Geri Dön

Metropolitenleşme sürecinde imalat sanayii ve metropoliten şehir ilişkileri

The Relationships between manufacturing industry and metropoliten city in metropolitanization process

  1. Tez No: 14106
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. HANDE SUHER
  4. Tez Türü: Doktora
  5. Konular: Şehircilik ve Bölge Planlama, Urban and Regional Planning
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1989
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 146


ÖZET Metropoliten al an -metropol iten şehir olguları, sanayi devrimi ile birlikte şehirlerin fonksiyonel strüktürünün elemanları olan eylemler sistemindeki büyük gelişmelerin şehirlerde yol açtığı nitel, nicel değişim süreci ile ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu süreçte imalat sanayii zenginlik üreten, istihdam yaratan ve gerekli servisleri gerçekleştiren nite - ligiyle metropoliten alanda etkin bir rol almakta yer seçim davranışı ile metropoliten alanın mekansal dokusunun oluşum ve değişiminde temel yönlendirici olmaktadır. Sana yi şehrinde üretim birimleri merkezi bir yerde toplanarak yığılma ekonomileri oluştururken metropoliten şehir aşamasında imalat sanayiinin büyük bir kısmının üretim birimleri metropoliten şehir dışında yer almaktadırlar. Arazi kullanım dokusunda meydana gelen bu merkez il iğin erozyonu sürecinde bazı imalat sanayii türleri yer seçimi yönlendiricilerine bağlı olarak metropoliten şehirde kalmak eğilimi göstermektedirler. Bu tezin amacı, metropoliten şehirde yer alabilecek imalat sanayiinin gelişmiş ülkelerden farklı temeller üzerinde sanayileşme-metropolitenleşme oluşumu yaşanan koşullardaki yoğunlaşma süreci ve yer seçimi yönlendiricileride ele alınıp değerlendirilerek karekteristiklerinin geniş bir çerçevede belirlenmesidir. Yedi bölümden oluşan çalışmanın giriş bölümü olan birinci bölümde konu genel hatlarıyla ele alınmıştır. İkinci bölüm de sanayi sınıflaması ve sanayinin yer seçimi üzerinde durularak sanayi yer seçiminde etken olan yönlendiriciler konusunda kapsamlı ve özgün bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde şehirlerin büyümesi, sanayileşme-metropolitenleşme süreci incelenerek metropoliten alan, metropol iten şehir olguları çeşitli yönleriyle ele alınmış imalat sanayiinin metropol itenleşme sürecindeki etkinliği ve metropoliten alan mekanının doku değişimindeki yönlendiriciliği ile metropoliten alan mekanının parçaları üzerindeki yer seçimi incelenmiştir. Dördüncü ve beşinci bölümlerde, Türkiye'de ve Türkiye'nin birincil metropoliten şehiri İstanbul'da metropol itenleşme süreci içinde imalat sanayiinin gelişimi yer seçimi ve yer seçimini yönlendirici politikalar, araçlar ile İstanbul metropoliten şehirinde imalat sanayiinin yoğunlaşması ve nedenleri incelenmiştir. Altıncı bölümde İstanbul metropoliten şehirinde yoğun olarak yer alan orta ve büyük ölçekte imalat sanayiinin yerseçim nedenlerine ve karakteristiklerinin belirlenmesine yönelik uygulama çalışması İstanbul metropoliten şehirinin en büyük ilçesi Bakır köy örneğinde ele alınarak yapılmış ve özgün araştırma sonuçlarına yer verilmiştir. Yedinci bölüm çalışmanın önceki bölümlerde verilen bilgilere dayanılarak metropoliten şehirde yer alan imalat sanayiinin karakteristiklerinin ve yer seçim nedenlerinin belirlenerek değerlendirmelerin yapıldığı sonuç bölümüdür. xii

