Tophane'de Kadiriler Tekkesi restorasyon projesi
Restoration project of the 'Kadiriler Dervish Logge'
- Tez No: 101234
- Danışmanlar: DOÇ.DR. AHMET ERSEN
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2000
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 349
ÖZET Bu tez çalışmasında, İstanbul'da 17. ve 20. yüzyıllar arasında faaliyette olan Kadiriye tarikatının merkez niteliğindeki tekke yapısı incelenmiştir. Yapı grubu Beyoğlu İlçesine bağlı Tophane'nin Firuzağa Mahallesi'nde konumlanmıştır. Tekkeler; Osmanlı mimarisinde dini ve sivil yapıların yanı sıra üçüncü bir yapı grubu olarak tarikat örgütlerinin etkinliklerini gerçekleştirdikleri bir yapı türüdür. Bu yapılara önemli bir örnek teşkil eden Kadiriler Tekkesi, 17. yüzyıl, yapısıdır. 1630'da Hacı Piri adında bir hayırseverin arazisini vakfetmesiyle kurulmuştur. Tekke; tevhidhaneyi, sonradan ek olarak inşa edilmiş olması muhtemel tevhidhane mekanını kuzey yönünde saran derviş hücrelerini ve selamlığı barındıran ana bir yapıdan, harem dairesinden ve her iki yapıyı birbirine bağlayan hareme ilave olarak nitelendirilen şeyh dairesinden oluşmaktadır. 1897 tarihli bir planda görülen taamhane binası ise 1946 yılında yıktırılmış ve günümüze ulaşmamıştır. Bu yapıya ilişkin verilerin yetersiz olması nedeniyle tezde sadece restitüsyon çalışması bölümünde yer alması uygun bulunmuştur. Tekkenin; özellikle tevhidhane ve selamlık kısmı, 1997 senesinde elektrik kontağından çıkan yangında ve sonrasında büyük tahribat görmüştür. Birçok mimari öğesini bu yangında yitiren yapı grubuna ait tez çalışması sekiz bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde; Kadiriler Tekkesi'nin inceleme konusu olarak seçilmesinde önemli rol oynayan etkenlere değinilmiş ve bu doğrultuda geliştirilen tezin amacı, dolayısıyla da içeriğinden ve bunun için kullanılan yöntemlerden bahsedilmiştir. İkinci bölümde; tarikat yapılarını oluşturan kurumların ve örgütlerin kaynağını oluşturan mezhep, tasavvuf ve tarikat kavramlarından söz edilmiştir. Bu kavramların tarihi süreç içindeki yeri, gelişimleri, kültürel ve sosyo-ekonomik önemleri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca bu örgütlenmelerin sonucunda gelişen yapıların, sınıflandırılması yapılmış, özellikleri belirtilmiş ve bu yapı gruplarının Anadolu- xvmTürk toplumundaki yeri, İstanbul gibi önemli bir merkezdeki gelişimleri irdelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, tarikat örgütlerinin en önemli unsuru olan tekkenin tanımı yapılmıştır. Bunun beraberinde tekke kavramının ve mimarisinin tarih içindeki gelişimine değinilmiştir. Ayrıca tekkelerin faaliyetlerinden, temel mekan elemanlarından ve eşyalarından bahsedilmiştir. Tez çalışmasının konusunu oluşturan Kadiriye tarikatının merkezi olan bu yapının, İstanbul'da kurulmuş olmasına ilişkin olarak da, İstanbul'daki tekkelerin bir sınıflandırması yapılmıştır. Dolayısıyla da İstanbul'daki tekke mimarisinin genel biçimlenişi anlatılmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde ise Kadiriler Tekkesi'nin bağlı bulunduğu tarikatın kuruluş ve gelişme süreci anlatılmıştır. Bu süreç içerisinde oluşan özelliklerinden ve faaliyetlerinden bahsedilerek, tarikatın tarih içindeki yeri ve önemi saptanmıştır. Tez konusunun daha detaylı analiz edilmesine yardımcı olması açısından, İstanbul'daki diğer Kadiri tekkelerine de değinilmiştir. Beşinci bölüm; tekkeyi meydana getiren ve külliye niteliğini kazanmasını sağlayan yapı grubunun detaylı olarak analiz edilmesinden oluşmaktadır. Yapı grubunun konumu ve tüm yapıların ayrıntılı tanımı yapılmış, strüktür, malzeme ve bezeme özellikleri belirtilmiştir. Önceki dönemlere ait tüm fiziksel müdahaleler, onarımlar, yangınlar ve yıkımlar da kronolojik olarak tespit edilmiştir. Altıncı bölümde, beşinci bölüme ilişkin olarak yapı grubundaki strüktür ve malzemedeki bozulmalar saptanarak bozulmaların nedenlerine değinilmiştir. Yedinci bölüm, beşinci bölümü oluşturan tespit çalışmaları sonucunda yapılan tanımlamalar doğrultusunda, yapı grubunun daha önceki dönemlere ait harita, eski plan, fotoğraf gibi tüm belgelerden yararlanılarak yapılan restitüsyon önerisini içermektedir. Dokuzuncu ve son bölüm olan restorasyon çalışması ise; mevcut durumun analizi ve restitüsyon denemeleri doğrultusunda geliştirilen yeni işlev önerisini ve bu yeniden işlevlendirme için saptanan gerekli fiziksel müdahaleleri kapsamaktadır. Bu öneri; yapı grubunun mimari organizasyonu, mekan boyutları, konumu ve eski işlevi göz xıxönünde tutularak“Cami, Kadiri Tarikatı ve Tasavvuf Tarihi Objeleri, Ebru Sanatı Müzesi ve Lojman”işlevleriyle canlandırılmasını içermektedir. XX
