MEMS ile entegre mikro ısıtıcı ve IDE mikro sistemlerin fabrikasyonu ve nano kompozit yarı iletken gaz sensör uygulaması
Fabrication of integrated micro heater and ide micro systems with MEMS and application of nano composite semiconductor GAS sensor
- Tez No: 884259
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2024
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Fizik Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Fizik Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 152
Günümüzde Mikro Elektro Mekanik Sistemler (MEMS) teknolojisi ile mikro ısıtıcı sistemlerin inter dijital elektrotlar (IDE) ile entegrasyonunun geliştirilmesine yönelik ihtiyaç gün be gün artmaktadır. MEMS teknolojisi, mikroskopik ölçekte mekanik ve elektronik bileşenlerin entegrasyonunu içerir. Mikrosistem mühendisliği, elektronik, kimya, biyoloji ve fizik gibi birçok farklı disiplini birleştirir. Bu entegrasyon, daha karmaşık sistemlerin ve uygulamaların geliştirilmesini mümkün kılar. Örneğin, kimyasal algılama için kullanılan sensörler, biyolojik materyallerle birleştirilerek hastalık tespitinde kullanılabilir. Bu tür çok disiplinli çalışmalar, araştırma ve geliştirme süreçlerini zenginleştirir ve bilim ile mühendislik arasındaki sınırları aşarak yenilikçi çözümler üretir. Bu teknoloji, yüksek hassasiyet ve düşük maliyet avantajları ile öne çıkarak, biyomedikal uygulamalar, tüketici elektroniği gibi bir çok alanda kullanılmaktadır. MEMS teknolojisinde kullanılan gaz sensörleri, endüstriyel süreçlerin kontrolü, hava kalitesinin izlenmesi, çevresel güvenlik ve tıbbi teshişler için hayati öneme sahip alanlarda kritik rolller üstlenmektedir. Özellikle, endüstriyel ve çevresel uygulamalarda zararlı gazların tespit edilmesi, halk sağlığı ve güvenliği açısından büyük öneme sahiptir. Bu nedenle, düşük maliyetli, yüksek duyarlılık ve hızlı yanıt süresine sahip gaz sensörlerine duyulan ihtiyaç büyüktür. Bu sensörler biyomedikal uygulamalarda, solunum yolu hastalılarının teşhisinde öneme sahip uçucu organik biyo belirteçlerin (VOC) tespitiden kanser tipine kadar geniş bir kullanım alanına sahiptir. Bu çalışmada tek bir silikon yonganın üzerine ince film biriktirme yöntemlerinde kullanılan; çok katlı foto-litografi, PVD (e-beam), PECVD, elektrokimyasal yöntemler, üst üste entegrasyon, ICP-RIE kuru aşındırma, metalizasyon gibi yöntemler kullanılarak bir çok uygulama alanında kullanılabilir platformlar üretilmiştir. Üretilen platformun çalışıp çalışmadığının kontrolü için gaz sensör uygulaması seçilmiştir. İlgili malzemelerin sentez, katkılama ve platform üzerine kaplanması için hidro termal ve damlatma metodları ile gaz sensörleri üretimi başarılı bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda 2.2 mm en ve 4.8 mm boy oranlarına sahip, 300 µm Si-yonga üzerine çok katlı (2 µm SiO2 / 30 nm Ti / 30 nm Au / 600 nm Pt ) mikro ısıtıcı sistemleler üretilerek, 1 dakikada max 417℃ sıcaklığa yükselen platin mikro ısıtıcılar üretilmiştir. Platin mikro ısıtıcıların sıcaklık karakterizasyonları için hem kendi oluşturduğumuz devre hem de termal kamera ile ölçümler yapılmıştır. Ölçüm sonuçlarından, sıcaklık değişimine karşı direnç değişim grafiğinden platin metali için α sabiti 0.00345 ℃-1 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Üst üste biriktirme teknolojisi sayesinde 250 nm kalınlığında Si3N4 pasivasyon malzemesi kullanılarak ve üretilen mikro ısıtıcıların 200℃ ve 400℃ de 2 saat tavlama işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çok katmanlı xxvi (100 nm Ti / 100 nm Au) IDE'lerin üretimi ve Si3N4 ara katman üzerine entegrasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu platform için 4 çıkışlı 2 si mikro ısıtıcı, 2 si IDE sistem çıkışlı bakır PCB'ler üzerine ilk olarak mikro ısıtıcı sistemlerin ısı kaybını önlemek için 2 mm en ve 2 mm boya sahip 300 µm kalınlığında Si-yonga (wafer) takoz kesimi gerçekleştirilip üst üste yapıştırılmıştır, ardından tel bağlama (wire bonder) tekniği ile 25 µm Au teller ile bond işlemleri gerçekleştirilmişitir. Gaz sensör uygulaması için elektro aktif polimer ve metal oksitler kullanılmıştır. PANI, SnO2 malzelemelerin sentez kısımları gerçekleştirilmiş (PANI için emeraldin baz yalıtkan formu HCl ile muamele edilerek iletken hale getirilmiştir) ve ticari olarak satılan ZnO malzemesi ile 1:1 mg ve 1:5 mg gibi farklı oranlarında PANI, PANI / SnO2, PANI / ZnO nano kompozit metal oksit 3 tip gaz sensörleri üretilmiştir. Bu gaz sensörleri ile gaz sensör uygulamasının; endüstriyel süreçlerin kontrolü, hava kalitesinin izlenmesi, çevresel güvenlik için öneme sahip NO2 gazı ve solunum yolu hastalıkları için öneme sahip olan aseton, etanol, nem ve kloroform gazlarının akım-zaman yanıt grafikleri MATLAB kodu geliştirilerek analiz edilmiştir. Tüm sensörlerin saf gazlara karşı ve bu saf gazların %30, %50, %70 neme maruz bırakılmış konsantrasyonları için, oda sıcaklığında ve 55℃ sıcaklıkta ölçümler alınarak bar grafikleri elde edilmiştir. Platin metali için α sabiti 0.00345 ℃-1 olarak hesaplanması çok katmanlı mikro ısıtıcı sistemlerin doğru bir biçimde geliştirildiği, 2 mm – 2 mm (en-boy) oranlarındaki takozların sisteme yapıştırılması ısı kaybını önlemiştir ve max 417℃ sıcaklık elde edilmiştir. Üretilen 3 sensör tipinin çalışır durumda olduğu ölçüm sisteminden alınan verilerin MATLAB analizi ile çalışır durumda olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Özet (Çeviri)
