Dikdörtgen kesitli tübüler uzay kafes kirişlerin elastik ve elastik-plastik analizi
Elastic and elastic-plastic analysis of tubular rectangular space trusses
- Tez No: 100838
- Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. H. HALİT DEMİR
- Tez Türü: Doktora
- Konular: İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2000
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 238
DİKDÖRTGEN KESİTLİ TÜBÜLER UZAY KAFES KİRİŞLERİN ELASTİK VE ELASTİK-PLASTİK ANALİZİ ÖZET Uzay kafes sistemler; binaların, endüstriyel fabrikaların, karayolu ve demiryolu köprülerinin, anten direklerinin, enerji nakil hatlarının, kıyı platformlarının ve uzay yapıların inşaatlarında yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Uzay kafes sistemler yardımıyla daha büyük açıklıkları, düzlem kafes ve dolu gövdeli kirişlere göre daha küçük kesitlerle geçmek mümkündür. Bu çalışmada halka kesitli çubuklardan oluşan, dikdörtgen kesitli tübüler uzay kafes kirişlerin elastik ve elastik-plastik analizi yapılarak davranışı incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, pratik için uzun hesaplamalara gerek kalmadan faydalı bilgiler vermek ve ayrıca sistemin elastik ve elastik-plastik bölgelerdeki davranışı hakkında detaylı bilgi edinmektir. İncelenen uzay kafes kirişlere ait tipik bir örnek Şekil 1' de verilmiştir. a) Perspektif görünüş b) Enkesit Şekil 1. İncelenen Uzay Kafes Kirişlere Tipik Bir Örnek. İncelenen tübüler uzay kafesler halka kesitli çubuklardan oluşmaktadır. İç diyagonallerin bulunup bulunmaması, basınç diyagonallerinin bulunup bulunmaması ve çapraz diyagonallerin kesişmesi veya kesişmemesi gibi çeşitli durumlar çalışmada ayrı ayn göz önüne alınmıştır. XXV1UŞekil 2'de gösterildiği gibi, uzay kafes kirişlerin kayıcı, sabit, kayıcı ankastre ve ankastre olmak üzere dört farklı mesnetlenme durumu dikkate alınmıştır: Kayıcı Sistem: Alt uçlarından dört noktada mesnetli olup, sağ uçtaki mesnetlerin her ikisi de her iki doğrultuda kayıcıdır. Sol uçtaki mesnetin biri sabit diğeri ise x doğrultusunda kayıcı, y doğrultusunda sabittir. Sabit Sistem: Alt uçlarından dört noktada mesnetli olup, bu mesnetlerin tamamı her doğrultuda sabittir. Ankastre Sistem: Alt ve üst uçlarından sekiz noktada mesnetli olup, bu mesnetlerin tamamı her doğrultuda sabittir. Kayıcı Ankastre Sistem: Alt ve üst uçlarından sekiz noktada mesnetli olup, alt uçlardaki mesnetlerin tamamı her doğrultuda sabit iken üst uçlardaki mesnetler z doğrultusunda kayıcı, diğer doğrultularda sabittir. a) Kayıcı b) Sabit c) Ankastre Şekil 2. Mesnetlenme durumları d) Kayıcı Ankastre Yükleme durumları: Tübüler uzay kafes kirişe iki ayrı yükleme uygulanmıştır (Şekil 3). Yükler başlıkların düğüm noktalarından uygulanan ve en kesitte bir yada iki eşit düşey yük oluşturan düşey yaydı yüklerdir. J ? X a) Düzgün yayılı yük (boy kesit) Şekil 3. Yükleme durumları. b) Eğilme (En kesit) c) Eğilmeli burulma (En kesit) XXIXUzay kafes kirişlere etkiyen toplam servis yükü, bütün kirişler için £PS=180 kN alınmıştır. Bu çalışmada, matris deplasman yöntemiyle hesap yapan bir bilgisayar programı kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada aşağıdaki varsayımlar yapılmıştır.. Düğüm noktalan ideal moment mafsallıdır ( Ayrıca rijit düğüm noktalı durum için de inceleme yapılmıştır).. Yatay ve düşey düzlemlerde, kirişin en kesitlerinde, çapraz olarak bulunan diyagonaller birbirlerini kesmezler (Şekil 1.12) (Ayrıca çapraz diyagonallerin birbirlerini kesip kesmeme durumları ile basmç diyagonallerinin bulunup bulunmama durumları ayrı ayrı dikkate alınmıştır).. Çelik ideal elastik-plastik malzeme modeline uygun olarak şekil değiştirme (o-e) yapmaktadır.. Çubuk en kesit alanları, teorik olarak herhangi bir değerde olabilir.. Sistemin yanal burkulması yoktur. Tanımlanan dikdörtgen kesitli tübüler uzay kafesler, üst başlıkların düğüm noktalarından eğilme ve eğilmeli burulma oluşacak biçimlerde ayrı ayrı EP=180 kN olan düşey yayılı yüklerle yüklenmiştir. Kafes kirişi oluşturan çubukların kesit alanları, eğilme ve eğilmeli burulma yüklemelerini aynı anda ve yalnız eğilme veya yalnız eğilmeli burulma yüklemelerini güvenle taşıyacak biçimde emniyet gerilmeleri yöntemine göre boyutlandırılmışlardır. Önce her bir çubuk grubu için (Çubuk grupları: dikmeler, enlemeler, üst başlıklar, alt başlıklar, yatay diyagonaller, düşey diyagonaller ve iç diyagonaller) farklı ve keyfi bir en kesit değeri A ve buna bağlı olarak i atalet yarıçapı seçilerek sistem bilgisayar programı ile elastik olarak çözülmüştür. Grup çubukların kesitleri elde edilen çubuk kuvvetlerine göre Omax = Oem olacak şekilde yeniden boyutlandınlmış ve sistem bu yeni boyutlara göre tekrar çözülmüştür. Oem =140 N/mm2 olup çubukların burkulma hesabı © sayılan yöntemiyle yapılmıştır. Bu ardışık yaklaşım işlemi tüm çubuk gruplannda 139 N/mm2 < ow
