Deniz taban yapısı ve deniz taban yapısının kıyı yapıları üzerindeki etkileri
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 75123
- Danışmanlar: Belirtilmemiş.
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1998
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Su Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 137
ÖZET Kıyı mühendisliği açısından yapılacak olan tasarımların en belirgin özelliği; bu tasarımı zeminin geoteknik açıdan sahip olduğu sayısız belirsizliklere rağmen yapılmak zorunda olmasıdır. Doğal zeminler büyük alan ve hacimleri kapsamakta ve bu büyüklük içinde zemin parametreleri gerek yer, gerekse zamana bağlı olarak değişerek rastgele bir özellik göstermektedir. Bu nedenle zeminleri davranışları açısından inceleyebilmek için çeşitli gruplara göre sınıflandırmak gerekir. Deniz tabanındaki zeminin yapısındaki bu farklı zemin sınıfları, özellikleri, belirsizlikler ve bunun yaranda imalat güçlükleri ile imalat sırasındaki hatalar sonucunda kıyı yapılarında zeminden kaynaklanan bir çok ciddi problemle karşılaşılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada 1. Bölümde deniz tabanı sedimanlarını oluşumlarına göre sınıflandırılarak bu sedimanların kaynakları açıklanmıştır. Deniz sedimanlarının niceliksel ve niteliksel özelliklerinden bahsedilmiştir. Deniz tabanındaki zeminlerin daha kolay tanımlanıp, incelenebilmesi için çeşitli sistemlere göre sınıflandırmalar yapılıp bu sınıflandırmalarda zemin özelliklerinden bahsedilmiştir. Bu bölümde son olarak deniz tabanının jeolojik özellikleri ve çeşitli bölümleri ile ilgili tanımlamalar ve açıklamalar yer almaktadır. 2. Bölümde kıyı yapılan hakkında kısa bilgiler verilmektedir. Kıyı yapıları olarak dalgakıranlar, deniz platformları, deniz deşarj ve boru hatları ile kıyı koruma yapılan ele alınmıştır. Bu yapılar çeşitli özelliklerine göre ana ve alt gruplara ayrılarak, yapılar hakkında kısa bilgiler verilmiştir. Anlatılan kıyı yapılarının deniz tabanındaki çeşitli zeminler üzerindeki inşai çalışmaları sırasındaki avantaj ve dezavantajları tartışılmıştır. 3. Bölümde deniz taban yapısı ile kıyı yapılan arasındaki etkileşimi üzerinde durulmuştur. Etkileşim bahsinde kıyı yapılarının farklı zeminler üzerindeki gerek inşa aşaması gerekse inşanın tamamlanmasından sonraki süreç içerisinde deniz tabanındaki zeminden kaynaklanan problemlerin neler olduğu, bu problemlerin yapılar üzerinde meydana getirdiği hasarlar ve problemlerin nasıl ortadan kaldırılabileceği anlatılmak istenilmiştir. 4. ve 5. Bölümlerde deniz tabanı üzerine inşa edilen kıyı yapılarınında inşa sırasında çeşitli zemin problemleri yaşanmaması için dikkat eilmesi gereken unsurlar tek tek açıklanmıştır. Bu açıklamalar sırasında çeşitli tablo, şekil ve formüller kullanılmıştır. 6. bölümde ise elverişsiz zemin koşullarının çeşitli yöntemler ile iyileştirilmesi anlatılmıştır. xiii
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY BASE STRUCTURE OF SEA and THE EFFECTS OF BASE STRUCTURE OF SEA TO THE COASTAL STRUCTURES The most special feature of the shore engineering problems is a design thought the uncertainities in the ground in geotechnical terms. The natural grounds cover big spaces and volumes and within this largeness the change in the ground parameters shows a randomness in terms of both the location and the time. Therefore, it is necessary to classify the grounds according to different groups to study them from the point of view of their behaviour. These different ground categories with different structures in the sea ground together with the constructional difficulties and mistakes during the construction of shore constructions bring lots of serious problems arising from the ground structure. In the explanation of the relation between the sea ground and the shore structures, the specification of the sea ground, its classification and and its geology were taken into the consideration in the first section. In this section the sea grounds are classified under 4 groups as lithogenical, biogenical, hydrogenical and cosmic sedimentations according to their formation and source. The sources of these sedimentations, the further type of the formation, their approximate covering rate in the sea ground and their spreading areas in the sea ground were also treated. The sedimentations may differ from the point of view of tissue, structure and consistency, that is in terms of quantity and also of the porosity, relative tightness, water content and consistency limits, that is in terms of quality. In order to point out their main features, some basic characteristics are also given. Within these characteristics, the term“ tissue”is used to explain the particle characteristics, uniformity and fineness of the sediment and expressed in groups like serrated, cornered and polished. The term“structure”is studied within some sub-groups and the engineering characteristics of these sub-groups are experessed numerically. The structural characteristics can be divided into scattered structure, covered structure, over covered structure in the cohesive grounds while it can be divided into loose structure, tight structure, webbed structure in the cohesionless grounds. The term“ consistency ”stands for the degree of the adhesion between the ground particles and the resistance shown against the forces causing deformation and the breaks in the ground mass. The consistency in the grounds can be expressed as solid, hard, brittle, plastic, easilly breaking and soft. XUlThe definitation of the qualitative characteristics can be expressed as follows: the proportion of the volume of the cavities (Vb) of a sediment to its total volume including the cavities (V) is called porosity (n): n=VbAr. The weight of the sediment in unit volume (y), unit volume weight, the water content (W) is defined as the proportion of the weight of the water in a sediment to the weight of the sediment dried at 110 °C in a stove. The consistency limits; liquid limit (WL), shrinkage limit (Ws), plastic limit (W?) which are the most important characteristics in the classification of the cohesive grounds are explained seperately. The ground characteristics studied within different scopes of Civil Engineering can differ from each other. During experimentally establishing the engineering characteristics of the grounds and determining the design parameters or selecting the materials for different purposes, it is first necessary to group the grounds roughly according to their characteristics and then to proceed with detailed examinations. Therefore, it is necessary