Geri Dön

Scada sistemlerin incelenmesi ve OG elektrik dağıtım tesislerine uygulanması

The study of scada system and applications to medium voltage distrd3ution systems scada

  1. Tez No: 68914
  3. Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. ÖMER USTA
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1997
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Elektrik Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 114


ÖZET S CAD A, Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition kelimelerinin baş harflerinden türetilmiş bir kelimedir. Danışmak Kontrol ve Veri toplama Birimi olarak Türkçe'ye çevrilebilir. Bir çok uygulama alam vardır. Enerji üretim ve dağıtım tesisi uygulamalarında, Enerji yönetim Sistemleri ve Dağıtım Yönetim Sistemlerinin alt yapışım oluşturur. SCADA sistemi; sistem kullanıcılarına, merkezi bir kontrol noktasından, geniş bir coğrafi alana yayılmış, petrol, gaz boru sistemleri, su ve elektrik şebekelerinin açma kapama ve ayar cihazları vasıtasıyla kontrol ve kumanda, imkanı verir. Bu sistemler hakkında bilgi toplar topladığı bu verilere dayanarak tesislerin güvenilir, emniyetli ve ekonomik olarak çalıştalmasını sağlar. SCADA esas olarak üç ana bileşenden oluşur ; ? Uzaktan Bilgi Toplama ve Denetleme Sistemi (UÜB) ? İletişim Sistemi ? Kontrol Merkezi Bu ana bileşenler vasıtası ile tesislerde ; ? Denetim, olay ve alarm işleme ? Kontrol ? Veri Toplama ? Verilerin kaydı ve saklanması işlevlerini yerine getirirler. a) Uzaktan Bilgi Toplama ve Denetleme Sistemi (UUB) : Bulunduğu uzak yerel merkezde, sistem değişkenlerine ilişkin bilgileri toplayan, depolayan, gerektiğinde bu bilgileri kontrol merkezine belirli bir iletişim ortamı ile gönderen, kontrol merkezinden gelen komutları uygulayan bir SCADA birimidir. Kısaca görevi ; bilgi toplamak ve depolamak gerekli kumandaları gerçekleştirmektir. Son yıllarda buna görüntüleme ve arıza yeri tesbiti ve izolasyonu işlevleri de eklenmiştir. ıxKendisine bağlı cihazlardan Analog ve Sayısal veriler toplar, depolar ve gerektiğinde MODEM' ler ve iletişim hatları vasıtasıyla bir iletişim protokolü çerçevesinde topladığı veya depoladığı verileri kontrol merkezine gönderirler. b) İletişim Sistemi : Telli veya Radyo Frekanslı bir iletişim ortamı ile verileri bu ortam üzerinden iletmek için çeviren ve ulaştığı yerde tekrar eski haline dönüştüren MODEM' lerden ve iletişimini sağladığı cihazlardan oluşur. İletişim kanallarında ISO- OSI 7-Katmanlı standart iletişim protokolü kullanılır. c) Kontrol Merkezi - AKM : İngilizce yaygm adı ile Master Teminal Unit - AKM, Kontrol Merkezi; Genişbir coğrafi alana yayılmış tesislerin bilgisayar esaslı bir yapı ile uzaktan kontrol edildiği, izlendiği ve yönetildiği yerdir. Kontrol merkezinde ; ? Sistem bilgisayarları ? Kullanıcı arabirimi ? Veri toplama giriş-çıkış birimleri ? Mimik diyagram ? Yazıcı ve çiziciler ? Veri depolama birimleri ? Kesintisiz güç kaynağı ? Zaman ayar sistemi ? Yerel iletişim network'u ? İzole, yükseltilmiş tabanlı kumanda odası bulunur. Sistem bilgisayarlarında komplike yazılım programlan kullanılır. SCADA SİSTEMLERİNİN OG ELEKTRİK DAĞITIM TESİSLERİNDE KULLANILMASI Geniş bir kullanım alam bulunan SCADA Elektrik Dağıtım tesislerinde de kullamlmaktadır. Elektrik tesisleri; merkezi bir yere kurulan Kontrol Merkezinden, Trafo merkezlerine yerleştirilen UUB'lar ve iletişim hatları vasıtasıyle yönetilmektedir. Kesicilere, ayırıcılara, rölelere, trafo kademe değiştiricilerine uzaktan açma kapama ve ayar işlemleri yaptırılabilmektedir. Yine UUB'lar vasıtası ile trafo merkezlerinin akım, gerilim, aktif, reaktif güçleri, sayaç değerleri periyodik olarak toplanmakta ve gerektiğinde AKM'nun sorgulamasına bağlı olarak Kontrol Merkezine gönderilmektedir. Böylece dağıtım tesislerinde iyi güvenilirlik, hizmet kalitesi ve ekonomi koşulları sağlanmakta ve ileriye dönük planlamalar yapılabilmektedir. Bunların sonucunda Elektrik dağıtım tesislerinin kesintisiz elektrik sağlaması ve kesinti sürelerinin minimuma indirilmesi amacına ulaşılabilmektedir.