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY AND METROPOLİTEN CITY IN METROPOLİTANİZATİON PROCESS The rapid concentration and metropolitanization process in cities, which was started by the industrial revolution, as a phenomenon which changes the economic, social and physi cal structures of the world cities continues its impacts while expanding its spatial dimension. Manufacturing indus try in this process, resulting from its characteristics such as producing wealth, creating employment and providing necessary facilities, takes an effective role in the metropolitan area; and by its locational behaviour is the main director in the formation and change of the spatial pattern of this area. During the evolution of human settlements, the phenomena of industrial and agricultural revolutions, which are explained by the relationships between two constants urban, rural attraction and two variables production- transporta - tion, communication techniques are the basic determinants of the changes and conversions of human settlement patterns. The beginning of agriculture has caused the concentration of the population at a specific place, production, transpor tation, the devolopment in the communication techniques have made settling away from the production place and have resulted in the increase of production sjrplus. Trade has developed by new market places, agriculture has become commercialized and as a result land, labor, raw materials have been traded, freely. Cities were formed by the settling of socially created production surplus in geographical areas. New inventions and techniques caused by the industrial revolution and the rapid increase in capital, and big market facilities have oriented the trade capital to industry. The manufacturing industry has concentrated in cities, the agglomeration economies have increased in ter-cities as a result of external economies, this increase has concluded in the growth of population and income and in the meantime growth in trade and service sectors. Development of the manufacturing industry caused new inventions which became inputs in manufacturing industry by creating growth and development. This continuous feeding and enormous production activities created a concentration of labour-brain power and thus metropolitan areas-metropoliten cities. Metropolitan area-metropolitan xiiicity has appeared as a result of both industrial revolution and the qualitative and quantitative change process of the cities caused by developments in activity system which is an element of the fnuctional structure of the cities. This is not a type of the traditional cities but a new form of human settlements and a result of both advanced transporta tion, communication-production technologies and advanced specialization, differentiation and organization. Metropo- litanization which includes social and technological change and -urban area; has expanded beyond the boundaries of the metropolitan city and has affected urban-rural settlements and has created functional independence and division of labor under its dominance. Today, the metropolitan area space includes; 1. Metropolitan city-central city, 2. Suburban area, 3. Suburban fringe. In the industrial city while production units have concent rated in a central place thus forming agglomeration econo - mies, in the metropolitan city stage the decision units of the manufacturing have the tendency of locating in the metropolitan city and production units in the peripheries. The differentiation of the metropolitan area caused by the industrial revolution has resulted in important changes in the land use pattern. st 1 Stage: Population agglomeration in cities increase in density, 2 Stage: Growth in population in metropolitan area. But decrease in population density in metropolitan city- central city 3r Stage: In the metropolitan city- central city part of the metropolitan area population and population of manufacturing industry labor and working areas have the tendency of decentralization to the suburban areas and further to suburban fringe areas. This change in the land-use pattern is the process of erosion of centrality. The reasons in the formation of this process can be summarrized as follows: o The rapid and continuous change in transportation, communication-production means and techniques, o Horizontal and vertical concentration and congestion in the metropolitan city, specifically in the central business district (C.B.D.) xivo Characteristics of the central business district such as easy, face-to-face communications, agglomeration economies and external economies are still in effect for certain functions, while these characteristics, developed by suburban areas and new technologies are also provided in the suburban areas, o Clarification of urban function areas. The decrease in the manufacturing industry firms and labor is not true for all kinds of manufacturing activities in the metropolitan city. Some kinds of manufacturing industries tend to stay in the metropolitan city and specifically in the central business district depending on the locational factors. In order to evaluate these types of manufacturing industry which have the tendency to stay a classification, which is a concept of differences and similarities has to be made. In a classification which is made in terms of scale, manufacturing industry in grouped in four categories. o Informal (marginal) industry o Small scale industry o Medium scale industry o Large scale industry 1 employee 2-24 employees 25-100 employees 101 + employees Manufacturing industry, in terms of means of production used is grouped as; o Capital intensive o Labor intensive. Manufacturing industry, in terms of types of production activities is grouped as those which produce; o Consumption goods, o Semifinished goods, o Investment goods, Manufacturing industry, in terms of dependency on locational decision factors in grouped as ; o Raw material oriented, o Market oriented, o Labor oriented, o Agglomeration economy oriented. xvManufacturing industries located in metropolitan cities- central cities of world metropolitan areas, of mostly developed countries can be grouped in three categories according to its characteristics ; 1. Those types of manufacturing industries in which, because of labour intensive production, the factor of providing qualified or required number of labour is important in locational decisions. o Those which do not need large space horizontally or which can produce in different spaces or vertically, o Those which have small manufacturing industry characteristics and where small numbers of labour or the owner produces. 2. Those types of manufacturing industries in which proximity to market place and distribution facilities are important in locational decisions; o Those whose products are only for the local market. 