Bilgi sistemlerinde bilgi akışı modellemesi
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 75343
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Endüstri ve Endüstri Mühendisliği, Industrial and Industrial Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1998
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Endüstri Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Endüstri Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 178
ÖZET Her türlü bilgi akışının çok yoğun olduğu çağımızda, insanlar her an ihtiyaç duyduklarından az veya ihtiyaçlarından çok fazla bilgi ile karşılaşmaktadırlar Bilgi doğru zamanda doğru yerde olduğunda insanların faydasına çalışan bir araçtır, Insanlar, iş fonksiyonlarını yerine getirirken bilgiye ihtiyaç duyarlar. Çok fazla bilginin, işlenmesi, tasnif edilmesi, yorumlanması, gerektiği kadarının güvenli bir ortamda saklanması, doğru bir şekilde aktarılması gereklidir. Eksik bilginin tamamlanması, düzeltilmesi gereklidir. Günümüzde bilgi akışı, gerek verilen bir zaman birimi içinde spesifik sonuçların öneminin vurgulanabilmesi, gerekse tedarikçiler ve müşteriler gibi tam bir bilgi değişim zincirini içine alabilmesi bakımından sürece yönelik olmalıdır. Son yıllarda gittikçe daha fazla şirket, karşılaştığı en acil ve önemli sorunlardan birine, ancak tam anlamıyla entegre bir doküman, ve iş akış yöntemi sisteminin çözüm getirebileceğinin bilincine varmaktadır. Bu çözüm en yeni kuşak sistemlerin kullanımıyla sağlanan etkin bilgi erişimi ve dağıtımı sayesinde, doğru verinin, doğru zamanda, doğru ellerde olması anlamına gelmektedir. En son verilere dayanan karar ve süreçler; müşteri hizmetleri, zamanında dağıtım, kalite yönetimi ve proje koordinasyonu ihtiyaçların daha iyi karşılanması ve böylece bir şirketin daha iyi yönetilmesi anlamına gelmektedir. Büyük şirketlerde, yapılandırılmış iş verilerine kıyasla, bilginin %80'i yapılandırılmamış durumdadır. Yapılandırılmamış bilgilerin çoğu kez kısa bir yaşam süreci ve tek bir versiyonu vardır; örneğin bir defa işlem gören ve sadece faturalama veya itiraz halinde tekrar ele alınan müşteri siparişleri gibi. Bunlar çok az sayıda erişimle uzun dönemli olarak saklanabilir. Bilginin sadece %20'si mühendislik verileri veya güvenlik düzenlemeleri gibi kritik iş verileridir. Bu kesimdeki verilerin ve süreçlerin uzun bir yaşam döngüleri ile birçok da versiyonu vardır ve işletmeler için stratejik önem taşırlar. Bu bilgiler, ihtiyaç duyulduğunda, kullanmaya yetkisi olan kişiler için her zaman hazır bulundurulmalıdır. Bu çalışma şirketler arasındaki, şirket içindeki, departmanlar ve kişiler arasındaki bilgi akışını ve türlerini inceleyerek, bilgi akışındaki aksaklıkları ortaya çıkarmakta ve bu aksaklıkların giderilmesinde bilgi sistemlerinin yararlarını incelemektedir. Bilgi, sayısal, grafiksel, ve kavramsal olarak incelenmiştir. Sayısal ve yazılı bilgi analitik olarak incelenmiştir. Aksaklıkları belirlenmiş ve aksaklıklar matematiksel olarak ifade edilmişlerdir. Bu çalışmada kavramsal bilgi akışındaki aksaklıklardan da örnekler verilmiş ancak analizi ve çözüm uygulamaları bu çalışmaya dahil edilmemiştir.
