Kamusal mekanlar ve tasarım ilkeleri
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 75269
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Kamusallık, Kamusal yaşam, Kamusal mekan, Kentsel mekan, Kentsel tasarım, Publicness, Public life, Public space, Urban space, Urban Design
- Yıl: 1998
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Şehir Planlama Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 188
Günümüzde kamusal yaşamda meydana gelen gerilemenin sebeplerini, yeni kamusal yaşamın ortaya koyduğu kamusal mekanları ve kamusal mekanda insan ve yapısal boyutu irdeleyerek mimarların kamusal yaşamda canlanmaya öncülük etmesini sağlayacak tasarım ilkelerini ortaya koymaya çalışan bu tez çalışması altı bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, konuya genel bir giriş yapılarak, konunun önemi ve ele alınış nedenleri açıklanmış ve sonra tezin problem alanı tanımlanarak belirlenen bu problemin çözümü kapsamında çalışmanın amacı ortaya konulmuştur. İkinci bölümde, kamusal yaşam ve kamusal yaşamı şekillendiren etmenler tanımlanmıştır. İnsan hayatının her sahasında etkili olan bu etmenlerin hangi belli kalitelerinin kamusal yaşam üzerinde olumlu ya da olumsuz değişimlere yol açtığı tartışılmıştır. Bunun dışında kamusal mekan üzerinde tartışma konusu olan bazı kavramlar daha önce yapılan çalışmaların ışığında açıklanmıştır. Kamusal mekanların kent mekanlarından ayrıldığı noktalar bu bölümde belirtilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, kamusal yaşamın politik yönü ile ilgilenen yazarlar tartından kamusal yaşamın en canlı olarak değerlendirildiği Yunan medeniyeti ve günümüzde kadar Batı medeniyetinde kamusal yaşamda meydana gelen değişmeler ikinci bölümde açıklanan kamusal yaşamı etkileyen etmenler gözönünde bulundurularak açıklamaya çalışılmış, daha sonra bu değişimlerin kamusal mekana olan yansımaları irdelenmiştir. Bölüm sonunda günümüzde kamusal mekanda sorunlar ve kamusal mekan tipolojisi verilmiştir. Dördüncü bölüm, kentsel mekanda canlı bir kamusal yaşamın kurulması için tasarımda dikkat edilmesi gereken ilkeler insanı mekana çeken fiziksel kurgusu ve insan boyutu açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Beşinci bölüm, bir önceki bölümde belirlenen ilkeler çerçevesinde ayrı ayrı mekanların değerlendirilmesi yerine, günümüzde Taksim Meydanı' nın içinde bulunduğu durum ve iki ayrı mimann tasarımlan açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Altıncı bölümde ise tez kapsamında yapılan tüm araştırma, analiz ve tespitlerden elde edilen sonuçlar ortaya konulmuş ve bu sonuçlara dayanılarak bazı öneriler sunulmuştur.
Özet (Çeviri)
This thesis is about public space and the life it supports. The developments started with the decline of the power of the old - elite group in the western society, continued with the arousel of a new merchantil class, the industrial revolution, and the birth of a new secular, capital - oriented civic society, lead to a decline in public life. Urban spaces, which have a potential to house public affairs and activities, deteriorated according to the developments up from 1 7 th century. Although, there is a decline in public life and withdrawal from public spaces, many types of public spaces arose in the 20 th century. Some of them are well - planned and well - managed spaces and some of them are urban wastelands supporting no public life. In the first chapter, the importance of the subject, the reasons why this subject is chosen, the description of the problem, the purpose of the study and the medhod used in the study are explained. As the problem of the thesis, it was put forward that there are dense relations between architecture and urban design; and these relations effect the formation of outdoor and indoor public spaces. From this approach, the main goal of this thesis could be explained in two ways.. One is to determine some common points and clues from architectural practice and theory with respect to the relations of architecture and urban design by studying these relations both in conceptual and analitical level with different approaches. In order to put these points as guiding principle and concepts for the formation of urban design.. The other is to test the validity of these principles and concepts and investigate their influence on todays urban design by putting criteria within the framework of rinciple and concepts that are set before and then to evaluate some examples from the recent architectural history according to these criteria. In the second chapter, important concepts which are related to the subject are explained. These are the balance between public and private life, public life, public behaviour and public expression. The concept of public place and public space are explained and the distinctions between these two concepts are shown. The relations between publicness and public space are explainedand at the and of this chapter, relations between public space and urban design are revealed. The important findings of these chapter are stated as fallows:. The concept of public life was not explict unti 17 th century. Public life can be understood by its relation to private life.. As the balance between public and private life changed year by year, private life gained importance. Private life is the life world we share with our husbands and wives, children and close friends. These relations do not satisfy the social needs of people. Being with people, no more mean being in relation with other people. Public behaviour is more likely watching the everyday life passing by.. The lives of people are divided into two separate domains; public life and private life and all aspects of life have positive and negative effects on public life. The forces