In recent years, the need for the development of micro heater systems integrated with interdigital electrodes (IDE) using Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology has been increasingly recognized. MEMS technology involves the integration of mechanical and electronic components at a microscopic scale. Microsystem engineering encompasses a wide range of disciplines including electronics, chemistry, biology, and physics. This integration enables the development of more complex systems and applications. For instance, sensors used for chemical detection can be combined with biological materials for disease detection. Such multidisciplinary efforts enrich research and development processes, producing innovative solutions that transcend the boundaries between science and engineering. This technology stands out for its high precision and low-cost advantages and is used in various fields including biomedical applications and consumer electronics. Gas sensors utilized in MEMS technology play critical roles in areas such as industrial process control, air quality monitoring, environmental safety, and medical diagnostics. Specifically, in industrial and environmental applications, the detection of harmful gases is crucial for public health and safety. Thus, there is a significant demand for gas sensors that are cost-effective, highly sensitive, and have rapid response times. These sensors are vital in biomedical applications, particularly in diagnosing respiratory diseases by detecting volatile organic bio-markers (VOCs) ranging from different cancer types. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are a broad category of organic chemicals that easily evaporate at room temperature due to their high vapor pressure. These compounds are emitted by a variety of sources, both natural and man-made, including paints, cleaning supplies, pesticides, building materials, and furnishings. VOCs are also produced by burning fuel such as gasoline, wood, coal, or natural gas. The evaporation of these compounds contributes to air pollution and can form secondary pollutants such as ground-level ozone. Exposure to high levels of VOCs can lead to health issues such as eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, and more severe impacts like damage to the liver, kidney, and central nervous system. Some VOCs, like benzene and formaldehyde, are also recognized as carcinogens, making their control and regulation critical for indoor and outdoor air quality management. In this study, platforms that can be used in many application areas have been produced using thin-film deposition methods on a single silicon wafer; methods such as multilayer photolithography, PVD (e-beam), PECVD, electrochemical methods, successive integration, ICP-RIE dry etching, and metallization were utilized. A gas sensor application was selected to check whether the produced platform was working. The first stage of microfabrication is the implementation of cleaning procedures suitable for the substrate to be used. In this thesis work, cleaning of the silicon substrate involved the use of acetone, deionized water, isopropyl alcohol (IPA), nitrogen, and oxygen plasma. Cleaning stages for the 4-inch silicon wafer were completed, and then initially for the construction of the micro heater, a double spiral square pattern was drawn on a special platform and saved in the GDSII file format to the photolithography device. Subsequently, 2 µm SiO2 / 30 nm Ti / 30 nm Au metals were coated using the e-beam method. Titanium and gold metals were chosen to ensure adherence to the surface in the construction of platinum micro heaters. One of the most significant challenges encountered in the production of platinum thin films is undoubtedly the cracking that occurs in the film structure as the thickness increases. Addressing this problem forms the fundamental motivation of this thesis work. As an alternative to traditional production techniques, we anticipate that platinum can be used as a heating element by coating it using the electroplating technique. Aspects such as the continuity of the film structure, whether it achieves the desired current density, and life testing will be examined within our thesis work. For the purpose of demonstrating the use of the heater structures produced in the sensor field, SnO2 and PANI materials will be used. The use of SnO2 and PANI is not intended to develop sensor materials but solely for performance demonstration. In recent years, the global market for gas sensors has been continuously growing due to the increasing demand in the application areas we have detailed. This growth is robustly supported by factors