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY is an acronym that is formed from the first letters of Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. SCADA system allows an operator, in allocation Central to a widely distributed process such as an oil or gas, pipeline system, energy generating, transmission and distribution systems, to make set point changes on distant process controllers, to open or close valves or switches, to monitor alarms, and to collect measurement information. SCADA technology is best applied to processes that are spread over large area, are relatively simple to control and monitor, and require frequent, regular or immediate intervention. The elements of a SCADA system are ; 1) The Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) at the substation 2) The Master Terminal Unit as a Control Center 3) The Communication System Connecting the Master And Remote Stations COMPUTERS Hardware-Software Man-Machine Interface Input-Output Units Control Table CONTROL CENTER N M N M T O v w RTU Remote Terminal Unite Data Acquisition aand Control Unit Analog Measuring Points Status Measuring Points MAN - MACHINE INTERFACE OUTPUTS (Printer, Plotter i.e) COMMUNICATION SYSTEM REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT METERS Status Control Points Fig 1.1 SCADA System Layout XIWe can state that a supervisory system is to provide the system operators with sufficient information and control capabilities to operate a system, in a safe, secure, and economical manner. In summery, a SCADA system collects and displays information, and permit control of selected elements. SCADA functions are ; a) Monitoring, event and alarm processing b) Control and sending instructions c) Data collection and Reporting d) Data storage and Recording 1) Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) : The RTU collects information from the field equipment about analog values, alarm end status points, metered amounts. The RTU then keeps this information available in memory until the MTU asks for information, also can send it immediately. Then, the RTU codes and transmits the information (Data, event, alarm, status information) to MTU via Transmission Lines. Also, the RTU performs the commend processing and communication with MTU. According to instruction from the MTU, the RTU opens and closes valves, turn on and off switches The RTU functions are ; a) Data collects and storage b) Control and Command processing c) Monitoring ( Optional ) d) Fault identification and isolation To/From MTU M O D E M ?*-? Communi cation Interface CPU Progra m Memory Configura tion Memory Field Data Memory Operator Interface Unit Test Unit Power Supply Unit Output Unit Input Unit To Field From Field Fig 2.3 : RTU Block Diagram XllThere are six unit in the RTU to perform this functions(Fig.2.3). These are ; 1) Communication Unit 2) Central Process Unit 3) Input / Output, Isolation Unit 4) Operator Interface 5) Test Unit 6) Power Supply Unit 2) Communication System : The Communication system connecting the Master Terminal Unit and the Remote Terminal Unit consists of three parts. These parts are ; a) Communication Medium ( Lines ) b) Data Communication Equipment (MODEM) c) Equipments Connecting via Communication Medium ( MTU, RTU) CONTROL CENTER MTU DATA TERMINAL EQUIPMENT DATA COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION MEDIUM TO/FROM FIELD DEVICES TO/FROM OPERATOR Fig 3.1 :Key Elements In A Very Simple SCAD A System a) Communication Mediums : If you consider that a S CD A system consists of one or more MTUs sending instructions to, and receiving data from one or more RTUs, it is clear that communication plays a vital role in the operation of system. All data moved between the MTU and the RTU is binary data and serial. xinIf there are analog values, they have to convert from analog values to digital values to ensure the communication are used communication protocol. A Communication protocol must be standard. A protocol is a set of rules that defines the meaning of a pattern of binary words. The communication mediums used by the SCADA system can be cable lines and Radio wave ( Telephone lines, optical fiber, radio frequency) b) Data Communication Equipment (MODEMS) : Modem is contraction of Modulate and Demodulate and data communication equipment. Modulation means to very or to change a carrier wave according to a pattern in the communication lines. There are tree kinds of Modulation. These are ; ? Amplitude Modulation (AM) ? Frequency Modulation (FM) ? Phase Modulation (PM) c) Equipment connecting via communication medium Please see up and down paragraph, 3) Master Terminal Unit (MTU) At the center of each SCADA system is the device that sends all the commands, collects all the data, store some information, passes other information on to associated systems interface with the people who operate the