shaping public life are stated as fallows: (1 ) Climate and topography are playing a secondary role in public life. Some parts of the world have a climate which support people being in public, while others offer few good whether that people can go outside for public affairs. Topography is mostly related to the problem of orientation in the city or rural areas. (2) Culture plays an important role in public life. Religion, values of society, the way of social action in the society, shape the pattern of being in public. (3) Technology enters as a foctor defining the public - private balance and effets the use of public spaces in at least two ways. Firstly, it sets out what can and cannot be accomplished in a particular society. And also it gives people opportunities to reach out to others while remaining at home, the availability of microcomputers for work at home provides a useful example. (4) The physical stucture of places, can strongly effect the private - public balance and the nature of public life. Every man - made object bring limits to natural space and effects the ways of people acts in environment. Some of these environments are welcoming while others manace. (5) The nature of the community, its size and heterogenity also effects the balance between the public and the private. In highly deverse community, it can be difficult to make contacts in public realm unless people are able to identify others with XI.. similar interests or backgrounds. Heterogenic can lead to withdrawal of the private realm. (6) Political forces influence public private balance. Public spaces are channels for communications among members of a society that may be supported, tolerated or abhored by various political systems. Whereas many major political events have occurred in the back rooms of governments while others took place in the public places. (7) The economics of the public private balance have directly influenced public life. Economics determine the availability and accessibility of public space whether priorities exists for its development and maintainence. (8) Natural and man - made features, support a public life. People need to be in close contact with nature. There are many quailities that people demand from public spaces. These needs can be satisfied by the introduction of these features and the availibility to these features can determine the most of the people who use public space. The public space development is mostly for economic development and to alter the image of the city. The development occured in the last 30 years are mostly private enterprises. City administrations played a little role in this development and as a result many public spaces that were under public ownership are now under private ownership. According to the decline in public life, changes occured in public affairs and public expression. Public place and public space are different concepts. In many publications, the distintion between these two concepts are not clear. The concept of public space and its distinction from public place is that public place is a stage for political debates and communication, and became more abstact with the introduction of electronic communication into life so that public place gained its abstract character. Every public space has a different rate of publicness. Some spaces are more public than others because they have some common qualities that people enjoy socializing in these places. These places give the opportunity to talk about their needs and their needs for change. Not every urban space is public space. Public space can be outdoors and indoors and there is no direct relationship between ownership and the quality of being public and private space. Urban spaces which are filled with people and encourage them to interact are public spaces. XII. Urban design plays an important role in creating public spaces. The design field emerged in the sixties by understanding the deteriorations and desertions in urban spaces. The new post - modem approach to design paid great homage to urban design and destored urban fabric especially in old urban centers. In the thirth chapter the historical evaluation of public spaces are revealed. The forces shaping public life are examined through civilizations and history in western society. The profile of public life in the western society in a specific time are revealed and effects of public life on public spaces are explained. Starting with the emergence of the first settlements, public spaces played a great role in human history. The emergence of the city can be explained in two ways. First explaniation is the religious reason and the second is the military reason. These two reasons played a great role in the formation of greek public life and spaces. Greek citizens were in charge for defense and management of the greek polis. The autonomy of the cities made every citizen responsible for the welfare of the society. In Roman period people were no more responsible for the defence of the city. Military campuses were outside the city and a professional army was the force for defence and attack. In the republican period many people took part in administrative affairs but during the emperial period all the power accumulated in the hands of the emperor. This power was used to build many civic buildings and squares to show the power of the emperor impressed citizens. In the Middle Ages public life gathered around the church. With the emergence of merchantilism, aristocratic and religious classes started to lose their status in the society. The new merchantil class encouraged artists from many fields to work on civic monuments. After the industrial revolution starting with the economic, social, cultural, politic, technologic