such as the global emergence of air pollution as a health problem, the enhancement of safety standards in workplaces, the development of awareness regarding indoor air quality, industrialization and urbanization, and the increasing demand for gas sensors in the chemical, energy, and environmental monitoring industries.After the PVD processes, the micro heater pattern was created on the structure via non-invert printing using the photolithography method. Si3N4 material was selected as the passivation material and was established as the base of the IDE platform using the PECVD method. For the IDE pattern, an IDT interlocking parallel electrode pattern was selected, and structures were created after the PVD coatings and photolithography process. The synthesis, doping, and coating of the relevant materials on the sensor platform were successfully performed using hydrothermal and dripping methods. The electroactive polymer Polyaniline, found in its emeraldine base form, was processed with HCl to transition from an insulating to a conductive form and doped with SnO2 and ZnO metal oxides to prepare the coating on the sensor platform. As a result of the study, platinum micro heaters capable of reaching a maximum temperature of 417℃ in one minute were produced on a 300 µm Si-wafer with dimensions of 2.2 mm width and 4.8 mm length, layered with 2 µm SiO2 / 30 nm Ti / 30 nm Au / 600 nm Pt. Life testing for micro heaters was conducted, and for the first three days, the structure was observed to not short circuit when subjected to a voltage of 5V. After three days, the voltage was increased to 7V, and observations continued for another one month and fifteen days. No short circuit condition was observed in the operation system of the micro heater. Temperature characterizations of the platinum micro heaters were conducted using both our own circuit and a thermal camera. From the measurement results, the α constant for platinum metal was calculated as 0.00345 ℃-1. Due to the stacking technology, 250 nm thick Si3N4 passivation material was used, and the produced micro heaters were annealed at 200℃ and 400℃ for 2 hours. Multilayered (100 nm Ti / 100 nm Au) IDEs were produced and integrated onto the Si3N4 intermediate layer. For this platform, initially, cuts of 2 mm width and 2 mm length were made from a 300 µm thick Si-wafer to prevent heat loss from the micro heater systems, and then they were stacked on top of each other, after which wire bonder bonding techniques were performed with 25 µm Au wires. Electroactive polymers and metal oxides were used for the gas sensor application. The synthesis parts of PANI, SnO2 materials were performed (for PANI, the emeraldine base insulating form was processed with HCl to become conductive) and PANI, PANI / SnO2, PANI / ZnO metal oxide nano-composite gas sensors were produced with different ratios of 1:1 mg and 1:5 mg using commercially available ZnO material. These gas sensors were tested against gases important for industrial process control, air quality monitoring, environmental safety like NO2, and gases important for respiratory diseases such as acetone, ethanol, humidity, and chloroform. Current-time response graphs were analyzed using MATLAB code. Measurements were taken at room temperature and at 55℃ for pure gases and for these gases exposed to 30%, 50%, 70% humidity concentrations, and bar graphs were obtained. According to the literature research results for the newly created system, it can be used as a platform for many application areas and as a sub-platform for diagnosing diseases requiring important diagnosis such as lung cancer, diabetes, and COPD. The primary goal of the thesis was achieved by successfully implementing the MEMS micro heater integrated IDE system platform. The secondary goal of the thesis includes the results of the gas sensor application to understand whether this platform works. For the gas sensor application, first, the synthesis of materials was performed, and coatings were made using the dripping method. Synthesis and characterization of commercial PANI, PANI-HCl, SnO2, PANI/SnO2, PANI/ZnO structures were carried out and three types of sensor production were completed. These sensors were tested against acetone, ethanol, chloroform, and NO2 gases to determine their selectivity. The sensitivities of all sensors to gases are excellent. Bar graphs are included in the results and discussion section. According to the graphic results, our PANI/SnO2 nano-composite sensor behaved selectively even under conditions of 70% humidity at 55℃ for gases like acetone, ethanol, and chloroform. The thesis work will make a significant contribution by increasing the accessibility of this technology, thus improving public safety and environmental sustainability. Developing low-cost and high-performance gas sensors enhances the feasibility of gas detection systems and promotes their widespread use, paving a promising path for the future of sensing technologies.
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