Özet (Çeviri)
ELASTIC AND ELASTIC-PLASTIC ANALYSIS OF TUBULAR RECTANGULAR SPACE TRUSSES SUMMARY Space trasses which are widely used in every kind of structure have found specially large application in the fields of construction of buildings, industrial plants, highway and railway bridges, antenna towers, off-shore platforms and space constructions. It is possible that larger spans will require lesser material with smaller cross-sections in space trusses than plane trusses and solid beams. In this study, elastic and elastic-plastic analysis of tubular rectangular space trusses consisting of hollow bars have been carried out. The main purpose of the study is to obtain information useful in practice without making long calculations, and also to gain detailed information on the behaviour of the mentioned systems in elastic and elastic-plastic domain as well. A typical example of a tubular space trass is given in Figure 1. a) Perspective view Figure 1. An example of tubular space truss considered. b) Cross-section The tubular space trusses consist of rods with hollow cross-sections. The cases, whether the inner diagonals in tubular space trusses exist or not, the compression diagonal members exist or not and X-braced diagonals intersect each other or not have been taken into consideration one by one. As shown in Figure 2, tubular space trusses are considered under four different support conditions as roller, hinged and fixed and roller-fixed. XXXUlRoller system : It is supported at four points at the lower ends. Both the right-hand supports are roller in two directions. One of the left end supports is hinged and the other one is roller in the x-direction, hinged in sliding in the other directions. Hinged system : It is supported at four points at the lower ends. The supports are hinged in all directions of bending. Fixed system : It is supported at eight points at the upper and lower ends. The supports are hinged in all directions of bending. Roller-Fixed system : It is supported at eight points at the upper and lower ends. Both the right-hand and left-hand supports at the upper ends are roller in z direction and hinged in x, y and z axis of bending. The other supports are hinged in all directions of bending. a) Roller b) Hinged c) Fixed Figure 2. Support conditions d) Roller-fixed Loading conditions : Two different kinds of loading are applied for tubular space trusses (Fig 3 ). Loads are applied to the joints and consist of one or two equal vertical linearly distributed loads. a) Front view Figure 3. Loading conditions. I I z z b) Bending c) Torsion with bending XXXIVService loads which act on tubular space trusses, are taken as EPs = 180 kN for all trusses. In the analysis, a computer program using matrix deflection method is used. Assumptions made in the study are given below:. Joints are ideal pinned or rigid.. In horizontal and vertical planes of space truss and in the plane of the cross- section of space truss, it is assumed that diagonals intersect or not intersect each other.. The c-e diagram of steel is assumed to be ideal elastic- plastic.. It is assumed that cross sectional areas of bars can be taken in any values theoretically, and. The system does not make lateral buckling. Tubular rectangular space trusses defined above have been designed for two loading cases (bending, torsion with bending) under the service load having the value of SPs = 180 kN using allowable stress method. Firstly, the system is solved as elastic by the computer program by means of taking an arbitrary cross-sectional size (area, A, radius of inertia, i ) for each bar groups ( bar groups : vertical bars, transversal bars, upper chords, lower chords, horizontal, vertical and inner diagonals ). Sections of group bars are designed again with respect to bar forces obtained as omax = o^ and the system is solved with these new dimensions. This consecutive approaching process is repeated until the condition 0.99 o^ < o^n^ < 1.01 c^h is being obtained for all bar groups and cross-section values of bar groups satisfied with this conditions. Since Ojjjax is very close to a^ for all bar groups with respect to these dimensions, truss system has been designed optimally. Here o“^ is taken as 140 MPa and buckling calculations have been performed by ©-factors method. Space trusses, which are investigated, are designed as explained above. Designing process of rectangular space truss is performed by the allowable stress method at service loading. At the same time, horizontal and vertical displacement of joints have also been determined under bending and torsion with bending loading (Fig. 4). Young modulus E is taken as 210000 MPa. P/2 P P P P/2 p W I m ft Syif L - ' -.