forces came into play and led to privatization of life. Atfer the second world war its effects were widely understood and the weakness of public life was taken as a problem. The post - modern society is trying to resrore public life although these forces encourage the rising pravitization of life. In the fourth chapter, the factors that effect space to become a public space were revealed. A good public space is a space which is well - used, well - managed, and helps people in socializing, encouraged them to be in public showing them how to act. Public spaces should be responsive, democratic and meaningful.. Responsive spaces are these that are designed and managed to serve the needs of their users. The primary needs that people seek to satisfy in public space are: (1) Comfort, can be visual and physical. Visual comfort emerge from the fiction of the physical environment. Within the framework of urban design, urban design principles which give the spatial and the formal conditions of the city, thus creating xiiispatial pattern were also explained. These principles can be summarized in the fallowing headlines: Creating spatial enclosure, Continuation of edges, Forming visual axis and perspective, Directing sequential movement, Continuation of circulations, Providing functionality, Designing on different levels, The ground plane and placement of objects, Hummanizing scale, Maintainence of environmental character, Establishing spatial connections of urban spaces, Indoor / outdoor fusion, Understanding the sense of place, Structuring the urban legibility, Providing the continuity or urban fabric, Alignment. (2) Landscape in public space satisfy the needs of people who want to be in close contact with nature or doing exercise. (3) Relaxation and relief from stresses of daily life, is a more developed state with body and mind at ease. A sense of psychological comfort may be prerequisite of relaxation and a lifting of physical strains, moving the person to a sense of repose. (4) Passive engagement with the environment could lead to a sense of relaxation but it differs and it involves the need of setting, albeit without becoming actively involved. This catagory includes the frequently observed interest and enjoyment that people derive from watching the passing scene. (5) Active engagement with the environment represents a more direct experience with a place and the people within it. (6) Adventure and discovery represent the desire for stimulation and the delight we all have in new pleasurable experiencess. Exploration is a human need. Forcing people to remain in confined, bare settings is a form of torture and punishment. Democratic spaces protect the rights of user groups. They are accessible to all groups and provide freedom of action, but also supports temporary claim and ownership. A public space can be a place to act more freely than home XVIor workplace which can be under constraints. Democratic spaces have the fallowing common features: (1) Access, is the ability to enter spaces which is basic to their use. A simple way of conceptualizing accesses in the terms of its three major components. First there is phsical access, second visual access and last symbolic access. (2) Freedom of action, means the right of use and action of behaving freely in a place or using its facilities. It involves the ability to carry out the activities that one desires, to use a place as ona wishes but with the recognition of public space which must be shared. (3) Claim, is a space that goes beyond access and freedom of action in stating a proprietary interest over space. In discussing the claims to a space, a degree of spatial control is sometimes necessary for people who achive their goals in publis spaces. (4) Change, is an important dimension of succesful public spaces. The ability of a place to evolve and change over time is an important quality of good environments. Change has a complex meaning because it can occur in many different ways. Elements may be added both temporarily and permanently. (5) Ownership and disposition, of a site may be the ultimate right of possesion. However legal ownership is actually“a bundle of rights”. Owners may sell or may be lagally obliged to forfeit development rights, mineral rights and various rights of use.. Meaningful spaces are those that allow people to make strong connections between the place, their personal lives and the larger world. They relate to their phsical and social context. (1) Individual connections, of these type may be largely personal, involving, for example, links between a persons childhood or important life events and a particular outdoor space. (2) Group connections, are derived from the history of a group in an area where connections to other members enhance and shape the experience of a place. (3) Connections to the larger society are derived through sacred places or ceremonial plazas that are repeatedly used by groups of people who have instilled awe, reverence, and XVpowerful feelings of connectedness for adherents of a particular faith or system of beliefs. (4) Biological and psychological connections are established through places that stimulate associations with human spatial archetypes and draw people to them and create enduring ties. (5) Connections to other worlds are established through fantasy appealing to the cosmic and universal connections In the fifth chapter evaluation of criteria have been established and well known square is intrepreted in mainly two ways; The value of Taksim square now and the value stated in the proposals of two famaus architects with different approaches. In the sixth chapter the conclusions and some suggestions are discussed.
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