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY MODELLING INFORMATION FLOW IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS In our century where all kinds of information flow is dense, people usually face with information much more or less than what they need. As a resource when information is in time and at the right point it is useful for people to do their work and to give decision. People need information while doing their business process. People have difficulties in capturing, transmitting, storing, retrieving, manipulating, handling, classifying and interpreting data. Information more than needed should be handled, summarised, classified and stored with secure. Information less than needed should be completed by capturing, transmitting and manipulating. In our century, information flow should be structured to impress the importance of specific conclusions and to put the vendors, customers and all the other business partners in a big chain of information flow. In our country, every year more and more firm realises that only integrated documentation and business proses system can solve their most urgent and important problem. With the use of new technology, effective access to information is possible. So the information is there when, where and by whom it is needed. In this thesis, information flow, in business environment, in a firm, between departments, work groups and individuals, is analysed. This study comprises problems in information flow and decreasing these problems using information systems and information technology. Information flow is modelled and the structure that an information system should have is described. Going through the types of information it is seen that there are basic three types which are numeric, graphic and conceptual. The loss in numeric data is analysed and defined with a mathematical model. Reasons for the loss and techniques to prevent from loss is discussed. It is realised that even in big companies, in comparison with structured data, 80% of information is unstructured. Unstructured data is usually a short term data and it only has one version. Information has a number of special characteristics related in various ways to the effectiveness of information systems. Usefulness depends on a combination depends on a combination of information quality, accessibility and presentation. Usefulness of information starts with quality expressed in terms such as accuracy, timeliness, and completeness. Even high quality may not ensure usefulness if the information is difficult to access. For XIexample, information on paper in a file cabinet may be useful for looking up individual facts but virtually useless for statistical analysis. As mentioned in application part of this study, information about daily production can be kept in a file cabinet. But when management ask for weekly, monthly or even yearly analysis of the production data and statistical information it will be very difficult to gather the data, summarise it and present it to management. It will be difficult for weekly analysis but it will be impossible for yearly analysis. And accessibility may not ensure usefulness unless the information can be presented appropriately. One person's information may be another person's noise. It is not always true that always true that information is power. A splotch on a x-ray might say a lot to a radiologist and nothing to an untrained observer. Likewise a sharp month to month inventory increase might be mysterious to a new analyst but obvious to an expert. For information to give people power, people need the knowledge to interpret it and do something with it. Soft data may be just as important as hard data. Formal information systems, provide only part of the information people and organisations need. Hard data, clearly defined data generated by formal systems, must often be balanced with soft data, intuitive or subjective information obtained by informal means such as talking to people or interpreting rumors or gossip. Hard data is more precise and systematic, whereas soft data is often fuzzy and full of personal viewpoints. If a manager wants to find out why his companies productivity varied unexpectedly, he would combine analysis of hard data, such as trends in output per labor hour, with use of soft data obtained by talking to different individuals around the company. Ownership of information may be difficult to maintain. Information is unlike other types of property because it can be duplicated and distributed so easily. Some cases needs quite strict authorisation because if systemised information can be reached easily. More information may be better or worse. The combination of computer and communication technology has made much more information available than was ever available before. Even though they lack much specific information that would be important, many business professionals feel overwhelmed with the amount of information they have. The phenomenon is called information overload. Providing the truth on some issues may be a punishable offense. The ancient admonition not to be the messenger of bad news applies to this day. Information systems are systems that use information technology to capture, transmit, store, retrieve, manipulate, or display information used in one or more business processes. Successful information systems help balance six related elements; customers, products, business process, participants, information and technology. As described in this study, information systems can improve communication and decision making performance within business processes. One way of improving communication using information systems in bases of variable capacity is to XIIcommunicate more information or more types to more people and to make more decisions using better, more complete information. Information systems make sure different people receive the same communication, repetitive decisions are made in the same way. Information systems improve productivity by achieving more communication and making better decisions with less effort. Information systems eliminate undesirable delays in communication and in decision making. Information systems, permit communication in many different forms, maintain decision quality across a wider range of situations and make sure communications go only to the intended recipients. System makes sure decisions are controlled only by those authorised to make the decisions. Information systems provide many ways to improve communications, thereby improving a firm's internal operation, its contact with customers, and ultimately its success. There are many ways to use information technology to improve decision making. Since communication and decision making are tightly intertwined, any of the approaches mentioned earlier for improving communication can have an impact in improving decision making. Much of an information system's impact is determined by the extent to which it imposes structure on decisions or other tasks. An information system imposes a small degree of structure if it provides tools or information a person can use but does not dictate how the tools or information should be used in making the decision. There are many reasons of