Özet (Çeviri)
RESTORATION PROJECT OF THE“KADİRİLER DERVISH LODGE”SUMMARY The subject matter of this dissertation thesis is a dervish lodge of Kadiri sufı order which was in great charge in Istanbul between the 17th and the 20th century. It is located at the Firuzağa Neigbourhood of Tophane in Beyoğlu, Istanbul. In Ottoman architecture these types of buildings form the third category besides the religious and the profane buildings where the dervishes and the sufi orders (tariqas) practice their religious and social activities. Dervish lodges can be seen in the 1 1th century during islamization process of Anatolia, especially during the colonization and the sedenterization of the Ottoman State. They had taken an important role in the development of the new settlements and they are important as these buildings were the reflection of the social, aesthetic and cultural values of their period. Also they were located in major cities of the Ottoman Empire such as Istanbul and they had great influence on the public. In 1925 the number of the dervish lodges (tekkes) in Istanbul belonging to the various sufi orders could be counted as 306. They were as it follows: Bayrami 4, Bedevi 8, Bektaşi 23, Celveti 22, Cerrahi 14, Nakşi 42, Rufai 35, Sadi 23, Sanani 3, Sünbüli 23, Gülşeni 3, Halveti 13, Kadiri 57, Mevlevi 5, Şabani 25, Şazili 3, Uşşaki 4. The Kadiriler dervish lodge which constitutes the subject of the thesis is the first and still surviving example of these dervish lodges in Istanbul. The dedication date of the building complex is 1630. This centre of Kadiri sufi order in Istanbul consists of the three buildings and the other architectural elements such as the fountain and the tomb of Pir Ismail Rumi. The first and most important part is the main building which includes the praying hall (tevhidhane) where the religious rehearsals and the ceremonies are conducted. The main building also includes the selamlık where male guest dervishes were accomodated and the cells for the other dervishes which are attached to the tevhidhane from the north. xxiThe other building is harem residence where the sheikh family lived with the other female guests. Between the main building and the harem residence there is another building which was constructed as an extension to the harem residence. It is called the sheikh 's residence where the worshipful master of the tariqa lived. There was also another building which was demolished in 1946 which had been used as the refectory. Unfortunately as there have been no evidence except the 1897 general lay out drawing, this building was researched only for the reconstitution drawings work in eigth chapter of the thesis. In 1997 the building complex experienced a devastating fire because of an electricity short circuit and the major parts of the building complex, especially the tevhidhane and sheikh 's residence were demolished. The building which had lost many of its architectural features had been studied in eight parts. The first chapter is the presentation of the methods used in this study. Also the aim and the scope of the dissertation thesis and the reasons for choosing this subject were discussed. The most important subject was mentioned as, it was one of the rare surviving examples of its type. The second chapter consists of the concepts of the mezhep and the suflsm which formed the tariqa organizations and associations that erected the tariqa buildings. Also; the descriptions, the historic developments in the cultural and socioeconomic life of these concepts were discussed. Then follows, the most important and main twelve tariqas with their specific rules and characteristics; which are Kadiriye, Yeseviye, Rıfaiye, Kübreviye, Medyeniye, Desukiye, Bedeviye, Şazeliye, Ekberiye, Mevleviye, Sa'diye, Nakşibendiye. İn the following parts of the same chapter a detailed survey of the development of the religious ways of tariqas in Anatolia were made. These determinations and the classifications were also made for the tariqas in Istanbul related to the subject matter of the thesis. Consequently the tariqa buildings' hierarchical classification was made under the heading of historical development of the tekke architecture in Islamic countries and Anatolia. According to these conclusions it was possible to mention the genesis, the historic development and the end of the concept of the tariqas. Also xxnbanning of the tariqa buildings in 1925 was explained at the final part of the second chapter. The third chapter