to classify the grounds in different ways. Thus, in the classification according to the particle size, the grounds are considered as coarse particle and fine particle grounds. The coarse particle grounds are classified and studied according to their particle sizes where the fine particle grounds are divided into some sub-groups according to the plasstisity for examination. In triangular classification system, the different ground types within the considered ground sample are expressed according to their particle percentages and called with the name of the the ground type with the highest percentage. In this classification, the ground types are expressed as clayey, sand and silt. The various problems and the solutions to these problems observed in the shore structures as a result of the soft and very soft ground groups that are the most problematic ground group in terms of the engineering are tried to be treated with the help of similar experienced examples. In the sea ground geology, the geomorfological structure and the characteristics of the sea ground are explained by dividing the sea ground into different regions. The sea ground is separated into two main regions as continental border and sea basin in terms of deepness and geological structure so that the sections like shore region, continental shelf, continental slope, continental rise in these regions are treated briefly. In the second section, a short information is given about the shore structures in order to mention their main features and characteristics. The shore structures studied in this section are: the breakwaters, XIVsea discharge and cable lines, fixed platform structures, shore protection structures, By classifiying these structures into different groups according to their various characteristics, the advantages and disadvantages faced during the construction of these structures onto the sea ground together with the constructional purposes and construction way of these structures are tried to be summarised in general terms. The third section, treats the interaction between the sea ground and the shore structures. This interaction is first studied under two main headlines. At first the problems faced as a result of the negative effects caused by the shore structures on the sea ground is considered. The problems faced due to the negative effects of the structures are also studied in two sub-groups according to the form of the structure as the problems faced due to the weight type and pile supported structures. The second problem interaction type of the shore structures and the sea ground is considered as the problems faced completely as a result of the changes occured on the sea ground due to the environmental effects (wave, flow, eartquake etc.) not related with the negative effects caused by the shore structures on the sea ground. In the same section, the information about how to construct the structures onto the different ground types asa solution to the problems arised or may arise as a result of the interaction between the structure and the sea ground is given. Regarding the interaction of the shore structures and the sea ground, the points to be considered during the design of shore structures are considered as follows:. the foundation pressure that the structure shall apply onto the ground,. the stability of the structure affected by the statical loads againts the sliding and falling,. the deflation and the compression that may occur on the ground,. location changes on the ground,. the stability of the structures to be constructed on the soft sea ground, XVthe critical conditions formed by the cyclic loads on the sea ground. The main points that are very important for the stability of the structures are tried to be explained in the sections third, fourth and fifth. The foundation pressure that the structure shall apply onto the ground and the stability values of the structure in the clayey and sandy grounds under the statical loads againts the sliding and falling are explained with the help of various formulas and tables. With these formulas the max. and the min values that the structure or the ground will have for the stability of the structure are shown. Compression of the grounds are considered as;. compression in the sandy grounds,. compression in the clayey grounds. At first the occurrence of compression on the grounds is explained and than the factors affecting the compression of the grounds is treated. Regarding the stability of the filling material layered over the soft sea ground, the problems that may arise during and after the contraction together with their solutions are tried to be explained with the help of previously observed examples. The effect of the cyclic loads on the sea ground which is the most important element of the interaction between the shore structures and the sea ground is discussed in the fifth section. In this discussion, critical conditions formed on clayey and sandy grounds under cyclic loads are treated in detail. The critical conditions for sandy grounds under the effect of cyclic loads are:. the possibility of liquefaction of the ground,. the undrained excess pore pressure occuring due to the cyclic loads,. cyclic stiffness and damping,. permanent strains. xviThe critical conditions for clayey grounds under the effect of cyclic loads are:. the possible losses in the undrained shear strenght,. the amount of increase in the undrained pore pressures,. cyclic stiffiiess and damping,. permanent strains. and these are explained one by one. In these explainations various figures, formulas and tables are used. In sixth section, the ground improvement works that can carried out on the grounds with various unsuitable characteristics prior to the construction are explained. These ground groups are considered as coarse particle grounds and fine particle grounds and the improvements achieved in the engineering characteristics as a result of the ground improvements are explained. It is understood that the improvement is achieved by applying vibrating and impact loads onto the coarse particle grounds while on the fine particle grounds the improvement is achieved by pre-loading method. Additionally, the ground erosion occuring on the sea ground as a result of various effects and the filtration method used against this erosion are also tried to be explained in this section. In the annex, the effect of the sea ground structure is related with the physical appearance of the sediment. xvu
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