information loss. Sometimes data can not be captured right from the source and sometimes even the data is gathered from the source it does not reach to the point correct. The source of the data is the person or organization that produced the data. Both internal and external data is needed for many purposes. It is easier to capture internal data but combining and reconciling data from internal and external sources is crucial in analyzing the business environment. Sources of data can also be formal or imformal. Formal sources include information systems, progress reports, published documents, and official statements from company officers. Informal sources include personal communications such as meetings and conversations during and outside work; conversations with customers and competitors; and personal observations of work habbits, work environments, and work relationships. Interpreting data from informal sources often involves more intuition and experience than interpreting data from well - defined formal sources. Even inaccurate data from formal sources is usually organized and reasonably clear. In contrast, data from informal sources is often disorganized. People have problems with the information flow because they usually does not define their needs correct. So the information comes to them may be too much but does not contain what they need. Sometimes people not speaking at the same level of information may cause problems. They may not understand each other but worse than that they may think, they do understand each other. xnNot knowing how to communicate in which case is another problem. Using wrong media can waste time and may be useless. People should know when to use telephone, when to write a memo or when to organize a meeting. If someone tries to give an important information to several people by calling them may cause loss in information. For impressing people with the given information, information should be on time. The age of the data is the amount of time that has passed since the data were produced. The age of data produced daily, weekly or monthly by a firm's information systems is easy to determine. The age of data from other sources may be less apparent. Timeliness is the extend to which the age of the data is appropriate for the task and the user. Different tasks have different timeliness requirements. Information may not be accurate and precise. Accuracy of information is the extend to which the information represents what it is supposed to represent. Increasing the accuracy of information is an important purpose of information systems. Precision is the fineness of detail in the portrayal. It is possible to measure both accuracy and precision although the measures depend on the type of data and the situation. The typical measure of accuracy is error rate, the number of errors compared to the number of items. The measure of precision for numerical data is the number of significant digits. Inaccuracy consists of two components; bias and random error. Bias is systematic inaccuracy due to methods used for collecting, processing, or presenting data. Bias is rarely an issue in the raw data from transaction processing system because they are built and documented carefully and scrutinised in many ways. However data from these systems can be presented in a biased way using graphs and models. Bias pervades informal systems in many organizations, especially in the way verbal information and recommendations are repeatedly filtered and sanitized until their meaning changes. Extreme cases of bias are various forms of lying, such as distortions, misleading advertising, and fraud. The other component of inaccuracy, random error, also called noise, is inaccuracy due to inherent variability in whatever is being measured. The concept of random error is important for interpreting fluctuations in measures of performance reported by information systems. Part of the random error in the data in an information system may result from inadequate data entry controls and procedures for correcting mistakes. Another problem in information flow may be the incompleteness of information. Completeness is the extend to which the available information seems adequate for the task. Except for totally structured tasks, it is often impossible to have totally complete information because some other factor might always be considered. Information is complete if the user feels it is unnecessary to obtain more information before finishing the task or making a decision. People must often work with XIVincomplete information. Business professionals are often confronted with crises that need some kind of resolution immediately, even if more information might lead to a better or more comfortable decision. What information systems must do is to make these situations rare. While communicating if individuals have different norms of value information flow nay not be accurate. So before deciding for a project group or some kind of work group people with same aim must be collected. Than a common terminology must be prepared before starting to work. Sometimes being in different locations cause problems for information flow. Different companies of a group should work together and must have information flow between. Electronic data interchange must be used in such cases. Electronic data interchange also can be used between the firm and the customers. In the application section, some of these obstacles and handicaps are mathematically modelled and methods for optimisation are discussed. Many subsystems of the system is overviewed and the subsystem with most obstacles is chosen to analyze. The information which must flow in the subsytem is determined and the loss in the information is defined mathematically. After applying information system tools and with the help of information technology the loss of information system is minimized. Different types of information systems may be applied for different types of environments and situations. For one of the situations transaction processing system is used because, collecting and storing information about transactions and controlling some aspects of transactions was needed to obtain complete information. In another situation management information system is used to gather, summarise and present information for management. Management information system converted transaction processing system data into information for monitoring performance and managing the organization. The third application is about office automation system that provide effective ways to process personal and organizational business data to individuals, to perform calculations, and to create documents. It is also a kind of execution system. It supports communication or information sharing between people doing different parts of the tasks. Although numeric and graphic information is analysed in this study, conceptual information flow is not modelled. Conceptual information is related with individuals, the relation between people, their educations, social and cultural capabilities and differences. That is why it is not included in the framework of this thesis. It can be dealt as a topic of another thesis. XV
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