of the thesis is about the premise of the tekke buildings. The history and the detailed survey of its development were determined following the spaces and the building elements used in these volumes in correlating them to the original function. Also a detailed classification of the types of the tariqas in Istanbul was mentioned in regard to their premises and their main architectural features. In the fourth chapter history of the Kadiri tariqa was mentioned, supplemented with the Abdiil-kadir Geylani's biography who was the founder of this religious way and how he established the Kadiri tariqa and what were the esoteric principles of the tariqa. As this tariqa had an Arabic origin it inherited some similar principles and rituals like the other Arabic tariqas. The founder of this religious headquarter was Pir Ismail Rumi. He was the first sheikh who had moved and constituted this second main Kadiri subdivision of Kadiri tariqa in Istanbul. In the light of these informations in this chapter, efforts have beeen made to mention and classify the various other Kadiri tariqa 's buildings and dervish lodges in Istanbul with their architectural features, in order to help determining and analysing the building complex, the subject matter of this dissertation thesis. Also the chapter was composed of general comparison of the other Kadiri dervish lodges in Istanbul and the subject of the thesis; according to their plannimetries, facade designs, the original functions and activities in order to gather data for the next part which was based on the reconstitution drawings. The fifth chapter is the most important part of the thesis as it gives the general consept and detailed architectural description of the building complex. The detailed definitions of spaces such as tevhidhcme, selamlık, harem, sheikh 's residence; and structural and material analysis of these volumes were inspected and recorded. Following the definitions of the construction techniques; chronogical order of the physical interventions, repairs, fires, demolitions were respectively stated. xxmThe sixth chapter is related to the fifth chapter as structural and material deteriorations within the various events in the past of tekke, such as the fires, the reconstructions following these fires were researched. It can be clearly stated that the most devastating event was the last fire of 1997 where the tekke had lost most of its characteristic architectonic forms. In addition to these human accelerated destructions, extrinsic and intrinsic causes of deteriorations were analyzed in this part. The seventh chapter is on the reconstitution of the building using the physical evidence of the survey and the former studies; the old documents such as the photographs, the plans and the comparisons with the other Kadiri dervish lodges in Istanbul. As only the genuine documents for the reconstitution of the harem residence, building of the tevhidhane, and for the sheikh 's residence were adequate according to the latest plan which was drawn in 1897. The reconstitution project was based on this latest architectural phase as also it is the existing state of the architectural complex. Unfortunately as the refectory building no longer exists and its only physical evidence that could survive was the fire place, it was impossible to reconstitute it in detail. The eighth and the last chapter is about the restoration and re-use proposal, as the tariqa activations were ended in 1925 and the building had lost its original function during the years like many others. According to this, the choice of the appropriate adaptive function was discussed and the reason was explained as to why the construction was converted into“mosque, official dwelling and museum of history and objects of Kadiri tariqa and Sufism and marbling art”. Finally with its existing architecturals forms, this sovereign dervish lodge complex of Kadiri the tariqa, is one of the rarely surviving examples of the same type of buildings in Istanbul, as it has inherited its architectural features till today. As the building complex needs an urgent intervention, it has paramount importance to reconstitute and reconstruct the building, following the physical evidences obtained from the ruins and the genuine extrinsic documents as it is an example to enlighten the social, aesthetic, and cultural values of its time. So this dissertation thesis aims to conserve these evidences and hand them to the next generations with the correct re use. xxiv
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