are very much corresponding the other beams. For that reason project engineer must be very careful at the analysis and also the site XVengineer must be very careful during the construction of the corbels. The steel bars must be placed very carefully on their exact place. The vertical discontinuity in the structural system is not a desired condition. Especially in the seismic zones we should avoid from these structural systems. However if the use of an irregular structural system is essential for the architectural project, it is necessary to apply some precautions to structural system in order to build safer buildings As a conclusion civil engineers rather than avoiding all sorts of irregularities, should investigate and discover safer solutions for safe as well as sophisticated buildings with the advantages of contemporary construction techniques. The achievement of this goal also requires the best communication and team-work possibilities in an interdisciplinary way bringing together all the specialists of various field like geologists, mechanics, architectures,., etc. XVI

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