- e: Figure 4. Deflection, rotation and distortion under torsion with bending. XXXVIn service load, under bending; deflection at middle of span and under torsion with bending; deflection, rotation, distortion and warping values have been calculated. Using provided displacements, deflection-span (8-L), rotation-span (9-L), distortion- span (y-L) and warping-span (8y -L) diagrams have been drawn as shown in Figure 5. Then, continuous regerssion curves, according to the least square method have been estimated. 8 t 6.- without id I - with id / without id with id/ without i.d : with id / y = o Note: Inner diagonals are symbolized as i.d Figure 5. Deflection-span (8-L), rotation-span (9-L), distortion-span (y-L) relations. Elastic-plastic analysis The elastic-plastic analysis of the space trusses have been performed using the load increment technique. The service loads have been increased until the maximum stress would be Oxdsk = *y m a b*1”(or a group of bar) and so the first yielding is obtained, then bar stresses obtained from this loading are asigned in table as aj. It has been accepted that bars approaching to fy ( = 240 N/mm2 ) at the end of this loading yield; then, they have been taken out from the system and the new system with remaining bars has been loaded again from zero to APj load and then Aa stresses have been obtained at bars. At some bars, the value of ( aj + Aaj = fy ) APj loading is calculated while the value of Oj + Aoj does not exceed the value of ay and the stresses a2 is obtained as sum of o~i and Aoj stresses. Bars, having a2 stress that approach to oyhave been taken out from the system and AP loading has been applied, again. Similarly, Acr stresses have been calculated and total stresses have been obtained. AP loading process has been repeated while the failure load of space truss has been computed as bars whose stress approaches to fy have taken out at each step. So, elastic-plastic analysis is performed. The values of deflection, rotation and distortion occur each step have been added to previous deflection values and so deflection values at yielding is obtained. The load capacity of space trusses at yielding ( loads corresponds to yielding) and lower points of displacement ( 8 ) in the cross-sections in the middle of span of space truss are found under bending and torsion with bending. Rotation and distortion for each yielding cases are calculated under torsion with bending. By using these values, load-deflection ( P- 8 ) curves under bending, load-deflection ( P- 8 ), load-rotation ( P - 0 ) and load-distortion ( P - y ) curves under torsion with bending loading cases are drawn. L -? XXXVIThe safety factors ( Pu / Ps ) are found by using the ratio between load carrying capacity at failure and service load. Ductility (Su / 81) and rotation capability (0u/ 61) of systems are found by using the ratio of deflection and the rotation values at failure to first yielding ones. The results of elastic and elastic-plastic analysis of tubular rectangular space trusses under bending and torsion with bending effect are given with respect to size of cross- section, pinned or rigid joint connections assumptions, vertical bar spacing, the size of the cross-section of space truss beams, the case that whether X-braced diagonals intersect each other or not, the case that whether compression diagonals exist or not, the case that whether there are available inner diagonals or not, the case that whether there are transversal bars or not, the other case that there are both tarnsversal bars and verticals or not, and support conditions. It was seen that while the regression relationships at deflections and warpings for the system with and without inner diagonals, rotations and distortions for the system without inner diagonals are exponential; they are linear at rotations for the system with inner diagonals. On the other hand, the distortion values for the system with inner diagonals are near to zero. XXXVU
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