3. Those types of manufacturing industries in which factors like easy-face to face communications, agglomerations, external economies are important in locational decisions Common characteristics of the manufacturing industry are as follows ; o In order to provide rentability, to equalize the above positive factors (1,2,3) with the negative factor of the increasing land cost while approaching the center. o To be small in scale o Not causing traffic density, environmental pollution, congestion etc. in the metropolitan city. Seperation of the manufacturing industry from the metropo litan city and decrease in labour and increase in small scale firms have been two complying phenomena. Informal and small scale raanufacturing industry can be named as the third sector of industry in metropolitan city. The aim of this thesis is; to define the characteristics in a wide framework, of the manufacturing industry that played an important role in the change of pattern caused by the erosion of central ity and occured in the metropolitan area; together with the industrial revolution, in the rapid industrialization-urbanization process that took place in those parts of metropolitan areas that can take place in metropolitan city-central city, on different grounds than those of developed countries, where the formation of indmstrialization-metropolitanization condi tions are experienced while taking into consideration both the concentration process and locational factors and thus evaluating tliem. xviTurkey which did not experience the evolution of industrial city and industrial society phases, passes through a metropolitanization process in which a society with rural origins are present in the urban structure. In the primary metropolitan city Istanbul, which has been developed by trade before industry and gained the character of the primate city, having the highest level of urban-social structure and being the center of trade, distribution and collection functions, manufacturing industry has formed important concentrations by creating agglomerations and external economies and then utilizing these» In this process in spite of the applied policies which have the aim of distributing manufacturing industry equally in the country space and spreading development, decisions and means made against these locational concentra tion; and planning implications at the Istanbul metropolitan area, manufacturing industries have the tendency of remaining in the metropolitan city to a large extent. Implications of the studies directed towards the equal distribution of manufacturing industry throughout the country space, have been insufficient; for the reasons that in the development plans spatial characteristics have not been evaluated adequately; stayed at the economic level of using sources and coordinating the investments; except the national plan no other regional plans have not been " prepared; the implication area of the encouragement plans have not been defined by means of national physical plans and regional plans; at the spatial dimension horizontal linkages intersectors are not taken into account; at one of the implications of the encouragement precautions, the organized industry areas, instead of giving the priority to industrial location criteria, a policy of one organized industry area to every city is favoured and therefore at the implications many insufficiencies have occurred. The occurrance of 52.2 per cent of all medium and large scale manufacturing industry firms in Istanbul metropolitan area (in 1984) and large concentrations of manufacturing industry in the metropolitan city in the planning studies directed towards industry instead of locating in the propased areas all indicate that manufacturing industry implements its own realities, not the planning decisions. In order to define the characteristics of manufacturing industry located in the metropolitan city, reasons of location decisions, behaviors related to the future; learing small scale manufacturing industries-described as the third sector of industry in metropolitan cities out of scope, and taking medium and large scale part which is dominant and leading in manufacturing industry, research which includes questionnaire surveys and observations has been conducted in the number one county of Bakırköy in Istanbul metropolitan city. xvnThe location of medium and large scale manufacturing industry in Istanbul metropolitan city is attributed to basic factors like facilities of selling finished goods and supplying raw materials, making use of the existing agglomerations and external economies. 20.3 per cent of these firms present their finished goods and 2 7.1 percent provide necessary raw materials only from Istanbul metropolitan city. Although in the classical location theories the optimal location is accepted as the closest point to both the source of raw materials and market place, factors like advanced transportation, communication and production techniques in selling the finished goods and getting raw materials have gained more importance. Of those industrial firms which have the tendency of remaining in the metropolitan city, 81.4 % have turned out to be medium scale manufacturing industries. in various activities. It is also found that, given the chance of relocation or improving their plants most of the firms have stated that they will prefer their present sites. Compared with the small scale industries which are more dependent on the center, and large scale industries which have the tendency of leaving the center, the. above findings indicate the dual structure of medium scale industries which have different qualitative and quantative characteristics like being large enough for not staying at the center, meanwhile small for getting away from the center, discouraged for undertaking new initiatives, and therefore have the tendency of locating not right in the center but in- the metropolitan city-central city. In terms of general location principles in planning and urbanism, the criteria developed in the thesis will help defining in general the manufacturing industry which is located in the metropolitan city. Still, for the prevalence of development spatially, manufacturing industry which is one of the most important tools has to achieve rationality; while evaluating the dynamic character of metropolitan area, metropolitan area-metropolitan city, and the characteristics of those manufacturing industries which have the tendency of locating in the parts that compose the metropolitan area space have to be defined and besides, planning studies within the framework of suburban area-new town and encouragement policies have to be reduced to space. This thesis is composed of seven chapters; in the first introductry chapter, the subject is described in general; in the second chapter classification of industry and location of industry are explained and on original inclusive study is made on the location factors; in the third chapter the growth of cities, the process of urbanization-metropolitanization is examined. Also metropolitan area and metropolitan city phenomena are examined in various aspects and, impacts of manufacturing xvniindustry on the metropolitanization process, metropolitan area space on the change of pattern and location the parts of metropolitan area space are examined. In the fourth and fifth chapters, during the metropolitanization process in Turkey and the primary metropolitan city Istanbul, development of manufacturing industry, location and policies and means which affect location, concentration of manufacturing industry in Istanbul metropolitan city and its reasons are described. Keeping small scale industries which are defined as the third sector of industry out of the scope of the study, quantitative data related to medium and large scale industries have been evaluated and correlation coefficients are calculated amoug the number of manufacturing industry firms the number of employees and population. In the sixth chapter, a survey directed towards defining the reasons of location of medium and large scale industries and their characteristics is conducted at the Bakırköy county of Istanbul which is the highest population in Istanbul is decribed and the findings of the original research are explained. The seventh chapter is the final chapter, in which based on the information given at the previous chapters, characteristics of manufacturing industry located at the metropolitan city and locational factors are defined and evaluated. XK

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