process, and actually seems to be in charge. The MTU must send instruction to each RTU and must receive data from each RTU. They also must used same protocol to communicate each other. Its communications are initiate by software programs within the MTU that can be triggered by manual instruction from the operator or by other programs within the MTU. The MTU are also communicated to printers and CRT Monitors The Master Terminal Unit has ; ? System Computers ? Operator Interface ( Man Machine Interface ) ? Frond-End Computer (Input / Output Unit) ? Screen Projection System ? Printers and Plotters ? Data Storage Unit xiv? Uninterrupted AC and DC Supplies ? Time Equipment ? Local Area Network ? Shielding and Earthing Control Rooms System computers must be very powerful. They use so complex software programs for analysis the system and collection the data, event alarm. APPLICATIONS TO MEDIUM VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTIONS SYSTEMS SCADA MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE OF DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS The control center is responsible for the control of the network and planning which will ensure operation of the network under the best conditions of, reliability, quality of service and economy. These functions are carried out in the three fundamental phase ; ? Long term management which defines general operating policy and planning of maintenance, ? Daily Management which leads to the preparation of programs of outages of distribution facilities and operational schematic diagrams of the distribution network, ? Distribution system supervisory control. In addition, the drawing up of operating statistic is fundamental for analysis of past operation and the drawing up of future predicts. LONG RANGE MANAGEMENT Objectives : Annual estimates are made in order to set up schedules and a general operating policy Operation : Reference operating scheme for optimum operation of the network is determined taking into account ; ? Service Quality, ? Operation cost, ? Need for Load Take Over Back up schemes prepared for strategies to apply in the event of nearest incidents such as unavailability of all or part of the substations or MV subtransmission lines. A load shedding plan is established in order to cope with exceptional cases of drop in available power. These schemes will be reviewed and revised at regular intervals to consider ; xvevaluation of loads commissioning of major equipment, major seasonal load variations. Maintenance : The maintenance of distribution equipment to adequate and proper standards is required to maximize its life and effectiveness. Preventive maintenance must be planned to be carried out at prescribed intervals. Switchgear equipment usage is recorded so that a decision may be made to perform maintenance due to the estimated condition of the equipment. DAILY MANAGEMENT Objectives : Daily management defines the daily operation pattern of the distribution network elements in accordance with the reference operation scheme the schedule of distribution equipment to be withdrawn from service for maintenance. Operation : Cut-off requests for de-energized works are evaluated and daily operation is planned in accordance with ; Other maintenance schedules to minimize switching requirements, a study of consequences of the operations. Maintenance : The schedule of unavailability of distribution equipment is re adjusted, when necessary, as a function of demands of urgent works, damages or breakdowns, etc. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SUPERVISORY CONTROL Objectives : The stages of management planning have made it possible to prepare for actual operation under the most economical conditions and with the highest reliability and quality of service. The control center is responsible for monitoring the system in real time and for taking all measures necessary so that anticipated as well as possible to the framework of the fixed policy. Authorization and Control of Switching Operations : The control center is responsible for system reliability. No switching can be performed without its authorization. Consequently, it authorizes and controls all switching operations required for : ? performing the withdrawal from service of distribution units for maintenance, ? doing modifications in the operational pattern, ? solving problems arising in case of failures on the distribution system. Monitoring of Loads : The control center is responsible for monitoring of loads and must take necessary measures to keep them within acceptable limits : ? either by placing appropriate automatic devices into service (for example load shedding), xvi? or by modification of the operating scheme. Restoration of Failures : In the case of failures on the distribution system, the control center must clear up the problems and bring about a return to normal in shortest possible time. Modern monitoring methods must be used, on one hand, to permit detection of critical situations, taking into account strategy of tripping out of distribution equipment and, on the other hand to permit instantaneous localization of failures. Statistics : It is of fundamental importance to keep statistics, especially concerning amount of consumption, utilization of distribution equipment and failures. The statistics will be used subsequently for past operation analysis and operation planning as well as system planning. The establishment of statistics requires : ? the collection of data adapted in quantity and quality, ? the logging of these data for future use, ? calculation procedures adapted to the requirements of planning and the computer equipment. FUNCTIONS OF THE CONTROL CENTER The control center ensures the management of the distribution system from long range planning analysis stage down to and including switching decisions which it transmits to the substation units or maintenance crew for execution. The control center must be capable of fast restoration of the distribution system after a partial block-out. Long Range Management The control center sets up the maintenance schedules of the distribution network utilizing preventive maintenance analysis. Operational strategies are developed and protective devices eventually adapted. These strategies should undergo a systematic analysis of the distribution system. Daily Management The latest adjustments to the maintenance and operating schedule are supplied to the control personnel of the control center who will have to make the decision of withdrawing / putting equipment from /to service and sends them to substation units or to operation staff as necessary for the execution of the necessary switching operations. xvnDistribution System Supervisory Control The control center assumes full responsibility for the supervision and control of the distribution network : ? authorization and command of switching, ? monitoring of load flows, ? resolution of operating failures. ? resolution of faults of MV subtransmission system and substations are controlled only from the control center. ? feeder faults are normally dealt with automatically by substation units and in some cases manually from the control center. Statistics The control center is responsible for preparation of all basic statistics concerning consumption's, loading levels, utilization of equipment and failures. It performs analysis of network operation and failure the conclusions of which may lead to operation policy and techniques. FUNCTIONS OF SUBSTATION UNITS The substation unit (usually mentioned as remote terminal unit or substation computer, etc.) is responsible for the acquisition and processing of supervision information in conjunction with the control center and feeder remote units and the accomplishing of logic automatic function. Feeder Failure Resolution The substation unit automatically isolates the faulty part of the feeder and restore service to the remaining part of the feeder through feeder remote units located at distribution transformer sites. This function can be controlled from the control center when necessary. Load Shedding and Reloading The substation unit stores the levels for each MV outgoing and generates the tripping (then closing) orders for the outgoing of the required levels on reception of load shedding ( then reloading) order from the control center. Statistics It keeps the data necessary to analyze faults. xviu? Fault reports ; (example : time and date, phases faulted, reclosing sequences, maximum fault current, faulted feeder section.) ? Sequence of event logs. Distribution Automation Functions Field equipment could make it possible the now and future implementation of Distribution functions such as ; Integrated Var/Volt control Feeder deployment switching and automatic sectionalizing Transformer load balancing Automatic bus sectionalizing xrx

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